DM Grimmy's page

7,601 posts. Alias of Grimmy.

Current Campaigns

Dungeon of Dread - Team 2

Round 4
Mikka <<<<
Talric <<<<
Pharnox <<<<
Grokar <<<<
Captain Janral
Lieutenant Gannar <unconscious

Dungeon Map | Equipment

City of Ashes (inactive)

Round 4
Fire Mephit (steals the amulet)
Uurnir (scorpion style)
Magma Elementals (attack)
Lilia (magic missile)
Ronen <<<<
Ares <<<<
Priscilla <<<<

Battle Map

Campaign Map | Equipment Sheet | Campaign Journal

The Crucible of Freya (inactive)

Dungeon of Dread (inactive)

Dungeon of Dread - Team 1 (inactive)

The Hollow Man (inactive)

Lost Lands Mega-Campaign (inactive)

The Mouth of Doom (inactive)

Round 2:
Raziel <<<<
Hound <<<<
Q <<<<

Battle Map

Loot Tracker | Zelkor's Ferry Environs | Campaign Map | Obsidian Portal

Return to the mines of Bloodstone (inactive)

Swordthrust--Memories of an Elder Ice Titan (inactive)

Sometimes, your fate hangs upon a spell.
Other times it's determined by a riddle.
Occasionally, it depends upon sheer luck.
And often fate rests on a well delivered
Adventure by Sam Shirley and Daniel Greenburg
Artwork by Boris Vallejo
current map
King of Mountain Picture and Cover

Valley of the Shrines (inactive)