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Power Word Kill
However, what if someone used the Gift of Life from the resurrection Domain first? Resurrection Domain wrote:
After the second "Death", couldn't you use Breath of Life, as when it died the second time it was not by a death effect. Thoughts? ![]()
But there are items such as Candle of Truth.
Now the cost to make such an item is 1250 gold.
So now, that thought process in mind. What about making something akin to brass knuckles or a red rod (Sword of Truth Series anyone?), that is a one use item, of BoneShatter. Now, it's a 5th level spell, and for ease of math, lets say cast at caster level 10.
Aka, take an otherwise low strength character, give them these one-time use brass knuckles of boneshatter, and have them punch someone.
But am I crazy trying to make this item? ![]()
Rather than necroing This 2 year old thread
So It has been discussed somewhat before, where on the requirement for an oracle revelation says:
Quote: You must be at least 11th level to select this revelation. It has been argued that under multiclassing listed here: http://paizo.com/PRD/classes.html Quote: Note that there are a number of effects and prerequisites that rely on a character's level or Hit Dice. Such effects are always based on the total number of levels or Hit Dice a character possesses, not just those from one class. The exception to this is class abilities, most of which are based on the total number of class levels that a character possesses of that particular class. But it does say most. So, the reason this makes me curious is because of the following:Flame Mystery There are many abilities that state: "You must be ___ level to.." But under Revelations like Wings of Fire
Quote: As a swift action, you can manifest a pair of fiery wings that grant you a fly speed of 60 feet with average maneuverability. You can use these wings for 1 minute per day per oracle level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1 minute increments. You must be at least 7th level before selecting this revelation. Emphasis mine. Now, if the entire class required you to be a 7th level oracle, then why call out "Oracle level" in the revelation itself. This is not the only time this occurs, it also appears in touch of flame, and gaze of flames.Then I got to thinking, why would you put a level restriction on it at all? Well, that much is obvious, balance.
If it is intended to be 7 (or whatever other level restriction) levels of oracle and not just level, then doesn't that kind of just screw the oracle from ever prestiging into anything but the TWO (off the top of my head), prestige classes available for oracles? Or is it reasonable instead to consider, that perhaps, JUST perhaps, it is intended to mean level and not oracle level? ![]()
I suppose this can always apply to Wall of Fire as well, but I ran into this during my game last night.
I understand that each round that someone is in the fire, it will do damage. However, let's say Firestorm was in a complete straight light down a 30 foot hallway. So if an enemy walked into the hallway, they only take damage from first walking into it. So then they're scott-free walking through the rest of it?
I mean if you walked through the whole level 11 Firestorm, wouldn't you take the damage 11 times? (obviously provided you were fast enough to move through 110 feet in a single round). Long and the short of it, with spells like Wall of Fire and the Oracle Ability Firestorm, instead of "crossing" the wall, what if someone was moving through it, do they take damage more than once? wow that was long winded. ![]()
On the Magic Item Gold Piece Values section of the SRD, there is Multiple Similar Abilities: Quote: For items with multiple similar abilities that don't take up space on a character's body, use the following formula: Calculate the price of the single most costly ability, then add 75% of the value of the next most costly ability, plus 1/2 the value of any other abilities. So if I'm reading this correctly: +3 dex = 9000 gold
9000 is the highest cost + (75% of 4000, which is 3000) + (50% of 4000, which is 2000) = 14000 gp
So for 28000 gold pieces I can have a tattoo of +3 dex, +2 cha, +2 int ? Or does this type of discount only apply for Ioun stones, because it says: "For items with multiple similar abilities that don't take up space on a character's body" edited cause i used belt instead of tattoo as my item descriptor... silly me. ![]()
Consecrated Weapon:
Consecrated weapons may be of any type — swords, axes, masterwork, mithral, and even magical — and function appropriately. When activated, the cleric charges the weapon with positive or negative energy (as appropriate) so it deals extra damage when it hits a target. This functions like the Channel Smite feat, except the additional damage is equal to half the cleric’s channel energy damage (the target makes a Will save as normal, based on the cleric’s channel energy DC). The weapon remains charged with this energy until it successfully strikes a creature or 24 hours pass, whichever comes first. Creatures other than the cleric are able to use the charged weapon and this ability. Merciful Healer:
As the cleric ability, save that a merciful healer must channel positive energy, and when she does, she cannot choose to target undead. This ability is otherwise identical to the cleric ability of the same name. Thoughts? ![]()
Can someone explain to me:
I mean, Flame has Wings of Fire as a revelation, while time grants NOTHING that allows you to fly.
That being said,
Okay I have a level 6 cohort fighter of the corsair archtype.
That being said,
I mean, this is my cohort, and man, it just sounds..... awesome, but does it sound correct? ![]()
Okay, let's first state: everyone has normal vision unless specified otherwise.
For example I'm playing an Oracle with the Blind curse.
I ask because if the answer is no, would gaining darkvision when you don't otherwise have it cause you to suddenly see in black and white (or heaven forbid, blind you in the daylight?)
Because of that spell itself, I believe that you gain your normal vision + darkvision, your vision just adapts to whatever environment you are in. Thoughts? ![]()
Item: http://www.pathfindersrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/ blood-reservoir-of-physical-prowess
Furthermore, is Cat's Grace treated the same way?
Thanks! ![]()
I got some cool magic armor last game.
So I have this 1st level spell: Unbreakable Heart (pg 296 ISWG)
But couldn't I create the same spell (with my GM's permission), as a 2nd level spell, and just increase the duration to minutes per/level, or at 3rd level, have it be 10 minutes per level?
Maybe I'm just off my rocker. ![]()
Do you need a back-story for a tabletop game character? Do you want a story to go with an amazing piece of original art you’ve done or had commissioned? Then send me a message with as much details as you like. Any inspirations you have, and names and anything else you find relevant. It costs you nothing at all, and you could get a cool story out of it! The length of the story I provide will be at least 1 page long in size 12 font. After I give it back to you, obviously it’s yours to keep! Two Example back-stories I've written:
A back-story for a user on tumblr:
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