Sian Daemodus

Cr500cricket's page

Organized Play Member. 1,989 posts (2,898 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 40 aliases.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Younger Orthos and I had a team up? Wow.

Most ambitious crossover of all time

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Freehold DM wrote:
Cr500cricket wrote:

I finished FFVI yesterday, and I remember Freehold and Orthos were the ones who convinced me to buy it originally, back in 2014 by the looks of it. Ipod I was playing it on bricked fairly soon after and I didn't pick it up again until recently. It's fairly quickly become my favourite FF game, and I'm installing myself as the president of the Terra Needs a Hug Foundation.

I hopped back on to say thank you to both of you for convincing me to buy it way back then.

...Orthos and I had a team up?

It was 8 years ago, tbf.

Dark Archive

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I finished FFVI yesterday, and I remember Freehold and Orthos were the ones who convinced me to buy it originally, back in 2014 by the looks of it. Ipod I was playing it on bricked fairly soon after and I didn't pick it up again until recently. It's fairly quickly become my favourite FF game, and I'm installing myself as the president of the Terra Needs a Hug Foundation.

I hopped back on to say thank you to both of you for convincing me to buy it way back then.

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Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance!

Dark Archive

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Runeslinger (Gunslinger Archetype)
With an innate connection to runic magic, Runeslingers wield the wonderous weapons known as runeguns. Their practice with these weapons allows them to wield these weapons and even coax runeguns beyond their normal limits.
Class skills: Runeslingers gain Use magic device as a class skill
Weapon and Armour proficiency: Runeslingers are proficient with Runeguns as well as normal Gunslinger profiencies
This modifies the Gunslinger weapon and armour proficiencies.
Runic Gunsmith: A Runeslinger treats Runeguns as Firearms for all deeds, feats, and class abilities and begins play with a battered Runegun (Runic Hydra, Runic Dragon or Runic Pistol) that can only be activated by her and is not considered masterwork. It can be fixed for 1/3 of the normal cost of the runegun and a successful Spellcraft or UMD check.
Grit: A Runeslinger’s grit pool is dependent on her Charisma instead of her Wisdom.
Runic deadeye: At 1st level when a Runeslinger uses the deadeye deed with a Runegun that does not have the touch quality an additional grit point must be spent for the first increment. If deadeye is used with a ‘touch’ Runegun, deadeye instead removes one range increment penalty per grit point spent. This alters deadeye.
Practiced activation: At 1st level as long as a Runeslinger has at least 1 grit point she gains ½ her level to UMD checks made to activate runeguns and can spend 1 grit point to activate one at DC 20 as a standard action or DC 25 as a move action, further reduced by rapid reload. This replaces quick clear.
Overloaded shot: At 7th level can spend 1 grit point to give any runegun the overload quality for one round. This replaces deadshot.
Runic defenses (Su): Protective runes cover a Runeslinger giving her a +1 deflection bonus to AC at 2nd level increasing by +1 for every 4 levels. This replaces nimble.
Gun training: A Runeslinger can choose a Runegun or a Firearm for Gun training. If a Runegun is chosen, then the Runegun’s attunement modifier always applies to Charisma on top of the normal benefits.

Dark Archive

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Cyrad wrote:
Cr500cricket wrote:
I'm shamelessly stealing this for my homebrew world, is that ok?
But why? Why would you do such a horrible thing?!

I'm a cold-hearted monster, that's why.

Dark Archive

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I'm shamelessly stealing this for my homebrew world, is that ok?

Dark Archive

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It's my birthday... I'm 16... Stay off the streets.

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I've got a skeleton idea of most of them, need help with Engi and Pyro, and I may end up homebrewing something for Medigun and Engi but I am trying to use canon.

Scout - mobile fighter
Force a Nature (Double barreled Shotgun - UC)
Cleaver (Wounding, returning Chakram - UE)
Stock bat (Light mace)

Soldier - Cavalier
Stock Rocket Launcher (?)
Buff Banner (Banner)
Equalizer (Heavy Pick)

Pyro - ?
Stock Flamethrower (Flamethrower from Rasputin must die)
Flare Gun (Flare gun - TG)
Fireaxe (Battleaxe)

Demoman - Barbarian
Grenade Launcher (Grenade Launcher - TG)
Chargin' Targe - (Buckler + Rhino hide armour - UE)
Eyelander (Greatsword)

Heavy - Trench fighter
Tomislav (Medium Machine Gun from Rasputin must die)
Sandvich (Potion(s) of Cure Serious Wounds)
Fists (Stonefist gloves - MA)

Engineer (Need help!) - Machinesmith (3pp)
Pompson 6000 (Laser Rifle - TA)
Wrench (Heavy mace)

Medic - Cleric
Crusader's crossbow (Spell storing Crossbow)
Medigun (Wand of Cure Critical Wounds and Stoneskin)
Vita Saw (Sickle)

Sniper - Slayer (Sniper)
The Classic (Railgun with Laser sight- TA)/ Huntsman (Longbow)
Darwin's Danger Shield (Toughness/ Belt of Con)
Stock Kukri (Scimatar)

Spy - Rogue (Knifemaster)
Stock Revolver (Revolver - UC)
Sapper (Wand of Dispel magic)
Stock Knife (Dagger)
Cloak and Dagger - Ring of Invisibility
Disguise kit - Hat of Disguise

Ideas for other items is welcome too! :)

Dark Archive

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*nudity adds extra charm*

Dark Archive

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Freehold DM wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning, all. What did I miss?

it has finally happened.

After all this time.


What, you ask?

Well...that's a secret.

*Makes cute cricket face* Pwease Fweehold?

Dark Archive

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Dark Archive

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Nothing screws up a Friday like realizing it's just Tuesday. :/

Dark Archive

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You evil,dirty cruel sons of b%!@%es THAT WAS NOT OKAY!!!!!!!!!

Dark Archive

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Fast and the Furious 7 ho!

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Male Aasimar(Angelkin)(+2Str) Fighter 2

"Son of a -"
Aeryth pulls out his shield and a javelin
Javelin(-4 range Penalty): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
damage: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
YAY! :)
Confirmation: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
damage: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

Dark Archive

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Freehold DM wrote:
Cr500cricket wrote:
Black eye, Swollen nose, Bruised knee, calf, forearm and hand.
..the frak you do, man?

Rugby. :)

Dark Archive

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*hides eggs while naked*

Dark Archive

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Happy Easter everyFAWTL

Dark Archive

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My first post was on the Bestiary 5 wish list.

Dark Archive

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Hmmmm, should I keep Worldbuilding or go to sleep?

Dark Archive

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I can't brain today. I haz the dumb.

Dark Archive

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Orthos wrote:
Wonder how long I can keep up this update rate.

I believe in you

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Iron gods, Kingmaker or Skulls and Shackles S'il vous plait?
I'm willing to change/add things to Temorak if necessary.

Dark Archive

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havoc xiii wrote:

Sooo....would it be bad if I found a way to dye crickets blue and feed them to my bearded dragon Gargamela*?

** spoiler omitted **

Yes, very much so.

Dark Archive

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The dress is black. By that I mean ash.

Dark Archive

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Over the years of World Building I've fallen in love with using Necromancy to replace technology for a darker or Gothic meets steampunk/High tech setting.

However I've run into a bit of a problem as I have reached my creative limit for this fun little Psychotic corner of Magitech and would appreciate some fresh ideas.

Some stuff I have so far:

Menial Undead:
Very Simple. Animating flesh to serve as a labour force, for example, attaching 2 ends of an elephant's leg to a large gear and the floor of a wagon to create propulsion.
Zombie Plantation Workers, it's not slavery, they're mindless.
Some examples I had on my last thread are here:
Samasboy1 wrote:


Land vehicles propelled by zombies enclosed in the wheels (hamster style).

Hollowed out armored zombie giants act as power armor.

Flying skeletal roc airships bombarding cities with ghouls.

Soul Shards:
This one is a little more versitile. Soul shards are crystals charged with negative energy at the heart of the Negative Energy Plane. They function as recepticles for souls and can be used for a variety of purposes. A Soul Shard can hold a maximum of one soul.

Weapons The Soul Pistol and Soul Rifle function as their brethren from the Technology Guide, however they do Negative Energy damage and upon a critical hit the creature struck must make a DC 17 fortitude save or gain a negative level. One HD of the creature captured by the Soul Shard is equal to one Charge

Undead mastery Soul Shards can be aligned to improve the casting power of spells such as Animate Dead. If aligned in this manner, for every 2 HD the soul in the Soul Shard had, the caster level for animating and controlling Undead with Animate Dead increases by 1.

Deathly defenses Auramakers are a defense technology that uses souls to create an unholy aura that defends those around it. The Auramaker has slots for up to 5 Soul Shards, this creates a pool of HD that the Auramaker uses to create the Aura. For every 10HD in the soul pool, the wearer of the Auramaker gains a +1 Profane bonus to AC. This aura lasts 1 hour for every HD in the pool.

Soul Engines Soul Shards can be used to make explosions to propel a vehicle with a specially made engine. The power and consumption of the engine depends on the kind and quality of the specific engine.

Dark Archive

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Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
You know, I'm tempted to run an FR game that's almost naked swords with chicks, just for Freehold.
That isn't a typo, by the way.
It'd probably be a solo game.
Robots would be involved.
Gandum, specifically, driven by the sisterhood of the Griffon (fighting Sassy Tam, naturally).
Elvis Gale would figure prominently.
And there'd be an NPC named Scotty who always needs more of something, as he writes. (You'd meet him in a dungeon, naturally.)

And Elminster would solve all the problems. ;)

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Male Aasimar(Angelkin)(+2Str) Fighter 2
Elysium "Eli" Blackdun wrote:
Lord Mayor Vertin of Vigilant wrote:

The Lord Mayor examines the ring and responds softly, almost to himself.

"Yes, of course. It's a great tragedy. But none of those non-noblemen or children could potentially have become the next King of Theramark. This definitely changes things!"

"... holy poop." says Eli behind his mask, with no trace of emotion.

Except not really, because he's not actually in the room.

+1 but I have no idea where I am or what I'm doing ... 0.0

Dark Archive

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MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hath defeated the Exam Beast!!!!

Dark Archive

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Coming in late, but a different idea for Kobolds. The kobolds weren't with the evil guys, the evil tried to force them but they refused, so now the Kobolds are laired up protected by trap filled lairs that would make the tomb of horrors look like a joke.

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Male Aasimar(Angelkin)(+2Str) Fighter 2

Glad to be back :)

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Tuketa, still wrapped in the vines, snaps his eyes wide open. "It is coming!" he says.

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"I am Tuketa, The True Death. I exist to destroy creatures who would cheat the rules of life, by eluding death. One such creature wishes to harm the World tree, I am here to prevent that and to destroy the creature.

Dark Archive

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Cyrad wrote:
Do you do homebrew races? I wrote one that gained some popularity.

Runari! Runari! Runari! *continues chanting*

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A 60ft. tall statue of obsidian, clad in Golden armour stands at the foot of the World Tree, An enormous broadsword, with an oak leaf shaped blade rests in a sheath at its back.

@Farael, My computer doesn't let me reply to PMs but yes, that could work.

Dark Archive

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Cthulhudrew wrote:
Speaking of Samsarans, how about a Samsaran Diviner or Oracle who taps into her future incarnations rather than her past lives?

Oooh OOOOOOOHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Yes!

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Derek, Last of the Altarians wrote:

Derek noted that there was a plane of Machinery and Perfect Law called Mechanus.

The primary denizens of Mechanus were being composed partly of flesh, and partly of pure law, and were called the Axiomites.

Derek knew the Age of Gods was ending and gradually severed the ties between his realm and the world.
3 months later, the southern continent seemed to lift of the ground and shed its earthy covering,

revealing itself to be a massive Voidfaring vessel, powered by 5 large jets of strange purple energy. Once in deep space, Derek set

the ships' Wormhole generators to Mechanus' Cosmic frequency and entered the plane.
Once there he discovered that the Axiomites were warring against a race known as the Proteans, a serpentine race of chaos.

To aid them, Derek showed them how to build sentient machines, called Inevitables, for the Inevitable defeat of the Proteans.

Noting the troubles on the world, he also had the Axiomites build another type of Inevitable, which he called Marut, meaning "Final Death" in the language of his people.
He sent 1000 of these "Maruts" to the World of Creation to vanquish the undead incursions.
Derek kept surveillance on the World to know what other problems might occur, and prepared the Axiomites for new schematics by constantly having them create and maintain the Inevitables, In case he might need them to create more.

Editing that awfl format. Ugh.

Dark Archive

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On an on topic note, I believe someone asked for a Tiefling slayer? Correct me if I'm wrong, but if there isn't I'd like to Second it. And if it's a rogue, I'd like a slayer.

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Derek noted that there was a plane of Machinery and Perfect Law called

Mechanus. The primary denizens of Mechanus were being composed partly

of flesh, and partly of pure law, and were called the Axiomites.

Derek knew the Age of Gods was ending and gradually severed the ties

between his realm and the world. 3 months later, the southern

continent seemed to lift of the ground and shed its earthy covering,

revealing itself to be a massive Voidfaring vessel, powered by 5

large jets of strange purple energy. Once in deep space, Derek set

the ships' Wormhole generators to Axis' Cosmic frequency and entered

the plane. Once there he discovered that the Axiomites were warring

against a race known as the Proteans, a serpentine race of chaos. To

aid them, Derek showed them how to build sentient machines, Called

Inevitables, for the Inevitable defeat of the Proteans. Noting the

troubles on the world, he also had the Axiomites build another type

of Inevitable, which he called Marut, meaning "Final Death" in the

language of his people. He sent 1000 of these "Maruts" to the World

of Creation to vanquish the undead incursions. Derek kept

surveillance on the World to know what other problems might occur,

and prepared the Axiomites for new schematics by constantly having

them create and maintain the Inevitables, In case he might need them

to create more.

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Merlyn the Magician wrote:
Cr500cricket wrote:
Noting the vast difference of technological levels in nations, and how quickly they can fall, Derek constructs a near impenetrable vault at the South pole to hold the most powerful artifacts of fallen nations and to keep them from creatures who would misuse them (via malicious intent or ignorance).
Through the use of a mystical portal, Merlyn brung the Orb of Oblivion to the Vault, and he watched closely as the strange, metallic man placed it in the Vault. Merlyn then noddded and returned to Primeva via the invisible portal.

"Thank you for your contribution Archmage."

Dark Archive

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Noting the vast difference of technological levels in nations, and how quickly they can fall, Derek constructs a near impenetrable vault at the South pole to hold the most powerful artifacts of fallen nations and to keep them from creatures who would misuse them (via malicious intent or ignorance).

Dark Archive

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Want. I love the idea of the runner.

Dark Archive

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Murrur Chrustmurs urvrurne.

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"Well, that's interesting, I think it's time to have some fun." Derek teleports to Lighton, and grows, to half the size of the Destroyer, but is bristling with weapons of all kinds. He unleashes a barrage of missiles that cause the Destroyer to stumble forward, an opening that could hopefully be used by Leafar to defeat this Destroyer.

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Leafar the Light wrote:
Cr500cricket wrote:

No, it is too soon. I summon the conductive metals of the earth and infuse it with Primeval Electricity, thus the creation of the God Matrix, I enter the first and second code ever on Beriya.

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

The War titans teleport to Lighton to defend it to their last breath.

I also destroy the Killers.

** spoiler omitted **

As a god of light I accept your apology. How many war titans will defend Lighton? We welcome your aid. Our White Dragons are fighting Obsidion Dragons. My Couatl will fight with you. We also have a thousand holy warriors dedicated to defending the Lights. They are being lead by my greatest warrior of light; his name is Palas.

One more thing, what shall I call my new friend?

Currently, my computer puts out One Titan every six seconds, I'm working on boosting its power. I'll tell them to answer to Palas when they arrive, you can call me Derek, Last of the Altarians.

The titans go in battalions of 500, the first ones catch the destroyer by surprise and chop off its right leg.

Dark Archive

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Male Cricket (Currently Retraining levels)

Merry X-mas everyone.

Dark Archive

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lucky7 wrote:

It's...weird. I kinda feel like I have to pull dobule duty to show I can roleplay.

I enjoy the Fighter. I like fighting stuff.

Human. I stick with what I know.

Least favorite race is Elf. They're a bit...overdone.

I know how you feel and Long live the fighters.

So you like hitting stuff, ever heard of Paths of War?

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This world is too peaceful, too calm, I call upon ancient powers of Chaos and Destruction and bring forth a race of Destroyers and Killres that will kill anything they meet, they will come from the South and drive civilizations North, towards the Destroyer, soon all will be made new.

Dark Archive

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Noticed you don't have a thread. So now you do.

So, what's it like being the young guy?
What are your favorurite classes?
What are your favourite races?
Least Favourite?

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