
Cedric Freeson's page

51 posts. Alias of LilWilly5.


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Wealth: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 1) = 7X10=70

Here's my(Lilwilly5) alchemist. Will put the crunch in the profile later along with some fluff. Got off work not too long ago and need some sleep.

[SIZE=+1]Cedric Freeson[/SIZE]
Male C/N Half-Elf Alchemist, Level 1, Init +1, HP 9/9, Speed
AC 14, Touch 11, Flat-footed 13, CMD 12, Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +1, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 0
Bombs (5 per day) 3 (1d6+4+1 , X2)
Morningstar 0 (1d8, X2)
Hide shirt (+3 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 9

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

There are a few in mine although i think we lost all our muscle.

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

"I think the need for his body was only recent. Maybe whoever is leading these goblins is in need of it. It seems our investigation is only increasing our questions. Do you anything more of this Tobyn?

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

"I may be able to help in that respect."
Cedric looks for the tracks and begins following them if he can.
Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

Still here.

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

"Depends on your term of alright. I think none of us are hurt but we defiantly seem to be dealing with necromancy here."

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

Still here.

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

cedric moves up behind saif and readys an action to throw a bomb to get as much of the skeletons in his blast range.
Touch Attack: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 3 + 1 = 21
Damage: 1d6 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 4 + 1 = 9
Splash Damage:5
dc 15 reflex for half

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats


Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

Still around

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

"Maybe I can be of some help Although it'll take a minute." Cedric begins making a identify extract and will drink it when finished.
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
"It seems your right. Someone used necromancy here very recently."

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

"It is troubling to learn the goblins are now taking orders from someone or something. It may not be a human whose leading either. It seems our investigstion is leading to more questions than answers."

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

"I'll help with investigating the graveyard. I've started to like this place and don't really wish to leave it yet."

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

"This town has been good to me and quite understanding of my work. I would be glad to help out with the goblins."

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

Cedric follows the others and serveys the aftermath of yesterdays battle. His face shows almost no emotion as he sees the damage.

When they arrive he quietly sits down and waits.

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

After confirming his gear hasen't been disturbed Cedric returns to join the others. "It seems you were right my things were not disturbed. I am curious as to what the mayors wants to discuss as well. Goblin attacks aren't unusual but of this scale and being in town. Something is definitely not right."

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

"My room wasn't disturbed perchance. I had a little project in there brewing. Ahh nothing dangerous of coures, well as long as no one drinks it that is." Cedric asks before he goes and checks it himself.

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

Cedric enters shortly after Nar'a walking in as he usally does. He begins helping clean the place up. "There is no need to thank us. We were just doing what anyone would do when the place they considered home is attack."

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

Cedric also takes his leave following Nar'a to the dragon.

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

Cedric becomes a little anxious when he sees the sheriff approach, but settles down once he realizes he's not in trouble.
"I appreciate the offer but I think I'll stick to my room at the rusty dragon. It still has most of my gear set up there. I'm also in the middle of an experiment there and don't wish to see what happens if I leave it unentended all night."

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

Still here

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

Cedric makes his way to where the other goblins are at

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

Cedric moves and throws another bomb where he can hit the most goblins and none of the allies.
Attack(touch): 1d20 + 1 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 + 1 + 1 = 16
Damage: 1d6 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 4 + 1 = 6

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

Cedric will move up to get a better shot as he prepares a bomb. He will then try to get as many as he can in the blast while avoiding any allies.
Attack(touch)1d20 + 1 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 + 1 + 1 = 18
Damage:1d6 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 4 + 1 = 7
Splash Damage=5

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

Ahh no problem just checking

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

I'm in still in this? My earlier post seemed to have been skiped over and im missing in the initiative order.

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

Cedric picks up and examines the scrolls trying to determine if they are real.
Linguistics: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

Having followed the crowd to the opening speech Cedric then proceeds to check out the stands starting with the scrolls. Curious to see whats written in the and if they are as real as the proclaim.

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

Cedric sits in the Rusty Dragon with a cup of ale in front of him. He adds a few other liquids and powder into his drink and after a small puff of smoke appears he looks satisfied and take a sip. "Ahh, That did the trick." He smiles and continues watching the newcomers enter.

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats


i used myth reavers not sure if that helps

That is hide medium armor I'm wearing a hide shirt light armor.

sounds good to me. cant wait to rp this guy. gonna be fun having two personalities to rp.

decided that Cedric is gonna become a master chymist once he can. until then though hes gonna have a dual personality which will usually be inner but will occasionally emerge on the surface(should be fun to rp that). will have a backstory up sometime tomorrow.

Redid a alchemist from an earlier game. got the crunch done but will work on a baskstory.

Congrats on those who made it in. I hope you have a good game session.

I'm free also didn't get in the other one.

I'm also planning on dipping into gunslinger at lvl3. the idea of exploding bomb bullets is too good to pass up.

I have a Half-elf alchemist(crypt breaker) ready to go for this but hes in another recruitment if i get selected for that one ill have to drop out. I'm in the same boat as Miss Lori and the others will know if I'm available on Monday.


Added a more detailed background and are you fine with the way i did the stats or would you prefer them to be in the profile?

Just a quick question do you want a backstory for our characters? I'm just wondering cause I've been thinking of a good one for Cedric but if it doesn't matter i don't want to waste time writing it.

i find there fun to play especially with the daring acts rule in play. i currently play a mysterious stranger in another pbp and can't wait until he starts lvling to do some crazy stuff.

in combat Cedrics more of a mid range fighter using bombs that excel at undead and construct fighting. but at lvl five im planing on him using a musket with bomb bullets. out of combat i have him as a trapfinder and disabler. depending on the party his potential role may change.

he said average

hope i make it in seems like a crypt breaker fits this perfectly. I always liked playing alchemists they can do a lot of things after a few lvls and almost can fill any role depending on the build.

the gunslinger has a dead shot deed that allows you the make all you attack rolls in one shot to increase the damage you do.

ahh seems like i can't do much gun wise til lvl 3 then. Thats when I'm planning to multiclass to gunslinger.

youll have to pay for the materials i need and 1gp for the labor. with all the things i got my alchemist is starting broke.

To any gunslingers if i get picked along with you i could craft your powder to help with the cost.

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