Baby Chimera

Aubster's page

Organized Play Member. 3,078 posts (4,868 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 20 aliases.

Organized Play Character

Silver Crusade Caldor

M Human Paladin/1 (0 posts)


Wyrm Sniper
Billy ''Gunner' Johnson

M Gunslinger LV 4/Fighter LVL 1; AC 20; Initiative +8; HP 39; Fort +6; Reflex +8; Will +3 Perception +9, Masterwork Rifle; Bayonet; +11(+12) to hit (1d10+4(5)) damage (182 posts)
Thousand Bones

Male Human - Lvl 4 Cleric of Pharasma HP 31; AC 15; TOUCH 10; FLATFOOTED 15; FORTITUDE + 5; REFLEX +1; WILL +8 Perception +4; Initiative +0; BAB +3 (+1); Morningstar 1D8; Light Crossbow 1D8; Scale Armor (321 posts)
Wild Elf

Elf Cleric Lvl 3 XP 3 Armor 0 HP 14/18 (176 posts)
Dr. Paul Udko

Alienist Sanity initial 8 current 7/Stability 10 (Spent 1 point so far) (78 posts)
Rohkar Cindren

M Human Cleric level 2 (0 posts)
Enga Keckvia
Grick Toebiter

Kobold/Armor 2/ 14 HP left of 22 HP/ S 12 D 13 (+1) Con 16 (+2) Int 9 Wis 18 (+3) Char 8 (-1) Shaman Lvl 4 XP 6 Scroll of Mass Teleportation/ Reinforced Kobold Armor & Braces (90 posts)
Aram Zey
Hakketh the Black

Agility d6 Smarts d10 Spirit d6 Strength d6 Vigor d6 Charisma 0 Benny 3 (+1 gray) Pace 6 Parry 5 Toughness 8 (with armor) Spellcraft d10 Knowledge Arcane d6 Knowledge Set d4 Fighting d6 Notice d8 Persuasion d6 Survival d8 (103 posts)
Jack Greyfeather

Agility: d8 Smarts: d8 Spirit: d6 Strength: d6 Vigour: d6 Pace: 5 Charisma: 0 Parry: 7 Toughness: 7 Bennies:4 Skills: Climbing: d6, Fighting: d6, Lockpicking: d8, Notice: d6, Stealth: d8, Taunt: d6, Persausion: d4 (48 posts)
Neolandis Kalepopolis
Jackson Edwards
(14 posts)
General Dakovya
Jackson Hail
(16 posts)
Jud Smith

Human/Agil d10; Smrt d6; Sprt d10; Strngth d12+3; Vgr d12/Parry 8/Tough 11 (13) Fight d12/Intim d8/Throw d12; Vibrosword Str+d8+2+2d6 (AP4);Grenades 3d6; Load Lmt 800lb/max 1600 (41 posts)
Fenster the Blight

Human/Mageblade (Lvl 3)//Hunter/Resistance/Attack d20+1+4+2 Med/Speed 30/Vitality 17/Wounds (8)/Fortitude 16/Reflex 18/Will 16/DR (5+1+2) (60 posts)
Captain Josper Creesy
Ludger Braunlich

Male |Male Reikland Stevedore|Wounds 15/15|Initiative 36|Melee (Basic) 60|Dodge 40|Fortune 2/4|Fate 3/3|Resolve/Resilience 2/3|Weapon Sword SB+4 |Armor Leather Jack (1 AP Arms/Body)|Corruption 0|Funds 6 Shillings and 10 Pennies Stevedore (126 posts)
Nils Nimblefoot

Toughness 5; Parry 6; Wounds 3/3; Bennies 3/3; Fight d8 (40 posts)
Monster Octopus Person
Obed Marsh

Deep One Hybrid; XP 9; HP 11/24 Cleric of Father Dagon/Lvl 2 (76 posts)

Scott Jenkins 38
(0 posts)
Tulrin Endessell
Serax the Acolyte

Male/Elf/Spellcaster Lvl 3; Spellcaster 90/Warrior (m) 41/Warrior (r) 32; Move 9 BP 31; Ringmail (DR4); Longsword (2D+1); Longbow (2D+3); Initiative 2 (148 posts)
Berserker Cannibal
Thresh Darkon

Stats Agility d8 Smarts d4 Spirit d4 Strength d10 Vigor d10 / Skills Fighting d12 Intimidation d8 Climb d6 Survival d6 Charisma -2, Pace 8, Parry 8 Toughness 9 Bennies 0 (137 posts)
Treanda Cartwright

Pace 6; Parry 6; Tough 6; Power 15-2; Charisma 0 (10 posts)
William 'Snuffy' Smith

Parry 5 Toughness 5 Pace 6 Charisma 0 Sanity 8 Bennies 3 XP 3 Skills Fighting d6 Shooting d8 Knowledge (History) d4 Knowledge (German) d4 Notice d6 Stealth d6 Throwing d4 Persuasion d6 (124 posts)