Uesugi Hideyoshi |
I've updated my sheet with the information for my mount now, GM Red so I am good to go.
GM Red |
Just to update you guys, most GMs haven't received the 7-00 scenario as of yet, so we can't really start until we do. I expect that it'll come by the 27th at the latest - hopefully sooner, as I'd like to give it a read and even get some maps up ahead of time.
Sir D. Arthraven |
Previously Sir Anonymous.
I'm sorting out inventory, but otherwise ok to go.
Profession (covert agent): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
GM Red |
I finally have the PDF. *cue hurrah sound effect*
If you aren't sure how multi-table specials work, please click the link above (top of this page) to the Overseer thread for additional details. If you still have questions, feel free to ask here.
If you haven't already, please add a stat bar to your profile - similar to how Sir D. Arthraven has done so. This will save a lot of time looking up numbers on your sheet.
Gorgeous Gallix Granbonne |
Woot! Excited to get started. Got the stat bar up too. Thanks again for running, Red!
Mr. Peppers |
I'm quite new to PbP and PFS as well, I'm not sure what sort of documentation needs to happen, if any, but I was told you can spend prestige points for 750g items... so I got a couple wands. 3 Spells per day just doesn't cut it!
GM Red |
That's alright, new players are often the most eager to post :)
One thing though, I believe the rule is that you can exchange 2 Prestige for a single item purchase of up to 750 gp.
As for documentation, Paizo has a PFS tracking sheet for purchases, or you can just use Excel or add it to your character profile page.
Mr. Peppers |
I have completed 2 adventures at 2 PP each correct? Also, I am really enjoying this format so I'm sure I'll be "posting the s@%*" out of these adventures.
Gorgeous Gallix Granbonne |
That is usually the case, but it depends on whether you completed both success criteria for the scenarios. It should say whether you got 1 or 2 Prestige on the Chronicle Sheet from those adventures. If you did get 2 for each, you can do like Red said and spend 2 to purchase one item costing up to 750gp, and you can do that twice since you'd have a total of 4 Prestige. If you're looking at cheaper items, you can also spend 1 Prestige to purchase an item worth up to 150gp.
Also: I'm glad you're enjoying the format. I'm still relatively new to both PFS and PBP (PFS for about a year; PBP maybe 7-8 months), but I really enjoy both. Seems like it'll be fun for our characters to interact, too!
Sir D. Arthraven |
Interaction is one of the convenient aspects in PBP format.
You can take your time on your wording, without the worry of mid-sentence stops, looking for the right ones.
Best of all, is if you continue as a team throughout multiple missions.
Dynamics and character get fleshed out neatly.
GM Red |
I find PbP is the most ideal format for roleplaying and immersion. Sure, it's super slow at times, but like Arthraven said, you can take time on how you word things, and you can always go back and edit your post for typos or even change it completely within the hour.
GM Red |
Great job with mustering so far.
Just an update with timing and such. All 7-00 tables have to do their best to follow a sort of schedule, so that not one table is too far ahead of another. The next part should be beginning today with an Overseer announcement, and then there's a few days of .. well, you'll see .. before part 3.
Sir D. Arthraven |
Uesugi, humans get another language, based on their ethnicity.
PCs like us, who come from Tian Xia, get Tien as an additional language.
GM Red |
As some of you may have already noticed, the next overseer post is up.
I'm just getting a few maps ready and we'll be on our way.
Sir D. Arthraven |
I took a quick look through our group's sheets.
I think survival might be our best bet, Uesugi has +5 on that, and the rest of us have no negative Wis modifier.
Mr. Peppers |
I would say everyone just needs to RP out how to best contribute to the situation. I do realize though that many of the skills listed can be done untrained and thus we all assist on if we have no penalties. But I would say characters should speak up if they want to contribute to our mission via collection of knowledge. Its more fun that way too I think :)
GM Red |
Great aid rolls and roleplaying so far, guys. Now, who will dare to roll Survival? :)
GM Red |
One other thing- only three plinths need to be fully deciphered and recorded to earn the victory point.
GM Red |
I think that's the first time I've seen someone use the Dirty Trick maneuver. Cool.
Gorgeous Gallix Granbonne |
Yeah, I'm actually trying it out for the first time here. Seems pretty cool so far. Gives you a lot of options for the type of effect you can impose and has a lot of room for creative uses of the maneuver.
Sir D. Arthraven |
I noticed several tables were passing aid tokens.
Were those aid other for tasks to complete, in case things didn't go well?
GM Red |
Yes. The Tokens have a variety of uses, detailed here:
Aid Another: A Pathfinder agent helps the PCs solve a puzzle, disable a trap, or accomplish some other task as if performing the aid another action for a PC. In Subtiers 5–6 and 7–8, the bonus granted increases by 1. In Subtier 10–11, the bonus increases by 2.
Allied Offensive: A Pathfinder agent strikes a creature at the same time as the PC, increasing the damage dealt by one attack by 1d8 points. In addition, after the attack, anyone attacking the target is considered to be flanking it until the beginning of the attacker’s next turn. In Subtiers 5–6 and 7–8, increase the damage dealt to 2d8 points. In Subtier 10–11, this amount increases to 3d8 points.
Burst of Healing: A Pathfinder agent heals all of the PCs of 1d6 points of damage. In Subtiers 5–6 and 7–8, the amount healed increases to 3d6 points. In Subtier 10–11, the amount healed increases to 5d6 points. Alternatively, in any subtier the agent can instead cast neutralize poison, remove curse, or remove disease with a caster level equal to the table’s APL (minimum 5).
Spellcasting Synergy: A Pathfinder agent casts a spell at the same time as the PC, increasing the save DC and caster level of the PC’s spell by 1. In Subtiers 7–8 and 10–11, the PC’s caster level instead increases by 2.
Timely Inspiration: A Pathfinder agent provides the effects of a bard’s inspire courage bardic performance for 3 rounds. In Subtiers 1–2 and 3–4, the competence bonus is +1. In Subtiers 5–6 and 7–8, the competence bonus increases to +2. In Subtier 10–11, the competence bonus increases to +3.
Our table hasn't been passed one yet, but luckily, you guys haven't needed one yet. :)
Gorgeous Gallix Granbonne |
Appraise would probably be my best bet for this check. I have a +1 to that untrained rather than a +0 on Perception. If we can take 10, I could do that for Appraise and would only need one person to successfully aid to make the DC.
Anyone else have a more definite plan? Seems like Mr. Peppers would have a really good chance of succeeding on his own on his own skills.
Gorgeous Gallix Granbonne |
D. strides over to examine the fallen statue.
"A well aimed strike, Gallix-san."*Awesome Perception roll*
Or D. can swoop in and kill it. LOL!
Gorgeous Gallix Granbonne |
He then turned at looked at the barbarian and wondered if that man even knew how to write. Still there was no questioning the man's disregard for his safety. Clearly this man had a desire to meet death in the most gruesome of ways.
Aren't you sweet to care so much! Haha
GM Red |
Side note that you don't have to get every victory point, and given the skills required, I'm not sure it'll be possible for this one. I haven't looked over everyone's skills in close detail, though, so I could be wrong.
Gorgeous Gallix Granbonne |
Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?
Then again, sometimes you venture something and then roll a 1 so....
Uesugi Hideyoshi |
Hehe Gallix. Uesugi just thinks it how he sees it!
Gorgeous Gallix Granbonne |
Hey folks! Just wanted to let you know I'm gonna be out of town for a few days starting tonight. It'll just be over the weekend, and things tend to slow down a bit then anyway, but just wanted to give you a heads up. If the combat moves further along while I'm gone, feel free to bot me. If the viper stays grounded, Gallix will hold on to the loaded crossbow, but will move in and attack with his cestus. If it takes flight again and gets out of reach, he'll use the crossbow.
Sir D. Arthraven |
On my gameplay post, i found a thread that discusses it.
But it seems to just be covered by the cover ruling, now that i look it up.
Drawing lines from one chosen corner of the attacker's square to the corners of the target.
Since we can't see a map yet, i'll just hope for the best.
GM Red |
If someone would like to bot Uesugi's action this turn (and possibly Gallix when he's up), that'd be great. I was looking at the game timeline and without giving too much away, we have four days left for this last section.
GM Red |
It's not the end of the world if we don't complete it, but I'd like you guys to have that sense of satisfaction for exploring the temple, defeating its denizens, and rescuing the general. :)
Sir D. Arthraven |
GM, i forgot about my defensive talent.
Force ward: A constant temp HP, equal to my kineticist level.
They go away before my actual HP.
Sir D. Arthraven |
I saw several more aid tokens passing in the overseer's thread.
Out of curiosity, how many tables have not yet done so?
I get the feeling like we're doing pretty well, things considered.
Gorgeous Gallix Granbonne |
True story! Aside from the snake room where a few of us got bit/poisoned, I think we've gotten through most everything with flying colors.
Sir D. Arthraven |
GM Red |
Tables are encouraged to pass their tokens quickly, but they don't always do so. It's not a matter of hoarding, some are just not currently in a situation that requires a token. Some tables have been passed aid tokens multiple times, other tables (like ours) haven't ever been passed one.
Your feeling is right, you guys are doing very well. The last Overseer GM e-mail that went out indicated that this coming Thursday will be the next big post, and I think we'll be able to resolve this last part with the General before then.
Sir D. Arthraven |
How are the victory points coming into this event.
Is it some boasting a table can do?
Or will it influence the difficulty of something?
GM Red |
The total number of victory points ("successes") determines the overall outcome of the scenario, which will affect things like boons you receive and may relate to success conditions.
The more VPs you can earn, the better, and I'll usually tell you when one is up for grabs.