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1 post. Alias of Guy Ladouceur.

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- Guardians Heart: your self-imposed responsibility to keep the party safe from danger has triggered your body to heal itself upon being damaged during game play. Once hit, your body has fast-healing (3) until the combat ends, plus you add your constitution modifier for an additional amount of rounds of healing (example +3 Con. would allow your body to heal for three additional rounds after combat has ended). Being knocked out would be treated as your combat ends. This ability would add an additional hit point every (4) levels (4th level moves to 4 hp, 8th level moves to 5hp and so on) maxing out at 8hp at (20) level.
This would allow the Guardian more staying power, as well as possibly letting her/him return to consciousness once knocked out (if con. mod. allows the character to do so).
This ability may be overpowered and I am sure I will hear about it if it is, but would allow for the character to heal itself.

Infusion Specialization states:

Infusion Specialization (Ex): At 5th level, whenever a
kineticist uses one or more infusions with a blast, she
reduces the combined burn cost of the infusions by 1. This
can’t reduce the total cost of the infusions used below 0.
She reduces the burn cost by 1 additional point at 8th, 11th,
14th, 17th, and 20th levels.

Can you suppress Infusion Specialization so as to gain the benefits of Elemental Overflows attack and damage bonuses? The way I read elemental overflow is that you actual want some burn damage so as to have better chance to hit and more damage. So how can you receive those benefits if Infusion Specialization automatically takes one point of burn off and you only have powers that their maximum burn is one.

Elemental Overflow (Ex): At 3rd level, a kineticist’s body
surges with energy from her chosen element whenever
she accepts burn, causing her to glow with a nimbus of
fire, weep water from her pores, or experience some other
thematic effect. In addition, she receives a bonus on her
attack rolls with kinetic blasts equal to the total number of
points of burn she currently has, to a maximum bonus of +1
for every 3 kineticist levels she possesses. She also receives
a bonus on damage rolls with her kinetic blast equal to
double the bonus on attack rolls. The kineticist can suppress
the visual effects of elemental overf low by concentrating
for 1 full round, but doing so suppresses all of this ability’s
other benefits, as well. The next time the kineticist uses any
wild talent, the visual effects and benefits return instantly.
As a kineticist’s body becomes more and more suffused
with her element, she begins to gain more powerful benefits.
Starting at 6th level, whenever she has at least 3 points of
burn, the kineticist gains a +2 size bonus to two physical
ability scores of her choice. She also gains a chance to
ignore the effects of a critical hit or sneak attack equal
to 5% × her current number of points of burn. At 11th
level, whenever the kineticist has at least 5 points of
burn, these bonuses increase to a +4 size bonus to
one physical ability score of her choice and a +2 size
bonus to each of her other two physical ability scores.
At 16th level, whenever the kineticist has at least 7 points
of burn, these bonuses increase to a +6 size bonus to one
physical ability score of her choice, a +4 size bonus to a second
physical ability score of her choice, and a +2 size bonus to the
remaining physical ability score

Are there any expanded rules for 1st edition that have to do with various actions while sailing during turbulent seas? Things such as if hit by a wave (while on deck sailing a ship or in combat), is that treated as a bull rush or a trip or are there special rules involved. If so, how are waves actually calculated in relation to size for those rules (wind speed)? Basically, would a wave have a CMB as a method to calculate its ability to knock a creature over, or some other rule set?

I have hundreds of painted and some unpainted pewter figurines that I am looking to get rid of, with possibly some lead ones as well. Does anyone know where I can sell them by chance?

Are there any products/charts out there involving adjustments to savings throws while in combat on airships as one example? I am looking at what type of modifiers should be used during the various strengths of turbulence. I'm interested in any type of adjustment indicators with examples and/or set saves as a base line to work off.

Some questions on the Force Blaster Archetype in The New Paths Compendium from Kobold Press.

When using the rapid blast ability could you use the force blast twice in a round either during a double move action or a Move/standard action?

Rapid Blast (Sp): At 2nd level, a blaster may use his force
blast ability as a move action instead of a standard action.

When using the rapid blast ability combined with the Multiple blast ability could you use the force blast twice in a round either during a double move action or a Move/standard action (actually using four blasts in one round)?

Multiple Blasts (Sp): At 10th level, a blaster may fire
two bolts per use of force blast instead of one. He may fire
both blasts at the same target or at two different targets
that may be no more than 10 feet apart. At 17th level, a
blaster may instead fire three bolts per use of force blast.
This ability replaces the bonus feat normally gained at
10th level.

When using the rapid blast ability combined with the Multiple blast ability and Swift Blast ability could you use the force blast three times in a round either during a swift action/double move action or swift action/Move/standard action (actually using six blasts in one round)?

Swift Blast (Su): At 11th level, a blaster may use his
force blast ability three times per day as a swift action.
This number increases by one additional time per day for
every five levels beyond 11th. This ability replaces the spell
tactician benefit normally gained at 11th level.

Finally when using Mythic Haste (as you receive an extra move action) along with the example above would you receive a total of eight blasts in any given round (if you have access to that many blasts)?

When a dragon for example utilizes their frightful presence which rule applies line of sight, line of effect or just overall range to affect those within the range of the ability, say 300 ft?
If line of sight is not needed and the creatures affected cannot see the dragon (total darkness) do they actually know which direction the dragon is, in relation to those affected?

It states under haste "The
movement speed increase is 30 feet, to a maximum of
two times the creature’s normal speed for that movement type." So I'm clear, if you have 10' as your movement you would multiply 10X2=20 and only be able to utilize 20' and not the full 30' feet correct? Where as if you have 20' your total would be 40', so you could use the full 30' bonus.
It states under mythic haste "The
movement speed increase changes to 50 feet, to a maximum of
three times the creature’s normal speed for that movement type." So I'm clear, if you have 10' as your movement you would multiply 10X3=30 and only be able to utilize 30' and not the full 50' feet correct? Where as if you have 20' your total would be 60', so you could use the full 50' bonus.

After order 24311143 I would like to cancel my Adventure Path Subscription. That means The Apocalypse Prophet #156 will be my last Adventure Path for now. Thanks for all the great work you do it is much appreciated.

When I go to order the Gamemastery Guide the order comes up as "Your request produced an error" please fix the error.

I am going to buy the Rise of the Runelords Card Game (Used) online and with the sale Paizo is having I want to buy other character decks. Could someone please tell me with character classes come with the game, thanks.

Once a characters initiative has begun can they state they are delaying their initiative then come out of the delay and at that time ready an action?
The situation played out like this. One of the players in the party that was the first to go in initiative decided to delay their action until another character cast a dimension door on the party members to get them in a place where they had line of site on the mage. Once the party appeared within reach of a ranged attack against the mage the Ranger decided to stop the delay and then ready an action. Under the delayed action you cannot disrupt another characters action but under ready you can. The character came out of delay before the caster but to get the benefits of both rules to me is a problem, what is everyone's point of view on this.

I have a question involving the Paizo Advantage as I went into my cart to by two Paizo PDF's and did not receive any discount. It states in the email sent out to your customers "Subscribers who already have Paizo Advantage from their Adventure Path subscription will continue to get it as long as their subscription remains active." So quite simply will I continue to receive the Paizo Advantage or not?

Guy Ladouceur

I was interested in the Mythic Monster Manual Hardcover from Legendary Games and that option is not available for this book but is for others. Please let me know if I have the ability to just buy the book.

Guy Ladouceur

When a medium creature is caught in the air elementals whirlwind attack can a spiritual weapon still attack the creature caught up in it? I would say no due to the rule if it touches the ground the caster doesn't have a visual due to debris but what about in the air?

If the whirlwind’s base touches the ground, it creates
a swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is centered on the
creature and has a diameter equal to half the whirlwind’s
height. The cloud obscures all vision, including darkvision,
beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have concealment, while
those farther away have total concealment.

If you are affected by a reverse gravity spell and you pass the dexterity save ( due to hanging on to a wall) how is your movement affected? On the other hand if you have nothing to hold on to and you either are floating in the air or touching the ceiling after take damage from the spell how is you movement affected?

I purchased 6 PDF's and was billed for them yet they have not come out of my cart nor are they in my digital content area. Here is a list of the 6 items and if you need proof of purchase let me know.

Items in Your Cart—To Buy Now



Price Each

Total Price

Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Distant Realms PDF
Paizo Inc.
Will be added to your My Downloads Page immediately upon purchase of PDF.
Remove Save for Later $15.99
$13.59 $13.59

Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Taverns PDF
Paizo Inc.
Will be added to your My Downloads Page immediately upon purchase of PDF.
Remove Save for Later $15.99
$13.59 $13.59

Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Nidal, Land of Shadows PDF
Paizo Inc.
Will be added to your My Downloads Page immediately upon purchase of PDF.
Remove Save for Later $15.99
$13.59 $13.59

Pathfinder Player Companion: Merchant's Manifest PDF
Paizo Inc.
Will be added to your My Downloads Page immediately upon purchase of PDF.
Remove Save for Later $10.49
$8.92 $8.92

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Planar Adventures PDF
Paizo Inc.
Will be added to your My Downloads Page immediately upon purchase of PDF.
Remove Save for Later $9.99
$8.49 $8.49

Psionics Augmented: Voyager (PFRPG) PDF
Dreamscarred Press
Will be added to your My Downloads Page immediately upon purchase of PDF.
Remove Save for Later $4.99 $4.99

Subtotal (6 items) $63.17


When a medium character has readied an attack against a larger creature with reach and the conditions for the readied action are when the creature attacks the character I know that the character could make a 5' move and attack with their readied action. What I am wondering is can the character attack the large creature when the creature is using its reach to attack the character and the character doesn't move but the reach of the creature allows its natural attack/weapon to enter the characters square.

I would like my subscriptions cancelled for both the adventure path after issue #126 and my maps subscription simultaneously. I will be back just not interested in this up coming adventure path.

Guy Ladouceur

For whatever reason I have not received my May order to date and the worst part is the e-mail that was sent to me was on my birthday.
Dear Guy,

A package containing 2 items from Paizo Order #4310969 is expected to ship from the Paizo warehouse by Friday, May 26 via Standard Postal Delivery, estimated 7 to 11 business days in transit.

Shipping Address:
Guy Ladouceur
1703 Westminster Blvd.
Windsor, ON N8T-1X2

The following products are included in this shipment:
1 x Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Airship
1 x Pathfinder Adventure Path #118: Siege of Stone (Ironfang Invasion 4 of 6) (PFRPG)

This order has been processed and finalized for shipment. It can no longer be altered.

You may view your order online at

You may download Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Airship, Pathfinder Adventure Path #118: Siege of Stone (Ironfang Invasion 4 of 6) (PFRPG) at

Thank you for your business.

Best regards,
Paizo Customer Service

Just wondering when a monster (say a wolf) gets a chance for an attack of opportunity they would take their bite but do they also receive a chance to trip their foe or must they choose one or the other. I ask because under combat maneuvers it states ("While many combat maneuvers can be performed as part of an attack action, full-attack action, or attack of opportunity (in place of a melee attack), others require a specific action.") and so no PC would get both attacks during an AoO why would any creature receive the added bonus.

Please cancel my Pathfinder Roleplaying game ongoing Subscription as the Canadian dollar is so low its killing me. I will be buying only the pdf's for now.

Guy Ladouceur

I am looking for a way in which the Monk class has the ability to sustain his/herself threw Ki points, feats or any other means so as not to need food and/or water.

Reading the rules for being removed from the Collective or actually forcefully dropping the Collective seem to be clear, but I am just wondering why if you are Confused would the collective not automatically drop.

For confused I could see if the role was "act normally" you would have no problem not being ejected or not having to drop it, but if the character were babbling incoherently how could it truly keep up or participate in the collective.

I ask because if confused are you truly a willing participant. For that matter if you attack the closest creature and that creature is the Vitalist or Tactician how could you truly be a willing participant if your are attacking that creature in which you are part of their collective.

For that matter what about Feeblemind.

As I read the Steel Hound Archetype, I want to be clear on the use of deeds in relation to this class. Do to receiving Amateur Gunslinger feat, it allows you to receive one 1st level deed immediately. Then at forth level you receive the "Shot in the Dark" deed in which you can use as long as you have one grit point. Finally, you can start to choose deeds at 11th level, as long as you switch them for an investigator talent but the deed is at the Investigators level -4.
Is this the correct interpretation of the rules or am I reading something improperly.
Also the "Packing Heat" Steel Hound Archetype ability says you lose poison use @ second level but it states under the investigator that you receive "Poison lore, poison resistance +2" at second level, so do you lose both abilities or just one for the switch out.

I have a couple hundred miniatures that I am looking to sell if anyone is interested

1 x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Fortress of the Stone Giants (Rise of the Runelords Adventure Deck 4) @ 16.99 = $16.99
(Moved to sidecart)
Can you remove this from my side cart I am going to go with a subscription of the card game instead.

thanks, Guy

I am here to stat my argument on the rules in question and ask for opinions and clarifications if need be.
Rules: Quickened spell
You can cast spells in a fraction of the normal time.

Benefit: Casting a quickened spell is a swift action. You can perform another action, even casting another spell, in the same round as you cast a quickened spell. A spell whose casting time is more than 1 round or 1 full-round action cannot be quickened.

Level Increase: +4 (a quickened spell uses up a spell slot four levels higher than the spell's actual level.)

Casting a quickened spell doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity.

Special: You can apply the effects of this feat to a spell cast spontaneously, so long as it has a casting time that is not more than 1 full-round action, without increasing the spell's casting time.

Counterspell:Counterspelling Metamagic Spells: Whether or not a spell has been enhanced by a metamagic feat does not affect its vulnerability to counterspelling or its ability to counterspell another spell (see Magic).
How Counterspells Work

To use a counterspell, you must select an opponent as the target of the counterspell. You do this by choosing to ready an action. In doing so, you elect to wait to complete your action until your opponent tries to cast a spell. You may still move at your normal speed, since ready is a standard action.

If the target of your counterspell tries to cast a spell, make a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + the spell's level). This check is a free action. If the check succeeds, you correctly identify the opponent's spell and can attempt to counter it. If the check fails, you can't do either of these things.

To complete the action, you must then cast an appropriate spell. As a general rule, a spell can only counter itself. If you are able to cast the same spell and you have it prepared (or have a slot of the appropriate level available), you cast it, creating a counterspell effect. If the target is within range, both spells automatically negate each other with no other results.

Ready Action:Ready

The ready action lets you prepare to take an action later, after your turn is over but before your next one has begun. Readying is a standard action. It does not provoke an attack of opportunity (though the action that you ready might do so).

So here is the question, that in my view the rules are grey (at best) in their explanation of the interaction of quickened spells interacting with counterspells when the quickened feat has been added to any given spell in question.
Can a standard spell counter a quickened spell when you incorporate the time factor into the equation.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I truly don't believe we need a 2nd edition to the Pathfinder RPG but I am always interested in better rules to retrofit into my existing game. For that reason I am asking other gamers on their opinions on how to improve this great system that we enjoy playing.
I have many rules I have added/changed to make the system better(in my opinion) one being adding Dreamscarred Presses Psionic system into our groups gaming experience, please share yours.
Our group has all incorporated the Rules from Rogue Glory (Drop Dead Studios)so as to make the Rogue a viable class in which to play.

I am not interested in the Goblins Comic Books so I want my subscription cancelled. I will order the ones I want as they come out.

thanks, Guy

It seems strange that the Bloodrager can only cast when raging, for the class has a limited amount of time to rage and should therefore be using that time in melee. So why then would they be casting when they cleary are better optimized for melee combat during this time.

The other thing about casting while in Bloodrage is it states "While in bloodrage,a bloodrager cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly,Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration". So how then should they be able to cast when so limited with other concentration abilities. If your going to say because of their blood casting ability maybe they should only be able to cast offensive based spells do to the anger that the class is unleashing.

Our group has recently discussed dividing the combat round in half, due to the fact that a character can due two actions before another can due even one. We are back and forth on trying this due to the cost (in real time) that will be incurred, but seems like it could add some fairness within the combat round itself. I am wondering if anyone out there has tried this, and if they have what were their findings.

When Spell casters regain their spells I thought that it was universal that they all needed 8 hrs of rest before hand. This only seems to be spelled out under the “spell” section for character creation under Wizards, not Clerics, Sorcerers or Bards, is this truly the case or am I missing something .

What program do you need to open up this PDF for I tried to open the free promo pack and my Adobe would not support it.

A Wizard owns a "Glove of Storing" in which he/she stores his/her "Rod of Quicken". The Wizards gets into a combat situation and calls for the Rod of Quicken from the glove (free action) then uses the Rod to cast a Quickened spell (free action) then casts another spell (standard action) then moves (move action).

Why I am asking this is under quicken spell it states you may only do one per round along with another spell and a move action. I'm just wondering by calling forth the staff from the gloves is that equivalent to a quickened spell or is that a fair round of action.

Our group is in the process of playing the revised version of the” Rise of the Runelords” A.P. and while fighting in the second level of the Thisletop dungeon the party was divided up due to the Yeth Hounds special howling attack. Well it ends up with the Barbarian meeting up with Lyrie Akenja at which point Lyrie casts a sleep spell on the Barbarian and he goes out. Well Lyrie tries a Coup de Grace on the Barbarian and I role two 1d4’s which both come up as 1’s (Lyrie’s damage is 1d4-1) minus the -1 per die leaves me with 1 hp of damage to the sleeping barbarian that has DR of 1.
My question is, in the spell it states slapping or doing damage to a sleeping creature wakes the creature up. With no damage being done do I deem the coup de grace attack as an equivalent of slapping, not to mention is slapping considered nonlethal damage and that is why a creature can be woken from this action?

PS. It states you can only do a coup de grace with a melee weapon and if so would that include a Druid's flame blade or are all spells incapable of doing this type of an attack.

When casting mass spells (example heal, mass pg 294) it states under Targets “no two of which can be more than 30-ft apart”. So when I as the GM look @ “Aiming a Spell” (target or targets pg 213) it states a couple very important pieces of info. First being “you must be able to see or touch the target” and second “some spells allow you to redirect the effect to new targets or areas after you cast the spell. Redirecting a spell is a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity”.
So by casting this heal, mass spell it’s basically saying that you can cast the initial spell on yourself or another character within 25’+5’ ft per two levels and as a move action you can heal one more character. So at the end of the day to heal your party of 6 it would take the Cleric 3 full rounds.
Due to the nature of other spells such as Haste & Horrid Wilting these rules would also apply, correct.

I was just wondering (with Golarions Solar System to be mapped out early next year) if anyone out there has converted the Spellweaver over to Pathfinder's rules system.

I have hundreds of metal minis that I'm planning to sell. Could anyone tell me the best place to advertise these. Thanks

I have a mountain of 2nd Edition D&D books that I am looking to get rid of and I'm wondering where the best place to sell them online is. Some are in excellent condition, most are in good condition, and a some are showing some wear. I have taken pictures of all the books and am in the process of typing in titles of each, though all but a few are easily recognizable via the pics. If anyone could help out it would be appreciated.

I’m just wondering how GM’s and players perceive and/or layout the passwall spell. The overall mechanic of the spell is very easily understood but the actual perception of the spell once cast is not. With that said, I am wondering how some other players actually lay the spell out. For instance, do you just make the material the passwall spell has affected simply disappear for the duration of the spell? If not do you make the material transparent so you can see that the material has been affected by the spell? Finally, would the material affected still look solid but you can walk through it just like an illusion? The last instance would double your characters movement each square and in my mind hamper the overall use of the spell. Hope to here back from others who could throw their two cents in the pot.

In the description of Feeblemind it states that an intelligence of 1 is roughly what a lizard has and so we decided to find out what else has an intelligence of 1. Well under intelligence in the Players Handbook it states that camels and carrion crawlers also have an intelligence of 1. Well that got us to thinking how the Ranger in the party that had just got Feebleminded would cope and how he could protect his allies while in this state (as stated under the spell description).The agreement that our party came up with, was like the animals with an int. of 1, which only use their natural weapons, the Ranger would also only be able to use his natural weapons (in this case his fists). We figured that a creature that cannot communicate or understand languages, along with many of the other penalties (as stated in the spell description) due to the spells effects, should not be able to use any weapons, for other creature with this int. couldn’t.

My question to GM’s and players for that matter is should the character in question be able to use weapons or any other type of items that are not totally int. based, and if they could, should there be any negatives? I just don’t want this to be to harsh of a restriction, or does this truly fall in line with what other creatures of this int. can handle.


Well our group has been talking about the two different game systems and have come to some conclusions on where we are going with them. Here is what we have come up with so far during our own play testing.

We are thoroughly enjoying all the fighter classes along with the Bard, Monk, and Rogue classes that Paizo has revamped. We all felt that they had to be powered up, though the Rogue to a lesser extent. So we have decided that we will play these 7 classes out of the Pathfinder Handbook and hope the Official Pathfinder Handbook in August keeps these classes pretty much the way they are.

Now the four spellcasters are a different story, with three of the four we have decided to make them into hybrids of both systems, let me explain.

The Druid for starters will have no changes from its 3.5 roots, for we are all happy with that class.

The Cleric will stay the exact same except for one change, his/her Turn/Rebuke Undead will instead be switched over to Paizo’s version, being Channel Energy for it is a far faster and better utility in our minds.

Neither of these two classes shall receive an unlimited amount of orisons for as far as we see it, they are not in need of them, they have enough that they can do @ low levels and are near useless @ higher levels.

The Sorcerer and Wizard will also follow the rules in the 3.5 system except that they will both receive D6 for hit points and unlimited cantrips.
We decided to go this way for many reasons, but @ the end of the day we found that the only real problems with these classes were @ low levels and we hope this will fix those issues.

The Psion will stay out of the 3.5 system, except for a couple of minor changes. The Psions hit points will become D6 and one of their first level powers will be pulled out of the 1st level list and another would be made up and become at will powers, these two being detect psionics and psychic move (mage hand).

The Psychic Warrior will also come from the 3.5 system except they will have D10 for hit points and have the fighter’s BAB.


Though we all don’t believe that ECL is the best way to go we also don’t like Paizo’s way of dealing with the races and for backwards compatibility resons we stayed with 3.5’s version on this.
We did change the Half-orc to +2 st,-1 int &cha.

Skills & Feats

We decided to go with Paizo’s version of the skills system for we have found it to be a better overall system.
Until Paizo puts together enough feats for our liking we will use a mixture of both systems


For now our plan is to stay with the 3.5 spell system @ least until August and probably (due to amount of material in 3.5) longer, the way it looks.

One of the new ideas were trying, due to our overwhelming enjoyment of Psionics is divide Arcane magic, Divine magic and Psionics into their own entities.

Now don’t get upset yet, please keep reading and see what you think.

Do to all that talk about Psionics as of late we decided to put together our own little system that @ the end of the day could easily add other types of energies without any problems.

We wanted to show in game mechanics as well as in flavour that there could be some differences yet for the most part nothing would change, here are some examples on either side.

Any type of detect invisibility or anything that is focused on one thing works exactly the same between all 3. Thus a Psions invisibility is seen by a Mages detect invisibility spell.

Areas that were dead magic or null psionic zones become “DEAD ZONES” and none of the three energies work within. The same is to be said with Anti-magic spell and Null psionic field none of the three works within them and you can call these “ANTI ENERGY SPELL/POWER’.

DISPELLING EFFECTS-Now, with dispelling of two of the same types of energy Arcane vs. Arcane for example, the rules stay the same as in the handbooks, that being the DC check is 11 + spells caster level. When the difference occurs is when you mix say psionics with either of the magic types (arcane, divine) or one magic type against the other @ which point the DC check becomes 13 + spells/powers caster/manifester level, thus raising the DC of any two different energies mixed together by 2. This is due to the two different energies, which are their own entities colliding with one another and seeing which one will prevail.

SPELL/POWER RESISTANCE & SAVINGS THROWS-There is no spell/power resistance anymore it is now “PERSONAL or BODY RESISTANCE. Due to your body wanting too fend off certain energies that mean to cause you harm, your body automatically tries to fight off these energies. For this reason Body Resistance works equally well against all three energies directed @ it.
There is no change to savings throws what so ever.

DETECT SPELLS/POWERS-the detect magic/psionics spells/powers detect what ever type of the 3 energies are in place. All other aspects of the spell/power work as stated in the descriptor.

These are some ideas of how we are trying to integrate all aspects of spells/psionics together.

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