Guardians Heart-1st level fast healing ability

Guardian Class Discussion

- Guardians Heart: your self-imposed responsibility to keep the party safe from danger has triggered your body to heal itself upon being damaged during game play. Once hit, your body has fast-healing (3) until the combat ends, plus you add your constitution modifier for an additional amount of rounds of healing (example +3 Con. would allow your body to heal for three additional rounds after combat has ended). Being knocked out would be treated as your combat ends. This ability would add an additional hit point every (4) levels (4th level moves to 4 hp, 8th level moves to 5hp and so on) maxing out at 8hp at (20) level.
This would allow the Guardian more staying power, as well as possibly letting her/him return to consciousness once knocked out (if con. mod. allows the character to do so).
This ability may be overpowered and I am sure I will hear about it if it is, but would allow for the character to heal itself.

It's not overpowered in that Guardians (in order to compete w/ the defense of Champions & War Priests) do need hit point replenishment, not just mitigation & redistribution (which would have to be OP to contend with rivals who have replenishment too).
Unfortunately if you compare this to the Barbarian's Renewed Vigor, then it will appear overpowered, but there's a lot the Guardian's trading here offensively that no Barbarian would give up.

That said, I find this implementation awkward. Hmm.

IMO something like.

"When you roll initiative, you gain THP"

Would be a bit better for low levels.

Fast healing at higher levels sounds good though. Maybe at level 20 you just get it permanently, even when unconscious.

This seems like an interesting feature for a Martyr-type of Defender/Tank that the Guardian class should be covering.

It's one of the main reasons why I think the Guardian can never truly succeed as a class in PF2e without offering multiple subclasses. There are just too many tanking styles that vary a lot from each other for the Guardian to just cover a narrow slice of the playstyle as they are right now.

Tanks that focus on receiving damage without mitigation and having good/great self-healing offer an entire different character archetype for players.

It's like Dr. Mundo (League of Legends) and the Flagellant (Darkest Dungeon) versus Leona (League of Legends) and the Man-At-Arms (Darkest Dungeon). All tanker-type characters that occupy two different niches with their own playstyle.

Lightning Raven wrote:
It's one of the main reasons why I think the Guardian can never truly succeed as a class in PF2e without offering multiple subclasses.

they have subclasses.

Not useful ones, but they exist.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I see this overall for the class in subclass space.
Threat techniques are dependent on taunting foes.
Taunt offers enemies a choice, keep going after your allies with a penalty or go after you with a bonus.

Threat techniques as they are look like they are trying to leverage an advantage or reduce the negative of a foe making either choice.

Furious vengeance is leveraging additional damage out of a foe choosing to continue after an ally.

Damage mitigation is attempting to lessen the worst that can happen if a foe chooses to go after the guardian but actually also can come into play if the enemy crits an ally and the guardian intercepts that crit (the resistances just done stack).

These benefits are just not doing enough as is to really push a guardian to taunt every turn. If these benefits are improved in both scope and power taunting will be a desirable thing to do every round to keep subclass benefits going even if taunt itself doesnt change from what it is now,

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Mellored wrote:
Lightning Raven wrote:
It's one of the main reasons why I think the Guardian can never truly succeed as a class in PF2e without offering multiple subclasses.

they have subclasses.

Not useful ones, but they exist.

Calling them subclasses is incredibly generous. Monk's Stances offer far more meaningful varied playstyles and they are just 1st level class feats.

Mellored wrote:
Lightning Raven wrote:
It's one of the main reasons why I think the Guardian can never truly succeed as a class in PF2e without offering multiple subclasses.

they have subclasses.

Not useful ones, but they exist.

If "Threat Techniques" are subclasses, then the class is in trouble. Probably the most underwhelming and "failed-to-read-the-room" comment from the most recent blog post was that they've "noticed a few wording issues" with Threat Techniques.

I mean, sure, my Playtest group were of the opinion that you can change your TT every round, where I thought it was a baked in choice at 1st level, and even though I made a thread asking for clarification, none was forthcoming. But...that isn't the problem with Threat Technique. By a ocean of margins.

Followed hot on the heels by the fact that they are "examining the numbers of the guardian’s Taunt ability, with the hopes of creating something that will really sing".

Yep. Needs to sing. Right now it's mewling in a corner, out of breath, bleeding and dazed, pounded, grazed, fractured, slowed, beaten and ritually scourged.

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