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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 402 posts (14,098 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 61 aliases.
"Too Heavy For The Table" Sideline IRL RP Thread - DM Downrightamazed Carpy DM runs Serpent's Skull! Climbing the Rainbow Bridge The Dark Trilogy presented by GMEdwin DM Corerue's Carrion Crown Dm Corerue's Iron Gods- Dm Corerue's Wrath of the Righteous! The Worldwound Incursion El'Da'Vaughn, the Land Hidden in the Fog Flesh and Bone-A zombiepocalypse story GM Armadillephant's Fallout Extravaganza GM Painlord: To Heal the Worldwound, Part 1 Hymenopterix's Colonies of the Salt Coast Iobaria: The Fallen Empire Kingmaker - For the Tribe The Legacy of Marianasu - DM Downrightamazed Legends of the Fifth Crusade, A Wrath of the Righteous Gestalt Campaign Lexi's Way of the Wicked Mists of War - DM Downrightamazed The Once & Future KingMaker Once Upon a Time in Golarion The Screaming Sky - DM Downrightamazed The Seer's Journey - DM Downrightamazed Skyfall - Colonies of the Shining Sea Wrath of the Righteous Part 2: Sword of Valor The Ataxic War (Epic Pathfinder/Homebrew) (inactive) Corsario's Kingmaker (inactive) Corsario's Kingmaker: Birth of a Kingdom (inactive) Corsario's Kingmaker: Dovan's Revenge (inactive) Corsario's Kingmaker: Kingless (inactive) Corsario's Kingmaker: The Kobold Kingdom of the Thousand Years (inactive) Corsario's Kingmaker: The long way home (inactive) Corsario's Kingmaker: The Shrike River Expedition (inactive) DM-Camris' WRATH of the RIGHTEOUS Part 1: The Worldwound Gambit (table 2) (inactive) Elven team in Campaign Elves vs Dwarves -- Dwarves and Gnomes Keep Out (inactive) Elves Versus Dwarves -- Who Is Better? (inactive) GM Rednal's Wrath of the Righteous (inactive) Ogre Battle: The Ovis Rebellion (inactive) Savage Adventures in the Dread Sea Dominions (inactive) Wayward Kings (inactive) [PFS - PbP Game Day 2] #2-21: The Dalsine Affair (inactive) [PFS - PbP Game Day 2] #4-18: The Veteran's Vault (inactive) [PFS] First Steps, part I: In Service to Lore (Table 1) (inactive)