
BakBat's page

235 posts. Organized Play character for Ira kroll.

Out of Game discussions go here.

Please fill out the Macros spreadsheet and the Slides.

Then, either introduce your character here or 'dot and delete' a message in this thread.

Would you be interested in a non-Roleplay heavy game? One where there is, perhaps, not an overarching storyline? One where your alpha-strike team could shine?

My personal preference is for a more hack'n'slash format, and online PBP play seems to lend itself to that. If there is enough interest, I would take new, level 1 characters as far as they can go.

You can expect many combat encounters, but also some skill challenges, chases, and as much other weird stuff as I can handle translating to PBP format.

I'm not saying there will be no chances for roleplaying and character development, but, that will be deemphasized.

Character creation and upleveling:

We will use the Pathfinder Society rules for character creation and leveling up. This will allow characters to not be OP while other characters are purposefully sub-optimal for flavor reasons. (But, see point 4 below)

My expectations:

1) I would like a table with six players, but a current game I'm running here has shown me that seven players is doable -- it can cause time-per-round to be a bit long. I would not like it to have only four or fewer players.

2) Players will attempt to post daily (or at least check to see if their turn is available daily)

3) I'm not an expert GM. I'm doing this for fun. If you think I have overlooked a PC ability, or a rule, etc., call me on it. The point of playing is to have fun, not adherence to computerized, lifeless program. There are probably programs online that do that.

4) PFS rules are almost all Common only (with a few exceptions). I will give 'build points' for each successful encounter. Then, your PC can spend build points to acquire Uncommon and Rare items/abilities. (I haven't exactly figured out what the costs are, but, I will endeavor to make them reasonable.)

5) This is a living campaign. Some rules may change over time.

Macros | Inventory | Slides | Notes | Tactical Map | ◆◇↺

We will begin as soon as all six PCs have registered in the Gameplay thread and filled out their Macros and the slides.

Macros | Inventory | Slides | Notes | Tactical Map | ◆◇↺

Please 'dot' this gameplay thread and fill out the Macros and the Slides.

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I'm looking for players who would be interested in trying out my homebrew Mythic rules for PF2.

I'm only interested in PbP, since I cannot guarantee when I'm able to play and for how long. I would like everyone (myself and players) to post at least once each weekday and at least once each weekend.

I've already spent some time revamping what I consider to be balanced Mythic rules. (Be sure to read my comment to my post, where I make some changes. Feel free to suggest other changes.)

I enjoy WotR because it allows PCs to be vastly overpowered, while most of the story is enjoyable.

Survival is key. But, you have refugees who can help

This is mainly for out of game discussions.

The adventure begins in the town of Phaendar, nestled
along the southern bank of the Marideth River, a stone’s
throw from the Southern Fangwood Forest. Trade comes
through the town over Phaendar Bridge, the only suitable
place to traverse the swift, rapid-coursed river for 50
miles in either direction. The town of 400 residents
rarely sees any excitement, making the Market Festival
a major source of news, entertainment, and revenue.
The 2-day affair, held once every 3 months, gathers
farmers and herders from across the Nesmian Plains,
as well as woodcutters from the nearby Fangwood and
prospectors from the Hollow Hills, to trade for supplies
and raw materials. Even traders from the “big city” of
Tamran make their way to the event, swelling the town’s
population to half again its normal size.

On the first day of the Market Festival various of you congregate together listening to Aubren the Green, a retired Chernasardo Ranger, and local legend -- either intentionally or because the best parties tend to spring up around the foul-mouthed priestess of cayden Cailean.

The adventure begins in the town of Phaendar, nestled
along the southern bank of the Marideth River, a stone’s
throw from the Southern Fangwood Forest. Trade comes
through the town over Phaendar Bridge, the only suitable
place to traverse the swift, rapid-coursed river for 50
miles in either direction. The town of 400 residents
rarely sees any excitement, making the Market Festival
a major source of news, entertainment, and revenue.
The 2-day affair, held once every 3 months, gathers
farmers and herders from across the Nesmian Plains,
as well as woodcutters from the nearby Fangwood and
prospectors from the Hollow Hills, to trade for supplies
and raw materials. Even traders from the “big city” of
Tamran make their way to the event, swelling the town’s
population to half again its normal size.

On the first day of the Market Festival various of you congregate together listening to Aubren the Green, a retired Chernasardo Ranger, and local legend -- either intentionally or because the best parties tend to spring up around the foul-mouthed priestess of cayden Cailean.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The adventure begins in the town of Phaendar, nestled along the southern bank of the Marideth River, a stone’s throw from the Southern Fangwood Forest. Trade comes through the town over Phaendar Bridge, the only suitable place to traverse the swift, rapid-coursed river for 50 miles in either direction. The town of 400 residents rarely sees any excitement, making the Market Festival a major source of news, entertainment, and revenue. The 2-day affair, held once every 3 months, gathers farmers and herders from across the Nesmian Plains, as well as woodcutters from the nearby Fangwood and prospectors from the Hollow Hills, to trade for supplies and raw materials. Even traders from the “big city” of Tamran make their way to the event, swelling the town’s population to half again its normal size.

The Ironfang Invasion Adventure Path launches with Trail of the Hunted, a tale of desperate survival set against the invasion of a ruthless hobgoblin army—the Ironfang Legion! As the Ironfang Legion begins carving out an empire of monsters, the heroes must flee their hometown of Phaendar as it burns, saving any lives they can.

Recruitment open until March 25th at noon.

House rule death by damage doesn't occur until the beginning of the damaged PC's turn. This allows healing to occur to prevent insta-death.

Starting Level: PCs will start at 1st level.

Alignment: No evil.

Ability Scores: 15 Point Buy. No score lower than 8 before racial modifier.

HP: Max at 1st level; average rounded up thereafter.

Traits: Two traits. One from player's guide. No drawbacks.

Starting Wealth: You may roll for it, but you get what you roll. If you don't roll for it, you may take the average for your class

Races: Core. Please note that half-orcs may have certain social problems because of the orcish invasion.

Classes: Core, Base and Hybrid classes permitted. Summoners must use the Unchained version.

General Build Stuff: No third-party products

General play stuff:I expect roughly around one post per day. I understand if real life gets in the way. I would appreciate it if you can give us a heads-up if you are going to be unable for post for more than a day or so. That said, if you don't post within 24 hours, and the rest of the party is waiting on you, I will post for you. This is generally only relevant for combat and certain checks.

The Blakros Museum rises into the night sky, its single black spire severing the full moon in twain. The black iron gates surrounding the exhibition hall grind in protest against the wind. Beyond, the museum’s large oaken doors stand wide open, a silver-gray mist belching forth from the cavernous darkness within. You wonder how you ended up here, standing at the precipice of unknown terrors, and instantly Venture- Captain Adril Hestram’s wide looming face is conjured into your minds’ eye. His booming words ring out from memory as clearly as he spoke them only one hour ago:

“The Blakros Museum is cursed. Some darkness has descended upon the place and those who enter are blasted with evil and left raving through its halls, more beast than men. The curator, Nigel Aldain, is an old associate of the Society, though he chose to leave our organization some years back after a disagreement.” Adril looked sheepish then, as if remembering some distasteful incident from his youth.

“Nigel has long denied the Society access to the Blakros Museum’s considerable collection of relics and scrolls, using his extensive contacts to nab several excellent finds right out from under us... he always had a nose for the hunt. Whatever is past between Nigel and the Society, he needs our help now. Perhaps if we can come to his aid, he may think on rejoining the Pathfinder Society, or at least offering to share his discoveries with us.”

“Apparently the trouble at Blakros Museum began this morning, shortly after a wayward Pathfinder named Lugizar Trantos returned to Absalom after months spent in the Mwangi Expanse. Supposedly, instead of coming straight to the Lodge to report in, he went to Blakros, sold his finds to Nigel, and then disappeared with a hefty sum of gold. The few who glimpsed Lugizar claimed he was much changed by his time in the Mwangi... gaunt, his eyes yellowed and unfocused, a strange rasping cough that seemed to wrack his now wasted frame. Whatever he brought back with him, we believe it is the cause of the Blakros Museum’s ills. Root it out.”

M American Nerd 3/Cleric 1

Discussion goes here.

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I'm currently playing in two face-to-face PFS games, DMing one face-to-face Adventure Path, and one face-to-face homebrew campaign. I'm also playing in multiple PBP games and DM'ing a PBP Adventure Path.

I really like the idea of playing a campaign of PFS scenarios up to 12th level (33 XP). This will start with low-level scenarios and go up to the high-level scenarios.

PFS: This will be legitimate Pathfinder Society scenarios, with Chronicle sheets and online credit.

Core Campaign: This will be a Core Campaign. This Paizo blog post explains the rules.

PFS Campaign: As you may know PFS works in a very fixed way regarding levelling and when scenarios can be attempted. Every 3 scenarios completed levels you up. This means you can totally plan out a series of interlinked scenarios, creating a sort of campaign of scenarios that work well together.

Open Table: We all know that PbP campaigns start with the best of intentions, but eventually people can't keep playing forever. Real life happens, things come up and players have to drop out. As such players will only be expected to commit for a single scenario.

At the end of each scenario recruitment will be opened up to cover any empty slots, but ongoing players who gel well will be given preferential placements.

Overall this will help to provide the ongoing campaign feel, without forcing people to commit to an incredibly lengthy campaign.

Posting Frequency: I am looking for people who are able to post pretty much every day at least once except for weekends. If for whatever reason you can't, expect to be either 'quiet' in the scene or have a generic action taken for you in combat. Obviously longer absences should be explained in the Discussion thread.

Season 2 scenarios: We will be using the excellent campaign path provided by VanceMadrox.

Season 2 Campaign:

1st Level:
5 Mists of Mwangi
1 Silent Tide
35 Voice in the Void

2nd Level:
14 Many Fortunes of Grandmaster Torch
2-11 The Penumbral Accords
45 Delirium's Tangle

3rd Level
51 City of Strangers, Part 1 - The Shadow Gambit
52 City of Strangers, Part 2 - The Twofold Demise
17 Perils of the Pirate Pact

4th Level:
2-01 Before the Dawn, Part 1 - The Bloodcove Disguise
2-02 Before the Dawn, Part 2 - Rescue at Azlant Ridge
2-13 Murder on the Throaty Mermaid

5th Level:
2-15 Shades of Ice, Part 1 - Written in Blood
2-17 Shades of Ice, Part 2 - Exiles of Winter
2-19 Shades of Ice, Part 3 - Keep of the Huskarl King

6th Level:
2-03 The Rebel's Ransom
2-25 You Only Die Twice
2-21 The Dalsine Affair

7th Level:
22 Fingerprints of the Fiend
2-23 Shadow's Last Stand, Part 1 - At Shadow's Door
2-24 Shadow's Last Stand, Part 2 - Web of Corruption

8th Level:
2-04 Shadows Fall on Absalom
2-08 The Sarkorian Prophecy
2-10 Fury of the Fiend

9th Level:
2-06 The Heresy of Man, Part 1 - The First Heresy
2-07 The Heresy of Man, Part 2 - Where the Dark Things Sleep
2-09 The Heresy of Man, Part 3 - Beneath Forgotten Sands

10th Level:
2-14 The Chasm of Screams
2-12 Below the Silver Tarn
2-16 The Flesh Collector

11th Level:
2-18 The Forbidden Furnace of Forgotten Koor
2-20 Wrath of the Accursed
2-26 The Mantis's Prey

NOTE: I want to thank Jonathan Hunt, from whom I appropriated much of the format of this recruitment.

You have been traveling together for more than a week on a dreary camel caravan from the town of Solku to an unknown location in the northern scrublands of Katapesh.

The man who hired you is Garavel, the no-nonsense major-domo of a merchant princess awaiting you at your destination.

In the distant haze to the west, you can just make out the immense outline of Pale Mountain looming over the mid-evening horizon like a tombstone.

I would suggest discussing amongst yourselves how you know each other (if you do), and to resolve the various characters and their relationship with Haleen.

Seeking 4 to 6 characters for the first installment of this AP. If things go well, we may continue to the further installments.

My personal preferences are 80/20 combat/RP. I've DM'ed a lot, and some on PBP. I tend to post every day on weekdays, and would appreciate it if the players would also try. But, I do understand that RL gets in the way, sometimes. That said, I will DMBot a PC if it has been more than 24 hours (Sunday through Thursday), and it is holding up resolution of an encounter.

  • Core races
  • No 3PP, Paizo only.
  • 1st level
  • 15 pt buy. Nothing higher than 18. Nothing lower than 7
  • Average wealth

I will attempt to make choices on June 14th.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

This order contained both the Deck # 5 and the Deck #6 to the PACG. A small box containing just the Deck #6 arrived yesterday. According to your records Deck #6, the various promo cards, Adventure path #'s 90 and 91 says both "not yet shipped" and "item(s) have already shipped".

This is confusing. Why am I getting Deck #6 before Deck #5? Also, has it shipped or not?

Thank you,


Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I'm looking to either join an established group or to start a new one on Thursday evenings.

Since I work in Springfield and live in Baltimore, just about anywhere between DC and Baltimore is fine.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Starting May 3rd, we are beginning the Skull & Shackles adventure path. We meet at Games and Stuff (http://gamesandstuffonline.com/) at 7 pm. We are looking for an additional 1 to 3 players.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I'm running my group through the Kingmaker adventure path, and now they want to use the leadership feat to get someone who has a positive CHA bonus (Three dwarves and a half-orc... the half-orc has the highest charisma at 10) to fill in as the Ruler.

The leadership feat, as written, doesn't say who chooses the NPC to become the cohort. My players argue that they should be able to design the NPC, but I suspect they will get someone with a CHA 16 or better, just to fill the position. I argue that I should randomly create an NPC, and they can choose to accept it or not. I would be willing to provide a, let's say, 20-percent chance per month of someone approaching them to join.

Any ideas?