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**** Pathfinder Society GM. 132 posts (310 including aliases). 1 review. 2 lists. No wishlists. 41 Organized Play characters. 10 aliases.

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That's probably a bit dramatic, but it is a clickbait world. :)

More dice rolling on damage, less static damage
Backgrounds feel better roleplay-wise than PS1 traits to me

No Strength Rogue option (too cookie cutter)
No advantage to mounted combat (probably a disadvantage in the long run)
Ancestry Feats feel like a feat tax to get back what I used to get for free
I'm suspicious of how combat maneuvers will actually work (I think they will be more die dependent therefore less reliable therefore used less)

I 'm biased because I loved 3.5 and when PF1 came out I was like, "Wow this is 3.5 on steroids!". I was hooked immediately. PS1 was said to be like 3.75. I was hoping PF2 would be like 3.8. I'm really trying to not be a hater, but this really doesn't feel like the same game to me. I'm still going to participate in the playtest, in order to give it a fair shake, but my confidence and expectations are low right now.


I became aware in the recent locked thread that the online region has a hard cap of 8 conventions that the VOs can offer. I would like to see this expanded.

1. The region covers the entire world and I would guess has one of the largest player bases in PFS.

2. PBP and VTT are different animals and each should be considered separately when determining the amount each should be allotted.

3. The online VOs have demonstrated a high level of quality in their TPKon conventions. Quite frankly, they put the other online conventions to shame with their organization and execution. They should be allowed to do as many as they would like. (They were doing them quarterly, which I always looked forward to.) I would much rather participate in TPKon than Roll20Con, Aethercon, etc.

Scarab Sages 4/5

Is the list of ACs in the Bestiary 1, page 316, legal?


I have three attacks per round with a repeating crossbow. The repeating crossbow holds five bolts. On round one I fire 3 bolts. On round two can I fire twice and then QuickDraw a second repeating crossbow and take the last attack or is it lost?



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I was playing a scenario in which Major Colson Maldris appears and a new player said, "Who's that?" and the answer was, "He's the faction head for Liberty's Edge and the most famous Eagle Knight". That got me thinking. I have a 19th level Eagle Knight, I bet he is pretty famous. So for fun, who is the most famous member of each faction (as determined by Fame.) Here is what I got, you can cut, paste, then copy over the entry until we see who is the most famous Pathfinder in Golorian. (If this has been done before, sorry, just remember that creativity is forgetting where you read something.)

Liberty's Edge: Eagle Knight Captain Ra Loi, (19th lvl) Fame: 88
Silver Crusade: Ojan, The War Witch of Irrisen (13th lvl) Fame: 64
Sovereign Court: Stanis, The Baron of Beatdown, (14th lvl) Fame: 63
Grand Lodge: Woodros Scufflegrit, (12th lvl) Fame: 59
Scarab Sages: None worth listing
The Exchange: None worth listing
Dark Archives: None worth listing

(Didn't go historical with old factions, probably just keep it as of now. As you know fame is fleeting.)

Sovereign Court 4/5

Can you only play these at conventions? I'm about to go to a convention, should I sign up to play them there or would I expect to see them in a regular setting?

Sovereign Court 4/5

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I have really enjoyed Core since it came out. The best thing being I could play more since I didn't have that many scenarios open in PFS. (I also like that chronicles matter more and seemingly the counter-intuitive result of better character development with less mechanical options. My opinion, but I digress.)

When I started PFC at level 1, I didn't see that big a difference from PFS. I played PFC exclusively till level 5, not out of protest or boycott, those were just the only games I could get into. Then I had a chance to go back and play a PFS scenario and man was I in culture shock or rather campaign shock.

My tier 4-5 table consisted of an occult class switch hitter (who did more melee damage than the barbarian and more range damage than the archer ranger), a warpriest, witch, barbarian, and ranger. I was playing my Sohei monk (so I have no room to call anyone out for cheese). But my shock wasn't necessarily about cheese, it just felt like a totally different game. (It was like watching Transformers 3 after watching Star Wars.) It was really surprising. Anybody else had that feeling or can pinpoint the distinction more articulately?

I am still going to play PFS when I can, but I walked away thinking, man I really like Core. (Not to go negative, but I also don't think I like the occult classes very much and I'm on the fence about ACG classes (though I have some). I may have officially become an old man and reached my limit on expansion.)

Sovereign Court 4/5


I am really excited about the Core Campaign and as I was making my new PC it dawned on me no more Earthbreakers. Any small thing you're going to miss in Core? (Or hope shows up on a Chronicle?)

Sovereign Court

This is my 14th PFS PC and I was looking to do somethings I've never done.

Need advice on small melee characters.
What stat array since I need str, con, and cha?
Can he overcome the suboptimal choices which impose size penalty to str and -4 to intimidate?
Is dazzling display/ terrifying howl fun to play?

Thanks for any insight.

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My search-fu came up with conflicting answers. Anything definitive on this?

I know you can only benefit from one "growth effect" at a time, like enlarge person doesn't stack with Righteous Might to make you huge, since both make you large.

But INA and Strong Jaw increase your damage dice "like" you increased in size, but you don't actually increase in size. Where as Animal Growth increases your size.

1. So does INA stack with Strong Jaw?
2. Does INA stack with Animal Growth?
3. Does INA stack with SJ and AG?
4. Does SJ stack with AG?


Assumption: 7 lvl Hunter

What do I need to ride a T-Rex?

Equipment: Exotic Saddle
Skill: Ride will take -5 because exotic

Anything else I need to account for? Does the T-Rex need any particular tricks?

Thanks in advance.

Sovereign Court 4/5

Just curious why I haven't seen this offered a lot online? Does the boon from 1+2 make it hard to GM online? Or do those that GMed parts 1+2 want to play it first because its cool? I've played the first two and I have a PC I'm holding to play part 3 but its been a while, so I thought I would ask.

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Rhino Charge lets you ready a charge.

Prerequisites: Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, base attack bonus +5
Benefit: You may ready a charge, though you may only move up to your speed on the charge.
Normal: Charging is a full-round action and allows you to move twice your speed.

For a cavalier, who needs this feat, the rider or the mount?

Blade of Binding:

This +1 greatsword is decorated with a lock motif. On a successful hit with the sword against a creature that is the wielder's size or smaller, the wielder can attempt to start a grapple as a free action that doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. If the wielder succeeds at the grapple, the sword's blade transforms into a metal chain and wraps around the target, giving the wielder a +5 bonus on further grapple checks against the target. If the target escapes the grapple or the wielder decides to release the target from the grapple, the chain reverts to sword form (with the wielder holding the handle).

The wielder can also let go of the chain's handle while grappling or pinning the target; if he does so, the chain remains in place and the target gains the entangled condition (Escape Artist DC 20 to slip free, break DC 28, hardness 10, 10 hit points, concentration DC 17 to cast spells while entangled). Another creature can grab the chain's handle as a standard action and will it to revert to sword form as a swift action, which releases the bound creature. If the chain is destroyed, it reverts to sword form and the weapon gains the broken condition.

So you attack with the sword and get a free grapple attempt. You are successful on the grapple.

1) Next turn you roll to maintain the grapple. Do you take a -4 penalty for not having two hands free because you are holding the chain/sword or are you considered to be using the chain/sword to perform the grapple so there is no penalty (as opposed to if you were holding a long sword that was not being used in the act of grappling)?

2) You maintain the grapple and wish to deal damage. Are you using the chain/sword or unarmed strike to damage?


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I played Port Godless as a part of VTT Gameday on March 1st and loved it. Awesome flavor, it's Rahadoum so you know it's going to be tough.

So here is what we did:
We talked to our VC, we talked at our contacts house, we talked at the market, we talked at the dog track, we talked at the bath and talked our way out of a combat there. And even though that's a lot of talking, our GM is known for her time management, things moved smoothly and I felt added to the building intensity of the mission.

We spied out the compound. We went to the sewers, set off the trap and fought the Xill, but had to retreat because the trap caused problems for several in our party. We went back topside and entered the compound as slavers.

Our ninja and summoner eidolon were invisible and scouted while the rest of us posed as buyers. Now granted splitting up caused the DM to have to deal with two parties and lengthened this phase of the mission, but it was fun. And it didn't get bogged down, everything was always moving. Team Ninja scouted just about the whole main level of the compound. They sneaked without being caught and disabled traps. They knocked out guards and hid bodies. Team slave buyer diplomacized, gathered information about the rift wardens, and danced with slave girls.

Then invis Ninja encounters the daemons in the slave warehouse and it's on. They come busting out killing slaves and attacking team Ninja and Team buyer (at least the party was back together!). Team buyer stayed in character and only attacked the daemons in self defense. Then the guards attack us (which I disagreed with that move by the GM, but she's a good GM and called it like she saw it I'm sure.). We kill the daemons. We kill the guards . Then the BBEG sends up some more summoned baddies. And time. Our 4 action packed hours are up.

Now for all that we got nothing. We got 0 PA. (Which I understand. We didn't complete the mission.). But here is my beef. We got 0 XP. (I questioned our GM on this and she said we hadn't completed three encounters). So this has eaten at me for about ten days now, so I buy the scenario and read it thinking she was wrong. But she was right. As the scenario is laid out, there are only 4 encounters (2 of which are underground, where we didn't get to). So by the letter of the law we should get nothing. But that just doesn't feel right to me. We did a lot of stuff in our 4 hours as my wall of text can attest. Surely some of that should count for something. An optional encounter maybe.

So the gist of it is I'm whining over 1 XP because I think the encounter count and breakdown for this very sand boxy scenario is wrong as judged by my gamer morality. Any recourse? Or just bellyaching?

PS-it was fun and memorable, but please don't say that should be enough. Because the goal is always to have fun and yet we still give out chronicles. ;)


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When I first played PFS a nice lady (who turned out to be a ruthless and bloodthirsty VC) told me that in PFS I could take my PCs anywhere in the world and play them. At the time I thought that would never apply to me, but this year I've traveled quite a bit for my work and I brought my PCs with me. I have to tell you that I've had a great time and have encountered many hospitable lodges. I wanted to post to 1) thank those lodges 2) let those traveling through these areas know these places will welcome roaming pathfinders and 3) I think I've had a pretty good run of playing in places on business trips, so I wanted to make it about me:) and see if anyone could top my PFS passport.

Since Jan 2013 I've played PFS in these areas on business trips in a non-Con setting:

Atlanta, GA
Anderson, SC
Tempe, AZ
Houston, TX
Glen Allen, VA

If you want to count Cons add:

Chattanooga, TN
Mobile, AL

More to come, post your own PFS passport if you like, or give some love to a lodge for its hospitality.

Is there any way I can get a message emailed to me when there is a new post in my play-by-post?


In Thuvia, I have an Artisan's Shop (Alchemy) from the Field Guide that grants a 5% discount on all nonmagical merchandise within your area of expertise in the same city as your shop, rounded to the nearest gold piece.

I also have a boon from #2-01, Bloodcove Disguise, that while on the continent of Garund, in a settlement 5000+, you may purchase mundane equipment (but not weapoms or armor) at a 10% discount.

If all the criteria are met do these discounts stack? Or do I take the larger?


1) In PFS when you summon something with a template (young, advanced, giant) do you use the "quick rules" or the "rebuild rules" for determining their stats?

2) Under Totemic summons for some druids you can apply the "young" template to reduce the lvl of the spell by 1. So does that mean that a 3rd lvl Druid can summon a "young" crocodile (Croc is normally Summon Natures Ally 3) using Summon Natures Ally 2?


1) If our group's ranger hits a bad guy with AF on his turn and then next up, our monk hits the same guy with an AF, on the next round does the target take 1d6 or 2d6 points of fire damage?

2) If our alchemist hits a bad guy with an explosive bomb (so that he is on fire) and then our ranger hits the same guy with an AF, on the next round would he take 1d6 or 2d6 points of fire damage?


I wanted to get some opinions on my Grenadiers class ability “Directed Blast”. I have experienced some varying interpretations and wanted to see what a larger circle might think.

Directed Blast (Su)
At 6th level, a grenadier can detonate a bomb so that it splashes in a 20-foot cone rather than affecting a radius. The cone starts at the alchemist and extends away from her in the direction she chooses. The alchemist designates one creature in the squares affected by the cone to be the target of the bomb and makes her attack roll against that creature; all other squares in the cone take splash damage. If the alchemist has the explosive bomb discovery and throws an explosive directed blast, the cone of splash damage is 30 feet long instead of 20 feet.
This ability replaces swift poisoning.

I think this ability is kinda like a burning hands with the alchemist’s bomb (albeit that this is a supernatural ability). He detonates it from his square and it sends out a cone of energy that takes a direct hit against one person in the cone and splash damage against the rest.

The last sentence is the controversial part and I think it could have been worded better. In trying to explain how this ability works with the explosive bomb discovery, it says “If the alchemist throws an explosive directed blast…”. Some GMs have said they think the terminology of "throws" is still used, because you effectively still throw the bomb, since you make a ranged attack roll against a target that is within the blast radius of the cone. But you cannot actually use this ability in conjunction with a thrown bomb attack, i.e. I throw my explosive bomb twenty feet and then have it explode in a cone instead of a burst.

I disagree. I think the intent of the ability is to allow bombs to explode in a cone whether thrown or detonated.

Looking at the “Strafe Bomb” Alchemist Discovery from Ultimate Magic. Its explanation uses the exact same format as Directed Blast, but is clearer. You can throw a bomb and have it explode in a line instead of a burst.

Strafe Bomb (Su)
Benefit: The alchemist can throw bombs that splash in a 40-foot line rather than affecting a radius. The line starts at the alchemist and extends away from him in the direction he chooses. The alchemist designates one creature in the squares affected by the line to be the target of the bomb and makes his attack roll against that creature; all other squares in the line take splash damage.
Special: If the alchemist has the explosive bomb discovery and throws an explosive strafe bomb, the line of splash damage is 80 feet long instead of 40 feet.

I think it is clearly intended for both abilities to work when a bomb is thrown. It is common in PF for burst radius abilities to be able to be modified later to lines or cones by equipment, feats, or archetypes class abilities. Strafe Bomb is available to all alchemists at 2nd level, so this is a low level ability. Directed Blast is available only to grenadiers and at 6th level. I don’t think this is game breaking or cheesy.

Any thoughts out there?

1) Can my 1st lvl oracle (Cha 17) use a scroll of a 1st lvl (divine)spell that is not on her spells known list, but is on her class list, without having to do a UMD check?

Example: She knows Bless, Divine Favor, Cure Light Wounds. She finds a scroll of Protection from Evil. Can she use it automatically?

2) What kind of check is it for a a spell that is of higher level?

Example: 1st lvl orcale finds a scroll of Sound Burst.

I found this:

"To have any chance of activating a scroll spell, the scroll user must meet the following requirements.

•The spell must be of the correct type (arcane or divine). Arcane spellcasters (wizards, sorcerers, and bards) can only use scrolls containing arcane spells, and divine spellcasters (clerics, druids, paladins, and rangers) can only use scrolls containing divine spells. (The type of scroll a character creates is also determined by his class.)
•The user must have the spell on her class list.
•The user must have the requisite ability score.
If the user meets all the requirements noted above, and her caster level is at least equal to the spell's caster level, she can automatically activate the spell without a check. If she meets all three requirements but her own caster level is lower than the scroll spell's caster level, then she has to make a caster level check (DC = scroll's caster level + 1) to cast the spell successfully."

Is this right?
The DC for the above example would be 4=(3 lvl +1).
Caster lvl check d20 +1(1st lvl)>4.

You only have that small chance of failure?

Does the Alternative Human Racial Trait "Heart of the Wilderness" and the Alchemist Discovery "Lingering Spirit" stack for the purpose of determining the negative HP necessary to kill the PC?

•Heart of the Wilderness: Humans raised in the wild learn the hard way that only the strong survive. They gain a bonus equal to half their character level on Survival checks. They also gain a +5 bonus on Constitution checks to stabilize when dying and add half their character level to their Constitution score when determining the negative hit point total necessary to kill them. This racial trait replaces the skilled racial trait.

Lingering Spirit (Ex)
Prerequisite: Alchemist 4
Benefit: The alchemist is familiar enough with the ties between his body and spirit that he lingers at death’s door far longer than a normal person. He treats his Constitution as 10 points higher than normal for the purpose of determining when hit point damage kills him (so an alchemist with a Constitution of 10 and this discovery dies at –20 hit points instead of –10). Reducing him to 0 Constitution or its equivalent (from ability damage, ability drain, Constitution penalties, and so on) makes him unconscious and comatose, but he is only killed after taking an additional 5 points of Constitution damage, drain, or penalty (in effect, the alchemist must be brought to –5 Constitution in order to be killed by these attacks).


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I have read a lot lately about people’s bad experiences and what they hate about PFS in other threads. I’ve wanted to chime in but couldn’t find the right moment, so I’ll just put it in my own little love letter to PFS here.

First, let me say that I appreciate PFS leadership’s willingness to listen to those who have had bad experiences in order to improve play and this is in no way meant to discredit the experiences of those who have not enjoyed themselves, but let me share a different perspective.

I moved and had to leave a good home gaming group. They were all childhood buddies and my adult circles didn’t have any gamers in them. I didn’t get to play for three years until I discovered PFS. Now even though I didn’t know anybody, I still had an opportunity to resume the game that I love. PFS was an open door and without it I probably never would have played again.

PFS is not a home game. With it you sacrifice depth, but you gain breadth. In 4/5 hr slots, you won’t go as deep into role playing as a home game, but you will be exposed to a wider array of builds, combos, tactics, styles, and people. My home game was great, but we all kind of had our style and after years together, we knew what each other were going to do. I play with a different party each time I sit down in PFS and that’s a good thing. My PCs are specialized, but they have to be versatile in PFS. That is helping me as a gamer create characters that are better overall and less one-trick ponies.

Also about the time constraints, I’m an old man now. I have a lot I have to do and getting 8-12 hr blocks to play games is hard to swing sometimes. Now I do get to play a lot of all day games, but with the 4/5 hr slot format, I don’t have to. If I can’t play all day, I can still get some quality play in during one slot. If I go out of town for two months, I don’t wreck the campaign. When I come back its still here and I can pick up where I left off without holding anybody else back.

About the strictness of the rules that garners a lot of gripes. It is true your home GM will let you do this or that which is not allowed in PFS. But be honest there are still things he won’t let you do. My home GM was awesome and there were still things that were legal RAW that he didn’t like and so it was out. Whatever your group or whoever your GM is there will be limitations and boundaries in order to keep the game from going haywire. That’s life and that’s gaming. Whether its Mike Brock or Mike your friendly neighborhood GM, you will face limitations on your super cool combo that can end the world, so deal with it. Adapt and become a better gamer.

Lastly, you know what you are going to get with PFS and that is comforting to me. My home group once spent 6 hrs bartering in town for gear and information. As our night drew to a close, I asked, “Are we ever going to fight something?” My buds looked at me like I was a heretic. In PFS, I know there will be opportunities to solve problems diplomatically. There will be spots for good role playing if we will seize them. But I know for sure we are going to roll some dice at some point and I can test my brainchild’s ability to fight bad monsters with a greatsword. I have a serious and stressful job and there are not many opportunities to solve problems with a greatsword. But in PFS there is and I like that.

I am from the South, so let me close with a folksy analogy. I love the Waffle House, but I don’t order salad there. If I want a salad, I go somewhere else. But I eat at the WH because it has tons of things that are awesome. Not everything about PFS is awesome, but a lot of things are, so adjust your expectations accordingly, be realistic, be fair, and have fun.

Forgive the wall of text. This has been stored up for like 3 or 4 threads now.

1) Can an Alchemist use Arcane Strike?

2) Can you use Explosive Missile in conjuction with Vital Strike?


1) Will this work with Vital Strike?

2) Does the target have to make a save after each attack or just 1 per round?

3) The min Fort DC 21 is high, but how many enemies fail that at that level?

4) Those that have chosen this feat, did you enjoy it or was it a waste?

Do Alchemist's still get to add their INT bonus (as stated from Throw Anything) to Splash Weapons that don't splash?

For example the Grenadier's Alchemical Weapon ability to infuse an Alchemist Fire to a weapon but doesn't splash.

Alchemist Fire is a Splash Weapon by category but doesn't splash when used this way.


PS I love the Grenadier Archetype, but its abilities lead to a lot of questions during my games, would love some clarifications. If you've played one beyond 6th or perhaps you designed the class (wink, wink) I would love to run some other questions by you.

Opening Volley (Combat)
Your ranged assault leaves your foe disoriented and vulnerable to your melee attack.

Benefit: Whenever you deal damage with a ranged attack, you gain a +4 circumstance bonus on the next melee attack roll you make against the opponent. This attack must occur before the end of your next turn.

Would my Alchemist be eligible for this bonus on a melee attack versus an emeny that he dealt splash damage to on the previous round with a bomb, acid flask, etc.?

I know that fighting with a reach weapon in some cases works like ranged combat. In those cases do the above ranged feats apply? Thanks.

How long does it take to apply?

Can you apply it while currently being grappled?

Salve of Slipperiness

Aura moderate conjuration; CL 6th
Slot —; Price 1,000 gp; Weight —

This substance provides a +20 competence bonus on all Escape Artist checks and combat maneuver checks made to escape from a grapple. The salve also grants a +10 competence bonus to the wearer's Combat Maneuver Defense for the purpose of avoiding grapple attempts. In addition, such obstructions as webs (magical or otherwise) do not affect an anointed individual. Magic ropes and the like do not avail against this salve. If it is smeared on a floor or on steps, the area should be treated as a long-lasting grease spell. The salve requires 8 hours to wear off normally, or it can be wiped off with an alcohol solution (even wine).

Salve of slipperiness is needed to coat the inside of a container meant to hold sovereign glue.

Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, grease; Cost 500 gp

Source: Advanced Player's Guide
Aura Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cat’s grace; Price +14,000 gp.

This ability can only be placed on a melee weapon.
A dueling weapon (which must be a weapon that can be used with the Weapon Finesse feat) gives the wielder a +4 enhancement bonus on initiative checks, provided the weapon is drawn and in hand when the Initiative check is made. It provides a +2 bonus on disarm checks and feint checks, a +2 bonus to CMD to resist disarm attempts, and a +2 to the DC to perform a feint against the wielder.

Source: Pathfinder Society Field Guide
Aura Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cat’s grace; Price +1 bonus.

This ability can only be placed on a melee weapon.
A dueling weapon bears magical enhancements that makes it particularly effective at performing certain combat maneuvers. When a dueling weapon is used to perform a combat maneuver that utilizes the weapon only (see below), it grants a luck bonus equal to twice its enhancement bonus on the CMB check made to carry out the maneuver. The dueling weapon also grants this same luck bonus to the wielder’s CMD score against these types of combat maneuvers. These combat maneuvers include disarm and trip maneuvers, but not bull rush, grapple, or overrun maneuvers. If you’re using the additional combat maneuvers in the Advanced Player’s Guide, this also includes any dirty trick maneuvers that utilize the weapon, as well as reposition combat maneuvers, but not drag or steal combat maneuvers. Note that this luck bonus stacks with the weapon’s enhancement bonus, which in and of itself adds to CMB checks normally.

Was this just an oversight in creation and are both legal for PFS?

Explosive Bomb

Benefit: The alchemist’s bombs now have a splash radius of 10 feet rather than 5 feet (see Throw Splash Weapon). Creatures that take a direct hit from an explosive bomb catch fire, taking 1d6 points of fire damage each round until the fire is extinguished. Extinguishing the flames is a full-round action that requires a Reflex save. Rolling on the ground provides the target with a +2 to the save. Dousing the target with at least 2 gallons of water automatically extinguishes the flames.

Does your target take the addition 1d6 fire damage from being on fire on the same round that it is hit with the bomb or on each round after it is hit before the fire is extinguished?

If so, does it get the save on that initial round?

Tanglefoot Bomb (Su)

Benefit: A creature that takes a direct hit from a tanglefoot bomb must save against the bomb’s DC or be entangled and glued to the floor as if it had failed its save against a tanglefoot bag. Creatures in the splash area that fail their saves are entangled but not glued to the floor; those who make this save are not entangled at all.

Crafter's Fortune

The target is struck by inspiration and gains a +5 luck bonus on its next Craft skill check.

If I want to craft some alchemical items before/after a PFS scenerio can I do it a day before/after and use Crafter's Fortune multiple times on a series of craft checks since I have 2 extracts per day?

For instance, I show up to my mission a day early. On that day I want to craft 2 tanglefoot bags. I pay 1/3 of the cost for the raw materials, then before the 1st check I drink my extract of Crafter's Fortune. Now my Craft Alchemy bonus is +15. I "Take 10" gives me an auto 25 and I am successful in creating Tanglefoot Bag 1. Repeat for Tanglefoot Bag 2.

Then I rest and get ready for my mission the next day.

Am I right in my assumptions? Correct me in any and every way about crafting in PFS if I am off.

Some Alchemist Questions from the Grenadier Archtype.

1) Does using the "Alchemical Weapon" supernatural ability provoke an AoO?

2) Does "detonating" a bomb from the Alchemists square (not throwing it) using the "Directed Blast" supernatural ability provoke AoO?

3) Does Precise Bombs work with Explosive Missile?

Precise Bombs

Benefit: Whenever the alchemist throws a bomb, he can select a number of squares equal to his Intelligence modifier that are not affected by the splash damage from his bombs. If the bomb misses, this discovery has no effect.

Explosive Missile

Prerequisite: Alchemist 4

Benefit: As a standard action, the alchemist can infuse a single arrow, crossbow bolt, or one-handed firearm bullet with the power of his bomb, load the ammunition, and shoot the ranged weapon. He must be proficient with the weapon in order to accomplish this. When the infused ammunition hits its target, it deals damage normally and---detonates as if the alchemist had thrown the bomb---at the target. If the explosive missile misses, it does not detonate.

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Precise Bombs

Benefit: Whenever the alchemist throws a bomb, he can select a number of squares equal to his Intelligence modifier that are not affected by the splash damage from his bombs. If the bomb misses, this discovery has no effect.

Explosive Missile

Prerequisite: Alchemist 4

Benefit: As a standard action, the alchemist can infuse a single arrow, crossbow bolt, or one-handed firearm bullet with the power of his bomb, load the ammunition, and shoot the ranged weapon. He must be proficient with the weapon in order to accomplish this. When the infused ammunition hits its target, it deals damage normally and---detonates as if the alchemist had thrown the bomb---at the target. If the explosive missile misses, it does not detonate.

Been playing in PFS for 6 months and want to try playing a battle cleric. All my other characters to this point have been martial.

Here is my prospective stats (20 pt buy)

Str 18 or 18
Dex 12 or 12
Con 14 or 13
Int 12 or 7
Wis 14 or 17
Cha 7 or 7

1st Question: To yall who have played battle clerics, what was your stats and how did it work out for you? I am not married to either of these setups, just seemed like two possibilities.

2nd Question: Am I going to hate myself roleplaying wise, if I drop my Int to 7 and increase my Wis to 17? Is having no skills going to suck real bad?

3rd Question: I want some offensive caster capability (i.e. command, sound burst, hold person)and not just buffs. Is a 14 in Wis going to mean I can only cast on myself or allies b/c the DC would be too low? I want to be able to target bad guys with more than hope that it works.

I know that the answers to these questions ultimately come down to "what kind of cleric do you want to be", but like most children I want it all. Help me have it all (or as close as I can and not hate myself). Thanks in advance.

Don't know if it matters for stats, but: Human, NG, Erastil, Growth, Feather, Greataxe, and starting out 1 level of Barbarian (Armored Hulk for the Heavy Armor)then Cleric. Willing to change if a suggestion feels right.

Guide to Organized Play says "All potions, scrolls, and wands are available only at minimum caster level..." (Pg. 19)

So if an 8th lvl Cleric with an 18 Wis uses a scroll of Sound Burst the DC for the save is what?

Is it 10+2 (Spell Lvl) + 1 (Min Ability to cast 2nd lvl spell is 12 therefore +1 modifer?)=DC 13?
Or do I use my modifier (+4) to =DC 16? The guide says min caster level not min modifier.

What would the DC be for a Scroll of Holy Smite?

Never played a caster in PFS and trying to figure some things out. Thanks for your help.

Started with an 18 Str.
Has Rage +4
Can Enlarge +2
Bought a belt of Gaint Strength +2

But then I read where Enhancement Bonuses don't stack, so that takes a lot of other magical gear off the table like ion stones.

Any suggestions.

Other info: PFS character, 6th level, Barbarian.

I'm making a multiclass barbarian/cleric for PFS play. He's starting as a barbarian. Can he take Exalted of the Society as a trait. The trait is legal for PFS play, but it gives Clerics the ability to channel 1 additional time per day.


I am making a battle cleric (with dip into Brb)for PFS and am thinking about choosing Endurance and Diehard as beginning feats.

My thought process was that a lot of my frontline characters spend time unconscious because of my charge-in style. With Diehard he has extra hit points to fight on or step back and heal himself. However, upon further thought will these extra HPs just led to his death. Now when a guy goes unconscious, usually, the enimies go after a standing target. With this guy up and front & center is he marked for death?

Your thoughts on this or any advice from people who have chosen Diehard for a Society character. Is the feat worth it or should I just take Power Attack and something else?

Thanks in advance.

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Furious Finish
You channel all of your rage into one massive blow to crush your enemy.

Prerequisite: Rage class feature, Vital Strike, base attack bonus +6.

Benefit: While raging, when you use the Vital Strike feat, you can choose not to roll your damage dice and instead deal damage equal to the maximum roll possible on those damage dice. If you do, your rage immediately ends, and you are fatigued (even if you would not normally be).

1) Does this max out the damage roll for all dice (Vital strike dice and normal damage dice) or just the vital strike dice and you roll the normal damage dice?

2) Does this apply to Improved Vital Strike as well, or just Vital Strike?

Thanks in advance.

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Trample (Combat)
While mounted, you can ride down opponents and trample them under your mount.

Prerequisites: Ride 1 rank, Mounted Combat.

Benefit: When you attempt to overrun an opponent while mounted, your target may not choose to avoid you. Your mount may make one hoof attack against any target you knock down, gaining the standard +4 bonus on attack rolls against prone targets.

I have a halfling cavalier. Trying to figure if Trample will be benefical for his mount. Text says mount may make a hoof attack. Dogs and wolves don't make hoof attacks (Bite attacks).

Do they gain them or at least get them on overruns and if so how much damage for a dog or wolf "hoof attack"? Thanks in advavce.

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