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Checking for interest at this stage - looking for 4 players only, starting at 1st level. General rules for character creation: No feat taxes No 3rd party content 25 point point buy One campaign and one other trait, no flaws Starting gold as per https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/character-creation/ - Take average Players start with 1 weapon and 1 set of armour (not magical or m/w) for free. ![]()
Checking for interest at this stage - looking for 4 players only, starting at 1st level. General rules for character creation: No feat taxes No 3rd party content 25 point point buy One campaign and one other trait, no flaws Starting gold as per https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/character-creation/ - Take average Players start with 1 weapon and 1 set of armour (not magical or m/w) for free. ![]()
Apologies if this has been covered in previous posts/guides but I have a question. I am currently running several campaigns and what I would like to do is when the party are conversing with different NPCs I can use an image of that NPC rather than the current general image I use so players can get a better idea of who is speaking. Is there any way to do this? If there is could someone please explain how to di it, ideally I need a blow by blow account of how to do this, i.e.: Go to ...
And so on. Any help would be gratefully appreciated. Cheers Dan ![]()
Hi, Just posting to check interest at this point. Thinking of running a Dr Who RPG game. I plan to start in the 1st Doctor's era (1963) and work forward. Players from Core Rulebook - no Time Lords please. This will be a very Doctor Lite campaign, the Doctor (in all his incarnations) will be more behind the scenes than anything else. ![]()
![]() Just scoping for interest at this stage. Would anyone be interested in joining a Dr Who role playing game. Play would start in the 1st Doctor's era, i.e. 23.11.1963 Players cannot play the Doctor or one of the previous companions. Plan will be to utilise some existing stories but to put my own spin on them. ![]()
Male High Azlanti DM
![]() Ok so just wanted to give a brief rundown of how I'll be running: Firstly for combat i will roll initiative for everyone and then publish the initiative order for each combat. It is Ok if you say what your character wants to do out of order (for the most part) - appreciate from time/life perspective that sometimes people post when they can. I will deal with the actions as they go in the initiative order. Secondly I will roll passive skill checks e.g. Perception or Knowledge skills. If you want to recheck things yourself this is fine. I will add a treasure list and campaign specific treasures where appropriate as well as maps. Finally, I live in the UK, as such I will be posting probably early in the morning and late in the evening (my time). You may find that due to time differences I will be posting a lot/little. What I will say is that I don't want to rush you guys through things so I will try not to direct play too much. My basic rule of thumb will be to go with what the majority decision is, but I will allow everyone to say what they want to do. Very occasionally this may be superseded by the story but I'll try not to do this too often. If I'm ever going too fast/too slow with posting please let me know and I'll see what I can do. Think that's about it for now but any questions please ask. ![]()
![]() Looking for 2 players for an Iron Gods campaign- 2 spaces have already been filled, remaining 2 on 1st come 1st served basis General rules for character creation: No feat taxes No 3rd party content 25 point point buy One campaign and one other trait, no flaws Players start at 1st level. Looking for 4 players only - first come, first served basis Starting gold as per https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/character-creation/ - Take average Players start with 1 weapon and 1 set of armour (not magical or m/w) for free. ![]()
![]() Please note I currently have all the players I need - not looking to recruit any more. General rules for character creation: No feat taxes No 3rd party content 25 point point buy One campaign and one other trait, no flaws Players start at 1st level. Looking for 4 players only - first come, first served basis Starting gold as per https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/character-creation/ - Take average Players start with 1 weapon and 1 set of armour (not magical or m/w) for free. ![]()
![]() Is anyone interested in a Mummy's Mask campaign. General rules for character creation: No feat taxes No 3rd party content 25 point point buy One campaign and one other trait, no flaws Players start at 1st level. Looking for 4 players only - first come, first served basis Starting gold as per https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/character-creation/ - Take average Players start with 1 weapon and 1 set of armour (not magical or m/w) for free. ![]()
Male High Azlanti DM
![]() Hi all, So here is the discussion page we will be using for the campaign. So I have a question - do you guys want maps as we go along, if so please could someone give guidance on how I can make them shareable - I'm assuming copying and pasting in the thread is not allowed? Other things to mention: Some of this campaign is about investigation - finding out about your enemies before meeting them. I will do the passive checks for you using the stats on your sheets such as Perception and knowledge checks but you can always ask for a more active check (which you will roll) if you want. ![]()
![]() Hi all, I know that generally speaking the use of firearms such as muskets is largely limited. How does this impact with regards to obtaining just plain gunpowder. Is it as difficult to obtain as firearms are or is the assumption that knowledge and therefore availability of gunpowder precedes the use of firearms ![]()
![]() Hi all. Need some advice on my upcoming strange aeons campaign. One of my players wants to play as a wyrdwood which is fine except... How do I deal with it if the player dies. Spells like Resurrection, True Res or even Raise Dead don't work. Repairing damage to a construct requires the craft construct feat which in some areas you could argue there would be someone there who could that (e.g. where Biting Lash is as big city) except.... According to the background in the bestiary wyrdwood are very secretive about themselves and their construction so I am left with the idea that the only person who could craft construct on a wyrdwood is another wyrdwood. But then again as far as I see it how likely is it that there would be other wyrdwoods in the areas that strange aeons take you through (e.g. can't imagine there'd be any in the asylum, could see some in Thrushmoor at a push). Does anyone have any ideas. ![]()
![]() Hi, Am just reading through this book and noticed for the Darkblight there isn't a specfic map or a distance/time from section for each area. Given the darkblight as a whole is 50 miles across I'm thinking maybe 5-10 miles between areas with maybe a 1-2 hour travel time from one to the next. Due to the nature of the area I'm assuming that there is no set pattern and where the PCs end up is largely random. How have other DMs dealt with this issue and what is the official line? ![]()
![]() Hi, I have had a bit of an idea for when I run Carrion Crown. Basically its to add mini vignette adventures to the main adventure path when the players are travelling between parts of the story, i.e between Ravengro and Lepidsatdt and between Lepidstadt and Ascanor Lodge. The reasoning behind it (in terms of story) is that the actions of the Whispering Way have awoken other undead/evil beings due to their actions (in a similar way to e.g. their actions in Ravengro have both awoken the 5 main ghosts and others). Obviously the PCs can elect to deal with these extra menaces or not. What do people think of this as an idea- I'm not sure from the source material whether the adventure path is suppossed to be on a timescale or not. Any help/advice much appreciated. ![]()
![]() Hi all, Would like a bit of an opinion please. I am just about to start running Kingmaker - almost the ultimate free world campaign. I have decided to make it even more free world by adding bits of my own design as kind of min adventures for the players. But also, thinking further ahead, I have thought of adding extra freeworld stuff to some of the other campaigns such as Skulls and Shackles and Carrion Crown. For example for Carrion Crown, I have decided that the actions of the Whispering Way have awoken other evils in Ustalav allowing me to add extra horror adventures between e.g. Ravengro and Lepidstady, etc. What are people's opinions of this idea and what are the potential pitfalls of this approach? Dan |