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Organized Play Member. 67 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.
For example:
I have a base dex of 11.
I purchase a belt of dex +2.
Provided I wear it for 24 hours, allowing the bonus to become permanent, can I now take something like Nimble Moves which requires a base dex of 13?
Can someone point me to a rule where it says this?
There is a named magic dagger that you can split into two, then use to throw one, then split again.... I can't remember which it is, but I think it'd be great to use for this spell.
However wouldn't the ancestral gift from the ancestor oracle be a great use for this?
doc the grey wrote: Belle Mythix wrote: Hmm, more info on the lycanthropes only stuff?
Anything in particular you are looking for? As it's written a lot of the crunch stuff that is meant for an specific breed of Lycan is mixed in with their associated skin walker. That being said if you give some specifics I think I can pull some stuff out for you. Are there Feats? Traits?
Lycanthrope specific, not just skin walkers?

Ipslore the Red wrote: Sure, but it won't stop them from dying again. Breath of Life restores HP. The second death isn't due to HP damage. They just die. Yeah, it's not to prevent them from dying a second time, it's to bring them back with the breath of life spell AFTER the second death.
HP damage doesn't matter.
Breath of Life wrote: This spell cures 5d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +25).
Unlike other spells that heal damage, breath of life can bring recently slain creatures back to life. If cast upon a creature that has died within 1 round, apply the healing from this spell to the creature. If the healed creature's hit point total is at a negative amount less than its Constitution score, it comes back to life and stabilizes at its new hit point total. If the creature's hit point total is at a negative amount equal to or greater than its Constitution score, the creature remains dead. Creatures brought back to life through breath of life gain a temporary negative level that lasts for 1 day.
Creatures slain by death effects cannot be saved by breath of life.
Like cure spells, breath of life deals damage to undead creatures rather than curing them, and cannot bring them back to life.
Emphasis mine. Wouldn't that still apply?
Basically, the creature's HP wouldn't be more than their Con score, and they didn't just die from a death effect.

Power Word Kill
Can instagib someone, if the conditions are right.
Now, once killed with Power Word Kill, you cannot be brought back with Breath of Life due to the spell specifically saying: "Creatures slain by death effects cannot be saved by breath of life."
However, what if someone used the Gift of Life from the resurrection Domain first?
Resurrection Domain
Resurrection Domain wrote: Gift of Life (Su): At 8th level, you can touch a creature that has died within the past minute to grant it a few moments of life. The dead creature returns to life for a number of rounds equal to your cleric level. Creatures returned to life in this way have a number of hit points equal to half your cleric level, and continue to be affected by any still-active spells, conditions, or afflictions present at the time of their death. At the end of this time, the creature dies again. The creature is free to act as it sees fit during this time. You are granted no control over it.
You can use this power once per day at 8th level, plus one additional time per day for every four levels beyond 8th.
After the second "Death", couldn't you use Breath of Life, as when it died the second time it was not by a death effect.

Let's take a trip down the imagination train.
Furious Focus Requires Power Attack, so there's why Power Attack is there.
Why Furious Focus?
The fluff text reads as follows:
Quote: Even in the midst of fierce and furious blows, you can find focus in the carnage and your seemingly wild blows strike home. So it could be, because when you reduce an enemy to 0 or fewer hit points, you have enough focus in your attacks to demoralize all enemies.
If it wasn't a requirement, you could obviously say: As I fell this enemy before me, my character then makes an intimidate action by using my dreadful carnage feat, and make an attempt to demoralize nearby foes.
But with it being a requirement:
During the fury of my powerful attack, after I feel the warm blood splattered across not only my blade, but my face, I take the moment to snarl at my nearby enemies, making quick use of my Dreadful Carnage feat, in hopes to not only demoralize, but to strike fear into their hearts of what awaits them as I continue to wage war upon them with my mighty sword.
That being said, I'm not really sure why it's a real requirement, but it could be because of storyline, but other than that, I've got nothing.
Remember rule zero, Story Trumps Rules
Yeah, its not really combat viable, but for a true RP scene it could do wonders.
Example, my character is a dex, cha, based character.
But she's what amounts to a police officer in the city she's in.
In an RP situation where everything thinks she's a "weaker" character, imagine just laying one on someone.
That'd be a hell of a way to set the tone.

Estimating Magic Item Gold Values
Has options for Single use, use-activated, and gives a potion as an example.
But there are items such as Candle of Truth.
Which is based on the Zone of Truth spell, lasting for an hour (which is like caster level 60, or perhaps 30 with the right meta magic feats).
Now the cost to make such an item is 1250 gold.
Once it's used it's done.
So now, that thought process in mind.
What about making something akin to brass knuckles or a red rod (Sword of Truth Series anyone?), that is a one use item, of BoneShatter.
Now, it's a 5th level spell, and for ease of math, lets say cast at caster level 10.
5 x 10 x 50 (single use use activated) put's it at 2500 gold to make, and about 5,000 gold to buy.
Now being realistic, that's not that bad, and a scroll IS cheaper, but could someone make it to where you hit someone with the item and you activate the spell?
Aka, take an otherwise low strength character, give them these one-time use brass knuckles of boneshatter, and have them punch someone.
The RP value alone for a single punch that shatters the jaw (and other bones) in a persons body, would be amazing.
But am I crazy trying to make this item?
If you're trying to front load your damage, take a look into the blood reservoir of physical prowess.
Out of combat take 4 temporary con hit (200 gold bandages of rapid recovery help get this back fast), but it'll store it until you use it.
The benefit? 1. Heal physical ability damage 1-1 by use of the 4 charges.
2. Gain an enhancement bonus equal to double the charges to a physical stat for 2 rounds.
The cost? 2000 gold.
The drawback?
Refilling it in back to back combats, and that it doesn't stack with belts of physical stats.
Boots of combat readiness.
It is a once per day up to 4 people use of swift gridling (the spell that puts you instantly in your armor).
Ends up being pretty cheap and useful.
SeeleyOne wrote: Is there a way to have two Arcane Bond items? Such as a wand and a staff like Harry Dresden.
As always talk with your GM, while it may not be intended this way, the gm's I've know always enjoy story over rules. So if you're willing to split a bonded items bonuses between two items or spend feats and the like, id allow it.
Also, in what way were they his hounds?
He had purchased them?
How are they bound to him?
Can you transcribe the ritual here for me?
It is double cost for a Slotless item.
However, you could ask your GM to allow you to have a tattoo take up a permanent normal slot in exchange for the same pricing as the normal item.
While this may not seem practical for some players, it can really add to story for others.
Be a level 13 Flame Oracle.
Take the Form of Flame Revelation.
Turn into a Gargantuan Fire Elemental.
Use Enlarge Person.
Burn. Everything.
First choice i'd have to say would be the Sylph
It is very arguable to any GM that the Air Affinity could easily be counted towards Stormborn. Same with the favored class bonus.
Other great ones:
Samsarans the Mystic Past Life (Su) alternate racial trait... is just amazing.
Depending on the level of the campaign: Merfolk aren't bad, especially if you take something that grants you Fins to feet (or learn the spell)
Or it's worth taking a look at Gillmen Just take either the Riverfolk alternate racial trait, or the throwback alternate racial trait.
Is this a game on the open seas or on land and potentially horseback?
Cult of Vorg wrote: If a class ability doesn't specify "character" level, then it refers to class level. I'm not aware of any exceptions. Right, that's the near exact example of Quote: Note that there are a number of effects and prerequisites that rely on a character's level or Hit Dice. Such effects are always based on the total number of levels or Hit Dice a character possesses, not just those from one class. The exception to this is class abilities, most of which are based on the total number of class levels that a character possesses of that particular class. I'm just curious as to why it wouldn't say all.
Or "unless otherwise specified"
It's just not clearly defined.

Rather than necroing This 2 year old thread
Or trying to wade into This Sorcerer thread, I thought i'd start my own thread.
So It has been discussed somewhat before, where on the requirement for an oracle revelation says:
Quote: You must be at least 11th level to select this revelation. It has been argued that under multiclassing listed here: http://paizo.com/PRD/classes.html
Quote: Note that there are a number of effects and prerequisites that rely on a character's level or Hit Dice. Such effects are always based on the total number of levels or Hit Dice a character possesses, not just those from one class. The exception to this is class abilities, most of which are based on the total number of class levels that a character possesses of that particular class. But it does say most.
So, the reason this makes me curious is because of the following:
Flame Mystery
There are many abilities that state: "You must be ___ level to.."
But under Revelations like Wings of Fire
It states:
Quote: As a swift action, you can manifest a pair of fiery wings that grant you a fly speed of 60 feet with average maneuverability. You can use these wings for 1 minute per day per oracle level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1 minute increments. You must be at least 7th level before selecting this revelation. Emphasis mine.
Now, if the entire class required you to be a 7th level oracle, then why call out "Oracle level" in the revelation itself. This is not the only time this occurs, it also appears in touch of flame, and gaze of flames.
Then I got to thinking, why would you put a level restriction on it at all? Well, that much is obvious, balance.
But if you had to be a 7th level oracle to get the wings of flame, then what is the point of ever multiclassing into our out of an oracle?
If it is intended to be 7 (or whatever other level restriction) levels of oracle and not just level, then doesn't that kind of just screw the oracle from ever prestiging into anything but the TWO (off the top of my head), prestige classes available for oracles?
Or is it reasonable instead to consider, that perhaps, JUST perhaps, it is intended to mean level and not oracle level?
I'd pick a cat type honestly.
Something like a were-bobcat.
Or a were-tiger.
Don't be afraid to downsize the animal stats, if he was a natural born, then he could really be whatever one of his parents was.
Even if one was a human and one was a halfling, you could still have a were-bear halfling, just.... smaller.
Thread necro.
It says this is answered in the FAQ, can anyone find the link?
As I cannot.
I would think yes, the weapon being intelligent but being aligned to NG makes perfect sense to me.
However, would you consider a NG monk's fists good aligned?
Because if no, then you must treat the intelligent weapon the same.
mplindustries wrote: The ability as a whole damages each creature once. If an enemy that takes up multiple squares is in multiple squares of an AoE effect, no matter how little sense it makes, it takes the same damage as anyone else--in your case 11d6.
Someone walking down a hallway full of Firestorm would take the damage once. Someone standing in the hallway would take it once per turn.
Thanks. Even though it's frelling retarded. I suppose it makes sense so it's not "overpowered".

I suppose this can always apply to Wall of Fire as well, but I ran into this during my game last night.
I play a level 11 Flame Oracle.
I have Firestorm, now this brought into question how the damage works.
I'm doing 11d6 damage at my level.
Now I can also make 11 ten foot square cubes, so long as they're adjacent to each others.
No I had an enemy about 90 feet long, and 20 feet wide (a giant squid, not a ship). It was my thought that Each of these 10 foot squares were doing 11d6 damage.
My GM and I decided because we didn't know the answer we'd just use one roll for the whole thing.
I understand that each round that someone is in the fire, it will do damage. However, let's say Firestorm was in a complete straight light down a 30 foot hallway. So if an enemy walked into the hallway, they only take damage from first walking into it. So then they're scott-free walking through the rest of it?
Wouldn't there be damage every new 10 foot square?
I mean if you walked through the whole level 11 Firestorm, wouldn't you take the damage 11 times? (obviously provided you were fast enough to move through 110 feet in a single round).
Long and the short of it, with spells like Wall of Fire and the Oracle Ability Firestorm, instead of "crossing" the wall, what if someone was moving through it, do they take damage more than once?
wow that was long winded.
Ninjaxenomorph wrote: Ooh, I'll pass on blackened and just stick with being blind. Thanks for the spell list, though. However, while I like a few of them, they are a little gimicky for spells known, or I don't have the sourcebook: Weaponwand can be cast by other casters, Detect Evil maybe if there is not a paladin in the party, Spear of Purity won't work because he does not have a holy symbol, and I already get Dispel Magic. Oracles don't need a holy symbol to cast it.
Just assign a hand to always use when casting it. I typically cast mine via my sword.

Ninjaxenomorph wrote: I'm too swayed by the 'See In Darkness' ability to let go of Clouded Vision! Besides, I want something easy to role play. As a side not, what does Blackened do? Could a halfling take it? Quote: Blackened
Your hands and forearms are shriveled and blackened, as if you had plunged your arms into a blazing fire, and your thin, papery skin is sensitive to the touch.
You take a –4 penalty on weapon attack rolls, but you add burning hands to your list of spells known.
At 5th level, add scorching ray and flaming sphere to your list of spells known.
At 10th level, add wall of fire to your list of spells known and your penalty on weapon attack rolls is reduced to –2.
At 15th level, add delayed blast fireball to your list of spells known.
For spells, given your mystery, curse, and cohort preference I'd suggest the following:
level 1: Embrace Destiny, Bless, Weaponwand, Shield of Faith, Doom, and a detect alignment spell (evil, or whatever)
Level 2: Bulls Strength, Darkness (make use of that darkvision!), Martyr's Bargain (such a great spell), Lesser Restoration, Spear of purity, Eagle's Splendor, (increase the DC for your spells!)
level 3: Blessing of the mole (give out darkvision!), Create food and water, Nap Stack (nothing says awesome like sleeping for 2 hours and having it count as 8), Prayer, Resist Energy Communal, Dispel Magic
True enough. I played clouded vision as a melee oracle, but as a caster version I must suggest legality. Your word is your bond,but at least you can see. However tongues isn't bad either.

Ninjaxenomorph wrote: I am looking to join a campaign soon, and have already partially worked out my character. The only divine character I have played (ever) is a level 2 inquisitor in PFS. For this campaign, the character I have made is a halfling oracle, with the Spellscarred mystery from Inner Sea Magic and the Clouded Vision curse.
While I don't have his stats on hand, it was a 20-point buy, and I ended up with a 19 charisma, with no stat penalties save an 8 strength. Having never played a full divine caster, I am not sure of what feats or spells to take. I want him to be the party face, while in combat he focuses on suppressing and controlling magic, which his Mystery gives him quite a good list of spells. Eventually he will be taking Still/Silent Spell and Leadership, but what to start out with is a mystery to me. The only limits on the campaign rules are that most summoning effects don't work, but that might change at a higher level.
Hi there, I'm playing an Oracle myself, have been for 10 levels.
Jumping right in before getting the answers to these questions,
I'd suggest:
Torchbearer To gain leadership basically sooner than normal, but it turns into Leadership at 8th level.
Because Oracles don't gain a lot of spells known I'd also suggest:
Expanded Arcana
I'd also suggest Skill Focus in Knowledge Religion or Arcana.
Then from that building it into: Eldritch Heritage as soon as you can to gain a familiar from the Arcane (thus keeping in theme with your SpellScar character).
Then take Improved Eldritch Heritage to select New Arcana and select a spell from the list of Wizard/sorcerer
For your halfling character I'd also suggest changing around some Racial types,
From Halfling luck to Adaptable Luck. 3 times a day get a +2 bonus pre roll or a +1 post.
That's all I have for now, my head is pounding, more as I think of it.
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Masterwork Leather Choker:
Sitting comfortably around the neck, this choker let's the wearer know when he is constricting his vocal cords too much or not enough to be heard from farther distances. He can tighten it to adjust the resistance, and must always use it before performing.
This is a masterwork tool for Perform (Oratory).
Yes I made it up just now.
Other variations could include:
cloth versions, women's choker necklaces, a harmonizing earpiece (to allow you to check the acoustics of the room.
There is a specific spell that protects your from Sunlight and it's effects: Protective Penumbra
Lasts 10 minutes per level.
Alternatively, you could create a magic ring for the cost of:
spell level x caster level x 2000 (constant on affect)
2 x 3 x 2000 = 12,000 gold.
This way, there isn't just a 20 foot circle of darkness just you know... walking around town scaring people. You just always appear to be shadowed in some way.
Bartender: "Did you see his face?"
Guy at the bar: "No, it seemed like every time the light was going to show it, the shadows moved back to cover his face."
Reread inspire courage. I'm pretty sure inspire courage does morale for bonuses to saves but competence for attacks
Edit: sorry not trying to sound dickish, posting from my phone at a concert. Yes my wife bought the tickets...

8 Red Wizards wrote: 10, 13, 13, 12, 13, 10
DM said he rolls the players stats, and I said ok "in my mind that put up a red flag." DM said you get one set and that everyone else got one set, and I said ok and he rolled the above so I got up and made it to the door before he asked where are you going and I told him I'm not playing those they are less than a 20 point buy in. I asked him if I could reroll, because I didn't want to waste a character sheet on those stats and he said no because no one else did so I left.
I would like to add the lowest stat on the other 2 player's character sheets was 12 and going up to 18.
I would have.
However I would have asked if I could use a template with these stats.
Then picked Half-elf as my starting race.
Using the stats something like the following:
str 13
dex 13
con 13
int 10
wis 10
cha 12
Then for my +2 from half elf, put that directly into dex.
so a dex of 15
Then, I'd have applied the young template
So -4 to str, -4 to con and +4 to dex.
End up with:
str 9
dex 19
con 9
int 10
wis 10
cha 12
Skill focus something like acrobatics, or maybe knowledge local. Created a street rat half-elf child.
First level, picked up eldritch heritage and gotten a familiar with bonus to sneak.
build rogue
Then proceed to constantly pick pocket everyone I came across.
But that'd just be me playing passive aggressively against the GM.
I'd probably do something like 5 levels Cleric, 2 levels arcane savant
This makes your caster level 7 and able to cast 4th level spells.
Pick up deep slumber as your spell list addition.

Okay you are saying the exact same thing as in the other thread and I understand where you are going, I am not disputing the full attack action of backswing.
Declaring a cleave, which takes a standard action to do, which allows you to make an attack.
Then you declare overhand chop as part of that attack.
Because you are making an attack, overhand chopping qualifies.
You're looking at it too general.
Once again,
Attack Action: Making an attack is a standard action.
If cleave reads: "you can make a single attack"
Then suddenly that cleave is an attack. Let's go back and read attack.
Attack action = single attack.
Cleave = single attack.
The explicit callout of "attack action (or charge, which I do not dispute anything having to do with charge)" is a moot point, why? Math.
Cleave = Standard action to make a single attack
Standard action = Attack action = make a single attack.
It is very well that I could also be insane.
Regardless of the disagreement, like I said before, I think this needs some FAQ attention.
Request to play an intelligent ghoul and put the 2 into con, undead don't have a con score so you'll be fine.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
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I actually completely disagree with the ruling thus far on Cleave and Overhand chop.
Quote: Cleave: Benefit: As a standard action, you can make a single attack at your full base attack bonus against a foe within reach. Quote: Overhand chop: when a two-handed fighter makes a single attack (with the attack action or a charge) with a two-handed weapon, he adds double his Strength bonus on damage rolls. So let's read the attack action.
Quote: Attack
Making an attack is a standard action.
Putting it all together.
Making an attack is a standard action.
Cleave, as a standard action, make a single attack. (Now that attack is qualified as the aforementioned attack action)
Overhand chop, double strength on a single attack (done with the attack action).
So if this were math,
Attack = Attack Action
Cleave = as a standard action make a single attack.
Overhand chop = double strength on a single attack.
Cleave = as a standard action make a single (attack action)
Overhand chop = double strength on a (cleave)
That's how I see it anyways.
On the other thread they were looking at the high level actions rather than the actual wording.
Regardless I'm flagging this as an FAQ candidate.
I'd like to see a Mythic Oracle oriented Mystery advancement.
I would also like to see rules for applying a Mythic template to spells or spell like abilities.
I'd also love to see a mythic weapon/armor creation table.
-Perhaps needing a mythic version of a item creation feat. Allowing you to select from a list of weapon/armor enhancements, perhaps even forgoing your own mythic level ability or a specific ability in order to obtain it.
On the Magic Item Gold Piece Values section of the SRD, there is Multiple Similar Abilities: Quote: For items with multiple similar abilities that don't take up space on a character's body, use the following formula: Calculate the price of the single most costly ability, then add 75% of the value of the next most costly ability, plus 1/2 the value of any other abilities. So if I'm reading this correctly:
+3 dex = 9000 gold
+2 cha = 4000 gold
+2 int = 4000 gold
9000 is the highest cost + (75% of 4000, which is 3000) + (50% of 4000, which is 2000) = 14000 gp
Then make it a tattoo for x2 cost (and also making it now not taking up a slot)
So for 28000 gold pieces I can have a tattoo of +3 dex, +2 cha, +2 int ?
Or does this type of discount only apply for Ioun stones, because it says: "For items with multiple similar abilities that don't take up space on a character's body"
edited cause i used belt instead of tattoo as my item descriptor... silly me.
Anyone know where I could find a suitable stand-in or actual miniature for a little orrery?
Direct quote here:
Quote: Combat Reflexes and Additional Attacks of Opportunity
If you have the Combat Reflexes feat, you can add your Dexterity modifier to the number of attacks of opportunity you can make in a round. This feat does not let you make more than one attack for a given opportunity, but if the same opponent provokes two attacks of opportunity from you, you could make two separate attacks of opportunity (since each one represents a different opportunity). Moving out of more than one square threatened by the same opponent in the same round doesn't count as more than one opportunity for that opponent. All these attacks are at your full normal attack bonus.
Emphasis mine.
Found here: SRD Attacks of Opportunity
Jadeite wrote: Wouldn't that be a need plot hook? A group of followers of Gorum trying to free Rovagug so that their Lord in Iron can fight him? Umm...
Please never talk to my GM.
I'd think things like Archon's Aura on a Familiar empowered by Widen Spell would be pretty good, 40ft of the aura?
Other situational good ones:
Consecrate (40ft)
Daylight (120ft)
Darkness (40ft)
Personal question, your name rings a bell from the Star Wars RPG forums for some reason, are you one and the same?
mplindustries wrote: Nope.
Consecrated weapons work like the Channel Smite feat, and it requires that you target undead with your channel.
Nice catch, thanks!
Seraphimpunk wrote: http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/skills/fly.html#_fly
I can't quote because I'm on an eye pad. But creatures with a fly speed get fly as a class skill. You can also take ranks if you have a reliable means of flying.
Sorcerers and wizards do indeed have fly as a class skill, though most don't / can't take ranks until they get Fly as a spell.
Found the specified text:
Quote: Special: A spellcaster with a bat familiar gains a +3 bonus on Fly checks.
Creatures with a fly speed treat the Fly skill as a class skill. A creature with a natural fly speed receives a bonus (or penalty) on Fly skill checks depending on its maneuverability: Clumsy –8, Poor –4, Average +0, Good +4, Perfect +8. Creatures without a listed maneuverability rating are assumed to have average maneuverability.
Can someone explain to me:
The Flame Mystery has:
Acrobatics, Climb, Intimidate, and Perform
While the The Time Mystery has:
Fly, Knowledge (arcana), Perception, and Use Magic Device
I mean, Flame has Wings of Fire as a revelation, while time grants NOTHING that allows you to fly.
It seems to me this is.... completely wrong. Is there some sort of ruling or something that has this make sense or adds a level of sanity to it?