Wrath of the Righteous PF2

Game Master Ira kroll

This is an experiment with homebrewed PF2 Mythic rules of the Wrath of the Righteous AP

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Retraining House Rule:

Retraining generally takes a week of downtime. And you have to have found someone to pay to help you retrain. In some Adventure Paths (APs) there is enough downtime to actually make this viable (I'm looking at you, KingMaker, which had months of downtime). I'm not really seeing enough downtime in Wrath of the Righteous (WotR) to make this work.

Here is what I propose:

The PC makes a declaration to the GM/table that they plan to retrain out of X and retrain into Y.

Immediately, they lose X.

After a week of in-game time, they make a skill check (generally the DC of which is the Hard DC for the level of Y):

Critical Success: They can immediately begin using Y with no penalties
Success: They can immediately begin using Y, but with a -2 Retraining penalty related to using Y. This penalty goes away after one week of in-game time.
Failure: You still have lost X, and can immediately start a new week of training into Y
Critical Failure: You still have lost X, and must wait an in-game week before restarting training into Y.

For instance, if Harry the level 8 Rogue wanted to retrain out of a general feat taken at level 3 and replace it with a level 2 feat, then the DC would be 18 (16 for level 2 and +2 for Hard DC). If instead it was being replaced by a level 7 feat, the DC would be 25.

If Harry's feat was a Thievery-related feat, then the applicable skill would be Thievery. But, if the feat was related to something else (let's say Toughness), then the applicable skill would be different (in Toughness' case, it would be Fortitude). Non-obvious applicable skills would have to be discussed with the GM.

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I'm looking for players who would be interested in trying out my homebrew Mythic rules for PF2.

I'm only interested in PbP, since I cannot guarantee when I'm able to play and for how long. I would like everyone (myself and players) to post at least once each weekday and at least once each weekend.

I've already spent some time revamping what I consider to be balanced Mythic rules. (Be sure to read my comment to my post, where I make some changes. Feel free to suggest other changes.)

I enjoy WotR because it allows PCs to be vastly overpowered, while most of the story is enjoyable.

Dark Archive

Sounds interesting. I'll take a look at the players guide and see what inspires me.

Very interesting. Is this 2.0 or 2.1? A good thing to set forth before we start making characters.

Philo Pharynx wrote:
Very interesting. Is this 2.0 or 2.1? A good thing to set forth before we start making characters.

I'd like it to be 2.1, but, I don't have physical books yet. And, Archives of Nethys doesn't have the remaster yet. But, here are the errata.

Of course, I'm perfectly willing to start in 2.0, and then retcon everyone into 2.1. I can't imagine we'll be very far by the time AoN has it available.

I know that this is a stretch, but would any you allow a battlzoo dragon? PF2Easy has the rules for it if you don't have the books. They have Mark Seifter on board, so while it's not official, it is from one of the prime designers.

Will you be doing free archetype or any other exotic rules?

Philo Pharynx wrote:

I know that this is a stretch, but would any you allow a battlzoo dragon? PF2Easy has the rules for it if you don't have the books. They have Mark Seifter on board, so while it's not official, it is from one of the prime designers.

Will you be doing free archetype or any other exotic rules?

I'd prefer everything be from official Paizo, just to make my head explode less.

I will not be doing free archetype.

I am *tempted* to do Automatic Bonus Progression.

P.S., I just looked at the Dragon Ancestry, and I think it might be overpowered right out of the box. For instance, it has Darkvision and an additional attack (jaw -- 1d6). In contract the Orc Ancestry (uncommon) doesn't get a different attack right away. Most of the Rare ancenstries either have a additional kind of attack, an additional ability boost, or an additional special of another kind.

I believe that I will have to limit ancestries to Common and Uncommon -- all of the Rare ancestries appear to be too overpowered.

As the vile power of the worldwound spreads over the land, fertile fields are scoured away in fire and corruption. But days later in one such field, the ground shifts. Crawling from beneath the soil is one living root. He looks over his dead brethren and vow to cleanse the land.

I'll bite. Got a few shelved characters around.

You have a deadline? Any specific circumstances you'd prefer for backstories?

I'm relatively agnostic on backstories. Overly long backstories don't seem to make sense for first-level characters. Maybe three sentences (Family. Activity. Goal.)

You might check out the player's guide.

Player's Guide on AoN (backstories are called 'traits')

Player's Guide .pdf from Paizo

A small being of twisted roots walks into the crusader's camp. "Enough is enough! I've had it with these !#$%^$ demons on this !#$%^$ plane!"

One of the recruits laughs, but the woody being sheathes itself in wooden armor and grows a greatclub. "Oh, you think that's funny? Grab that sword and we'll find out just how how funny that is. I'll take you apart and then I'll stitch you back together so you can go back to digging latrines or whatever else it is that you do here."

This is my leshy kineticist. He's got a bad attitude but it's mostly focused on the demons who have wreaked havoc with the natural world. I've played surly characters before and I always ask for feedback to make sure that the players are enjoying it even when characters may be squabbling.

He's capable of both melee and ranged abilities and he's got some healing as well.

Potentially interested. I'll see what I can come up with.

Hello All!

A PF2e Mythic WotR Campaign! Yes, please!

Getting a chance to play a PF1e AP using PF2e is awesome sauce!

I will begin brainStorming (hehe).....and reading!

Thank you for running!



1. Will the bonuses from "Traits" translate as written? Example: Stolen Fury grants +2 trait bonus on all combat maneuver checks against demons.

2. How many players? May sway decision on Class/build selection.

3. Do you have an end date for submissions in mind?

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1) Since there is no "combat maneuver" in PF2, I will probably make it a +2 'background' bonus to shove, disarm, trip vs. demons. (By being a 'background' bonus, it will stack with other bonuses.) Other 'trait' bonuses will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

2) More than three, less than seven. The sweet spot is five.

3) We currently have one submission. I would like to start playing by December 1st if we have four players by then. But, if we have six players, then we will start right away.

I would absolutely like to submit :)
Any thoughts on Ancestry Paragon?

I am currently researching an Orc (Assamir) Magus (Inexorable Iron) 1.

He has the duty to Redeem his Ancestors.

We currently have


Potential Characters
TBD, Orc Magus (Dorian 'Gray')
TBD, Paladin (Shadow Dragon)

Submitted characters
Avenger of the Green, a Leshy phytokineticist (Philo Pharynx)

Cevendyl wrote:

I would absolutely like to submit :)

Any thoughts on Ancestry Paragon?

I would rather not use that variant ruleset.

Cevendyl wrote:

I would absolutely like to submit :)

Any thoughts on Ancestry Paragon?

Ancestry Paragon breaks down with several ancestries. They simply don't have enough feats to make this work. It requires you to do an exotic heritage or adopted ancestry, which may not make sense for all characters.

I'm interested, if it's not too late to throw my hat in.

I'm working on a medic monk from auxiliary forces in Kenabres. From the looks of it, I might need to pick up Monastic Archery at some point.

I like the feel of Riftwarden Orphan for him. What were you thinking for the +2 concentration bonus?

Usually, only a crit loses a spell, but using the the mechanics from Steady Spellcasting seems a bit OP for a "Trait".

Dorian 'Grey' wrote:

I like the feel of Riftwarden Orphan for him. What were you thinking for the +2 concentration bonus?

Usually, only a crit loses a spell, but using the the mechanics from Steady Spellcasting seems a bit OP for a "Trait".

Steady Spellcasting: If a reaction would disrupt your spellcasting action, attempt a DC 15 flat check. If you succeed, your action isn’t disrupted.

How about:

"If a reaction would disrupt your spellcasting action, attempt a DC 18 flat check. If you succeed, your action isn't disrupted."

That gives the same flavor, but is not as overpowered at such a low level. (Is DC 18 too tough? Would 17 be better?)

I think DC 18 is fair for a Trait.

Also, would there be a Skill Yrained in those also, as in Backgrounds?

I think I'm going to be too busy to join this game, alas, so I will withdraw from contention. Thanks for the opportunity and I hope the game goes well. :)

JR Klein here. This is my character. He's descended from the people of Old Sarkoris, and despite being a duskwalker, he's also a faithful follower of Iomedae.

Alright, here goes my submission. Obahi, a monk in the auxiliaries.

I will commit to a forum avatar if I am picked.

Good luck, all!


Obahi, Human Half-Orc Field Medic Monk 1

Perception +5; Low-Light Vision Darkvision

AC 19
HP 19
Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +7
Speed 25 feet

Melee Special Unarmed (1d6) +7 (Agile, Finesse, Nonlethal, Unarmed), Damage 1d6+2 B
Melee Special Unarmed Wolf Jaw +7 (Agile, Backstabber, Finesse, Nonlethal, Unarmed), Damage 1d8+2 P

Ranged Sling +7 (Propulsive), Damage 1d6+1 B

Str +2, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +0

Languages: Taldane, Orcish

Acrobatics +7
Athletics +5
Lore: Warfare +3
Medicine +5
Stealth +7
Survival +5

Explorer's Clothing
Chalk (10)
Flint and Steel
Rations (2)
Torch (5)
Climbing Kit
Grappling Hook
Smokestick (Lesser)
Sling Bullets (20)
Healer's Tools
Elixir of Life (Minor)


Wolf Stance (Stance) Requirements You are unarmored. You enter the stance of a wolf, low to the ground with your hands held like fanged teeth. You can make wolf jaw unarmed attacks. These deal 1d8 piercing damage; are in the brawling group; and have the agile, backstabber, finesse, nonlethal, and unarmed traits. If you’re flanking a target while in Wolf Stance, your wolf jaw unarmed attacks also gain the trip trait.

Battle Medicine (General, Healing, Manipulate, Skill) Prerequisites trained in Medicine Requirements You are holding or wearing healer's tools. You can patch up yourself or an adjacent ally, even in combat. Attempt a Medicine check with the same DC as for Treat Wounds, and restore a corresponding amount of Hit Points; this does not remove the wounded condition. As with Treat Wounds, you can attempt checks against higher DCs if you have the minimum proficiency rank. The target is then temporarily immune to your Battle Medicine for 1 day.

Flurry of Blows (Flourish, Monk) Make two unarmed Strikes. If both hit the same creature, combine their damage for the purpose of resistances and weaknesses. Apply your multiple attack penalty to the Strikes normally. As it has the flourish trait, you can use Flurry of Blows only once per turn.

Additional Feats Half-Orc, Orc Sight
Additional Specials Powerful Fist


A son of a ferryman and a surgeon, Obahi was not raised by his parents, though he saw them often. He was instead raised in the estate of Jorsal of Lauterbury - a crusader working for an organisation outside of Mendev.

Obahi was studying medicine in the monastery, training under a strict regime. After his teens, he had joined the crusade as an auxiliary. A messenger, medic, scout. He went on a few missions with Jorsal. Nothing too dangerous. Scounting jobs, patching up limbs after the crusaders returned, the works.

On the last one, Obahi got separated from the troop. Lost in the Worldwound, he wandered the area, trying to retrace his steps to the surface. No dice - the shifting quality of the land got the better of the man. He gave up hope, sat down, and contemplated his fate. And then she showed up. A woman with Desnan markings, she escorted Obahi for a few days, until they found Obahi's group.

The half-blood greeted Jorsal, and turned around to introduce the mysterious woman, realising two things - he never got her name, and she wasn't even standing there.

Confused, they returned to Kenabres, to take make it to the Armasse festival. Obahi could do with a little rest.

We currently have


Potential Characters
TBD, Orc Magus (Dorian 'Gray')
TBD, Paladin (Shadow Dragon)

Submitted Characters
Avenger of the Green, a Leshy phytokineticist (Philo Pharynx)
Paolo Vital, Human Oracle (JR Klein)
Obahi, Human Monk (NotEspi)

TechnoDM wrote:

We currently have


Potential Characters
TBD, Orc Magus (Dorian 'Gray')
TBD, Paladin (Shadow Dragon)

Submitted Characters
Avenger of the Green, a Leshy phytokineticist (Philo Pharynx)
Paolo Vital, Human Oracle (JR Klein)
Obahi, Human Monk (NotEspi)

I will have Safathiel ready this afternoon:

Safathiel, Assimar Champion (Touched by Divinity)

MoFiddy here. I'm still working on the details, but here is Niall (human sorcerer).

This is Dorian Grey's submission.

I will be continually working on him this weekend.

Any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to let me know.

Thank you.

We currently have


Potential Characters
TBD, Paladin (Shadow Dragon)
Niall, Human TBD (MoFiddy)

Submitted characters
Avenger of the Green, a Leshy phytokineticist (Philo Pharynx)
Paolo Vital, Human Oracle (JR Klein)
Obahi, Human Monk (NotEspi)
Virgil, Orc Magus (Dorian 'Gray')


Guilaumme de Tremaire

CG Galtese Gunslinger with delusions of dueling
Motivation: Not be in Galt, kick Demon Rear end, meet interesting people, become famous and resotre his family name (they got politically purged).

Personality: Pretty easy going, specific about duels, a republican in a monarchy, femme fatale magnet.

Ragnar af Raliscrad
N Culturally Kellid Half Orc Barbarian

Motivation: Take back my town of birth! Also, f!%* Deskari in particular
Personality: Very professional for a Barbarian, hobby military historian, can sing every single Sabaton Song, adapted to Golarion, but he just doesnt sing very well.

MoFiddy here again. I think I'm about finished with my character. I went with the Riftwarden Orphan trait as a hook to the campaign. I'm not sure how that translates mechanically though.

I've played some PF2, but not a lot. Let me know if I've made any errors.

Mighty, I suggest going gunslinger. Of the apps and declarations we have 4 frontline characters and 1 backline.

Though I might shift a few things around if we have plenty of frontliners.

We currently have


Potential Characters
TBD, Paladin (Shadow Dragon)

Submitted characters
Avenger of the Green, a Leshy phytokineticist (Philo Pharynx)
Paolo Vital, Human Oracle (JR Klein)
Obahi, Human Monk (NotEspi)
Virgil, Orc Magus (Dorian 'Gray')
Niall, Human Sorcerer (MoFiddy)

Not for nothing, but a Gunslinger trudging through the Worldwound Blasting demons does have some great visuals.

Pile up, folks. Flanking is good.

Fireballs, on the other hand...

Avenger of the Green wrote:

This is my leshy kineticist.

I note that he has Pyrophilic Recovery, which is only available to Pine Leshies, and he is a Root leshy.

Also, please explain to me 'frontline' and 'backline'. I wasn't able to find it.

Sorry, forgot to ask about it. Pineys get access to it automatically, but it's not limited to them. I figure that he came up from a field burned as part of the incursion. I will probably add fire later, or start with fire if there are plenty of melee characters. I've added a second alternate build after this.

"Frontline" and "Backline" aren't game terms, but more about the characters who go up to melee and those who hold back for ranged attacks or spells. Of course there are also characters who can do both.




Philo Pharynx wrote:
Sorry, forgot to ask about it. Pineys get access to it automatically, but it's not limited to them. I figure that he came up from a field burned as part of the incursion. I will probably add fire later, or start with fire if there are plenty of melee characters. I've added a second alternate build after this.

Ah, I see. AoN says "Access Pine leshies have access to this feat"

But, in Adventure Path 176, it is more clear.

"AP 176 wrote:
Pine leshys have access to all the usual ancestry feats available to leshys. They also have access to the following new feats, some of which can be selected by other types of leshys as well.

Emphasis added

Dorian 'Grey' wrote:
Not for nothing, but a Gunslinger trudging through the Worldwound Blasting demons does have some great visuals.

Might as well throw my hat into the ring with an Amurrun Gunslinger here.

Will have the statblock in a day or two.

We currently have


Potential Characters
TBD, Paladin (Shadow Dragon)
TBD, Amurren Gunslinger (Violant)

Submitted characters
Avenger of the Green, a Leshy phytokineticist (Philo Pharynx) (checked)
Paolo Vital, Human Oracle (JR Klein) (checked)
Obahi, Human Monk (NotEspi) (checked)
Virgil, Orc Magus (Dorian 'Gray') (checked)
Niall, Human Sorcerer (MoFiddy) (checked)

Just note that alignment 'may' be important.

Here is your local guncat, ready for inspection!

I can write more backstory if necessary, but you said yourself to write like 3 sentences so. 4 sentences, figured it's important enough to put a personality sentence

Also how do you plan on making Alignment important if you hope to make this 2.1?

Avenger of the Green,
Paolo Vital,
Niall, and
please report to Kenabres for the festival of Armasse.

One of our players has asked to be excused.

We would like to have six players for optimum efficiency.

We are very close to second level.

To recap, this is the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path, being updated for second edition Pathfinder. When the characters become mythic, I will be experimenting with a (to my mind) balanced mythic system.

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Would be happy to be considered

Safathiel, Aasimar Oracle

Will add some background whenever that is appropriate. Basically with the touched by divinity background, he is a scion of Ragathiel even though he begins only thinking that is where his powers come from. The more interesting aspect of that background, and choosing Ancestors as his mystery, is that it would make his grandfather the Archdevil Dispator.

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Sure, that's a perfect fit, since the prior player was also an Oracle.

See this document of rules changes that updates Touched by Divinity in an important way.

Please update your weapons/armor/gear, then 'dot and delete' in the gameplay thread. Once that's done, I'll retcon your introduction.

The Exchange

Are you considering other candidates by chance or are you full up now?

TechoWrath wrote:

Sure, that's a perfect fit, since the prior player was also an Oracle.

See this document of rules changes that updates Touched by Divinity in an important way.

Please update your weapons/armor/gear, then 'dot and delete' in the gameplay thread. Once that's done, I'll retcon your introduction.

I will go ahead and make those Background changes to the Custom Background I created in Pathbuilder, as well as making the new profile here at Paizo

Final Name: Qafathiel (kaa-fath-ee-el)
[Yep, just a little play on phonics ...]

As soon as I have the profile create, I will dot & delete

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