Traditions arcane, primal
Cast [two‑actions] somatic, verbal
Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature
A small ball of flame appears in the palm of your hand, and you lash out with it either in melee or at range. Make a spell attack roll against your target’s AC. This is normally a ranged attack, but you can also make a melee attack against a creature in your unarmed reach. On a success, you deal 1d4 fire damage plus your spellcasting ability modifier. On a critical success, the target takes double damage and 1d4 persistent fire damage
I have a pretty simple question here (I hope!) It takes two actions to cast Produce Flame. Does that mean an additional, third action is required to actually toss the ball of flame, or is the spell attack roll itself included as part of the spell cast?
Welcome! I'm DM/GM Red, and I've run a couple dozen play-by-post games for Pathfinder, PFS, and Starfinder on these boards, but recently have taken up interest in 5th edition. I would like to recruit 3 brave players to take part in Hoard of the Dragon Queen. I already have 1 spot filled for the 4th player.
Adventure Background:
The Cult of the Dragon has been active in Faerun for centuries. It has focused on making undead dragons to fulfill a prophecy most of that time, but that’s changing. In an audacious bid for power, the Cult of the Dragon, along with its dragon allies and the Red Wizards of Thay, seek to bring Tiamat from her prison in the Nine Hells to Faerûn. To this end, they are sweeping from town to town, laying waste to all those who oppose them and gathering a hoard of riches for their dread queen. The threat of annihilation has become so dire that groups as disparate as the Harpers and Zhentarim are banding together in the fight against the cult. Never before has the need for heroes been so desperate.
- A post a day is a good rule of thumb, but if you want to post more, go for it. Less, and it might slow down the game. You may be botted in that case. I usually post between 5pm and 11pm eastern on weekdays and more frequently on weekends. There are times when I cannot post at all for a day, but I'll let you know. I also understand you may have times you can't post too, and I'm totally flexible in that regard!
- What about you, GM Red? I am by and large a fluff GM rather than a mechanics GM. I run games for storytelling and imagination rather than obsession over rules and tactics. I expect that players I recruit to put more effort into their posts rather than just a die roll.
- Be warned that this campaign can be deadly. You might die. Are you going to complain if you're fairly KOed? Are you okay with your PC dying? If not, this might not be the right campaign for you.
Character Creation
- Please create two PCs.
- The first one should include full fluff and backstory. The second can be a stat page of crunch with a concept in mind, but doesn't need to be fully fleshed out yet (unless you'd like for it to be). The second PC can always be changed later.
Ability Scores:
Taken from DM Aukumua, thank you!
Step 1. Roll 4d6 drop the lowest number
For example, I roll 4d6 and get 4, 5, 2, 3. I would drop the ‘2’, since this is the lowest number, leaving me with 4+5+3 = 12.
Step 2. Repeat Step 1 seven more times. This will give you a pool of 8 numbers.
Step 3. Use 6 of these to fill in your ability scores. No stat (even after adding your racial bonus) can be higher than 18.
Just so you are clear you will use 6 of these numbers to fill in your ability scores. So 2 will not be used at all.
All rolls must be generated in your post on the recruitment thread.
Anything in PHB.
Pretty flexible here. Anything in PHB, any subraces, and variant humans are fine.
Please include a personality trait, ideal, bond, and flaw. For bonds, please choose one of the below. You may alternatively roll a d10 and use that as the starting point for your character concept. Option 10 is highly recommended for one PC.
1. Leosin Erlanthar, a wandering monk, once saved your life. He’s sent urgent word for you to meet him in a small town called Greenest. Looks like it’s time to pay off that debt.
2. When an orc raid drove your family from your home, the people of Greenest took you in. Anyone who threatens Greenest is your sworn enemy.
3. Every five nights, you have a strange sequence of apocalyptic dreams. The world is destroyed by cold, choking fumes, lightning storms, waves of acid, and horrible fire. Each time, the dream ends with ten evil eyes glaring at you from the darkness. You feel a strange compulsion to travel to Greenest. Perhaps the answer to the riddle of your dreams awaits you there.
4. Ontharr Frume, a crusading warrior and champion of good, is your friend and mentor. He has asked you to travel to Greenest in search of rumors of increasing dragon activity.
5. You have heard rumors that your close childhood friend, a half-elf named Talis, has been kidnapped by a strange group of dragon cultists. Your investigations into the cult have led you to the town of Greenest. You must save her!
6. Being the grandchild of a renowned dragon slayer is usually a good way to impress people, but just last week a gang of ruffians attack you. You barely escaped with your life, but as you fled, the ruffians told you that the Cult of the Dragon never forgets and always avenges. You’re hoping to lie low in a sleepy little town called Greenest until this blows over.
7. On his deathbed, your father confessed that he had become involved with a group called the Cult of the Dragon. They paid him to smuggle goods across the Sword Coast. Wracked by guilt, he begged you to investigate the cult and undo the evil he may have helped foster. He urged you to begin your search in a town called Greenest.
8. The dragons destroyed everything you hold dear. They killed your family and destroyed your home. Now, with nothing but what you carry on your back and a horrid scar of the near fatal wounds you sustained in the attack, you seek revenge.
9. You and your family were members of the Cult of the Dragon, until your rivals in the cult arranged to wipe you out. Though they slaughtered your kin, you survived, but they think you’re dead. Now is your chance for vengeance! Your hit list consists of three names: a human cultist named Frulam Mondath, a half-orc named Bog Luck, and a half-dragon named Rezmir. You have arrived in Greenest, knowing it’s next on the cult’s list of targets.
10. You have a secret. You once were a gold dragon who served Bahamut. You were too proud and vain, to the point that Bahamut decided to teach you a lesson. You have been trapped in a weak, humanoid body, with your memories of your former life but a dim shadow. You remember only one thing with perfect clarity: Bahamut’s command to go into the world and prove your devotion to the cause of good. If you prove worthy, on your death you will return to his side in your true form.
Evil alignments can get dicey, so I'd prefer you not choose them. I'm also not a huge fan of Lawful Good, but it technically is allowed. Whatever alignment you choose should definitely influence your character's actions during the campaign.
Give me a 3 or 4 sentence summary of your PC's history and why they decided to become an adventurer. You may write more if you'd like. Also answer these questions:
1. What are you intolerant of?
2. What is the most satisfying thing about being an adventurer?
3. Three words to describe your personality.
Bonus questions! *Optional* but fun :)
4. PC's favorite food
5. PC's theme song
6. Your PC empties their pockets. What's inside?
Equipment is determined by your Background and your Class. You will see a portion in each section of the PHB which describes what equipment your character begins with.
You as a player:
1. What are you looking for in this campaign? The travel through an interactive narrative, the interactions with other players, challenging combat, massive loot......
2. Link me to a post you feel best represents your writing style.
There will be no house rules, by the way.
I believe that's it. Recruitment will be open for 3-4 days, so I'm looking to start on April 30th. I'll extend it if not enough players apply. My criteria for shortlisting players is based on how they answer the questions above. If more than three make that list, I will roll to determine who gets in.
Following up on previous intelligence about a broad conspiracy against the Society, the PCs undertake a daring raid against a fortified complex near a city within the Pact Worlds. With only a limited amount of time to breach the site and retrieve valuable data before an automated system scrubs the files, the PCs need to use all their skills in order to complete this mission in a race against the clock.
Content in Data Breach also contributes to the ongoing goals of the Dataphiles faction.
With a new generation of Starfinders already accomplishing great deeds within the Pact Worlds and beyond, First Seeker Luwazi Elsebo is ready to announce the Starfinder Society's next initiative that will define her tenure. The PCs attend a gathering at the Lorespire Complex to socialize with several visiting dignitaries, each instrumental in the Society's survival following the Scoured Stars Incident. Nothing is as it seems, though, and when Radaszam, leader of the Acquisitives faction, uncovers a plot against the First Seeker, the PCs need to step in and ensure the Society's public event doesn't end in disaster!
Content in The First Mandate also contributes to the ongoing goals of the Acquisitives and Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) factions. Content in this scenario also contributes to the ongoing Year of Scoured Stars storyline.
This is a closed campaign beginning sometime in the next week.
I've been running RotRL for a few months now but need another GM to take over. The party has completed most of Thistletop, brought Tsuto in to the guards, but hasn't yet been to the bottom floor of Thistletop yet. They've gone back now to pick through the rest of the keep and loot anything not yet looted. I allowed them to 'hire' six Sandpoint militia to help out with their return to Thistletop, at least for now. They're currently fighting Tangletooth and Gogmurt in the woods outside Thistletop.
Is anyone willing to take over? These are some great players.
Balancing time against the lives of the myriad trapped Starfinders, nominated First Seeker Luwazi Elsebo authorizes a dangerous mission to return to the fated region of space known as the Scoured Stars. The might of the resurgent Society is finally poised to breach the formerly impenetrable barrier surrounding the trinary system. The galaxy pauses to watch if a new generation of Starfinders can save those once lost. A mission of exploration and a mission of mercy, this return to the Scoured Stars will undoubtedly shape the future of the Starfinder Society.
This is the Starfinder Special set to begin August 13th, 2018 for PBP GameDay VII.
When the Black Marquis lost all of the men he could trust on a failed treasure hunt, he did the only thing he could: turned to the Pathfinder Society for help. Offering an ancient lost text in return for assistance, the Black Marquis of Deadbridge sends you deep into the spider-haunted Echo Wood of the River Kingdoms to track down his missing pirates and recover an ancient treasure for the Society. You'll face brigands, pirates, spiders and more—but will you survive the perils of the Pirate Pact?
Starting as soon as we get 4 PCs. I plan on running this one a little lighter on the fluff side. We'll go with Subtier 1-2.
Player Name:
Character Name:
PFS #:
Day Job:
Hi there! I'm going to be running Master of the Fallen Fortress and I'm looking for either players brand new to PbP or players with only a session or two under their belt. This scenario is pretty heavily combat-focused which will serve to also learn certain combat rules you may not have experienced before.
I want to keep the table on the smaller size, so I will accept 3 more players. Two of my friends who are brand new to PbP will be taking up spot #4 and #5.
I do have the expectation of at least 1 post per day. After 24 hours have passed, I will typically bot players. If you need to be absent for anything, that's fine, but just let us know ahead of time. If others post more frequently than once per day, then I may also do so.
Currently, the party makeup is a level 1 Fighter. To apply, please include the following details:
Alias or player name: Character name: Character class and level: PFS #:
If enough people are interested, I'll roll a lottery, but I will give preference to those who haven't played PbP before. :) Thanks for your interest!
If a creature takes a move action, and during that move action is tripped by another creature's readied action to trip, can that creature stand up from prone as a second move action on the same turn, forgoing its standard action?
In this specific scenario, a goblin swam 15 feet across a stream as its move action, then came out of the stream, was tripped by a PC's readied action, and then stood up. I could not find any RAW indicating you can't stand up on the same turn you were tripped if you still have the action economy to do so, but I wanted to double check.
If hand of the acolyte is used with a melee weapon - a weapon not designed to be thrown - does the -4 penalty for throwing a weapon not designed to be thrown occur?
Thrown weapons wrote:
It is possible to throw a weapon that isn't designed to be thrown (that is, a melee weapon that doesn't have a numeric entry in the Range column on Table: Weapons), and a character who does so takes a –4 penalty on the attack roll.
Hand of the acolyte wrote:
Hand of the Acolyte (Su): You can cause your melee weapon to fly from your grasp and strike a foe before instantly returning. As a standard action, you can make a single attack using a melee weapon at a range of 30 feet. This attack is treated as a ranged attack with a thrown weapon, except that you add your Wisdom modifier to the attack roll instead of your Dexterity modifier (damage still relies on Strength). This ability cannot be used to perform a combat maneuver. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Hi guys! Welcome back!
I felt our GameDay V went so well that I couldn't wait to start another game, so let's do exactly that. Don't feel pressured to use the same PC you used in 7-00, by the way.
Currently, I'd like to run
Season 0, Scenario 6: Black Waters
followed by its sequel,
7-05: School of Spirits
Both are Tier 1-5 scenarios. I'd prefer to run the higher subtier (4-5), but if any one of you don't have a 4-5 PC, we'll go with 1-2 as we did with 7-00
If you've already played 00-06 and don't mind replaying it without receiving credit, i.e., for the fun of it, awesome! If a lot of you (let's say at least half) have already played it, we will only play 7-05.
If anyone has played both, I'll choose something else.
As discussed post-Gameday V, I like faster paced play-by-posts, so please only commit to this if you can post 2-3 times per day at a minimum, with exceptions for weekends and for other unforeseen circumstances (your job, family, sudden encounter with dragons, np, I get it, just let us know).
If interested, leave the usual details,
Alias/Player name:
Character name:
PFS #:
I'm looking forward to playing with you guys again!
At long last, the Pathfinder Society has reassembled the Numerian device known as the Sky Key. Initial tests suggest it is capable of projecting a location’s past into the present, allowing Society agents to peruse books from destroyed libraries and speak with echoes of long-dead heroes. Now that it has perfected the Sky Key’s controls, the Pathfinder Society is prepared to extract a slice of Absalom’s history and bring it into the present; however, there’s no telling what might be waiting inside—or who in the present might wish to wield the same power.
Greetings Pathfinders!
I'll be running the 7-00 special for PbP Gameday V. This is a timed scenario and will begin on August 27th, running through to October 11th. Since this is a timed scenario, I will need everyone to post at least once a day to keep up with every other table in this awesome multi-table special.
Sign up now with your fresh level 1 or slightly more experienced level 2 character by providing the following:
Player Name/Alias:
Character Name:
PFS #:
Day job:
Don't have your character ready yet? No problem. Just sign up now and ensure that your sheet is ready to go by the 27th.
Thank you for your interest, and I look forward to a great game!
Hi there,
I've got a PC who has a climb speed of 15 feet, and a move speed of 30 feet. As his turn, he's attempting an accelerated climb, but he doesn't want to take a standard action, so he wants to use a second move action in place of it.
Does this mean he can accelerated climb once and then climb again as a double move, for a total of 45 feet?
If so, can he also accelerated climb twice for a total of 60 feet?
Seems like a silly question, but I really couldn't find a distinction on the SRD or on Paizo about double moves when it comes to climbing/accelerated climb.
Hi folks, and thank you for joining my game. To begin, I wanted to get a sense of which characters might have relationships with other characters.
I see that Glorgrim, Gigt, and Hinata all lived in Davarn for at least for some time. Yizzik only arrived for the Spring Festival, and Vingold lived more of a nomadic life, although he did visit towns in the Five Kings Mountains. Perhaps a few of you have already met each other? If so, explain how and what your relationship is.
This is entirely up to you. I just find it'll add to the RP experience, and help things flow even more smoothly.
Other than that, dot in, introduce your character to the others, and we'll get started soon! :)
I'm not the type of GM that's going to obsess over rules, nor will I have you roll a million checks against one intention. I GM in the interest of fun, and that's what I will choose first and foremost. If there's disagreement, let's settle it with RAW, and if we can't get a clear answer, I'll rule on it and I will usually side in favor of the players rather than against them.
Hi all! I'm GM Red and I'm looking to start delving into some of the newer modules, perhaps even the newest. Most of the stuff I've played (and GMed) so far has been PFS scenarios, and I think it's time to try something a little less restrictive.
I'll be looking for four player characters to participate as we run through Down the Blighted Path, a level 5 module beginning in Davarn, a town in the Five Kings Mountains. If you're interested in dwarven lore, revenge plots, and exploring ancient haunted fortresses, this one is for you!
Races: All core, featured, and uncommon. I'd like at least one dwarf in the party, as it opens up the potential for dwarven background relationships
Classes: No 3pp or occult classes, everything else is good
Traits: You may select three traits and one drawback
Skills: Try to include at least one knowledge skill. You aren't automatically out if you don't, but I find it adds a lot of opportunities for discovery that the party otherwise would not have
20 point buy, and you may start your character at Level 5. You can expect to gain two levels throughout the module.
Max HP first level, average HP thereafter. If you are feeling daring, you may roll for HP after first level, but post your rolls spoilered with your submission here, please!
Let's go with 10,500 gp starting wealth as per the Core Rulebook. Try not to spend more than 50% of your wealth on any one item.
If you use Hero Lab to create your character, sending me your portfolio file will help me out a lot during the game. If not, an ordinary character sheet with a stat bar above your posts will suffice.
I'm not against people reusing already made characters that are level 5. You just need to have a reason for being in Davarn during this time of year.
Campaign Hook:
More than a hundred years ago, Delbera Axebringer—a mighty warrior and dwarven leader—slew the necromancer Audalot Karexin, but spared his young apprentice Zohir. In the ensuing decades, the bitter survivor brooded and plotted her revenge. Now, descendants of the Axebringer clan are vanishing, dragged screaming into the darkness by the animated bodies of their fallen kin. The Axebringers and their hometown of Davarn need heroes to break this family curse. What mysteries lie sealed within Delbera Axebringer's ancient abandoned fortress? And what challenges lurk along the Blighted Path winding through the Darklands beneath Golarion's surface?
Backstory ideas:
The players will start out in the dwarven trading town of Davarn. The town hosts its Spring Festival every year to celebrate the spring thaw that opens the mountain passes into Druma and Andoran. Your character may have arrived at Davarn to attend the festival, which features all matters of strange wares from across the dwarven nation. Alternatively, perhaps you're a merchant who arrived with the first outside trade caravan, or you spent the past 4 months stuck in Davarn while snow in the passes rendered travel impossible. If you're dwarven, it's also possible you are a descendant of the Axebringer line. This is all ultimately up to you and you don't necessarily have to follow one of these ideas.
My expectations as a GM:
I really enjoy fast-paced PbPs, but that's pretty hard to do given timezone differences, real life, etc. So post at least once per day. Even when not in combat, if you can roleplay with the current events or provide a hook for an NPC or other player, it will greatly enhance everyone's experience. If you miss your daily post, I may bot your actions to keep the game flowing.
That said, we all have lives. If you need to be away for a day or two, or for longer, just let the group know. I'm pretty lenient with this as long as we know beforehand. I, myself, will be away the last week of April/first week of May and won't have internet access, so we'll pause for a week at that point.
My timezone is GMT-4, and I usually post in the evening. If my day isn't particularly busy, I will sometimes post from work.
A good backstory includes a few lines about how your character grew up, how they spent their adolescence, and what brings them to Davarn. Optionally include some kind of personality flaw (perhaps your character has some kind of nervous tick, or perhaps they believe in a sentient tribe of insects)
I'll take submissions for a week. That is, until April 9, 2016, or until I've got about ten-fifteen complete characters to choose from, whichever happens first.
Welcome, Pathfinders! Please leave the following information here so I can peruse it once we finish up:
PFS Number Player Name Character Name Level Faction Starting XP, if applicable
Gold, excluding the initial 150 gp
Equipment only include equipment bought before the scenario, not any of the level 1 starting equipment (if you're a new character)
Day Job, if applicable, include your roll