Whisper in the Mists Epic 6 (Inactive)

Game Master Davachido

Current combat map

Initiative order: Rybal, Variel, Kopru , Malthu, Drak

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The adventuring party of 4 are walking the route well traveled. They have been given a map from Two sisters (a village) at the bottom of the mountain to help guide them to Chamarel. Their destination is situated midway up the mountain. The mountain is a long extinct volcano, it is now surrounded by a lush landscape full of wildlife. A tropical forest meets the base of the mountain in a sea of green.

As the adventurers start to climb they see earth of different colours making up the ground underneath their feet. A beautiful hue of purple, brown, and red. The ground doesn't feel muddy though is soft nonetheless.

Information gathered from Two sisters suggest that the Regent would want to keep this Chamarel working as it produces some of the best Rum in the nation. A chief export that other nations buy at a very high cost.

The party finally reaches the cusp of the small town, clearly indicated by neat little sugar plantations that make up the outskirts of town. It has been a long day of travel and it's getting late. A decision is made to stay at an inn someplace and maybe gather some information before going after the prize. While looking for a good place to stay, the party stumbles upon an old friend rushing somewhere, Variel.

Up to you where you wish to have been going in the evening if it comes up.

You know a little about the disappearances though not much. All you've managed to gather as of late is that all the disappearances seem to be the young of any of the races that live in town. The old are safe for whatever reason.

There are three inns in town;

The thrifty tail - a good inn usually used by merchants, a little pricy though you get what you pay for.

Rum Runner - Well priced, popular with tourists. Many adventurers are currently staying here before moving on to their quarry in the area.

Nosso Lar - a cheap place, doesn't even have a bar. At least the beds are warm.

Your own house has a little room though you are not sure you can accommodate all your friends. Maybe 2 at a push.

Angry Badger (HP 25/26, AC 21)

Dirt, dirt, dirt. Interesting new dirt.

Male Human Ranger 2

Beren comes up short as he recognizes his old friend. By the gods, Variel, what are you doing in Chameral. It has been ages since we last saw you.

Just noticed, the opening post should say party of 5 not 4, oops

As Beren greets Variel the group sees another party walk by them. Similar in garb to themselves it is clear they are competition to your quarry. The other group is a set of 4 humans all relatively close in appearance. In common the share sleek brunette hair and their builds are very slight. A group of two men and two women. Though their apparel is what sets them apart. One of the men approaches your group.

The man is wearing some beautifully crafted chainmail and has a short sword strapped to his belt. You see that he also has a pair of strangely patterned bracers, it is doubtful the design is for appearance.

"Hey Hey, we just got here. I assume you did too, don't worry we'll have this all cleaned up in no time. However for now let's be friends, let's have a good time before your inevitable deaths. Hey! Drinks are on us if you're interested? We're meeting a cartographer in one of the inns, what do you say? Might make you live longer if you know the area?"

Male Elf Ninja 3

As Sventon walks up the gravel road, he spots two of his friends, and a rare smile appears on his face. He approaches them and shakes their hands warmly.
My friends, it's been too long. How have you been?

Male Kobold Sorcerer 6

Rikaku has been growing increasingly excited as the group traveled, possibly annoyingly so. He seems fascinated with the multicoloured soil, stopping for brief periods to poke at it or sift it through his clawed hands, and even once eating a little bit of it (and promptly spitting it out in disgust). The tropical forest was an environment he'd never seen before, and he delighted in the sights and sounds of the area.

His delight came to a crashing end when they came upon the edge of town. Rikaku scowls, glaring at the sight of big-folk scurrying around their business this afternoon. Big-folk in towns were never nice, not like his adopted family here was. He huddles close to Clarence as they approach, his spear in his hands and ready if anything bad should happen.

All of a sudden, Sventon and Beren were greeting another big-folk, another pointy-ears like Sventon himself. Now, Sventon was a nice big-folk, so hopefully this pointy-ears would also be a nice big-folk too? Rikaku peers warily at Variel from behind Clarence's furry behind, unsure.

And then, before he could determine whether Variel was dangerous or not, even more big-folk came up to them and started yapping about something or other. He eyes this new lot, more interested in the shiny fake-scales and patterned arm-coverings of their apparent leader than what they were actually saying.

"Rikaku isn't gonna die," he grumbles. "Dragons don't die so easy. Stupid big-folk don't know even that?"

Male Dwarf Druid 4 (HP 32/32)

"I'll take you up on your offer. Who ever heard of a dwarf refusing a drink?" he says to the man with the bracers. "I'm Trogg Deepdelver, and this is Clarence." He gestures in the badger's direction, using the opportunity to make sure he isn't eyeing anyone's legs.

Male Human Ranger 2

"Learning more about the terrain would help, this land is quite different than the forests of my home. And nothing washs the dust of the road out of your mouth like a free drink."Beren looks to the others for approval. "I'm called Beren. I usually like to know the names of those I willl be drinking with."

Male Elf Ninja 3

Sventon gives a slight twist of the lip and shrugs.
I guess introductions are in order. For those who don't know me, Sventon Fayore at your service
He removes his hat and makes a sweeping bow.

"Fayore.. that name sounds familiar. Err, no can't remember. Perhaps you were a stage performer that past by. No matter, we're all friends here." He gives a bow back.

"My name is Diaz Devante, behind me are my siblings." You see the other 3 members give you a small wave.

"The inn we are meeting my friend at is the Rum Runner, he said just to follow the sounds of loud music. Seems that it has become a busy place as of late."

He looks down at Rikaku quizzically. "Yes that's true, Dragons are a bit much even for us. Though how does that help you survive?"

Kn(nobility): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Male Human Ranger 2

"The Rum Runner, eh. Why can't someone make a good stout ale, thick and heavy like a good meal. Everything in this land has to be spiced and watery" Beren shakes his head and starts to move in the direction of the general ruckus that passes for music in this strange land. As he does, he takes a good look around to get a feel for the town and an impression of the townsfolk. More precisely he looks to see if anyone is showing particular interest at their arrival.

perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Male Dwarf Druid 4 (HP 32/32)

Trogg glances at the Devante siblings, trying to guess if any of them look like the sort of people he'd like to talk to (namely, healers and outdoorsy people).

Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

What's the weather been like? Has it been anywhere near hot enough that the annoying "Fort save or take damage" rules come into effect (90 F / 32 C)?

Survival (predict weather) 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
What's the weather look like for the next two days?

"Well I think that's just the name of the place, it probably does have something to offer other than that. Probably?"

As Beren walks through the town he can see that it is a relatively peaceful environment with people occasionally talking on street corners and playing games of Karrom. A few of the townsfolk glance in your direction and you overheard the occasional comment 'Oh look another group, how many more are going to turn up?'

Trogg takes a cursory glance over the siblings. He spots that the older girl seems to be some sort of ranger. A bow on her back and tattoos to denote herself as a protector a region.

Knowledge nature if you want to find out which.

The brother standing amongst the group looks to have a brooch of the goddess of healing. Though beyond that he doesn't seem to have anything else to show signs of him being a healer. He sports quite a large backpack and is wearing fairly light armour.

The weather has been hot though not unbearable. What is slightly uncomfortable is the fact that it is quite humid up here. Making it feel quite muggy.

The tidings in the weather seem to show that it will likely be very cloudy tomorrow though still hot. Those clouds if they do stay will most certainly begin to rain down on the town.

Diaz begins to follow Beren very nonchalantly humming a small tune. The other siblings look at each other and shrug. The younger of the girls asks. "So agreed to the Rum Runner? Likely good to talk over some drinks. A stiff drink should loosen all our tongues right up." She giggles.

Jazz was quiet on the journey, thinking about the job that lay ahead of them. When they arrive in town and bump into Variel he says, "It's good to see a friendly face when arriving in a new place. Makes me not feel so backriver and awkward at first." He shakes his friend's hand and nods with a rare smile.

To the newcomers, he turns, "Alright, then, if the drinks are on you." Then, with a gritty smile and extreme confidence, "And when we inevitably come to your pleading rescue, I'll remember your hospitality and do my best to comply with your desperate wishes -- for you and your kin." Jazz claps his hands together and departs quickly after Beren, trying not to smirk too much.

Male Dwarf Druid 4 (HP 32/32)

"Come along, Clarence. Food and drink await." Trogg starts walking toward the tavern. Clarence, on the other hand...

Knowledge nature 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Sense motive on the giggle: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

Handle animal (heel) on Clarence: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

Angry Badger (HP 25/26, AC 21)

...sniffs the air briefly before following after Trogg.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

AC13(17)*/Touch13/Flatfoot10/CMD 16||HP30/[30]| Fort:+2 ;Ref:+4 ;Wil+5|Percept +8/Sense Motive +0|Init+7| Elvish Male Witch 6

Variel seems startled to see his friends and stands mouth agape as friends talk around and over him.

Apologies all - this is a sight I never thought I'd see, Random chance or no.

He composes himself.

Drinks? Yes... Drinks are good. There are two places in town. The Thrifty Tail - a good inn usually used by merchants, a little pricy though you get what you pay for. It is where I normally do my drinking, when I decide alcohol is appropriate.... Then there is The Rum Runner - Well priced, popular with tourists. Many adventurers are currently staying here before moving on to their own quests in the area

What is your pleasure?

He looks over the jovial human adventurers.

It seems our local lord may be advertising our community ills... It does no harm for us to share some company I suppose.

I will have to have see if I can talk to my friends privately and see what has been put out to the adventuring community and what else I can share with my friends.

Male Kobold Sorcerer 6

Rikaku rolls his eyes at the clear intellectual inferiority of this big-folk the rest of his friends had decided to go a-drinking with. "Dragons don't die easy. Rikaku is a dragon. Therefore, Rikaku don't die easy. Pothoc munthrek, keep up, yes?" He flutters his tiny little wings in frustration.

The kobold nonetheless obediently follows the group towards the tavern in question, pleased that there would no doubt be food in his near future.

Pothoc munthrek = stupid/dumb human

Male Elf Ninja 3

A drink would suit my parched tongue just right says Sventon falling in line with the rest of the walkers. Lead away
He looks at the girl after she giggles, eying her up. Is she pretty
He tries not to walk near Clarence, because he firmly believes that the badger never took a liking to him. Blasted beast. He's probably going to bite my leg again.

AC13(17)*/Touch13/Flatfoot10/CMD 16||HP30/[30]| Fort:+2 ;Ref:+4 ;Wil+5|Percept +8/Sense Motive +0|Init+7| Elvish Male Witch 6

Very well - to the Rum Runner then, and our new friends cartographer...

He gargles and hisses something to the small kobold, then leads them on.



Oh please, we could spend all day [wrong tense] with such comments[inappropriately formal form] and all it would achieve is a day [wrong tense AGAIN] lost. You are who you are - as are they. There is little gain in such, no?[Poor way to close out the sentence]

The girls are quite comely though rough around the edges. They probably spend more time training then on their appearance, though likely could be groomed to be quite beautiful.

Clarence coughs as he catches a small whiff of perfume from somewhere.

As the group approaches the tavern you hear quite a lot of music from inside. Those that are more worldly traveled recognise that there are tunes from all over the plane coming from inside the tavern. Outside there are two tables with a bard on each having a singing bout.

Diaz laughs a little "Wow, it really is busy"

You enter the tavern and see crowds of adventurers of all shapes and sizes bustling about. As you approach the counter a large half-orc with a paunch greets the party. Variel recognizes the innkeeper as Beltzer.

"Ah welcome, welcome to the wonderful Rum Runner you will fit right in here!" He notices Variel. "Variel? Out for a drink old friend? Hahaha, I'm sorry the inn has had lots of business recently, I've sent a fair few drunkards to your herb shop for remedies. I hope it hasn't been too problematic for you! Good for business though I'm sure! Hahaha. What can I get your ... friends, yes?"

Male Human Ranger 2

As the companions walk through town, Beren strikes up conversation with Diaz. "So, are you and your kin from around here?", he asks with a nod to the rest of his siblings. His eyes linger on the young lady with a bow slung across her back and he tries to decipher the meaning of her tattoos. I've seen tattoos like that before, but I can't be sure they are the same as they use west of here

Knowledge (nature)1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

He recovers, trying not to seem disrespectful, "What can you tell me about this call that has been put out by the Duke? Is it going to be worth our time, or is it a some scheme to get us to clear his land of dangers and then run us off because we are the new danger, like happened to us in that little fief by that swamp last year?"Beren gives a knowing nod to Jazz.

Male Elf Ninja 3

I haven't gotten the impression that the duke is the scheming type. Variel, you lived here, what can you tell us?

Sventon enters the Inn

I will have a flagon of bear, my good innkeep, and some soup if you have any. Meat will also find good reception.

He looks for a free table with enough room to seat all of them, and if he finds one, he will walk towards it and sit, making sure not to sit at the head of the table.

Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Male Dwarf Druid 4 (HP 32/32)

"I'll have some of the local rum, a loaf of bread, and some fresh fruit." He looks around the room, interested in finding out how many of them are fellow adventurers and thus the competition.

Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

Angry Badger (HP 25/26, AC 21)

Anything except two-legs in here?

Perception 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

AC13(17)*/Touch13/Flatfoot10/CMD 16||HP30/[30]| Fort:+2 ;Ref:+4 ;Wil+5|Percept +8/Sense Motive +0|Init+7| Elvish Male Witch 6

I know a little about the disappearances though not much as you'd like. I've not been here all that long, and all I've managed to gather as of late is that all the disappearances seem to be the young of any of the races that live in town. The old, for whatever reason, are safe.

As for the Duke? I'd say that he's interested in maintain peace and order in a town that generates coin for his treasury.

Male Kobold Sorcerer 6

Rikaku sighs at Variel's attempts at Draconic, both for the incorrect grammar and the actual content. "You're right," he affirms in his native tongue, "there is no helping people like that."

In the tavern, Rikaku clutches his spear close to him, frowning at the extreme number of people here. He almost gets knocked over by drunken or unwary patrons a couple of times, and yelps once when his tail is trodden on by accident. "Stupid big-folk, watch your feets!" he screeches at the offending tavern-goer, but his complaints fall on dead ears.

Sulkily rubbing his sore tail, Rikaku scrambles atop one of the taller bar stools to get the barkeep's attention. "Rikaku want good meats," he says indignantly, "but not your icky throat-burning water. Blegh!"

The kobold glances at Variel as he waits for the food and drink to arrive. "Taking young? Sound like slaves, young is better for hard working. But who take slaves here?"

Beren and Trogg try to pinpoint where the tattoo is from and can't quite fathom it. Though you both recognise that at least it is a desert environment.

Diaz replies to Beren saying "We're from near the border of this country originally, a place called Cavalli. Though we haven't been back home in a long time. No matter what are father says. Paperwork is so boring compared to slicing off an owlbear's head." He sighs "Don't try eating them, even if you're hungry. They taste disgusting."

Diaz places his hands behind his head to cradle it."As for the Duke I don't know much about why he wants this done, though I'll agree with your friend. It is likely to maintain order in the area." He stretches. "Though to us it's just another contract, sounds like it's going to be easy. Probably just some big monster that has decided to capture people."

As Diaz sees people ordering things from the barkeeper he fishes out a small bag from his pouch that is tied up with a small ornament in the centre. The ornament is a flat seal made of what looks like marble.

Knowledge Nobility DC15:
The seal is from the Devante Family, a large family that owns a trading route between this country and the next. Their city of Cavalli acts as a toll booth and they reap the profits.
The Bartender looks at it warily at first then opens the bag and smiles. He clasps Diaz on the shoulder and nods.

There is a free table that Sventon leads the group down to and people start taking their seats. Trogg looks around the room and sees that there is about 4-5 groups in here other than yourselves. Almost looks like a full house. There are many types of people here though you notice not all of them have a hardened look to their face, many are wet behind the ears. This might be a good or bad thing depending on how you look at it.

Clarence feels a bump on his side and he sees an inquisitive fox investigating the area. The fox stares at Clarence for a brief moment then nips at him playfully and runs off. Momentarily looking back to see if the Badger followed.

A few moments after sitting down the barkeep comes back with some dishes of food across one of his arms and several mugs and glasses in his other hand. Setting them down he places a small mug of water in front of Rikaku with a decent slab of roast beef. "If you want that more well cooked do give me a shout little one."

In front of Trogg he places a small glass with a clear liquid in it, it smells quite strong. The scent is enough ward the more light hearted back. On a platter of wood is a set of picked fruit and a loaf of bread, next to them is a small jug of cane sugar syrup.

Lastly in front of Sventon he places a flagon and a bowl of vegetable soup with some diced chicken in a small plate adjacent to it. "Chicken is slightly crispy if you wish to add it to the soup it may enhance the flavour though I know some people here don't like their chicken wet so up add it as you see fit." He smiles

Beltzer slaps his belly "If there is anything more I can get you please do ask, or maybe you want to hear a tale. I'm good at those!"

Male Human Ranger 2

"I will take a mug of your thickest ale, and I'll have some chicken, the crispier the better." With that Beren sits, leaning his axe against the table so as to be in easy reach and adds, "You had better make it two mugs of ale if we are going to start telling tales."

Beren then turns his attention back to Diaz, "So, where is this mapmaker friend of yours. I am anxious to get the lay of the land."

Male Elf Ninja 3

Sventon eased into his chair and started eating. Since he was quite hungry, he didn't talk much, but listened very attentively.
He did brighten up on the mention of the mapmaker.
Yes, we could go to the mapmaker after we finish here he said chewing off a mouthful of chicken from the bone.

Male Dwarf Druid 4 (HP 32/32)

"And after the mapmaker we should see someone who knows more about these disappearances than we do. Hunting a tiger that grabs a lone young man in the jungle is a far different task than hunting a fey that snatches a child from its crib, and I haven't heard aught that tells me which it is." He feeds half of the fruit and a small piece of the bread to Clarence, who...

Angry Badger (HP 25/26, AC 21)

...eats it, then curls round the table leg. The fox might want to play, but he hasn't been walking all day.

"Ale for me as well, barkeep," Jazz says. "Some bread and cheese would suit me nicely, too. And I'd like to hear a tale as well, but let it wait until we've seen to business. Business first, I always say," Jazz says, turning back to the table.

"A child-snatcher, eh? Could be slavers, sure, but it strikes me as a little unusual for them. Slavers aren't too picky, and while youngsters are fit and will live long lives of labor, they wouldn't turn their nose up at adults unless they're obviously weak. I sense something a bit more cruel and crafty behind this than slavers... but we'll wait and see what unfolds. Now yes, where is this cartographer and what can he tell us?"

Male Kobold Sorcerer 6

Rikaku lets out a croon of delight as the beef is placed in front of him. "Yes, good! Thank you!" The kobold wastes no time with modern conveniences such as utensils, picking up the slab of meat with his hands and greedily tearing it apart with his needle-like fangs.

"Rrkmkoo fmnk..." He swallows the bit of meat in his mouth before continuing. "Rikaku think worse than slavers too. Slavers leave with much attention. Look at all peoples here, all looking for taken young, solve town's problems. It must be big bad, smart bad. Not just big dumb monster, big dumb monster take everyone, not just young. Rikaku think using young for something. Maybe necromancy?"

Male Elf Ninja 3

Or worse Sventon agrees as he removes the last bits of meat from the chicken and takes a strong swig of ale to have it go down.

AC13(17)*/Touch13/Flatfoot10/CMD 16||HP30/[30]| Fort:+2 ;Ref:+4 ;Wil+5|Percept +8/Sense Motive +0|Init+7| Elvish Male Witch 6

Slavers aren't so picky - they'll take any body as a crime of opportunity and profits aren't made in single abductions. If anything I suspect supernatural threats.

Male Dwarf Druid 4 (HP 32/32)

How enclosed are the houses in town that Trogg noticed en route to the tavern? (I'm wondering if we can rule out animals as possible abductors.)

Diaz looks around a bit "He was meant to join us here. So maybe he's around the tavern. My Cartographer is rather scatterbrain though handy at his job. Give me a minute I shall go look." Diaz gets up and takes his sister's hand, the one with strange tattoos.

Terran or linguistics DC15:
"Come with me Hin, I'll need your eyes. Krsk is probably hiding himself well, I doubt anyone here likes to see a goblin."

Sense motive DC 12:
You get the feeling that Diaz is hiding something about who or what the mapmaker is because of his sudden change in language.

A few minutes of idle banter go by and eventually Diaz and his sister return with a small man in full robes a hood and wearing a mask. The man brings a tall stool over that he climbs on. He hastily clears a part of the table and wipes it with the sleeve of his robe. He starts scrabbling around in his robes and draws out a small scroll. He places the scroll down and unfurls it you see that it is an approximate map of the area.

This will become available in the campaign Info, I'm just putting the finishing touches on it. So expect it tonight or Saturday morning (GMT).

The man begins to speak. "Yes, you sees, I went and looks in all the things. Gots me much info of tis place right abouts here." He points at the map. "We are heres, at Chamarel. But.. But.." You here him lick his lips behind the mask. "This area.. has .. maybe bad history, not sure... 2 Noble houses. The leftovers of lotsa housing... swanky housing ... here .. and here... He points at two locations on the map. "No one knows why they left... some say riot from workers in Chamarel... some say ghosts of mountain.. some say it is the dragon who created the mountain... says he eats them like spicy meatballllls!" He starts wringing his hands. "Other than thats... old forest here.. filled filled filled with trickses ones of old. Me only took few steps towards that place... horrible.. smells too pretty..it was tricksy! Also near top of mountain.. entrance to .. cave, not confirmed.. didn't go there myself. Rumours say it is holy place for villagers... no-one talks about it though.. people seem to forget they're talking about it after questions. Maybe they are just rude! Bigs people don't like people around their hip, always has to look down!!" He spits.

Diaz pouts a bit. "Hey I've never treated you badly."

The man looks up placing his hands on his hip. "You not bigs people, you honourary smalls person! So you don't count."

Diaz is about 5'8" and you begin to see he is a little peeved by the comment. "Hey I'm not short!"

The man looks up again. "No but you smalls person, that all that matters." Diaz folds his arms and turns around sulking.

In the meantime Beltzer goes off and brings back a full chicken cut into four pieces with the skin crispy to the point you can still here the slight sizzle of oil letting off the aroma of fried chicken. He also brings back a side of bread and a portion of cheese with a knife sticking out of it. He places the plates in front of Beren and Jazz. Lastly he places three mugs of Ale between the pair. As he leaves he looks at the Cartographer and grunts, he mutters something under his breath in his native tongue then walks away.

"Glad he ain't staying here, don't need any trouble."

Male Dwarf Druid 4 (HP 32/32)

Sense motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Kn (local) to guess the race of the Cartographer: 1d20 ⇒ 14

Male Elf Ninja 3

Sense motive 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

Sventon frowns slightly and looks at all the elves in the group pointedly.


Why is he so secretive about the mapmaker? Suspicious.

He listens to the mapmaker trying to discern what the creature in robes is. Also trying to remember if he heard something about this particular mapmaker.

Knowledge(Local) 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16


Since Sventon speaks Goblin, can he catch inflections and pronunciations in the goblin's speech?

By the way he's speaking he could be Kobold, Grippli, Goblin, Ratfolk or maybe a halfling, though that last one is unlikely.

Sorry Trogg missed your earlier question just before I posted. The houses are enclosed enough the animals would have a hard time abducting someone. Not impossible however, though if it were an animal you'd have likely noticed something on the houses like claw marks or an makeshift opening. There were none that you saw.

AC13(17)*/Touch13/Flatfoot10/CMD 16||HP30/[30]| Fort:+2 ;Ref:+4 ;Wil+5|Percept +8/Sense Motive +0|Init+7| Elvish Male Witch 6
Sventon Fayore wrote:

Sventon frowns slightly and looks at all the elves in the group pointedly.

** spoiler omitted **

The pale elf nods at his friends comment but says nothing.

Male Human Ranger 2

Beren is so taken with the aroma of the chicken he barely notices as Diaz leaves the table. He hardily digs in, lamenting the poor quality of the ale, but glad to washing the dust out of his throat.

As he listens to the little masked creature carry on about the map, he traces the lines in his mind, trying orient it to his observations as they came to Chameral. He notes the locations of the two abandoned houses, he notes the old forest (and surmisses the tricksy ones are elves), notes the cave at the top of mountain and finds it odd that everyone seems to not talk about it, is it a taboo or is some other force at work. He tries to commit these areas to memory so he might be able to find them later.

Knowledge (geography) trying to memeorize general locations of areas on map. 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

As the little man wrings his hands, combined with his mannerisms, nags at the corner of Berens mind. Something seems familiar.

Knowledge (nature)1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23 to identify creature.

Little one, have you been out to these abandoned houses, were they plantations or just manors? And did you say Dragon? I am hoping it is one of your brothers Rikaku, I have no desire to face a dragon that could form a mountain. I value breathing too much for that. And this cave seems to me to be strange, do you think some sorcery is at work on the people of this village"

By the inflections in his speech and his accent you can at least tell that his first language is indeed Goblin.

With your history of these creatures even behind a mask they can't hide. You know this creature to be a Goblin. You are also able to commit the map to memory, it is quite well drawn so you could approximate some things if you need to on the fly. Gain a circumstantial +2 to Survival or Knowledge (geo) to navigate the area from now on.

"Big houses, oh yes big houses. Like small palaces.. I went to find some shinies... nothing.. ransacked before I got there... not fair, seemed like it could have some good shinies..." He scratches his head a bit.

"Dragon is just story... maybe they not really Dragon here.. maybe it fire creatures shaped like lizard? Few old enough to know... there is one in town, though he rude.. acts like big person though is smalls! I didn't see his big assistant before I get hoof in the face! Pheh!" He angrily finishes while shaking his fist.

Diaz's brother at the table grasps the little man's wrist. "Calm down, I can give you a ointment for that bump later."

Male Dwarf Druid 4 (HP 32/32)

"Who is he? The rude one you were just talking about, I mean. I'd be interesting in meeting him. He might be less rude after Clarence is done with him."

AC13(17)*/Touch13/Flatfoot10/CMD 16||HP30/[30]| Fort:+2 ;Ref:+4 ;Wil+5|Percept +8/Sense Motive +0|Init+7| Elvish Male Witch 6

Variel drinks cautiously at the rum concoction in front of him, allowing the situation to resolve itself.

Male Human Ranger 2

Beren presses the little 'man' about the forest, What can you tell me about the forest, are the tricksy ones elves? You may have noticed that some of my friends here are elves, and they may take offense at being called tricksy." Berens dislike for the little hooded mans people starting to rise to the surface.

Male Elf Ninja 3

Sventon smiles at the creature favorably, admiring it's spunk.

I might help Trogg with that, if you want, we would make assistant and that other one regret that you got hoof to face he says in Goblin.

We shouldn't let big folk pick on little folk just because they are smaller. I say, if we have free time we pay that assistant a visit and teach him some manners perhaps. he says in common.

The little man's head suddenly shoots up at Sventon's use of goblin.

"Er.. I .. don't know what you said. Speaks proper big person! Yes though... big folk should stop picking on little folk. We ars height challenged!" He shifts about uncomfortably on the stool. "Oldie is just outside town.. his name Tremain... lives on his own.. grouchy."

He looks up at Beren whose tone is changing slightly. "No No, elves aren't tricksy. They are po.. I means, long eared!" He laughs worriedly. "Trickses in forest are trickses! You know.. er .. like beautiful lady .. go looking for her. Never come back out... maybe she suck life out of you, or turn you into slave! but .. but.. never comes back, no one does! I don't like tricksy ones, elves I can deal with. They just .. pale.. really.. nothing against elves! Some even pretty!"

Male Human Ranger 2

"I see, so the tricksy ones are some sort of Fey...Dryads or something. Can you show me on the map where Tremain lives?" Beren calms himself and decides that he should squeeze as much info out of the mapmaker as he can.

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