Frost Giant Ice Mage

CigarPete's page

***** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 542 posts (2,619 including aliases). 7 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 25 Organized Play characters. 4 aliases.


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No worries at all. I talked to the player ahead of the session - he totally understood and rolled up a new character. They were sitting down to dinner in a tavern, his old character turned into the forgespurned there and his new character stepped in to help out with the resulting combat.

Dark Archive

Withdrawing - I won't have time to actually build a character that I want to play for some time. Good luck and enjoy the game.

Dark Archive

How long are you keeping registration open?
Is having played the first book a hard requirement? I've not, but seems like a reasonable synopsis would do. In any case, I'd love to play.

5d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 5, 4, 5) = 17=14
5d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 5, 4, 1) = 16=14
5d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 4, 1, 4) = 15=13
5d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 6, 6, 2) = 22=16
5d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 4, 3, 5) = 24=17
5d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 5, 4, 4) = 20=15
5d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 5, 2, 1) = 16=13


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caps wrote:
Leomund "Leo" Velinznrarikovich wrote:
caps wrote:
I don't know what would be entailed in getting an event registered with Gencon but if nothing else you could probably advertise here on the boards?
To my understanding, any pick-up games put together at in-person GenCon will not receive any special event. It will be the same as putting a game together randomly at any other place and time.
I mean registering the event with GenCon so that people can look it up in the catalog, etc.

GenCon is not letting individuals register games in their event catalogue, so any tables being set up are between individuals.

Dark Archive 4/5 *

tcamero1 wrote:

It is a shame that there won't be any in-person offerings from Paizo at GenCon. I'm in a group of 4 people who live across the country. We play pathfinder online together every week. Once a year we are able to take the time to attend GenCon in order to play pathfinder together in person. Even though we are all still going to be attending and are now planning on putting together our own game each day in the afternoon/evening one of us will have to DM the game (just like we do online), so we won't be able to play together as we had hoped.

Don't get me wrong, we are all looking forward to GenCon and spending time together again. We just wish that there were still some in-person offerings from Paizo for Pathfinder.

Shoot me a PM and let me know what you are looking for - we can probably work something out. Given we are outside the purview of official channels, we can do AP books or modules as well as scenarios. I'm well versed in PF1, SF and PF2, though mostly PF2 these days.

If you are interested, we do need to talk pretty quickly as event registration starts Sunday, so I will need to know what block(s) to keep free.

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To be clear, there is no Paizo run PFS/SFS. If anyone else wants to run PFS/SFS games, they can do so.

Given Paizo doesn't appear to have interest in promoting any organizing at GenCon this year, I'm with you that I will be playing different games at GenCon certainly.

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I don't think this was the case before, but as of right now, my reporting of book 1 of Age of Ashes is showing me as already having received credit and pointing to book 2 as the duplicate credit. Who should I reach out to correct this?

Event code is 157693, sessions 21 and 22.

Dark Archive 4/5 *

Nefreet wrote:
I believe there's usually a Warhorn set up for Organized Play games run outside of GenCon slots.

Agreed. I did coordination for pre-gencon games a few years ago (i.e. set up the warhorn, recruited GMs, etc), then didn't do anything in 2019 because I had too much going on/not enough time.

If we can, this year I'd prefer to run through GenCon so we can get a dedicated block of tables, so basically just need to recruit some GMs and get an idea of how many people we have available to run.

Alternatively, if you know of someone already starting on this effort, please let me know and I will throw my efforts behind their wagon.

Failing that, I will drive because I want to be able to play Pathfinder or Starfinder in some capacity while at GenCon.

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Thanks for the clarification Alex.

I'm assuming I'm not alone here with both attending GenCon in person and wanting to play some PFS/SFS while there. I can catch up on this year's specials some other time, but would love to play/run other stuff, whether that is PF1, PF2 or SF. Maybe even get some previous year specials in and get my fifth star done.

Is anyone else definitely attending and interested in helping me work this out so we can get some tables going?

Dark Archive

Alex Speidel wrote:

Redeux has it correct. If you want to coordinate "Jimothy's Fun PFS Games" in your garage or "Starfinder Society at Friendly Local Game Store" that weekend, you totally can just like any other weekend, but they won't get any extra rewards, scenarios or event support from us. There's also nothing stopping you from going to Indianapolis and grabbing an open table to run a Bounty. You'd have to be clear that it was just you as a GM doing it, not an officially-sanctioned event from Paizo or the OPF.

We're also not officially participating in Pop-Up Gen Con this year; their focus was on board games and the like, so we're not involved. You are, of course, welcome to coordinate with the stores involved to schedule tables if you like, though again, they wouldn't be officially part of Pop-Up Gen Con.

Physical tables of the new interactive specials are not permitted per our agreements with Gen Con. They will be available to request as part of any organized event after September 20, 2021.

Thanks Alex, I'll respond in the other thread I made.

Dark Archive 4/5 *

Thanks Nefreet, I saw that blog post, which prompted the additional questions.

My understanding is that the OPF is a separate entity from Paizo. Many of the same people are involved, but wearing different hats, and their answers may well be different.

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Given Paizo is not having a physical presence, I have a few questions.

1. Will the OPF be running games/having a block of tables? I know in normal years, other people were not allowed to run PFS/SFS events outside of the Paizo blocks.

2. If not, do we have a group of PFS/SFS GMs who want to coordinate and get a block of tables from GenCon? They will allow that based on their forum responses vent-submission-for-gen-con-indy-2021

3. Can we get tables for the specials that will be run at GenCon online? Would be pretty crappy for those of us going to GenCon if not.

4. I'm happy to run a few tables, but I need to know who to talk to about this?

If there is a forthcoming blog post or other official communication about this, let me know and I'll follow up there.

Dark Archive

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Name of PC: Garren
Class/Level: Swashbuckler 13
Adventure: Fires of the Haunted City
Catalyst: Victim of the soul chain
Story: The party handled the Forge Spurned pretty easily in the Hidden Forge, but they bombed on their identification rolls for the soul chains, so thought they were just really nice +2 greater striking flaming adamantine spiked chains and decided to keep them. There were six players, so they fought two forge-spurned. Of the two, one player made the save handily, but the other failed, then failed on his racial reroll(catfolk), then failed a third time on his hero point reroll. As this was the player who had the previous week told me that he likes a more lethal game, he underwent a transformation at dinner that night. The PCs handled the single Forge Spurned in the bar with the help of a new friend who jumped in in a timely manner.

Dark Archive

The first Gug encounter with the Deculi wiped my party due to a combination of bad tactics on their part - they kept letting one of the Gugs use his full attack action, hitting everyone in the room and didn't even try to focus fire, multiple character with no way to see in the dark, and a string of really bad rolls. Thankfully they all pretty ok with it and wanted to continue the AP. We had one player who wasn't able to make it that night and another who moved to a sufficiently different time zone that he wasn't able to play much at all, so they both stayed back manning the fort at the Citadel. I had one PC escape and barely make it back through the gate to let them know what happened and then succumb to ghoul fever. Then the two others recruited a bunch of new adventurers and brought them along to continue. The second time through, the Gugs dropped much faster.

Dark Archive

My party just killed the forge-spurned in Fires. They were 6, so I put two in there and gave them the weak adjustment. Went pretty well overall - the champion wound up by himself and almost dying, but otherwise, it wasn't too tough of a fight. They then totally bombed their Religion checks to know what was going on with the chains, so two party members took them to use. One made her save that night, but the other crit failed - initial roll was a fail, used a hero point to reroll, got a nat 1.

I'm not sure what to do to get them out of him turning into a forge-spurned. Any suggestions for an interesting quest or some other way of saving him? Player is pretty flexible - he's up for keeping or letting the character die, but I need to give him time to create a new 13th level character if he dies (we play Tuesday nights).

I debated letting him turn into a forge-spurned but keep his wits as they are intelligent, but that seems massively powerful, even if I give him a strong drawback like needing to make a will save every time someone near him dies or go into a mindless rage, attacking everyone around him.

Dark Archive 4/5 *

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Was there ever a boon released for Undine in SFS?

Asking for a... friend...

I have one - what are you offering? Send me a PM and I'm sure we can work something out.

Dark Archive

@phaeton_nz - I posted in your signup sheet - I've a level 8 operative I'd like to have play at this table.

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Timon, Goblin Barbarian 12
Izo, Gnome Druid 12
Icky, Goblin Cleric 12
Anders, Human Champion 12

Adventure: Fires of the Haunted City
Catalyst: 2 Gugs and a Deculi (budgeted as a Moderate 12 encounter)

Story: Couple of players short tonight. The group was cruising along, having easily handled the gate and carnivorous crystal encounters and scared off the Purple Worm (he crit failed a fear spell, so I called the encounter). They headed into the first Gug encounter, and between the Heightened Darkness dropped by the Deculi, a large number of crits laid out by the Gugs (room is small enough the Gugs can both be hitting everyone in the party with their claw flurry) and a lot of bad rolls by the players, we have 4 dead characters.

Dark Archive

I indicated to the group that based on the notes in Laslunn's possession, Scarlet Triad seems to have some information about Alsetta's Ring and knows where the gates come out - i.e. the bad guys are at the other end of the gate.

Of course, then they walked through, handled the gate and the crystal encounters without any issue and TPKd against the first Gug encounter...

Dark Archive

Hmm, well the group was just discussing gaming styles and whatnot, and one of the players said he likes a deadlier game, so I guess I know what's gonna happen there :-)

Dark Archive

My party is just beginning this book and as I'm prepping the first few encounters and reading the Carnivorous Crystal, something doesn't make sense to me. wrote:

ENGULF: The monster Strides up to double its Speed and can move through the spaces of any creatures in its path. Any creature of the monster’s size or smaller whose space the monster moves through can attempt a Reflex save with the listed DC to avoid being engulfed. A creature unable to act automatically critically fails this save. If a creature succeeds at its save, it can choose to be either pushed aside (out of the monster’s path) or pushed in front of the monster to the end of the monster’s movement. The monster can attempt to Engulf the same creature only once in a single use of Engulf. The monster can contain as many creatures as can fit in its space.

A creature that fails its save is pulled into the monster’s body. It is grabbed, is slowed 1, and has to hold its breath or start suffocating. The creature takes the listed amount of damage when first engulfed and at the end of each of its turns while it’s engulfed. An engulfed creature can get free by Escaping against the listed escape DC. An engulfed creature can attack the monster engulfing it, but only with unarmed attacks or with weapons of light Bulk or less. The engulfing creature is flat-footed against the attack. If the monster takes piercing or slashing damage equaling or exceeding the listed Rupture value from a single attack or spell, the engulfed creature cuts itself free. A creature that gets free by either method can immediately breathe and exits the swallowing monster’s space.

If the monster dies, all creatures it has engulfed are automatically released as the monster’s form loses cohesion.

Carnivorous Crystal wrote:

Crystallize [one-action] (attack) Requirement The crystal has a creature engulfed. Effect The engulfed creature must succeed at a DC 28 Fortitude save or become slowed 1 until it is no longer engulfed.

If the creature is already slowed, it becomes petrified as it is turned into crystal and expelled by the carnivorous crystal onto the ground. In 1d4 hours, the petrified victim shatters and a new carnivorous crystal emerges from the remains.

The way I'm reading this, The crystal can take 2 actions to engulf (which automatically makes the target slowed 1), then a third to crystalize. If the person engulfed fails the fort save, they are petrified. Is that right? Seems like it could be a crazy deadly ability if so. they get two saves, but it's deadzo if they fail both.

Dark Archive


Hello! I'm excited to join. Possible to get a quick synopsis of the story so far?

Given the party composition so far, I'd planned to bring a Bloodrager, probably Aberrant bloodline and using combat reflexes and a reach weapon (Adamantine Lucerne Hammer most likely) to lock down enemies, and get to 15' reach with the 4th level ability, 20' with a casting of Longarm. I might take him full Bloodrager, or possibly branch into Oracle (Battle). I'll get a character sheet up this weekend.

I'm basing him on a PFS character of mine who I quite enjoyed, and his name will be Philetius Everette Luhn III.

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No worries. If I haven't played it by then, I'd be up for it.

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My half-elf bard Wolstine just hit level 5, I'm interested assuming the game fires.

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Any chance there are still spots open to run Sky Key Solution? Happy to also be considered as an alternate if that is a thing. Short two specials to qualify for my fifth star, and didn't see this until today (or I would have signed up earlier).

[edit]Weird that my stars show up, but no nova or glyph...

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Just noticed that it was completed with little fanfare. I don't see it available to report, but the chronicles are there in the AP page. Gives 12 XP/fame per book, consistent with previous AP sanctioning, and 30 treasure bundles.

OP team, I for one really appreciate this. Thanks for getting it out there!

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Prepping this for a run during Concurrent in a few days - Breeze is listed as having the Thief specialization, so should be using Sleight of Hand for trick attack (which is used in her tactics), but has no Sleight of Hand. Oversight? I can just use Bluff or Perception, but since it's supposed to be a dex-based skill, she doesn't get the +4.

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If you don't already use one of the other tools, the thing I've found most effective is creating a table of my own with the character sheet I want to use, creating my characters there, then exporting them/importing them to the new table. I think you might need to pay for Pro to do that though.

Dark Archive

Would love to get in on this if possible. I have a couple of options:

Zanice, 13th level Bladebound Magus
Bellamin, 14th level Razmiran Priest Wildblooded Sorcerer and his Animal Companion Fluffy

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I don't think I've seen it in any PFS scenarios, but Part 2 of Ire of the Storm uses it and can be played in PFS mode.

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Realized that I missed the entry in the description giving level and creds coming in. Gertrude will be continuing straight mechanic.

Gertrude Adrianna Steele Stat block:

Gertrude Adrianna Steele
Female Strix Xenoarchaeologist Mechanic 3
CG Medium Humanoid(Strix)
Init +2; Senses Darkvision; Perception +5
SP 23 HP 24 RP 4
EAC 15; KAC 16;
Fort +4; Ref +7; Will +3
Speed 20 ft., 30ft Fly(Ex)
Melee Survival Knife +2 (1d4+1)
Ranged Excavation Laser, Light +5 (1d10+3) or
Tactical Semi-Auto Pistol, +4 (1d6+1)
Offensive Abilities Combat Tracking
Str 11; Dex 14; Con 12; Int 16; Wis 10; Cha 10
Skills Athletics +3, Computers +10, Engineering +14, Medicine +9, Perception +5, Piloting +8, Profession(Miner) +9
Feats Weapon Focus (Longarm), Weapon Specialization, Iron Will
Languages Common, Vercite, Eoxian, Akitonian, Triaxian, Elven
Gear Graphite Carbon Skin, Light Excavation Laser, Tactical Semi-Auto Pistol, Survival Knife, Basic Medkit, Custom Rig.

Dark Archive

I'm interested. I had to drop from my IRL Dead Suns group after book 1 due to too many commitments, so if I am accepted, I would be like to bring in the same character. I have her built at 2/3rd level right now, so let me know what level she would be coming in at and I can give a stat block.

Gertrude Adrianna Steele:

She is a Strix mechanic, born in the Diaspora. She worked as a miner for most of her life, traveling from job to job and asteroid to asteroid with her family - a husband and two children. Her children are now grown and starting families of their own. Her husband passed a year or so ago from radiation sickness caused by a reactor leak at a job they were on. When that job finished, she decided it was time for a change and headed to Absalom Station to look for work as part of the Starfinder Society. She was involved in their efforts to secure the drift rock, and was sent out to Castrovel to provide assistance to the current group.

She's somewhat angry with the universe/gods for taking her husband too soon, and can be a bit bloodthirsty at times. She's generally focused on the things you would expect from a mechanic - engineering/computers, etc.

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++ on off-screen training. I assume the characters are all spending at least a few hours daily practicing their skills and researching/trying out new ones. Leveling up just represents a threshold in that process. i.e. I've been practicing this cool sword move for weeks, it's not been working and it suddenly makes sense - I realize that I need to put right hand over left where before I kept trying left over right and failing.

As far as the mechanics of what they get specifically and when: I consider any x number of times per day abilities to need the morning preparation to be available. So spells, etc. don't become available until the party rests after leveling up. HP, skill improvements, feats, class DC/attack rolls, attribute bumps or other static bonuses generally become available immediately.

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I use milestone leveling as well. If we are expecting to reach a new level mid-session, I just ask the players to bring another copy of their character at the next level.

Dark Archive

We are in Cult of Cinders and they about to start exploring. The party is 6 players and there has been very little challenge in combats so far. I'd like to sub out the drakes (3 at CR6 vs 6 players) with young green dragons (2 at CR8 vs 6 players). Or would I be better off going with one dragon and one drake?

Party is Barbarian, Cleric, Champion, Alchemist, Sorcerer and Monk, all 6th level.

I'm fine with killing one or maybe two PCs if it comes to that, but I'd prefer not to slaughter the lot.

Dark Archive

Woo-hoo! Posted basic info for Aurelia, my 16th level arcanist.

Dark Archive

What adventures are available for a 16th level character? Already played Passing the Torch and Moonscar with this character. My local group has switch over to PF2 (I'm running Age of Ashes for them), but I'd still like to be able to play a few of my PF1 characters, particularly this one.

Edit - Did a bit of searching and the only option I see is The Witchwar Legacy unless there are AP volumes available and sanctioned. If someone is interested in running, I'd be happy to buy the module.

Dark Archive 4/5 *

Randy Cronin wrote:
These are players that very much want a challenge. I was playing a game with some of them a few weeks back, and when one got killed (temporarily, thanks to BoL), he thanked the GM for not holding back. At the same time, I don't want something unfun along the lines of "I teleport you to the center of the Sun." Right now, I'm thinking of just bringing back the Elder Mantis from the previous encounter, since that seems like an appropriate way for Achaekek to respond to prayer, but if anyone has any more fun ideas, I'm open to them.

This is the 25k Miracle, right?

Mass Bestow Curse(Greater?) seems like it would be fun.

Mass Disintegrate?

Mass Greater Dispel targeting each PC?

One of the illusory friends animates and is a full duplicate of her sans expensive Miracle? Full level/HP/CL, same prepared spells, etc.

Dark Archive

Peter Zarr wrote:

If Marta was wholy uneffected (e.g. not staggered) then the third dispel evil would go to Jordan.

Edit: @Zanice The GM said you drop prone as a free action on your turn, since Peter goes before you I don’t think you have taken that action yet.

Thanks. The dice are really punishing me on this one so far - I'm failing all the saves... How do I put a virtual roller in dice jail?

Dark Archive

Archives of Nethys wrote:
Pentacle Talisman: The five-pointed star carved on this round silver talisman glows blue whenever an evil creature targets the wearer with magic jar, possessionOA, or a similar effect, or with a charm or compulsion spell or effect that allows the creature to exercise control over the wearer (such as suggestion, but not sleep). If the spell or effect allows a saving throw and the wearer fails it, he receives a second saving throw. If he succeeds at the second saving throw, the wearer is also protected by protection from evil for 5 rounds.

Would this spell be considered a charm or compulsion spell or effect that allows the creature to exercise control over me? Knowing what the spell is, it is a compulsion effect.

If it pops, I would think the initial reroll GM took would be the talisman reroll and would use my folio reroll on that, spoilered in the gameplay thread.

Dark Archive

I'm finding the balance to be pretty good. I'm also running a 7-8 person table, so basically doubling all the creatures except the bosses, who tend to become elite. We're starting book 2 tonight. They walked through the citadel with no issues, above and below.

The platform fight outside the caves, and the final boss fights were the hardest so far. In both cases the thing that made it difficult was the terrain advantage.

Dark Archive

Speaking of the Tarrasque, it's there just sitting, waiting to be slotted into the adventure... I've just finished book 1, but already trying to figure out where to put it...

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I know how many replays I have. the question is I want to replay a scenario that I've already spent a replay on - i.e. I've played it twice. Can I do that?

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with stars and/or replay points? I seem to remember something about it being restricted to once/scenario...

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The play at the table is great! It is getting a bit unwieldy with so many players, so we will probably discuss splitting at our session tomorrow, but I know one player is moving away after the new year, so we might just tough it out. I'll make sure that everyone understands the trade-offs - more PCs means less screen time for each of them.

Other than the loot, I've got the how do I physically fit everyone at the table, but I'll let them continue to sort that out.

Is there a WBL table in the new CRB? I don't remember seeing one, but certainly could have missed it.

Dark Archive

I'm running the AP at my local store and keep adding players. At this point, I have 7, with an 8th saying she will come to the next game(she's been coming regularly to our SFS games) and a 9th who has committed and cancelled a few times.

Players are 4/5 through book 1 and are about to move onto the final map.

I'm doing milestone leveling, so not tracking XP.

For combat, I'm just scaling all the encounters - doubling the number of each type of monster, etc. or doubling the minions and keeping one boss.
I think for the finale of the book, I'll double and add adv simple to the boss so it's not just a cakewalk for them.

That seems to be working for the encounters, but I'm worried about treasure and leaving them too far behind on the WBL curve. I don't know how critical that is in PF2, but there is time for me to adjust if I know the importance/how to do it. They already get some extra loot from extra monsters/NPC combatants gear, so it's mostly just the random hey, there's 5 scrolls buried here things.

Does what I'm doing make sense?

Dark Archive

Registering an interest.

1. Been playing RPGs since AD&D in the mid 80s, converted from 3.5 to PF ~2011. I'm a 4 star PFS GM, run a handful of SFS games, and am currently running Age of Ashes IRL, my players are just finishing up book 1. I've done a half dozen different PbP games, all PFS and all on these boards.

2. I think the most awesome thing I've done lately is running my two boys (6 & 8) and my wife through the first 11 levels of the Emerald Spire. Probably not surprising that the kids are much better at arithmetic than when we started. Their characters were a Druid named Eagle Ray and his trusty wolf Red Ray, a Barbarian/Hunter named Stingray Killer and his powerful T-Rex companion Zach Storm and a charming halfling sorcerer named Star (my kids love animals if you couldn't tell). We're still deciding what to play next, either some PF2 for more animal goodness, or maybe some Starfinder to get our pew pew on.

3. I have a couple of character options. Both are in the process of being fleshed out. First is a half-elven Bard named Wolstine Delwaris. Second is a goblin Barbarian named Wrut Golkex (the W is silent).

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I'm interested if there are still openings, and have a few options. In any, I am up for hard mode. Full disclosure, I would be using replay for both scenarios and have run pt 1 twice.

Zanice - 13th Bladebound Magus

Philetius Everette Luhn III - Bloodrager 4/Brawler 1/Oracle 7

Bellamin - 14th Razmirian Priest Sylvan Sorceror (already has a chronicle from pt 1)

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Thanks Michael!

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