Brewmaster |

Name: Udanan Loyalar
race: Human
class:1st lvl Babarian
After geting lost in the woods for a week, because of traveling through the woods at night during a wind storm. udanan and a another player were traveling back to olegs, they see movement in the woods Udanan sees its a owl bear. Insted of sneaking away Udanan points and yells OWL BEAR! The owl bear responds by chargeing, grapeling udanan then tearing hes head off. the other player runs away. Good by sweet Udanan. Hopefully lesson learned by the player.......

Scipion del Ferro RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4 |

He was only mostly dead?
If I remember right he went into the fight with 23 health. Then in one turn two zombies landed hits for max damage, so 10 each. That put him at 3. So he fell back a bit out of the fight since the others arrived. Then when the Stag Lord shot him it was 12 damage from the bow, putting him to -9. The sneak attack damage brought it to -23.
Can't wait to see them really try and bring the Lord down.

Eric Garvue |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Name: Khashana
Race: Kalashtar
Classes/levels: Pacifist Cleric 3
Adventure: Stolen Lands
Location: Hillside of the Stag Lord's fort
Catalyst: Shot by guards on the walls of the fort
The Gory Details:
After defeating the bandits at the Thorn Ford camp, they capture Kressle and she gives them details on the location of the Stag Lord's headquarters (the two LG types are attempting to turn her from her life of crime, and stopped the rest of the party from lynching her on the spot). They find the fort and scope it out, noticing that the bandits don't pay much attention to the backside of the hill and decide that's their avenue of assault <insert evil DM laugh here>. They wait until nightfall and begin their ascent up the hill. Halfway up the hill they are jumped by the undead guardians. Being a 4E conversion, I had to modify the encounter; a wight and several skeletons of various kinds attack the party. We're also playing "Brutal Style" (monsters have less HP but more damage). The rogue goes down and is bleeding out when the pacifist cleric runs and saves him from dying. About this time two bandits in the fort notice the commotion and begin firing on the party as well. For her heroism the cleric is peppered with arrows from the skeleton archers and falls unconscious, dying. Thus follows the dialog from the (redneck) bandits on the walls:
"Whoo-wee, didja see that one? Them dead folk got her good!"
"Hold on there, Slim...I'm a-thinkin' that one still twitchin'."
"I bet you ten gold and two more beers you can't hit her from here."
"Aright...hold muh beer and watch this!"
<DM rolls....the arrow flies and impales the poor unconscious cleric, killing her outright>
"HO-LEE GOZREH! I got her! I got her! Didja see that? That one is dead - D-A-I-D dead! Yeeeeeha!"
After finally defeating the undead, the party retreats from the hillside under fire from the arrows and jeers of the bandits, sneaking away and sorrowfully carrying the body of their dead friend with them. They return to Oleg's to discover that in their absence, a raiding party from the Stag Lord has burnt most of the trading post to the ground, kidnapped Svetlana, and has crucified Oleg by nailing him to what's left of the outer wall - revenge for their assault on the Thorn Ford camp.
The cowardly priest of Erastil comes out of hiding and tells them what happened. I handwaved him to be high enough level to cast Raise Dead and the party forks over their hard earned cash to raise their cleric friend (they had previously completed his quest, so he was friendly to them). They also paid to have Oleg raised as well, and he vows revenge on the Stag Lord. The party doesn't need much convincing, as their blood is up now too.
Reinforced by the addition of Oleg and Kressle (the Stag Lord went too far this time in her eyes; maybe she is on a path to redemption), they re-assault the fort, sneaking up the back hill figuring that they killed all the undead. From the fort they can hear the sounds of celebration, rough laughter, and occasionally a woman's scream. No time to lose - they hurry up the hill. All make their stealth rolls...except for the cleric, who is spotted out in the open by the same two bandit guards. What follows is utterly classic:
Thinking quickly, the cleric begins waving her hands and moaning, ghost-like: "OoooooooOOOOo Yooo have killlled meeeee....I've come baaaaack for yourrrr soulll! OooooOOOOOooo!" <player aces her Bluff check, and the bandits fail miserably> Terror fills them as the deva psion teleports the cleric over the wall and RIGHT NEXT to the bandits. The cleric shouts: "By killlinggg meee, yooou have broken the barrrier...we dead can crossss the walll! Yoouuu willl alllll die!!!!" <player aces another Bluff check>.
End result...one bandit runs screaming "They're comin! The dead are comin over the walls! Run for yore lives!!!" while the other falls to his knees, blubbering in terror. The rest of the party meanwhile has scaled the outer wall safely and the assault of the fort is on in earnest.
Best. D&D session. Ever.
Apologies for the wall of text.

Arthun |

Name: Elias
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Fighter
Adventure: Stolen Lands
Location: Somewhere in the south of Oleg's
Catalyst: A barghest & two worgen attack the party's late at night
Ok, Elias is not dead. But almost - the second time.
It's really nice learning the game that way - almost losing your first Pathfinder Character.
4 members of the party were asleep, the Monk and the Cleric of Erastil kept watch when the barghest and "his" two worgen attacked.
While both were getting downed pretty fast (the cleric's entangle gave us some time), the 4 slowly awakened and got into the fight (4 rounds to get out of the tent, reduced by 50% for a succesfull DC 15 Perception Check and another 50% to a minimum of 1 round by a DC 15 Fort. saving throw - a successfull DC 12 Reflex Save allowed a standard action in the round in which you got out of your tent).
Wearing no armor (Why is it, that I only know realized that "Endurance" would have been a really usefull Feat when traveling and camping in the wild?) we almost had a TPK - until the retreating halfling Sorceress feigned death after a hit (my girlfriend is really happy now about putting ranks in bluff...).
We had put the barghest down - so the two worgen left. Taking with them one of the party for a nice funerl feast, dedicated to their barghest "commander".
The one person being Elias.
Now the funny thing is, I was kind of hacked of. Maybe that's to strong. A little bit annoyed. Funny thing - it saved Elias' live.
We have been "pranked" (yae, really funny, getting kicked down into the ditch while.. ahm.. having a sh** right into your own.. droppings) for some time by what looks like to be fey/a klabauter/whatever..
So, annoyed as I was, I "said" that for once the fey could have made themselfs usefull if they had thrown their exploding fir cones into the fire while the attack took place or something like that.
And that little outburst saved my character - I had my 2nd character ready and took a breack on the sofa while the others played on. And after some hours of rest they followed the trail - and found the worgs ambushed and irritated by dancing lights and other freaky stuff.
Elias was alive.. 1 hp less and hello GRIM REAPER.
GM said, he underistimated the Challenge of the 3 attackers for our level 2 group - I guess that helped to save my characters.
But while I (and Elias) appreciate the help of the fey - the next prank followed soon. Elias's food tasted like poo - and he got two other members of the party to try it. Haha!
Wondering why they focus on excrements - are there Sh**demons in Pathfinder? Like the Golgataner created by Kevin Smith for Dogma?

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This death is in a quantum state, she is both dead and not dead until we play the next session. See my Cliff-Hanger thread for more details.
Name: Alexia
Race: Half-Elf
Classes/Levels: Devil-Blooded Sorcerer 1
Location: Hex containing the Thorn River Camp
Catalyst: Random Owlbear and Tanked Stealth
I rolled a random encounter in the Narlmarches as my PCs followed the river from the Fairy Camp to the Thorn River Camp. Along the way they got a random encounter. Owlbear.
Okay, I think. They'll see it from about 60 ft, and sneak around it. Unfortunately the Owlbear rolled well, and the Sorcerer rolled poorly. After a brief battle, the sorceress was on 0 at the Owlbear's feet. The Ranger grabbed the sorceress and leaped into the river. The Alchemist, terrified of the Owlbear jumped into the water as well. The druid has melted into the forest in the hopes of catching up to his allies down river.
So now Alexia is at exactly 0 HP, with a pretty strong chance of dying. I'm going to tell her player to roll up a back-up character... just in case.

Kamelguru |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Name: My faith in my d20
Race: Metaphysical concept
Classes/Levels: N/A
Location: Hex north of elven ruin
Catalyst: Random encounter with 3 trolls
So.. rolled up the most lethal random encounter yet, with three trolls attacking the party as they are out mapping around half-way through Rivers Run Red. I expected to have a player death to submit here now, but paradoxically, the most lethal (BY CR and XP) encounter I have sent on the players, turned out to be nothing but a complete curb-stomp, as I could not roll double digits to save my d20. Trolls fail ALL their saves, so one is held by the cleric, one is mind-raped by the wizard's "Vision of Entropy" (that's what I get for allowing 3.5 source, I guess) and the last one is ganked by the rogue and fighter who roll the most absurd series of hits and crits, downing it in two rounds, where the troll impotently flails around and manages to get off a fumble on top of that.
I think I might retire my d20 if it keeps this up.

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Name: My faith in my d20
Race: Metaphysical concept
Classes/Levels: N/A
Location: Hex north of elven ruin
Catalyst: Random encounter with 3 trollsSo.. rolled up the most lethal random encounter yet, with three trolls attacking the party as they are out mapping around half-way through Rivers Run Red. I expected to have a player death to submit here now, but paradoxically, the most lethal (BY CR and XP) encounter I have sent on the players, turned out to be nothing but a complete curb-stomp, as I could not roll double digits to save my d20. Trolls fail ALL their saves, so one is held by the cleric, one is mind-raped by the wizard's "Vision of Entropy" (that's what I get for allowing 3.5 source, I guess) and the last one is ganked by the rogue and fighter who roll the most absurd series of hits and crits, downing it in two rounds, where the troll impotently flails around and manages to get off a fumble on top of that.
I think I might retire my d20 if it keeps this up.
We're laughing with you, not at you. ;)

Scipion del Ferro RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4 |

Name: Shiamata
Race: Tengu
Classes/levels: Fighter 1 / Rogue 3
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: The mud pit
Catalyst: Tendriculos
After taking about half its hit points in damage and healing at least that much the tendriculos manages to swallow the greased up tengu. The first round the bird spends in the gullet paralyzes him and one round later he's down to 3 hit points. At this point the paladin decides to willingly be swallowed to so he can heal the fighter. Another turn and Shiamata is down to -15 HP, he dies at -16. On the paladin's turn he's been grappled and climbs down the things throat to Lay on Hands bringing his compatriot to....-13 HP. CRUSH the bird dies.
The paladin cuts his way free and they barely manage to bring the plant down a few rounds later. Thus ends the life of Shiamata, Spymaster for the Kingdom of Relia. During the next month a graveyard is built to honor their fallen comrade. A month later his older brother Kuzo arrives. ; D

Caineach |
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vagrant-poet wrote:Jesus, people need to give players a break when they roll high on the random encounter chart!Now don't go all soft on me! Taming a frontier is dangerous work.
If they aren't up for it, they can go play d20 Carebears or something.
Carebears Call of Cthulhu is one of my favorite homebrew systems I have played.

Grendel Todd RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

First deaths from something other than a wandering monster, and nearly a TPK!
Name: Meriam "Ma" Jessup
Race: Human
Classes/levels: ALchemist 2/Witch 1,
Name: Nyal Furlein
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Ranger 3,
Name: Lord Khoran Lebeda
Race: Half-elf
Classes/levels: Noble 1/Cavalier 1/Rogue 1
Adventure: Stolen Lands
Location: The Haunted Hillside
Catalyst: Waking the Dead!

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Another "death but for action points" - dropped to -16 hp with 14 CON, but survived an extra round with APs and the party paladin cured him back up to -5. This was a one-off character rolled up for a player's friend visiting from out of town who wanted to drop in on the game.
Name: Aurus
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Sorcerer (infernal) 8
Location: The banks of the Murque River, near the lizardfolk island (which the party cleared out weeks ago)
Catalyst: A hanging rope from a rope trick attracting an ambush.
A group of four trolls in company with a forest drake (though who was the boss and who the minion was not clear to the party) set up an ambush right around the rope of the rope trick. The party did not see the lurking trolls through the "window" (which after some debate we decided faced straight down, along the rope, like the hatch in the floor of a tree fort).
The trolls surrounded the fort in a half-circle and the drake was up in the trees, but then used its acid cloud on the party as soon as they appeared (on initiative anyway - 2 trolls and one party member were surprised; everybody else was able to act in the surprise round), then flew down to close the circle.
The acid cloud doesn't do big damage, but the trolls and drake were able to box several party members in so they couldn't escape it (one troll also got hit for some acid damage). The party was doing well, but with two sorcerers caught in melee plus acid, it was bad news. The battle went on long enough for a second acid cloud (followed by the drake trying to retreat). Aurus had gotten dropped negative by a troll hit, and then rolled a 1 on the acid cloud save and dropped to -16.
But, with APs he held on for one more round, long enough for the paladin to drag him out of the acid cloud and heal him.
Yeah, yeah, "death but for action points" - just think of it as a pre-emptive raising of the dead... :)

Grendel Todd RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

Brutal, brutal Stag Lord! He's just mean!
Name: Isuldor
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Godling (Iomedae) 3
Name: Variel Forestwalker
Race: Half-elf
Classes/levels: Paladin (Erastil) 3
Adventure: Stolen Lands
Location: Stag Lord's Fortress
Catalyst: Storming the Castle!

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Brutal, brutal Stag Lord! He's just mean!
Name: Isuldor
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Godling (Iomedae) 3and
Name: Variel Forestwalker
Race: Half-elf
Classes/levels: Paladin (Erastil) 3Adventure: Stolen Lands
Location: Stag Lord's Fortress
Catalyst: Storming the Castle!
** spoiler omitted **
To shreds you say *tsk tsk*
and his wife and children?
To shreds you say.

Grendel Todd RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

Oh, I'm sure if they'd only had to focus on him, or otherwise tried anything but the all-out assault on the fortress, they would probably have overwhelmed him in short order.

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Name: Arceus Alexander
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Rogue 2
Location: Stolen Lands, Gold Mine
Catalyst: Wandering Grizzly Bear in the mine.
I rolled the Griz when they entered the hex. I decided that the mine was a nice lair so that is where he went. Along comes the party. Enter greedy little headstrong rogue.(nine year old stepson) I give them the description of the mine entrance, including the fact that the ground inside slopes down sharply, its quite dark inside.
Arceus: I go over and look in the entrance. You don't have dark vision so except for the first few feet of floor that slopes sharply downward into blackness you see nothing. (missed perception check)
Arceus: Ok I jump down into the cave!
Me: But its dark, you can't see and the floor slopes down sharply. You sure? (He's nine)
Arceus: Yep I jump on down!
Me: Roll an acrobatics check.
Arceus: I got a 2...mutter mutter..
You slip and fall 20ft to the bottom. Take 10 damage. Oh yeah you landed prone in front of a Grizzly bear. SURPRISE!
Surprise round to Grizzly, claw, claw, bite attacks ensue resulting in 14 points of damage! First dead character and it REALLY wasn't my fault!

Caineach |

You slip and fall 20ft to the bottom. Take 10 damage. Oh yeah you landed prone in front of a Grizzly bear. SURPRISE!Surprise round to Grizzly, claw, claw, bite attacks ensue resulting in 14 points of damage! First dead character and it REALLY wasn't my fault!
I would have not given the bear a suprise round. Its not like the bear was planning to attack or expects to be jumped on in its lair.

ArchAnjel |

You slip and fall 20ft to the bottom. Take 10 damage. Oh yeah you landed prone in front of a Grizzly bear. SURPRISE!
Surprise round to Grizzly, claw, claw, bite attacks ensue resulting in 14 points of damage
I would agree that the bear was as likely to be surprised as anyone else. But setting that issue aside for the moment, should such an occasion pop up in the future, you might consider giving yourself an out such as letting the creature take only a single attack action. It normally takes a full attack action to do a full claw, claw, bite routine and surprise rounds only allow a standard action or a move action so you have some leeway there to give your player another chance.

Kamelguru |

So many flaws here, in my opinion. One; if the bear was up and about (which it apparently was), it is not in a bears nature to be a ninja. Bears are territorial animals that rely on intimidation (rearing up on back feet etc) to avoid getting hurt itself. So it would make noise to scare them away.
Two; surprise round = either 1 move or 1 attack. Unless the bear was hiding right at the entrance, like a ninja on the prowl, it would likely use its single action to get up from prone, or move towards the rogue. Best case scenario, it could take a partial charge. Also, bears do not have darkvision either, so it would have at least 20% miss chance.
Also, cut the kid some slack. If he does a blatantly harmful action, such as jumping into a gaping ravine, tell him that there is such a thing as falling damage, and he should climb instead. And maybe get some light up. And maybe wait for the rest of the group. Kids don't think really far ahead, but unless his character was 9, or had less than 8 in both int and wis, his character would likely not do that.
Buuuut.... If he was going ahead of the others to grab loot or something, then that is a different story. Teach him the merit of teamwork and whatnot.

Brian Bachman |

Name: Arceus Alexander
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Rogue 2Location: Stolen Lands, Gold Mine
Catalyst: Wandering Grizzly Bear in the mine.
I rolled the Griz when they entered the hex. I decided that the mine was a nice lair so that is where he went. Along comes the party. Enter greedy little headstrong rogue.(nine year old stepson) I give them the description of the mine entrance, including the fact that the ground inside slopes down sharply, its quite dark inside.
Arceus: I go over and look in the entrance. You don't have dark vision so except for the first few feet of floor that slopes sharply downward into blackness you see nothing. (missed perception check)
Arceus: Ok I jump down into the cave!
Me: But its dark, you can't see and the floor slopes down sharply. You sure? (He's nine)
Arceus: Yep I jump on down!
Me: Roll an acrobatics check.
Arceus: I got a 2...mutter mutter..
You slip and fall 20ft to the bottom. Take 10 damage. Oh yeah you landed prone in front of a Grizzly bear. SURPRISE!
Surprise round to Grizzly, claw, claw, bite attacks ensue resulting in 14 points of damage! First dead character and it REALLY wasn't my fault!
Others have addressed some of the ways you could have avoided killing the guy. More important to me to know is how you avoided sleeping on the couch after killing your 9-year old stepson's character? I sometimes play with my wife and both my (13 and 11 yr old) kids, and I'm still hearing about the time her first PC got swallowed by a giant frog (and she didn't even die!). I shudder to think how she'll react when one of the kids' characters inevitably dies. Grizzly waking up from a nap is nothing compared to my Mama Bear defending her kids!

Level76mage |
This one was my fault in a way but I lost half my party to a random encounter of 5 wolves ambushing them as soon as they left Oleg's, the party fighter and rogue were killed before the rest retreated back to the post while the wolves ate the dead. I gave them new characters at Olegs to replace the two dead ones

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Really? Cause I thought that when she stopped dancing to grapple someone everyone else would wake up...
Can you dance and grapple at the same time? Perhaps it's a slam dance, or just a partnered waltz where she grabs your arms and forces you to dance with her. Every grapple doesn't have to be a freestyle take-down, after all.

Scipion del Ferro RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4 |

Haha, I don't know was just going off of what James said here
Now you have me thinking of her flash dancing.

Drawmij's_Heir |

So many flaws here, in my opinion.
Alas, only Artreus knows the full details of this encounter. Perhaps the bear either heard or "scented" intruders within its lair, and was already awake and alert.
Perhaps the PC was carrying a torch, or some other form of illumination.
Whatever the case, I appreciate hearing the account of another PC mauled by either circumstance or incautious action.

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Name: Kyte Liengood
Race: Elf
Classes/levels: Druid 1
Location: The Old Sycamore, R5 - The War Room
Catalyst: Tackling Tickleback to protect his pet.
The PCs had just fought the Whiptail Centipede, wherein Kyte's cat Lim had been reduced to negative hit points as well as the party's alchemist Dhagodir. They healed up and crossed the pit.
They popped Mites like cherries, but the Tick proved to be tougher game. It dropped the cat and slurped on it like a slushy. Kyte bullrushed it away, it retaliated with a particularly vicious bite dealing 18 damage in one crit. Kyte dropped to death instantly, a gross proboscis impaling clear through the back of his throat and sucking only empty air.
With a resounding cry of "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" the party members brought their wrath upon the tick causing it to pop. Kyte is now buried beneath the Old Sycamore in an unmarked grave. Another victim of the Stolen Lands.

Glass Castle |

Name : River
Level : (Monk 1)
Location : Oleg's Fort
Catalyst: All rolls are usually hidden from players. Except I rolled this publicly before I even knew the result. Afterwards players asked me not to roll publicly ever again.
First roll: d20 on a composite longbow from scaled up CR 3 Happs for a battle against 6 PCs (from Alexander's thread)+ slight strength and HP boost b/c he is fighting 10 PCs. Critical confirmed with a 19; then rolled maximum damage.
River takes an arrow through the eye in the second round of the battle and falls into double digit negatives. Everyone is shocked. First character I have killed (outside of a trap) in nearly 10 years.
Note: All were warned that characters could be killed and all ran at minimum 2 characters (as per DM Dudemeister's suggestion for large parties).
Happs was later executed without being questioned and all surviving bandits were dealt with likewise as revenge (I think about 6 bandits in total were slain; all CR 1/2 - 1 except one CR 2). One bandit however survived and made his way south to the Thorn River camp.

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Name : River
Level : (Monk 1)
Location : Oleg's FortCatalyst: All rolls are usually hidden from players. Except I rolled this publicly before I even knew the result. Afterwards players asked me not to roll publicly ever again.
First roll: d20 on a composite longbow from scaled up CR 3 Happs for a battle against 6 PCs (from Alexander's thread)+ slight strength and HP boost b/c he is fighting 10 PCs. Critical confirmed with a 19; then rolled maximum damage.
River takes an arrow through the eye in the second round of the battle and falls into double digit negatives. Everyone is shocked. First character I have killed (outside of a trap) in nearly 10 years.
Note: All were warned that characters could be killed and all ran at minimum 2 characters (as per DM Dudemeister's suggestion for large parties).
Happs was later executed without being questioned and all surviving bandits were dealt with likewise as revenge (I think about 6 bandits in total were slain; all CR 1/2 - 1 except one CR 2). One bandit however survived and made his way south to the Thorn River camp.
i always roll in the open, for exactly such moments as these.
of course, when another DM ran Savage Tide, almost every boss rolled a Nat-1 on a death attack or massive damage save, every adventure. I personally saw 3-4 confirmed public "Save vs. Death: Fail," so it's nice to see it on the return side.
I assume a backup PC, already in game world, will be taking his place?

Glass Castle |

That's pretty neat.
The Player was running two characters already so he decided to drop down and just run one.
Right now in the second Kingmaker game I am running I have:
1 Player running 4 characters
1 Player running 3 characters+Druid Pet
1 Player running 2 characters
1 Player running 1 character
(The first KM game is on hiatus while two of 3 players have conflicts, so I started up a second one... amusingly, one of the players of this second one is from the first game- but I changed things up enough for him to enjoy the adventure.)
On most adventures they are only allowed to take one character; but sometimes I have ensemble battles, which have turned out surprisingly well. running multiple characters hurts roleplaying, but improves tactical interesting battle possibilities. I prefer Roleplaying but this group seems to avoid it like the plague- they didn't bother to talk to any bandits- they never ask oleg any questions, they didn't even examine a bandit's diary even though I mentioned it THREE times, etc. And yet they claim they are most interested in kingmaker for the politics... but they don't ask any questions ever... it's somewhat strange.
I had a prelude battle when they received their Charter in Restov, then the battle at Oleg's, then some very amusing adventuring troubles with the Thawns to cap Adventure #2 (involving a trap the party found far too intricate to disarm without injuring themselves so they put up a warning sign; thrown horses, endless mud traps, alchemist fire smashed in a druid's face not once but twice, and thrown party members). The Thawns were a huge hit with the characters.

Level76mage |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
I have a new obituary, my PCs created a Black Market on the first turn with all of their money, and on the second turn, it rolled up a "Mirror of Life Trapping" as their major item, when the PC's went on their usual raid of the store to take illegal items, the first PC looked in the mirror and was traped, the rest looked incredulously at the mirror that just ate the Party fighter and were all consumed by it, TPK.

wraithstrike |

I have a new obituary, my PCs created a Black Market on the first turn with all of their money, and on the second turn, it rolled up a "Mirror of Life Trapping" as their major item, when the PC's went on their usual raid of the store to take illegal items, the first PC looked in the mirror and was traped, the rest looked incredulously at the mirror that just ate the Party fighter and were all consumed by it, TPK.
Awesome, now between us and the boards was that the real roll, or the DM putting out justice? Either way it was handled well.

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Level76mage wrote:Awesome, now between us and the boards was that the real roll, or the DM putting out justice? Either way it was handled well.TPK.
I have a new obituary, my PCs created a Black Market on the first turn with all of their money, and on the second turn, it rolled up a "Mirror of Life Trapping" as their major item, when the PC's went on their usual raid of the store to take illegal items, the first PC looked in the mirror and was traped, the rest looked incredulously at the mirror that just ate the Party fighter and were all consumed by it, TPK.
+infinity :)

Leonal |

I have a new obituary, my PCs created a Black Market on the first turn with all of their money, and on the second turn, it rolled up a "Mirror of Life Trapping" as their major item, when the PC's went on their usual raid of the store to take illegal items, the first PC looked in the mirror and was traped, the rest looked incredulously at the mirror that just ate the Party fighter and were all consumed by it, TPK.
Wouldn't they eventually pop out if others who also frequented the black market looked in the mirror and failed their save? Say a week or a month or worst case 500 years or more later?

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Level76mage wrote:Wouldn't they eventually pop out if others who also frequented the black market looked in the mirror and failed their save? Say a week or a month or worst case 500 years or more later?TPK.
I have a new obituary, my PCs created a Black Market on the first turn with all of their money, and on the second turn, it rolled up a "Mirror of Life Trapping" as their major item, when the PC's went on their usual raid of the store to take illegal items, the first PC looked in the mirror and was traped, the rest looked incredulously at the mirror that just ate the Party fighter and were all consumed by it, TPK.
Ooh, exciting new Kingmaker campaign. The group is liberated from the mirror and has to start over in a strangely familiar yet alien version of the Stolen Lands some centuries later. Maybe the bandits have been replaced by firearm-wielding militia and/or steampunk-style ReMade from the Dragon article on China Mieville's Bas-Lag setting. Steam-powered cyborg fugitives hiding in the woods and preying on travelers!