
Davachido's page

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I take it both casters would like to look to moving to spheres then? Okay I'll have a look on how mythic conversion can be done more smoothly.

At basic stuff like arcane surge/mage strike/wild arcana. Need not change much from the base. So Arcane surge would let you cast a sphere spell you know without expending any points.

Mage strike would be double the points used.

Wild arcana can likely just stay the same as it is now. (though I guess you'd need to choose a spell list to go with it.)

With the max spell points spent on a single ability requiring spell slots being 3, as that's the maximum spell level you could have at this level.

The major loss would be mythic augments to spells. Since none of them really have them. Perhaps we can incorporate some of the advanced talents using mythic points instead? I'll have a look.


1) I'll go dig it up again and do that with the rest of the updates to the campaign tag.

2) I'm thinking at a cursory glance this should be okay with it as written. Since I don't think any of the talents grow huge in numbers just because you've taken more talents.

3) As long as you meet the prereqs they're fine. A lot are locked behind quite a bit so it should be fine.

4) I think the intent of the ability is to allow it to combine with spring attack. Likely to buff vital strike or something like that. As mobility itself has also been buffed in a similar manner if you look at the talent just below it. Other places I have seen seem to say similar. I don't think it will be too bad, a smart enemy can ready to hit you as you come in. Since I'm guess you want to combine this with running really fast.

5) what do you mean by MG? (as for enemies there is always a varied mix unless you are going to somewhere specific. In the spire you fought 50/50 larger/same size)

6) if you mean the mythic item from your path, that's fine yea.

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Eþnui tries to answer each question in turn, starting with Elise and Amelia's questions. "Colour magic is a type of transmutation magic. If you have ever heard of Primal magic it is basically the honing of that magic in a way similar to a painting. It is as wizards cast magic by rote through magic circles. Colour magic over the years is many Eldred coming together and identifying the part of primal magic that they most understand to pass on through to its populace. The first Eldred as you might have guessed by now were Elves from the Whispering way. These first generations, as the Eldred put it, combined the magic from the residual energy of Tar-Baphon's battle with Aroden with this understanding of primal energy to form the houses. They were meant to be unified once but of course even Tar-Baphon's servants are wont to show who is the greatest which caused their divide later." Eþnui meaders a little.

"Back to the point, the magic that was here was created by primal magic yes, specifically the shattering of Aroden's shield. Such an artifact left this world with a lot of residual magic from which to draw from. However with no-one to teach the new generations how this worked it came down how best to use these 'sects' or 'disciplines' of colour magic for each subsequent generation of Eldred." She ponders Elise's question. "Would it work in Golarion? Most likely yes, though it would require a source of primal magic to work. There are certain parts of the world that have that magic and I feel if you found this you likely could use it quite easily. Also if you carried some of the magic within the conduits that the Eldred make you could move away from such a source and still use colour magic"

Turning to Dreyyn she says "That could be possible, yes and far easier, where would you plan to take the many Eldred though?"

She realises that in the waffling from earlier she has answered most of Alþórel's question. "So yes the Eldred were the Whispering Way. However, they were the backup plan. This world was meant to effectively be a large phylactery if it failed at being a trap to Aroden. Either containing Tar-Baphon's soul to eventually come back or Aroden's soul so that he might be absorbed. It just so happened to become both. The original plan was for the Whispering Way elves to use the trap to refocus the energy into resurrection because of Tar-Baphon's defeat. However due to the primal energy left behind by the shield they concocted a new plan. One to capture Aroden who though victorious was left weakened. Few know of this weakening. It started with the loss of his avatar, then the fight with Tar-Baphon, then finally when he decided to shoulder all of humanities problems on his back. All this would take its toll.

Eþnui the narrates the piece missing from the history books. "On his return journey, what would now be called the Eldred, reopened the portal to this world. The Well of Sorrows. The Eldred poured out of there and fought the God for three weeks. Three weeks did Blue Eldred hold a storm to trap him. Three weeks did white Eldred hold Aroden at bay. Three weeks did Green Eldred slowly poison him. Red Eldred entangled him, yellow Eldred encased him, purple Eldred shattered his will. Slowly they battered him down, then the first then threw him into the Well where the trap that was laid by Tar-Baphon, finally sprung." As Eþnui regales the tale she makes sweeping motions with her hands before she clenches them near her face. "From here the rest was simple, utilise the primal magic over and over again until there was none left. Then any magic that was used in this plane would be drawn from Aroden instead as there was no other source. This magic was taken into the Eldred similar to how sorcerors are gifted their magic. Once an Eldred had enough they were drawn to the Siphons, where the magic was thus absorbed and returned to Tar-Baphon."

"Thus to answer your question." She eyes Nethan. "Since colour magic still functions, Aroden is not yet dead. His magic is just trapped here. If you are able to cut off Tar-Baphon from the siphons, you might yet, save a god."

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Have been trying to post since thursday but kept getting /nostore or perpetual loading. Don't know what's going on with paizo this week.

Eþnui shakes her head at all "I appreciate the gesture but considering for what you will be doing it is likely you kept them." She does look at the attire with longing but thinks better of it.

Eþnui then shrugs at Elise "I do not know how long this world has but not long. Tar Baphon's minions have been flooding through to speed up the process now that the process is reaching its peak. Tar Baphon will be using the Eldred for one of two things, either taking their essence to continue feeding the siphons and his own power. Or conversely turning them into undead soldiers. Hence making sure there is both an army and strong figurehead in which to lead them. Time is short, in the grand scale considering how long this has been building for."

Turning to Amelia she continues "Yes, this realm is to draw power from them both. As Tar-Baphon was all but a god, with Aroden's energy he will be one soon." Eþnui then looks down at Tenzukia who Nethan is now tending to. Looking at the two siblings that the group has already met. Eþnui sighs "There are four of them, three of them were trapped here while one was taken by allies to Geb. These Bloodstones are the organs of Arazni, or rather beings made manifest from those organs. Each one was being controlled by Tar-Baphon for a specific purpose. The strange one you met was to make mechanical undead, this one here." She points to Tenzukia "Was a conduit to the siphons. Lastly, Zenikuta, is an Eldred leader meant to coax the nations into one place for them to be destroyed. I believe that part of the plan is still ongoing."

"As of how to put a stop to this place disappearing. Unless you request the help of those of the first plane, like I did with the elven plane, I do not see how. At least with regards to this plane, it was made to be destroyed. It has come to the end of its life. To stop Tar-Baphon, however, is a matter of severing his tie to Aroden before he draws in all his power. If he becomes a god, there is little any of us can do to stop him."

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Round 3

Elise continues with a barrage of attacks felling the creature in front of her. The group seems ready to turn the tables when the area suddenly becomes black and all they see are each other.

You gain 10 charges for the wand from the creatures downed.

Suddenly in front of each person there is something or someone grovelling on the ground.

An Irrisen warrior lays at the feet of Elise "Please spare me, I only killed for my kin. A fellow warrior must know what that's like!"

An orc archer with his feet turned to ash lies broken at Nethan's feet. An older woman lies in the distance with an arrow through her heart, the corpse makes Nethan's heart jump to his throat. "Mercy mage, I am nothing without me legs.. mercy."

A Lion commander lies at Dreyyn's feet, his blade sundered to pieces. "The battle is one, I can not best you. We can leave these lands if you spare me.."

Amelia finds at her feet a Nidal slaver, the head of her caravan leader lying nearby. Desna's blades have rooted the slaver to the ground, rendering him unable to flee. "I was just following orders, I would end up with the others if I disobeyed.. mercy, please!"


Eþnui seems to be slowly turning to Alþórel's thinking, she doesn't say the next line with any malice but more curiousity. "Let us see if they can give mercy to those that have wronged or hated them. Even when they are at a point of dominance."

Continue as per the rounds, Round 4 to start. Everyone to act.

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Reposting this from Al into gameplay

With a grunt "uncle Al" forces his mind back through millenia. Studying with a woman who would decide, when the Starstone came, to retreat underground rather than offworld. She had a spell he'd learned from her.

Dark strands wrap around the illusory wall, lending it a sort of permanence. "Spiders eat bats!" he calls as a warning to the ones behind him.

"We have a little while" he calls forward in the tongue of Man "Move on."

The bat that they can see quickly shies away from the wall that is now covered in spider web. Though the large spider has been killed by the group the bats are unaware of this and don't want to become its next meal. The group can hear them perch back onto the roof.

The group continues up towards the pinnacle of the spire. Lightning cracks from the churning, corpse-gray sky above as the Bone Stair finally terminates at the vertiginous heights of Gallowspire’s roof beneath a massive crown of blades that cast dark shadows across the roof of Gallowspire. A wide, round portal of shining silver metal caps the roof, inscribed with arcane symbols and powerful magic wards.

At the top where the roof meets a colourful kaleidoscope they can see someone trapped in the prison of colour. They do not hear any screaming though from the convulsions of the body within the colour they can tell it is in pain. A lot of the residual colour magic is coalescing here and being sent somewhere. The group can tell the magic is being 'beamed' away. Considering the group came here along the siphon this might be something that is sending the power to Tar Baphon.

In the centre of the spire's pinnacle there sits a female elf clad in the garb of the whispering way. Her hair fiery red as licks of flame doesn't seem to consume the follicles of her hair. She wears a headband, not unlike the one Alþórel is currently wearing. She sits cross legged levitating on a fountain of flame that is keeping her aloft. The wards above the group start to glow though nothing has happened as of yet. The elf summons a staff to grab hold of as flow of fire dissipates beneath. She stands defiantly at the group. Smiling at each of the in turn before cocking her head at Alþórel. "I see some things never change, friendships to lesser species do not befit us. Yet here you stand." She taps the staff on the stone. "Unless you have changed your mind? I see the fires of creation fuel your magic even now." She does not seem phased by their arrival and is talking to them as if they posed no real threat. She could be really aloof or unphased by her predicament the group can not tell quite which it is.

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Right sorry, work related emergency meetings and craziness. I think I was more free during my PhD sheesh.

Dreyyn is Galvanized as Amelia darts to safety. Elise yells fairly menacing threats at the Dragon as she too dodges out the way. A barrage of missiles chases the dragon into the air and then a fireball bursts onto his face.

reflex: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

Though its wings come up to shield some of the blast. As his wings come down to his surprise he sees Dreyyn bearing down on him having leapt up from the floor below. His weapon ready the Dragon mentally calls out to Dreyyn in perceptible shock "You can fly?"

Then Dreyyn drives his blade straight into the dragon's temple. The orbs explode downstairs but everyone has darted between the orbs safely out of their blast radiuses. With enough time to see the Dragon plummeting back to the floor below.

While Dreyyn rides it down, for cool effect?

Combat over

Feel free to narrate some addition to that as it was a fairly, dare I say, mythic maneuver.

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You gain one Virtue also known as Breaths of colour. These expand your capabilities with colour magic. You may also spend a feat to gain another or an Epic feat to gain 2 more. When advanced colour magic more virtues will be unlocked.

Breath of Perseverance: You no longer have a spell pool, instead you have a perseverance pool that starts at 0 and has a maximum amount of 3. Every time you deal cumulative 30 damage (i.e. between rounds) before DR or resistances you gain a point to the pool. This pool may be spent in the same way as the spell points but may be used to cast any colour you know. At the end of each combat you keep any perseverance you did not spend but the damage pool resets. (All effects that make reference to a spell pool also refer to the perseverance pool.)

Breath of Speed: When you cast a colour spell if you spend one additional spell point you may downgrade the action required to cast it. If it required a standard it is now a swift, if it required a swift it now is a free action. Immediate actions instead gain double their effect.

Breath of Mastery: Any weapon you hold becomes a conduit to a colour you know. The traits you choose with the conduit may be changed as a swift action. In addition, any conduit you wield now has two traits instead of one.

Breath of Tempering: When you spend at least one spell point you gain +X to your attacks rolls, AC, saves or spell DCs for one round. X is the deficit of your spell pool after spending the spell point(s).

Breath of Abundance: Gain four colour pool points, you may assign them to any pool you have. Perseverance is not a spell pool for this breath instead you regain a spell pool of 4 split between the colours you know.

Breath of Patience: Any colour spell you know that has to determine by a random roll its duration now is always maximized. If the duration is maximized already due to the expenditure of a spell point you gain a temporary spell point that you may use in this combat. The temporary spell point may only be triggered once per combat.

Breath of Strength: The first colour spell you use each combat that takes effect has all its random modifiers maximized.

Breath of Celerity: When you cast a colour spell you take one 5ft step per spell point spent.

Breath of Tranquility: When you cast a colour spell you or anyone within 15ft of you regains 5hp per spell point spent.

Breath of Steadfastness: When you cast a colour spell and use at least one spell point you gain +2 AC and +2 to saving throws for one round.

Breath of Valor: When you cast a colour spell and use at least one spell point you and all allies within 50ft gain +2 to attack rolls and save DCs.

Breath of Emptiness: When you cast a colour spell and use at least one spell point you may make an immediate save against every effect you are suffering against the original DC of the effect. If you succeed that effect no longer affects you. If one of the effects causes you to no longer be able to act you may spend a spell point as no action on your turn to attempt the saves but you gain no other effects from spending that spell point.

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Nethan looks at the crown and can see that there are multiple spells inlet in the crown. The main one appears to be a two-way communication effect that can be triggered at will to Golarion. The other jewels are all one-off effects of the following spells; Scintillating pattern, holy smite, zone of truth and see invisibility. The wearer can also detect shapechangers as per the detect undead spell.

Leaving the place is encountered with little problem, in the meantime however Spook tries to recount a bit of what's going on. Trying to get himself on the same page as the rest of the group.

"So, we have found a second of these bloodstones? I wonder who is after them and why? I know Tar-Baphon and the King of Whispers are sounding to be the same person but why did Kizutena bring up Arazni, who is that?"

Clue: What is the relation between Arazni and Tar-Baphon?

Spook pauses and thinks back on even why the group is here "You guys entered this world, well not this demi-plane thing but the home of the Eldred because the world is breaking down. Why is it breaking down I wonder? That has to be important somehow..." Spook ponders a bit. "Didn't Sarangeral say something about Siphons cropping up more often now, are those related? Why does it only affect us Eldred but not you?"

Clue: Why is the realm breaking down?
Clue: What are the siphons doing? Is their purpose important?

"From what Greatuncle has been saying it appears that Kizutena and Atenzuki have similar backgrounds or at least are from the same place. Does the Lung Wa have some significance here?"

Clue: Why does Lung Wa appear, Aroden's death or something more?

"Those .. 'elves' you called them, the first generation that we fought and found? Did they have some relation to the King of Whispers?

Clue: The elves of the Whispering Way, what are they doing here? Why now?
Clue: Why do the Eldred recognize them as 'the First generation'?

"Moretti, that graveknight, why is he so intent on the stones. What is he trying to accomplish?"

Clue: Who does Moretti serve, is it Tar-Baphon? What is he trying to start with the bloodstones?

"That coin we picked up earlier, you guys seemed surprised by it. Any reason?"

Clue: Why does that coin resonate divine energy from Aroden?

"I feel there is something under our them, even beneath our very feet that we're missing. I feel we are stopping something, the King of Whispers maybe. We are throwing wrenches here and there but ... there must be a piece that has alluded us?"

I don't expect you guys to answer all his questions but hopefully it can lay out a lot of clues all at once that I can slowly raise the curtain a little.

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@Dreyyn: The feats you have are (non-mythic):

(Bonus: M6 full BAB class) Combat Expertise
(bonus from Slayer Talent) Two Weapon Fighting [Combat]
(Level 1) Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Two-Bladed Sword)
(Human) Dodge
(Level 3) Mobility
(Level 5) Canny Tumble
(bonus from Slayer Talent) Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
(Bonus: M6 level up) Missing.

At least as far as I can tell?

As for retraining, after this adventure/dungeon there will be a bit of a pause to allow downtime stuff. I'm hoping to gather people's thoughts and see if we can narrow down the plot, I have a plan for that but let's see the end of this section first. :D

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Just because I keep forgetting to update the document for the Bloodrager and the Slayer, I think everything else is the M6 document but these feats should work for the ones missing from the document.

Deadly Sneak attack now also states: Slayer 6

Duelist now states: Slayer 3

Advanced Slayer Talent

Prerequisite: Slayer 6, Extra Slayer Talent.

Benefit: Gain one advanced slayer talent.


Prerequisite: Slayer 6

Benefit: You gain the Stalker class feature and you may study a target as swift action.

Special: If you have both Stalker and Precision you may study as a free action once per turn.


Prerequisite: Slayer 6

Benefit: You may study a target as swift action, in addition, the bonus granted by study is increased to +3 for one of attack rolls, damage rolls, skill checks or to slayer DCs made at the time the power is used.

Special: If you have both Stalker and Precision you may study as a free action once per turn.


Prerequisite: Bloodrager 6

Benefit: Gain the 8th level power of your bloodline and your bonus spell.

@Elise: I'm trying to remember you already took this feat but I hadn't added it to the document yet right? It's called breath of fire on your sheet?

Skin of Iron

Prerequisite: Bloodrager 6

Benefit: You gain DR 1/- and may gain one more first level spell slot.

Greater Bloodrage

Prerequisite: Bloodrage 6, Bloodtap, Skin of Iron

Benefit: You gain the Greater Bloodrage class feature and your DR is increased by 1 to DR 2/-.

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Added lines to the story because I forgot you met her already. It's bad for me to leave out clues that will help you figure things out.

  • Upon leaving the Khekeret city the group is invited in by a Seelie creature, Queen Shyka. She wanted them to set an example of their pursuers so that others would not disturb the woods.
  • Queen Shyka knows old tunes from Golarion. The tunes are dated from the crusades and before Tar-Baphons death.

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    So I hope I got all this for the summary:

  • Freed the heart after learning Moretti's identidy
  • The heart calls herself Atenzuki
  • Atenzuki doesn't recall much from her past other than she was trained in the Xia homeland. She doesn't remember parents only mentors.
  • Having recovered the locating stone that Moretti had the group knows that there are others like Atenzuki out there.
  • Nkosi was willingly harbouring the experiments performed on Atenzuki, so House Khekeret likely knows what Atenzuki is or at least how to use her.
  • The blood that is thrown away in the sewers is enough to taint Eldred.
  • The group does not know if Atenzuki's blood affects them.
  • Returning to the outpost Sarangeral tells them of events happening in their absence.
  • Siphon locations and attacks from what sounds like undead have been placed on the map.
  • The group has taken their first steps into the use of colour magic.
  • Elise has found that those of house Dalmahoy are functionally blind but use other modes of sight.
  • Ayla has a missive from what they assume is house Ustal but the group has not contacted her yet.
  • The group has joined in on the festivities possibly making a name for themselves amongst the Eldred.

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    Get back from travelling, then proceed to sleep for 15 hours. Very productive of me. Anyway here is the colour magic, these have been sort of playtested but only with one group so of course there could still be a few errors in the spells or things that are unclear. Feel free to ask about them.

    Basic colour magic
    Each school of colour magic comes with 2 at will spells with a way to enhance each of them with spell points. You start off with ½ your level of spell points each day and recover them after 6 hours of rest as part of natural recovery. When choosing a school you choose a primary stat which can be any of your stats. Spell DCs for any of the spells are 10 + ½ level + Primary stat modifier. All spells follow regular spell rules (provoke attacks, standard action etc) unless otherwise stated. Any ranges of spells are based upon your character level instead of caster level.

    Leaf barrier: Summon a swirling set of leaves around you that deal 1d3 damage to any enemy that starts its turn adjacent to you. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to your character level. If you spend a spell point you may summon the leaves as a swift action and they deal 1d6 damage instead.

    Roots beneath the earth: Choose an enemy within close range and make a ranged touch attack. If you succeed they are entangled for 1d3 rounds. If you spend a spell point they are entangled for 3 rounds and take 3 points of force damage at the end of each of your turns.

    Vortex: Summon a vortex of water that is within 10ft of a source of water. This vortex is 5ft at its base and is 10ft high. It expands in width from the centre by +5 per 5 levels at the top of its height. Any creature that is within the vortex must make a reflex save vs your spell DC or be unable to move. If a creature enters the vortex or is at the centre of the vortex at the start of their turn they also take 1d8 + ½ your level bludgeoning damage (no save). This vortex lasts for rounds equal to your level. You may spend a spell point to summon the vortex with no water present and any creatures that are smaller than the size of the vortex are pulled to the centre of the vortex unless they pass a reflex save vs your spell DC.

    Water lance: You summon a water lance and throw it at any enemy within close range. Make a ranged touch attack, if you succeed the targeted takes 1d6 + 1d6 per 2 levels past 1st. If you spend a spell point you may freeze the target as well, making them flat footed for 1d4 rounds.

    Glide: You move your move speed in a straight line ignoring all difficult terrain during this movement. If you spend a spell point you move do this as a swift action and gain +2 to either your attack or AC for one round.

    Protection of Sand: Summon a floating shield from a pile of sand that takes up at least 5ft square within close range. This shield grants a shield bonus equal to ½ your level for a number of rounds equal to your level. You do not need to be proficient with shields nor are you wielding it. If you spend a spell point you do not require sand to summon the shield and any you may disperse the shield early as an immediate action to double the bonus it grants to your AC until the end of the round.

    Blind spot: You summon the shadows of a creature to blind the creature to your presence. Make a ranged touch attack against a creature within close range. If you succeed you gain concealment against that creature for rounds equal to half your level. You may spend a spell point when making a single melee or ranged attack to change that attack into a touch attack while also gaining the benefits of the spell if you hit.

    Shadow siphon: You draw upon the shadows to protect you. While at least partially in shadow or darkness you count as being in cover until you leave the shadow. If you spend a spell point you use your own shadow as cover and gain fast healing 1, this lasts for rounds equal to your level.

    Stone spike: You stamp the ground to summon a 5ft cube spike within close range. If a creature is on the ground at the place you summon this spike they must make a reflex save vs your spell DC or take 1d6 damage per 3 levels. The ground where you summon this spike is difficult terrain for 1d3 rounds. If you spend a spell point you expand the area by an additional 5ft per 3 levels.

    Heart of stone: You gain temporary hit points equal to your level. This lasts for a number rounds equal to your level. You may only cast this spell if you are immediately threatened by danger. If you spend a spell point you may activate this as an immediate action and double the hit points gained.

    Crystalline burst: Choose a 5ft square within close range. All creatures adjacent to that square must make a fort save vs your save DC or take 1d3 damage per 2 levels. If you target the square you are in this spell does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If you spend a spell point the damage dealt is increased to 1d3 per level and you may ignore all allies in range.

    Aegis: You may touch a creature to add them to a network of Aegis, you may have up to your level worth of creatures in your aegis. This aegis lasts for 1 hour per level. You may target enemies with this spell as a melee touch attack. When any creature in your Aegis is hit you may transfer up to your level worth of the damage to someone else in the Aegis. You may spend a spell point to transfer up to half of the damage to someone else in your aegis.

    Venomous dart: Choose one enemy within close range, they must make a fort save vs your spell DC. If they fail they take a -2 penalty to attack, AC or one save for 1d3 rounds. If you spend a spell point this lasts for 3 rounds and they take two different penalties.

    Call of the swarm: You begin to use your vocal cords to sing a song only your allies can hear within their inner ears. As long as you concentrate all allies within 60ft who would normally hear you gain +2 to all weapon damage rolls, this increases by +1 every 5 levels. If you spend a spell point you do not need to concentrate but it lasts for rounds equal to your level.


    Here is my suggestion for a custom item vs negative energy. Feel free to say if it is too powerful/not quite powerful enough.

    Amulet of collective negativity
    Effect: While wearing this amulet you may count as undead for the effects of negative energy or energy drain up to X times per day as an immediate action. Where X is 1 + half the number of wielders of the amulets who rested within 100ft of each other for at least 6 hours. The pool of charges is shared amongst the wielders.

    The crafters are willing to give you two to start with and any extra gained at 300gp per amulet.

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    "Hmm, you have been quite busy I see." Sarangeral strokes his chin. "I am assuming the patrol was not after the portals if you engaged them unless you yourselves wanted to stop them doing that. However you say you would prefer to not do damage to these Eldred, it has me convinced you have some other motive for stopping them but I shall not inquire." He courtly nods seeing that the group and him have an understanding for the moement.

    "The map is where the portals I talked about are appearing, some of them are very nearby, and if it is a fighting force coming out of it and not just random creatures then if they were after Dalmahoy they are likely to come our direction. This has me a little on edge as we do not have a standing army here just bands of warriors willing to fight." He wanders over to the map board and roots inside of a shelve nearby and gets out another map(Shown here)[then marks the portals on it. He also marks known siphon locations as requested by Alþórel. "I know of these locations for binding stones." He points to a point to the east of the portals that doesn't have a name on the map. "We are here."

    Sarangeral looks at the stone and says "As far as I am aware the binding stones act as some sort of power source that the siphons use to do something with. Seph has observed them before opening what she called a tear, she explains it as opening to a place that isn't here nor there. I interpret that as a sub plane though Seph might have meant something else. The siphon will then convert whatever energy that is stored in the stones and send them off into the tear. Seph and her crew have not the know how to reopen the tear and follow what they are doing... perhaps you might?" He looks at the stone again. "Perhaps with what looks to be a fully functioning stone, you can get there yourselves without a siphon."

    The crudely drawn Xs are the siphons, the swirly black things are portals.

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    "Ah well done" His mood seems to have picked up with what sounds like the best news he's heard in a while. "The standard fee I give anyone here is about (equivalent of 7500gp), or if you prefer I have some wand makers and weapon smiths under my employ and they can make you more specialized weaponry for your use." Sarangel says with a nod.

    He stares into the orb for a bit before asking. "How did you kill the siphon might I ask...? That orb is still full of colour magic."

    "Also did you see any patrols on your way here from any house? They have all become more active for one reason or other but I can't pin point why."

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    Okay I think some plots points have been lost in time, some refreshers!

    The Zilatan stone is the thing that Captain Moretti had to location Atenzuki and that it is trying to locate more of whatever she is.

    The Ozem dwarf is the young paladin you saved in the Well of Sorrows from a cocoon. You told her to stay here, she has, after all where else is she going to go on her own? :D

    The 3 strange folk here were the mercenaries from a non-golarion world working for the outpost to rid them of siphons

    The Outpost you are in front of is the neutral outpost the Eldred in red took you to upon arrival to this plane. So there aren't any 'hostiles' as such. There might be people who don't like you but it is neutral ground, if you remember no one wears their colours inside the outpost except for the leader who wears a multicoloured garb to show his goal of unification.

    Hope that's cleared up a few things! :)

    Seph opens her mouth to speak before the kobold cuts her off saying "They earned the binding stone, we didn't help them this time. They can go get payment for it."

    Seph is about to object but the gorilla puts a finger to her lips, seemingly agreeing with the kobold.

    Since this is in a relatively safe area, once you have an idea how to proceed feel free to each do your own thing until you are ready to reconvene and move on. I know that sounds very sandbox-y but if you feel in need of direction don't be afraid to ask either the NPCs with you, the head of the outpost or go find that message.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Half orc, Shaman | HP 58/58 | Channel 4/4 | Ancestor's Council 7/7 | 1st 4/4 | 2nd 4/4 | 3rd 3/3 | AC 16, Touch 9, FlatFoot 16, CMD 12 | Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +12 | Init +9 | Perception +10, Darkvision 60 feet |

    Beltzer nods at Wulfurm and goes to cover Arlan. Seeing that Arlan runs into the fire by himself there is no point sending himself in too. If Arlan gets injured inside Beltzer would sure to come running however. "Arlan yell if you need help in there!"

    Little Kevril flaps his wings staying near Beltzer while the commotion happens, there is little a small bird can do in this situation. First round: move up to the entrance of where Arlan is. If they don't hear you in there they will hear this!" Beltzer casts ghost sound into the house after Arlan. The volume of the sound is as if 8 people were shouting, saying "Morningstars, yell if you are still alive! Arlan is coming to get you out!!" Standard action: Ghost sound.

    Beltzer is well aware orcs will come around any moment now but he would be ready for them. The sounds of war beating around him beat in rhythm to his heart. The sound of his own war drum ready to be let out. Ready an action to start singing when we see enemy half orcs appear.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Half orc, Shaman | HP 58/58 | Channel 4/4 | Ancestor's Council 7/7 | 1st 4/4 | 2nd 4/4 | 3rd 3/3 | AC 16, Touch 9, FlatFoot 16, CMD 12 | Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +12 | Init +9 | Perception +10, Darkvision 60 feet |

    Varin and I are UK.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Got round to compiling stuff (these are the milestones so I might have left small details out), just didn't have time to post. So here we go:

  • Left for the Well
  • Found some strange beings/corpses in the Well
  • Met a set of 3 red Eldred
  • Found that the creatures in the Well are meshes of otherworld creatures and ones from Golarion.
  • Saw that at least one of the creatures could manipulate Eldred corpses.
  • Saved a Dwarf who was sent in by an earlier brigade.
  • Found a portal to the Eldred world.
  • Saw a pool that drew Eldred towards it that you later found was to power something related to Aroden.
  • Met up with three strange Mercenaries, who weren't form the Eldred world nor Golarion.
  • Entered a Neutral Outpost and asked about some rumours.
  • Learnt about the colours of the Eldred world.


    White = Dietrich
    Blue = Dalmahoy
    Red = Dearganach,
    Yellow = Khekeret
    Black = Ustal
    Purple = Ejderha
    Green = Cailleach-oidhche

  • Met Daeron who had a job for you (which you are on)
    Told you about a girl his higher ups were abusing to find the bloodstones.
  • Traveled towards the Khekeret city
    Met some Seelie Faeries who had made some knights get lost in the woods.
  • Freed the knights from the Faerie tricks.
  • Teamed up with the knights as your goals seem aligned.
  • Got to the Khekeret Capital.
  • Began Triangulation plan once a base was established.
  • Met up with an Ustal spy situated inside Khekeret.
  • He promised to aid you when he could as he would like to discover the secrets of this 'false world'.
  • Got ambushed by the Eldred you are talking to now.
  • Found out there is more than one group after this girl and that there are various legends about the Bloodstones though you aren't sure which are true.
  • Completed Triangulation, location to be revealed after this talk.

  • 1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Right sorry for late post, managed to get myself sick after the forum. Glad it wasn't before since I was head of catering.

    The creature shakes its 'head' "I am not busy, no one has come to claim any marks recently. Folk tend to when they need the money and think a mark is worth the risk." The creature clinks again. "I am unable to drink but sitting and talking wouldn't go amiss. Many are afraid of the form but I guess that is on purpose."

    The creature's interest is piqued at the last enquiry. "No, not many. Most are Eldred that are deemed.. a problem .. by one party or another. There is detail about one mark recently though. Something about a set of creatures that wear strange garb. They have a very strange mixture of colours amongst them, I do not know why. Most importantly they look for those in White that have eyes on their chests. It seems someone wants them alive, the buyer hasn't stated a name when I was given the details. Though a mode of contact was given, not rare but most people willing to pay that much aren't afraid to show their faces."

    additional loot from last thief.:

    5 pouches powders
    100 more coins
    A bracelet with a small well of sand
    A wing of a decently large incest.
    Another bottle with a droplet inside similar to the one found before.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Just a quick note, to not confuse anything. There are two Eldred in this scene.

    1) The prisoner you have who is not being followed by anyone. Who said he had a place that told him to hunt down 'strange' targets.

    2) An Eldred who approached the group after the battle asking for safe passage, that one is being chased by someone.

    I say this since Nethan's post confused me as it seems like he thinks they're one in the same, or I might have made it appear that way and if I did sorry.

    The Eldred looks at Amelia bowing his head and clasping his hands in a sort of praying fashion. He seems to have caved and just wants to find any reason to get you to take him. "Look look, I can't tell you who it is. I can tell you who I am though. My name is Caladran Nkosi. I know that probably doesn't have any meaning to you but I'll explain. I am the son of Laergulon of the Nkosi household, a noble family in this city. I got myself mixed up in the wrong way. Look my father would fry me alive if I was caught out here. I don't want to say who the people are because if anyone were to hear it yourselves include I'm sure you could use it against my father, and I know not to cross him!"

    The prisoner acquiesces to give what he has to the group and show them
    where he saw posters to look out for strange folk.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    @Dreyyn: Yes one is alive

    Nethan goes through the pockets of those on the ground. He finds that they have quite a few precious jewelry and money. The money is slightly different in this realm. The coins are still circular but with a hole through them. There is about 600 coins spread amongst the dead and 5 jewels of varying sizes. These looked like common thieves. However one of them has something interesting on him. It is a small vial with a single droplet of blood suspended in it. Nethan flips the vial upside down and the droplet still looks like it is falling towards the bottom of the vial. It is emitting a slight vibration and illuminating in bursts.

    Flynt sees some nearby homes having opened their windows to see the commotion but they shut their windows again. The Eldred that do this seem quite nonchalant about this, this might happen more often then not. He does however see someone quite questionable looking around every corridor slowly approaching the party. His hands in his pockets the whole time.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Daeron looks around at the group and sees that a consensus has been met. "I can find an inn definitely, we will find one in a place that is in the Sombre side of town. A lot of the merchants stay there, it might give us bid some more time while we think."

    The group forgoes disguises and enters the city. As they walk in the guards don't seem to mind the group, most of them look confused by the mish mash of colours they port. However due to them not being Eldred they don't take too much note. One of the guards flies down and warns them not to cause trouble but lets them past. It seemed more a warning than a threat of any kind.

    Daeron leads them towards side of the city that is next to the forest. He quickly finds them an inn that will keep the group. It appears he has decent amount of connections. The group enters an inn called 'The forest's Jewel' in elven.

    When they enter they see that the place is empty save for the innkeeper. The group noticed outside that the sign was put up recently and hastily. When entering Daeron says "Okay we can use this place as a base of operations for now. I pulled in some favours to get this inn to ourselves for the moment. The keep behind the bar is called Sasserine, she'll look after our needs and place a no vacancies sign outside when we're settled. From here we can start our search. I will tell you the major districts of our fair city, I can only tell you what I know the rest of the scouting can be up to you all."

    "The major districts are, the house district, noble district, sombre side, bright side, azure eye, desert ruby and the inner ring."

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I will continue the conversation up here but I will have the encounter start below it. Keep asking questions if there are more.

    "The stone never stopped emanating, the cloth is just suppressing the emanations until we get to a more, stable, area. Like I said once we're out of this forest, feel free. The stone has caused more than enough issues here already in this forest." The captain replies.

    The captain nods to Alþórel "Elves have always lived in that region of Azlant. Being that the Mordant Spire is the only part of Azlant above water it is safe to say that they command what is left of Azlant."


    For this fight assume there is more creatures that are fighting the NPCs so we don't have to do their turns and we can focus on you guys.


    Alþórel: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
    Nethan: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
    Amelia: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
    Elise: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
    Dreyyn: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
    Jeremiah: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
    Serpent: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
    Serpent(M): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

    Initiative order: Jeremiah, Serpent, Amelia, Elise, Serpent (Mythic), Nethan, Dreyyn, Alþórel.

    While nearing the end of their journey the group reaches a part of the forest that falls silent. Not even birdsong can be heard, those who know nature realise that is because of an impeding danger. Something has got the more noisy creatures on edge, some quick cautions go around the group and they put themselves on guard. The group draws their weapons, eyes darting about looking through the undergrowth for anything foul afoot. In a glance, Flynt manages to spot what's been hunting them, 3 large snakes. One looks to be either older or stronger than the other two. He shouts out a warning to the rest of the group and takes the first shot.

    Map up, M is the mythic serpent. Trees here will provide partial cover if you attack into them or through them. So be wary of that or use that to your advantage as the case may be.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    The captain tries his best to answer Amelia's questions. "We are from Azlant, I can't tell exactly what we are here after. It is stressed that it is of great importance from our elven leaders. So as not to give our up our mission to outsiders they basically said we'll know what we seek when we find it. As for why, we are under orders from the Mordant spire, we follow these orders without question." At the mention of the Mordant spire the entire troupe of knights who are with them performs salute that seems truly ingrained into their system.

    Daeron is put at ease that everyone is back, he does seem a little confused that you have returned with more than you started but it looks like he is mentally chalking it up as people lost in the forest. He replies to Elise "The capital of my house resides at the edge of the lush green land. They are there to at least have some good source of water while being able to harvest the yellow sands further past the forest. Beyond the city lies lots of sand, the weather is a mix of arid and humid depending on the day. Though yes it is often hot, very hot."

    As for the rest of the journey to break up all the talking I'll have a random encounter for you guys ready. If I get no more questions before tomorrow I'll go into the encounter, I'll even throw in a Mythic monster to see how you do :D

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    The innkeeper scratches his cheek for a moment. "Ah yes, I guess outsiders wouldn't know much about the colours here." He takes out a piece of paper and starts to scribble on it.

    He writes down the following:
    White = Dietrich
    Blue = Dalmahoy
    Red = Dearganach,
    Yellow = Khekeret
    Black = Ustal
    Purple = Ejderha
    Green = Cailleach-oidhche

    The innkeeper begins to explain the households of this land. "These colours represent the great Eldred houses, the also represent magic. Colours have quite a way in this land if you know how to manipulate them. Though each colour is good at different things as you might have guessed. I can not speak for every house or magic as I do not know them, I originally come from ..." The innkeeper stops abruptly to point at 'Purple = Ejderha' "Some of us here believe in unifying all colours, which is why the hub is multicoloured. However of course we are few and far between. We do keep as much as we can peaceful so we force people to shed their colour while here, which is why you see everyone in grey. Those with a keen eye can tell which house each person belongs too but we attempt to keep civil while in these walls."

    knowledge (religion), Calathar: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

    At Elise's question Calthar knows that it isn't the knights of Ozem, though it is related somewhat. That symbol was used for their previous god, Aroden. The knights of Ozem have since changed to use Iomadae's iconography.

    In the hexagonal building

    Cale nods "Aye demons, the war against the great gelatinous power caused a permanent rift to the Abyss to open up. It isn't as dangerous as you might think as the Abyss seems to have any plan to conquer Utanria. Just sometimes a few decide to explore and pillage, people like us go kill them or banish them back from whence they came."

    Seph begins to kick its legs "Eh, easier job than most. Least we don't fight armies eh?"

    Shortly afterwards an Eldred wearing a multicoloured robe walks up to the group and bows courtly "Forgive my Tardiness Madame Seph, I have been quite preoccupied by this loss of one of my kin."

    Seph waves at him. "Oi, I told you last time, knock it off with the Madame stuff. Anyway we just wanted to show you the next piece of our work." Cale takes out the stone and presents it to him.

    The Eldred nods "I see my funds are well placed, might I ask though, are you new hires?" he directs the question at the group he doesn't recognise.

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    The waters of Lake Encarthan lap softly on the side of the Ferry. A ferry that has been requisitioned by Lastwall to take supplies and men towards their base on Aroden's Landing. The waters near Lastwall are calm but those that have been near the Isle of Terror know full well that it won't last. Storms and rough waters await.

    The group of Pathfinders are well traveled and well versed in the dangers of this land. They don't so much as flinch at the prospect of what awaits them. The reward is handsome, not just money but maybe even a deed or a title. Something to do one adventuring has run its course. Maybe for some it is there last foray into the wilderness before the sit on their rewards for the rest of their lifetime. Maybe some have come just for the thrill of adventure.

    The journey is brief and there isn't many on board, mostly sailors and quartermasters. Seems like the party has managed to get aboard a supply vessel. Not that it matters, there aren't many dangers that are beneath the Lake. With so much activity from the nations there isn't anyone raiding the waters either.

    The boat has to go through a bit of a rough patch before finally reaching its destination, nothing that the sailors weren't prepared for. Except maybe one or two fresh recruits who have are donating their lunch to the lake.

    The base camp is called Lionel's Spearhead, after the general that set the place up. It is situated just past the beaches where some solid ground is. The camp is relatively small, with maybe a population of a little over 250 men. They have already set up some permanent structures made of stone and wood, a blacksmith, a church to Desna, a supply building, an armory and a few others dotted about. Many of the sleeping quarters are temporary. Those more tactically minded know that this is because people might be needed elsewhere on the island so they should bring their beds with them.

    Near the sleeping quarters is a central tent, the captain of the ship you were on ushers the party inside. A rugged looking half-elf with bright white and golden armour looks up at the group as they walk on it. It is clear that this man is from the Knights of Ozem. He introduces himself.

    "Welcome weary pathfinders, my name is Lionel Typhoeus. Pleasure to make your acquaintances" He salutes the group eyeing each of them though he looks over Tsadok.

    "I presume you know why you were brought, though I shall reiterate part of it. Our researches here have been wondering what magical calamity has claimed the Isle. They were tasked with finding out what is wrong and it this is normal for the island. The researchers quickly determined that it has something to do with the ancient trap Tar-Baphon set. However they are unsure of what extent of damage this might cause. This where you come in, we will be sending you to the depths of Well of Sorrows. You are quite able I am sure, we want you to find any information you possibly can find about what has happened inside. Any questions?" Lionel says quite plainly. Clearly he thinks this is of utmost importance as he barely dispenses pleasantries beyond just the greeting.

    Describe your character in your first post, and perhaps how they feel about the Isle of Terror.

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    For dotting purposes

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    Hey all, I’d like to do an experiment for a game. I really like the E6 format for 3.5/PF and I would like to give DMing in mythic a try as well. So what I want to do in this game is combine the two. The players will be E6 Characters but gain Mythic tiers as well.

    All the characters will start with one tier of Mythic and start at level 3. I would like to progress using the fast XP track and then by normal E6 rules (10,000xp per feat) once you reach level 6.

    E6 works quite well to not require someone as a focused healer in the group and I will be giving out healing items in the game to compensate any lack of healing. I am looking for about 4-6 players for the game, I might choose to start with 7 as I know drop outs for PbP happens usually near the beginning. I will close applications on the 23rd or if I get way too many applicants.

    I want to try and get varied paths, so I will be likely choosing at least an applicant for each path first before duplicating.

    Anyway the Pitch:
    “On the Isle of Terror in the Middle of Lake Encarthan a large shockwave of pure energy burst out of it in the previous few months. This has put the nations around the lake into a panic. Many hired and dispatched investigators both divine and arcane to figure out if anything bad has happened. A few months had passed and after much risk the nation of Lastwall gained a foothold on the isle. The island is a dangerous place as the isle is racked by continuous storms (natural and otherwise) and is evaded by all but the most foolhardy of travelers. Monsters and undead roam the island and the seas churn constantly around it, driven by powerful winds and pounding rain. Stories persist of especially brave or foolhardy pirates who brave the elements and the Isle of Terror's shore in order to hurriedly hide treasure somewhere on the land before quickly escaping. Some sailors have reported sightings of a rotten ship with tattered black sails, the Nixie's Pride, near the blighted island during a new moon.

    The landing base is situated on Aroden’s Landing. After much deliberation the investigators found that there is something very wrong happening in the Well of Sorrows. The investigators are not well equipped to handle going in there and coming to conclusions themselves. They are much too afraid of the Wizard’s Pit and what it might hold. They have hired a group whose reputation precedes them, a set of ascended adventurers that have the tools to survive. You are that adventurer group, let’s gear up and challenge this Wizard’s Pit.”

    Characters in Mythic 6
    This is copy pasted from the document below.

    Basic Rules
    Character progression from level 1 to 6 is as per Pathfinder. With a few exceptions, you may multiclass once and you may not take any prestige class. Upon attaining 6th level, for each 10,000 experience a character gains, they earn a new feat. All allowed feats are within the Pathfinder core rulebook and advanced player's handbook, no other feats are allowed. Feats with unattainable prerequisites under this system remain unattainable.

    As this is Mythic 6 we will start with one tier of Mythic. At reaching Level 6 you will face your 2nd trial to attain your second tier. From then on as you complete mythic trials you will advance up Mythic as per normal.

    Allowed books
    • Any Paizo source book.
    • Races can only be chosen from Core and APG but can use the changes from ARG.

    Character creation
    At character creation you will start with 20 point buy, in addition you will be starting at level 3. All characters will start as young for their race.
    You start with the first mythic tier.
    You start with 3000gp which you may use to purchase mundane items, wands and scrolls. You may buy one magical item with that money (wands and scrolls don’t count).
    Characters will start with 2 traits.
    No 3PP material except Dreamscarred press.
    Max hit dice at 1st level, average-rounded-up thereafter.
    Evil characters are not allowed, too often it devolves into PvP.

    General Campaign info
    This game will be an exploration of the uncharted, a venture into a part of the world that no-one from Golarion has seen before. It will start off with some roleplay in Arolen’s Landing then a short dungeon crawl, and then a plane hop will occur. Though the pitch doesn’t state much about the plane hop there will be towns, places and people to talk to in that plane. So it isn’t just killings things in an alien world. The world you are going to is a very magical heavy world where the magic is deeply rooted even in the land. Expect a world that has different rules and nature to Golarion. (I’m stating the plane hop here as I want the expectation there that you will be going to an different plane as part of the adventure.)

    Character background
    The backgrounds should be relatively short (try to keep them within 500-600 words), I also require you to state in your backstory how your character ascended to Mythic tier. All your characters will be from Golarion but will start planar hopping from the get go. Before the start of the campaign you will know and have worked with the other PCs chosen, I have something in place so we can connect up the backgrounds together.

    Link to houserules and extra feats

    Mythic 6

    If you wish to play a class from Dreamscarred press, I will make some E6 feats for them as they aren't currently in the above document.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    @Elizabeth: Well okay let's go with longer buffs then. If I were to be take Mage armour, Greater magic fang, Barkskin and shield of faith for 14RP. Might seem like a lot of RP but you get a ton for it.

    +8 AC (4 armour, 2 nat, 2 dodge)
    +1 to hit and damage.

    Since all the spell like abilities are tied to character level they do scale up. All barring mage armour in the list anyone. At level 6 you get a further 1 to nat and dodge, so a creature of that calibre has +10 AC on top of it's class. Combine this with the defensive armour buffs that you can get with RP: 4RP dodge (+2 dodge), 7 RP Natural armour (+6 Nat armour)

    That's 25RP so far, let's go for paragon template (1RP) for +4 Wis somewhere in there. An 18 in Wis and +4, go monk for one level. +6 Dodge AC.

    Natural armour: +8
    Mage armour: +4
    Dodge: +10

    Level 1, AC: 32 (30 if you ignore shield of faith as that's minutes per level)

    Now just go synthesist, watch as monsters cry. Eeessh, yea so much abuse with SLA. Since we are going synthesist here who cares about physical stats. Go -2 to all physical and +4 Wis with paragon, then advanced wisdom for a further +1 AC. You will gain pounce shortly too, all your attacks are self buffed.

    So total AC: 33 level 1. (with 0 dex mod, mind you)
    Level 5: 40+ easily.

    30 RP, I dub thee "The Boulder", you are a bucket of AC that rolls into enemies with your boulder form and crushes them.

    "The Boulder is over his conflicted feelings, and now he's ready to bury you in a rock-a-lanche!"

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Looking through most of the campaign traits, a good portion just mimic normal traits. Like chance saviour and Exile are both just Reactionary with a new coat of paint. All the jade regent ones are mimicing a race or normal trait.

    The more powerful campaign traits are usually +1 to a skill (or +2 if you don't gain a class skill), gaining a new class skill then a very specific ability. Sometimes the specific ability is something like +1 to a single save.

    I think I'll model traits to the more powerful campaign traits if that is the aim. With that in mind.

    Jury Rigger:
    You have spent time on Pandora learning to make the best of a bad situation by throwing together weapons with little resources.
    Use magic device is a class skill for you and you gain +1 trait bonus to UMD. You may repair an item for a quarter of the normal repair cost, though it only works for 1d4+1 days before breaking again.

    Stunt Driver:
    Most of the vehicles on Pandora have not had the best track record, you have spent time learning how to survive a crash. Any landing you walk away from is a good landing.
    Ride is a class skill and you gain +1 trait bonus to Ride checks. You may also use a ride check to cushion damage from a crash. In a crash, roll your ride skill and you reduce the damage taken by 1/2 the result.

    Explosive expert:
    Fighting in the tight tunnels of Pandora you have learnt to know exactly where to hide from your own bombs or where to stand to avoid your own rocket launcher shots. Walk away from explosions in style.
    You have +2 trait bouns to Acrobatics checks. Gain evasion but only from your own explosives.

    Vending Hacker:
    You know a trick or two about pressing the right buttons on the vending machines to give you a slight discount. You even know how to trick the machine into giving you some more of it's pocket change.You also know a few of the secret codes to get exclusive weaponry known to few on Pandora.
    Disable device is always a class skill for you. When buying or selling gear from vending machines you may change the cost by 5%, if you succeed a disable device check against a vending machine you may access a stored secret compartment with an item that you can buy.

    Vault Hunter:
    Once on Pandora you have spent much of your life looking for 'the Vault', find nooks and crannies in rock faces is your forte. You might one day find that Vault.
    Gain +2 trait bonus to perception. Using your perception check you may find openings or entrances to underground passages or secret tunnels. If you pass a DC X perception check (based on environment) you may look around as if you were using "Detect secret doors" to find the entrance to a tunnel network or base.

    On the Brink
    Pandora has slowly been destroying the last vestiges of your sanity. You have become more paranoid and aware of the creatures on this land, maybe too paranoid.
    Gain +1 trait bonus to Knowledge:Nature and Knowledge:Local and you may use either untrained. Choose a favoured terrain as per Ranger (this not confer the normal benefits). When attacked by the local wildlife or in a favoured terrain you are never caught flatfooted during a surprise round.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I currently run at E6 and not E8, preferring to use feats to get the capstone abilities. I don't think giving people stat boosts at 3 and 6 is needed either. Just have a feat for it.

    My current "Feats" if people want to have a look. (You can ignore the house rules for the most part.)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Female Human Druid, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (3) Toughness: 6 (+2 vs ranged) Charisma: 0, Wounds 3/3, Bennies 3/3, Power points 15/15

    "Aren't you a wordy little thing? Tell me, since you should be oh so 'similar' to our targets. What lures goblins away? As we are not going to survive taking them all on at once, but I'm sure with a little rigging here and there we can bait some into a trap. I'm sure the Shaman would be smart enough to figure it out after the first or second trap but if he's smart he shouldn't come out for fear of his own life. So we might be able to whittle away some of his shield before going in for him."

    Sienna ponders for a moment.

    "What's a Woojie?"

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Female Human Druid, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (3) Toughness: 6 (+2 vs ranged) Charisma: 0, Wounds 3/3, Bennies 3/3, Power points 15/15

    Sienna replies with anger rising "Okay pintsize, I don't know much about goblins because I don't usually care, but I do know they exist in tribes and you are saying you aren't 'anything' anymore. So either you left or were exiled, or maybe you were born outside of a tribe either way you're on your own. I know Balthazar at least trusts you that is why I'm giving you a chance, don't make me think twice about taking your ears."

    Sienna looks just about ready to throw a rock from her pouch at the goblin.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Female Human Druid, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 (3) Toughness: 6 (+2 vs ranged) Charisma: 0, Wounds 3/3, Bennies 3/3, Power points 15/15

    "Yes, when we do." Sienna says while gritting her teeth. "So what makes you different to the Licktoads and why aren't you 'anything' any more? Sounds like you were exiled."