DM ShadowBloodmoon |

Moving on to the next morning...
The rest of the night passes, though sleep is hard to come by with thoughts of the goblin raid still fresh in everyone's mind. You do eventually fall asleep, and you are not sure what time later it is when a bright light pierces your vision and a voice is saying, "Father Zantus has asked for you."

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

After you fully awaken, the acolyte waking you allows you time to perform your morning rituals, whether it be prayers, studying books, stretching, or simply draining last night's drinks in the privy.
When you are finished, he leads you away, through the wounded from last night that you helped take care of. You notice a few of the people that were here missing. The acolyte says nothing as he leads you to the front of the chapel, where Father Zantus is waiting.
"I trust you rested well? From what I hear, you will need it. Please, if you would follow me to the town hall so we can speak with Mayor Deverin and hear what she has just learned from Shalelu, our local scout."
He leaves without waiting for responses. As you walk towards the town hall, you can already see in the daylight the damage from last night. Burnt buildings, wagons of human and goblin bodies, destroyed tents, barrels and crates, as well as the people of Sandpoint going about cleaning things up, trying to keep up a good show of solidarity and endeavor to return things as they were before.
Upon reaching the town hall, you are welcomed immediately inside by Sheriff Hemlock, who takes you to a large meeting room with a long table and chairs as well as glasses of water. "The Mayor will be along shortly."

Sativon Preitan |

Sativon finds a seat nearest to the exit, but not before grabbing a glass of water and taking a drink from it. "Nice to meet you Sheriff Hemlock, though, I'm sure it would have been nicer to meet under better circumstances. Still, I'm always happy to make the acquaintance of enforcers of the law." Sativon smiles from his chair, and nods to the sheriff over the top of his water glass, as he speaks.

Nar'a |

Rising from the bench she'd been sleeping on , Nar'a rose and streched then followes the Mayor's messenger out into the street.
The damage left her stricken, the emotions on her face reflecting the anger and horror she felt seeing her home in such a state.
She'd only met the Sheriff a couple of times, so she nodded and mutterd G'Morning, Sherriff then sat and waited for the Mayor.

Kror Stormshield |

Kror wanders in with a handful of sausages, still munching on his breakfast from the inn.
Looking around for something to drink, he spots the pitcher.
Water? Never drink the stuff.
Anyhow. What's up? Town looks rather worse for the wear in the daylight. Want us to go find the goblins lair and rough 'em up; teach 'em not to mess about with Sandpoint?

Saif al-Din of the Fiery Sun |

Saif follows Father Zantus in silence. As they walk through the town, he can see the damage and is shocked. For such small things, they can do all this?
As they arrive, he looks about to see the others and this Sheriff Hemlock. "Good day, Sir Sheriff Hemlock." Saif remains standing, having been taught not to take a seat unless ordered or on the literal verge of collapse.

Cedric Freeson |

Cedric follows the others and serveys the aftermath of yesterdays battle. His face shows almost no emotion as he sees the damage.
When they arrive he quietly sits down and waits.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

Mayor Deverin, whom you recognize from the Festival yesterday, comes in right after some of the other adventurers from the fight last night. Along with her is the nobleman you saved from the goblin rider.
Mayor Deverin waits for everyone to sit or otherwise make themselves comfortable before speaking.
"Firstly, let me thank you heroes for coming to our aid. Without you, Sandpoint would have been worse off. Do not get me wrong," she says, looking at the Sheriff and then back at all of you. "Sheriff Hemlock is a capable man. He and his men are usually capable of holding off the occasional goblin raid, but this.. this was different. Something got those goblins riled up and they attacked with organization. You can imagine the severity of such an idea. Sheriff?"
Hemlock nods, "Exactly. We usually only encounter a few brazen goblins, local to the area. Never in this number, or as well organized. We managed to capture a few alive, but they are refusing to say anything other than 'He is Coming.', whatever that means."
The priest interjects, "To add to the mystery, one of my acolytes informed me that one of the vaults in the graveyard was disturbed last night as well. The Sheriff and I would like for some of you to come and help us investigate further and see if the two incidences tie together."
Mayor Deverin speaks again, "You've done so much for us already, it is difficult for me to ask you to do more. For some of you, this is home and I hope someday, all of you would consider it as such. I do also know that some of you traveled here before moving on to another endeavor. I have recently come into possession of something that might interest you and could be advantageous to you and to this town if it pans out." She pulls out a pouch and tosses a cube shaped object on the table from the bag. It has runes on all sides, but before you can read them, she says, "It's a Dwarven Stone of Opening. My associates tell me it doesn't belong to any known Dwarven stronghold."
She lets you take in that thought before going on. "Will you help us?"

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Zenovia Says, "It is ill portends for Sandpoint if the Goblins are indeed organizing to such a degree. Varisia is my homeland and I shall dow what I can to help the safety of its people. The Graveyard would be a good start to our investigation. However do you happen to know what is the largest settlement of Goblins in this region? It would be a good place to investigate to solve this mystery."

Cedric Freeson |

"This town has been good to me and quite understanding of my work. I would be glad to help out with the goblins."

Saif al-Din of the Fiery Sun |

Listening intently, nodding at times. "I feel... I feel Sarenrae guided me here. This land so far away from my homeland, I feel that a darkness may be descending. Yes, I have surely been tasked to spread her loving light, to protect those here. It may not be much, but Sandpoint has use of my scimitar and faith."
He's worked up now. Yes, why else would he be here? He has surrendered himself to Sarenrae, and she led him here!

Dacar Ghrunt |

Dacar notices Burma's look and gives her a nod, Mayor, may I look at the item, under your or your sheriffs supervision of course, before we leave. I have a bit of a hobby in items and relics like to verify what I'm working for.
Dacar tries to pay attention to everything but his eyes keep drifting back to the item in question

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

"Excellent. We appreciate all of your assistance. Father?", the Mayor addresses Zantus.
"Thank you, your Honor. As I mentioned, the Sheriff and I would like some of you to follow us to the graveyard to investigate the damage done to one of the vaults. So far as has been found, only one has been desecrated so. It belonged to the prior leader of this church, Father Ezakien Tobyn."
The priest gives the noble you had rescued a nod, as if allowing him to speak. "Thank you, Father. Firstly, it is my turn to thank all of you again for your heroism. I was here investigating an old family claim of mine, the Foxglove estate, and I came across that.", he points to the cube on the table. "Its twin is being held as a prize in a gambling tournament in Riddleport. Neither one works without its partner, so far as I have found. I'm looking to get a hold of it and then see what my family and the Dwarven Nations have in common. From what the Mayor has told me, you might be just the group I'm looking for to help me get it and find what it opens."
Sheriff Belor Hemlock clears his throat. "What our 'friend' neglects to mention is the significance to Sandpoint. Ever since that thing has arrived, we have noticed an increase in interest in ancient relics and those who would acquire them through less than peaceful measures both here and in the three cities, Magnimar, Korvosa and of course, Riddleport. Taking care of this more discretely than Master Foxglove has would be in all of our best interests."
Aldern Foxglove responds only with a slight bow. Mayor Deverin continues. "If last night's raid has anything to do with one or both of these things, we need to get to the bottom of it, or I fear last night is only just the beginning.". She stops, as if waiting for something, but then continues. "We were going to hold on to this, but you are welcome to take it, as I think you might need it more than we will here."

Dacar Ghrunt |

I would like to volenteer for the group heading to Riddleport, I would be greatly honored in helping accuire a dwarven relic to such mystery.
I would just require a few moments to settle up with the caravan I was travelling with. Also, Burma care to join a dwarf in what's bound to be a crazy adventure, I so enjoyed our conversations on the road?

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Zenovia says, "I would rather solve the problems here in Sandpoint. My initial goal was to head to Magnimar and Riddleport is in the wrong direction of where I am initially heading. Still I shall do my part here in Sandpoint to investigate the goblin attack and find the source of their sudden organized nature."

Kror Stormshield |

Looking for a lost citadel is what I'm supposed to be doing while I'm wandering around. But protecting people in immediate danger seems more important. Besides, if someone sets out to track me down anytime soon, they'll assume that I'm off trying to find the lock to that key, rather than here - I might get a few extra months of adventuring out of that!

Cedric Freeson |

"I'll help with investigating the graveyard. I've started to like this place and don't really wish to leave it yet."

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Sounds like an investigation to me, and there might be some dangerous stuff there, so okay. Whatever it is, I'm going.
Then Kane looks at the party. Some fighters are up front. Others fighters are best watching our backs so that enemies can't sneak up on us. What position shall I be in? A lot of DMs will say it is a good idea to have fighters in both the front and the back. Actually more players say it than DMs, in fact in table-tops experience roleplayers will tell me to watch our backs when I play a fighter, and I'm okay with either position, which is why I'm having my IC ask the party

Sativon Preitan |

Sativon's eyes widen at the site of the Dwarven Opening Stone, having quite an interest in the opening of things. Since the only other person amongst the group he's even talked to is Burma, who helped him in the identification of a magic gem he still has hidden on his person, and she seems inclined to follow Dacar, he pipes up in an effort to join them. I wouldn't mind heading to Riddleport, and trying to help locate that relic's twin, if that'd be to everyone's liking? He inquires with sheepish and innocent grin, all while gently wiggling his slightly pointed, halfling ears for a bit of comic charm.

Burma "The Tusk" |

I would like to volenteer for the group heading to Riddleport, I would be greatly honored in helping accuire a dwarven relic to such mystery.
I would just require a few moments to settle up with the caravan I was travelling with. Also, Burma care to join a dwarf in what's bound to be a crazy adventure, I so enjoyed our conversations on the road?
"As far as I can tell from what has been said, finding this twin stone is as necessary to completing our task as finding the citadel itself. You can count me in, if you can assure me there will be no more festivals on the way. Blech."

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

Aldern looks at the group. ”Well then it seems like we have our group then. I'm looking to leave for Riddleport in the next couple days. As far as I am aware, there are no more festivals along the way. Unless you count the tournament at the Golden Goblin. If you will accompany me to the Rusty Dragon, I will fill you in on the details.” With a bow to the others, he turns and leaves.
Father Zantus speaks up. ” Sheriff? If the rest of you are ready, I want to put this investigation to rest before we add more stress on our townsfolk.”
”Agreed.”, Mayor Deverin nods before excusing herself and leaving. Sheriff Hemlock looks at the rest of you expectantly.
those following Aldern, please return to the Rusty Dragon thread...the rest remain here.

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Zenovia Says to Saif al-Din, "I am glad to be working with a fellow agent of Sarenrae on this mission. The first order of business will be checking that graveyard and searching for clues why the Goblins raided it. I find it odd that goblins would want to rob some old corpses when I am sure they are the sort who would eat fresher foods. There has to be a reason behind this."

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

"You are probably correct, dwarf. No goblin raid this big happens by accident.", Sheriff Hemlock says.
You are led from the townhall down Tower Street and up the hill to the Sandpoint Cathedral. As the largest building in town, it provides plenty of shade for those still cleaning up the mess. A few look up at you, some waving, some whispering to each other, all seem in awe of you. Father Zantus smiles at them. "It seems you've made quite an impression. Ah, here we are."
It suddenly dawns on you that have been walking through a graveyard for the last few minutes. In front of you is a large mortuary vault with one door askewed to the side. Its nameplate reads 'Tobyn'.
The Sheriff clears his throat. "We'll wait here."

Kror Stormshield |

Never a good sign, broken door on a mortuary. Let's have a look, shall we?
Kror inspects the damaged door, and the stone around it, looking for anything of interest, but especially trying to determine if it was broken from within or from without.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 (+2 if there's anything odd about the stonework itself)

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

The sheriff looks at Nar'a. ”No more so than the rest of the town. Father, if this goes where I think it might, may I suggest heading back to the cathedral?”
Father Zantus nods. ”As long as you promise me to keep whatever you find from the rest of the community. They've suffered enough.”
Sheriff Hemlock only gives a gruff nod in response.
The door itself was forced ajar by something being used as a lever, the lock smashed, probably with the same object.

Kror Stormshield |

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Survival: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Kror spends some time looking at the floor in the mausoleum, and then at the ground outside the door. Well, we know the goblins were working for someone else; look at these footprints. You see this one larger set mixed in with the small goblin prints? There were... half a dozen gobs, along with one human. Kror continues looking around as he's speaking, and points over to the wall They climbed the wall over there, and then broke into the mausoleum and went inside. If this happened while the town was being attacked, could the whole thing have been a diversion?

Cedric Freeson |

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
"It is troubling to learn the goblins are now taking orders from someone or something. It may not be a human whose leading either. It seems our investigstion is leading to more questions than answers."

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

Cedric Freeson |

"Maybe I can be of some help Although it'll take a minute." Cedric begins making a identify extract and will drink it when finished.
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
"It seems your right. Someone used necromancy here very recently."

Saif al-Din of the Fiery Sun |

Saif nearly freezes up. Necromancy? His left hand grabs his holy symbol as his right grabs his scimitar. "Then we must cleanse and reconsecrate this place as quickly as possible. Sarenrae, grant us your light."
He turns to the group. "Press on and spread the redeeming light." He steps into the doorway and holds his holy symbol forward as a light begins to glow forth from it. Light has been cast on the symbol.

Kror Stormshield |

I dunno about redeeming light, but I can certainly press on. Let's see if we can figure out what they were up to in here. Saif, you maybe ought ta let me go first. I can take a hit nearly as good as I can give 'em; if there's anything dangerous down here it's best for the dwarf to be in the front.

Saif al-Din of the Fiery Sun |

Saif stops and turns to the Dwarf. He thinks for a moment. The faithful must defend all innocents. But I'm letting my zeal possibly work against me...
He steps to the side a little, bowing his head. "If you wish, Kror. I will admit that this is a first for me. Please, lead the way."