Low Templar

Low Templar in SE Asia's page

27 posts. Alias of Cfoot.


Sovereign Court 4/5

I (along with everyone and their brother) donated to Humble Bundle and received all of season six. If anyone has any tables of season six they are willing to share I would be interested. Thanks.

Sovereign Court 4/5

Core is good. Dare I say I prefer Core now. The glut got to me and I'm a glutton. I loved all the archetypes and options and gear, but everyone has their breaking point and I hit mine. If you havn't hit yours yet then more power to you. But I find there is a challenging simplicity to Core that breeds better players and characters. Options are less likely to bail you out of trouble in Core. I think it lends itselfs to more dependence on your team and tactics. But as my children constantly remind me, what do I know.

Sovereign Court 4/5

Can you only play these at conventions? I'm about to go to a convention, should I sign up to play them there or would I expect to see them in a regular setting?

Sovereign Court 4/5

How could any self-respecting Necromancer complain about dying? Shouldn't that be a requirement for a Necromancer? Kinda like cop being tazzed before they use a taser. He should just say your welcome, pay the raise dead, and incorporate this into his story.

Sovereign Court 4/5

Awesome events! Thanks to the organizers.

Sovereign Court 4/5

With the new specials off limits, any desire to runs some of the older ones? (Like season 2,3,or 5 he asks selfishly) :)

Sovereign Court 4/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I have really enjoyed Core since it came out. The best thing being I could play more since I didn't have that many scenarios open in PFS. (I also like that chronicles matter more and seemingly the counter-intuitive result of better character development with less mechanical options. My opinion, but I digress.)

When I started PFC at level 1, I didn't see that big a difference from PFS. I played PFC exclusively till level 5, not out of protest or boycott, those were just the only games I could get into. Then I had a chance to go back and play a PFS scenario and man was I in culture shock or rather campaign shock.

My tier 4-5 table consisted of an occult class switch hitter (who did more melee damage than the barbarian and more range damage than the archer ranger), a warpriest, witch, barbarian, and ranger. I was playing my Sohei monk (so I have no room to call anyone out for cheese). But my shock wasn't necessarily about cheese, it just felt like a totally different game. (It was like watching Transformers 3 after watching Star Wars.) It was really surprising. Anybody else had that feeling or can pinpoint the distinction more articulately?

I am still going to play PFS when I can, but I walked away thinking, man I really like Core. (Not to go negative, but I also don't think I like the occult classes very much and I'm on the fence about ACG classes (though I have some). I may have officially become an old man and reached my limit on expansion.)

Sovereign Court 4/5

Go play again and see what happens. That would double your sample size.

And wear that death like a badge of honor.

My first PFS experience sucked. One player took over the table and would not shut up. We listened to him "monologue" for 4 hours and didn't finish the scenario.

My second time was GMed by John Compton. It was better. :) That was 4 years ago and I'm a hopeless PFS addict now.

Sovereign Court 4/5


I am really excited about the Core Campaign and as I was making my new PC it dawned on me no more Earthbreakers. Any small thing you're going to miss in Core? (Or hope shows up on a Chronicle?)

Sovereign Court 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I came into PFS at the introduction of the APG, which I think is the best PF book ever. I love all its classes save one (summoner).

I am excited about CORE but for me I wish the campaign included core, APG, and ISWG. If I could have those three I'd be in hog heaven.

Regarding ACG, I have a very powerful Hunter (the synergy of teamwork feats can be devastating. Also, something that doesn't get mentioned a lot, is with its animal focus ability you don't have to buy belts of Str/Dex/Con which frees up lots of cash for other purchases which makes you more powerful.) I also have a mid-level Combat Investigator that I am really excited about.

But with all that said, it is a bit much and some things just don't feel like they were thought out. This book probably could have benefited with 6 more months of work.

Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court

This is my 14th PFS PC and I was looking to do somethings I've never done.

Need advice on small melee characters.
What stat array since I need str, con, and cha?
Can he overcome the suboptimal choices which impose size penalty to str and -4 to intimidate?
Is dazzling display/ terrifying howl fun to play?

Thanks for any insight.

Sovereign Court 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It's always harder to be good! ;)

Sovereign Court 4/5

Finally GM online for the first time. (I fear technology.)

Sovereign Court 4/5

I always thought of Cheliax as fascist Germany.
Taldor as pre revolution France or England
Andoran as colonial America
Osirion as Egypt
Qadira as Arabia

Sovereign Court 4/5

Very much a great time! Thanks to the organizers and GMs.

Sovereign Court 4/5

Jeffrey Fox wrote:

Firstly, I disagree with the notion that some of the posters in the thread have made that Taldor is not a legitimate lawful authority. I'd personally would hate to play my Paladin under a GM that wouldn't consider the laws of a major non-evil nation legitimate.

Of course Taldor is a legitimate lawful authority, just not the highest authority for a Paladin. A Paladin's powers come from his deity and so his main concern is are his actions in step with his deity.

I'm not trying to fire it up with you, because I agree with your post. I just think the OP situation of suggesting that Sarenrae would make her paladin fall because he aided Sarenrae worshippers in Taldor is wrong. Now are there ways that he could "aid" that could make him fall? Sure, but that puts the issue back on the actions of the paladin (where it should be) and not in the hands of the GM, who has an axe to grind going into the scenario.

Sovereign Court 4/5

Freedom of religion is a higher law than that of civil authorities. I'm sure all paladins and their deities would agree that local governments lack the authority to surpress the exercise of their faith.

Sovereign Court 4/5

Got 4, need 2 more. Sign up. Use a star, it's a good one.

Sovereign Court 4/5

Just curious why I haven't seen this offered a lot online? Does the boon from 1+2 make it hard to GM online? Or do those that GMed parts 1+2 want to play it first because its cool? I've played the first two and I have a PC I'm holding to play part 3 but its been a while, so I thought I would ask.

Sovereign Court 4/5

I've ran an all rogue table that was fun. Lots of teamwork and skills.

I've seen an all bard table and an all barbarian table (The Horde which was awesome.)

Sovereign Court

As a GM you try the classic hostage situation: "Take another step and I'll kill your friend." (Unconscious ally under the BBEGs knife)

Players: "Go ahead and kill him. We'll just pay for the raise dead and at this tier still come out with a good amount of gold."

GM: "You guys suck."

Sovereign Court

"My character is totally ineffective in this combat." ;)

Sovereign Court 4/5

Would love to get in on this if there's room.

Sovereign Court 4/5

Avatar-1 wrote:

0time - I'll look into getting some Saturday midday games running in my time (UTC+11) which should be a Saturday morning game for you.

We'll run games at whatever times people can play, we just need to know what your availability is like, what timezone you're in, and what tier characters you have.

If you're registered on the site and we know you want to play, the site can actually pick good scenario choices based on what each person hasn't yet played. If you're the GM, you can opt to hide scenario choices that you've run before as well. We just need to know who's keen, and unless we remember you, it's usually a matter of anyone in the chat room raising their hand for expressions of interest.

On top of that, any games will be shown in your own timezone whenever you're logged in (assuming you've set your timezone in your account details).

Avatar-could I get in on this as well?

0time-I'll get you my info soon.

Sovereign Court 4/5

i'm interested.

if you aren't aware, you have duplicate posts.

Sovereign Court 4/5

Count me in. (UTC+7). Don't forget the Aussies, they would probably be close enough to play with folks in Asia.