Baby Chimera

Aubster's page

Organized Play Member. 3,078 posts (4,868 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 20 aliases.

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all. We’ll pick up again after New Year’s Day.

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Darkest Doomed wrote:

Still not sure what is actually going on. The spoiler Landolf got to see didn't reveal much detail. Better to overreact in defense of our charge than not, however.

I'm also very glad that my memory of this module is poor. I really don't remember this part & it helps me feel free to act.

What’s happening now isn’t in the module…I’m going freestyle:)

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Krizta wrote:

Krizta takes a seat at the halfling's table where she can also see Bruno (if possible, otherwise she does not join the halfling), and says

I don't know how to play Scarlet Empress, but I'm willing to learn if you'll teach me.

The Halfling happily greets both Krizta and Landolf. She introduces herself as Mercinellin Thorncobble but says to call her 'Seedling' like everyone else does. She has impeccable diction, and an upper-class accent that surprises those used to meeting more earthy Halflings.

Successful Easy (+30) Reikland Lore Test:
You know that the Thorncobble family is one of the most famous Halfling families in the Empire and it's odd to meet one traveling by herself without any escorts.

Seedling explains the rules to Krizta Essentially it's just opposed Gambling Skill Tests. If you do not have training in Gambling, your skill is just your Fellowship skill as Gambling is a basic skill (no training needed).

As Seedling shuffles the cards she tells Krizta a story about the game...In 1923 IC, Count Primus von Bildhofen claimed Scarlet Empress, the card game named after his grandmother, Empress Molrella III, was more popular than Sigmar. Although it arguably cost him his life — as he was burned for heresy just four months later — some believe he may have had a point, as Scarlet Empress is now widely claimed to be the most popular card game in the Old World.

I'll post Seedling's skill tests in the response to Landolf since you and he are both playing

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Sorry for the long delay again. I'll get caught-up this weekend.

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Oops…wrong name of the inn, it’s the Three Feathers Inn as I think I’ve already used Crossed Keys Inn before.

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Valghaz Ironhammer wrote:

”Nay the easiest of jobs. Given his martial skill, it’s his food and drink that are likely the biggest concern. First thing first, he should have a taste tester. Is that…a profession here in the Empire?” Valghaz asked. ”Heard that there’s even a guild for that down in Tilea. That, and I’d reckon that when he sleeps he’ll be vulnerable. So we’ll need to set a watch around his room.”

Valghaz scratched his head. ”And if we can keep him holed up until the fight in a safe place, all the better. Somewhere without too many windows that a sniper could shoot through….”

”He’s spending the night along with the rest of the Gravin’s retinue at an inn outside town called the Crossed Keys. Mayhaps you all could get rooms there for tonight to make sure no shenanigans happen. Of course the Crown, that is to say me, will reimburse you for expenses and pay the group a fee of let’s say 25 Crowns for your time tonight and through the contest tomorrow. Is that acceptable?”

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Krizta wrote:

At dinner, when they are asked to prevent interference Krizta asks

How does this trial by combat work as a replacement for a normal trial? Is it assumed that the gods will interfere on the behalf of the innocent party and allow the other to be killed? If the champion loses, does the accused... or the accuser... also lose his life? I'd like to understand it more before I commit.

If we're leaving it in the hands of the gods, then I'm okay with that, but it seems hard to say what the Gods have in mind, or whether they are working through someone else, if we don't actually know who is in the right.

Boorman pats his full belly and leans back in his chair…he spends a moment in thought then says, ”right good questions miss. The trial by combat is a vestige of our tribal past. You’re right, it is accepted that Sigmar guarantees the champion of the appropriate side to win the fight. In this case, since it’s a murder trial and the Gravin has been accused of Witchcraft, if her champion loses the witch hunters will take her for questioning about her cult and then burn her at the stake. If the champion of the Gravin wins, then the Baron must pay all of the costs incurred by the Gravin for the trial.”

”Once the contest begins then Sigmar’s judgement is to be made without an attempt from us to alter the outcome, But killing the champion of the accused before the contest starts isn’t a sign of Sigmar’s judgement, it’s just murder.”

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Darkest Doomed wrote:
Weren't those the mines we thought Etelka was in? Greenskins are one thing but sending them off to get blendered by her is a different thing...

You all found a letter that lets you know where Elteka is (or was), either way she’s not in the mines.

Here’s the letter:
Dear Elteka,
The person bearing this letter is a trusted member of our society. He brings sufficient funds to finance an expedition to the Barren Hills, where lies, according to our researches, that which we seek. The importance of this item to our cause cannot be stressed too highly. You are to leave as soon as possible.
Our agents in Kemperbad will provide all the assistance you require. Once you have the item, bring it to us at Middenheim as quickly as possible.
Istak Graksk Tzeentch

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Hi All - I’ll get a post up tomorrow.

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Krizta wrote:

Krizta moves up beside Landolf, and lashes out at the shared target.

[dice=Attack Roll (Flail: 50)]1d100

[dice=Defense Roll (Dodge: 38)]1d100

She fails to land a hit against the unexpectedly slippery tiara-wearing goblin, however.

Even though Gutbag was distracted by Landolf’s attack, Krizta was unable to take advantage of the opening as light from the goblin’s tiara unexpectedly dazzled her vision as she moved to attack.

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Krizta wrote:
Krizta shrugs and picks up the axe to see if it speaks to her of despair like that staff did before. She was already tainted, and doomed to fail her God anyway, so better to test it herself rather than infect others.

The axe seems well balanced but made for someone much stronger than Krizta. Other than that, it’s a run of the mill beautiful bejeweled axe.

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Adelaida Lehner wrote:

Here's my proposition, Aubster, and others can chime in: let's say we either finish the tower exploration (if there is no more fights) or we pause the game here, what would you say if we ask you to take a month off so you can take care of your wife?

Of course, if you want to say hello, or if continuing the game can help you having a small escape from RL, you are more than welcome.

But realise that a one month pause won't hurt us, and can do wonders for your wife health and you.

That’s a very kind suggestion. My wife is going to have surgery in the coming weeks, best guess is early November. She’s going to be in hospital for about a week probably. At that point, I’ll probably need to pause. Until then, I’d like to keep going. This campaign is one of my favorite distractions.

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Krizta wrote:

Not sure what difficulty modifiers there are for healing, but just rolling it for storyline goodness... if it doesn't work, it doesn't, but she is going to try.

Krizta has healing experience cleaning and binding her own wounds, and those of other flagellants, so when she sees that Valghaz is in a bad way, she takes some of her old (clean) clothing, rips it into strips, and goes over to see if she can help Valghaz.

[dice=Heal Skill (38)]1d100

Hmm... not a good sign, Valghaz, sorry.

It’s a bad news/good news situation. Krizta failed her Healing test so no Wounds are healed but she only failed by SL 2 which is less than her Intelligence Bonus of +3 so she doesn’t cause more damage

Krizta works valiantly to bind up Valghaz’s injuries but he doesn’t appear to be better once she’s done.

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Hi All…sorry for slow down the last couple of months. My wife’s health hasn’t been great so that’s sort of been an all-consuming situation. I’ve actually thought about ending the campaign but hate the idea of abandoning the folks that have been part of this campaign for so long. That being said, I’m planning on continuing the campaign as long as you all are willing but it’ll likely still be slow posting for a while.

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I’ve been giving Valghaz some extra time to get a post in for this combat. If he doesn’t have a chance to post by the end of the day, I will bot him so we can move to Round 2.

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Krizta wrote:
Krizta searches the goblin bodies, hoping to pick up a usable bow, since that is presumably where the arrows came from.

There’s an intact goblin bow on the ground next to one of the dead goblins. After a few quick practice draws you believe that you could use it even though it is clearly poorly made. There are also a handful (6) of useable arrows, each of them tipped with a thick black substance.

The bow has the Imprecise Quality (-1 SL to attack rolls)

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Krizta wrote:
FYI, I am going to be on vacation from this Friday through next week. Feel free to bot me, or have my character get sick and unable to get out of bed, or whatever. :)

I’m also on vacation starting Saturday for 10 days but I’ll still be able to post assuming my cellular works. It may be a bit slower posting rate than normal though so please bear with me

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Krizta wrote:
FYI, I am going to be on vacation from this Friday through next week. Feel free to bot me, or have my character get sick and unable to get out of bed, or whatever. :)

Have a wonderful vacation!

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Darkest Doomed wrote:

Had to go through some bookwork I was behind on. This is what I have:

* food expenses to get us to Kemperbad with Count Boorman & his party: 1g 3/4
* a new week of food after we arrive in Kemperbad (6 people): 1g 15/-
* sale of grain in Diesdorf: 45g

Shipping Fund Total: goes up by 42 1/8. We were at 8g 5/- so the final total is 50g 6/8.
Company Fund: goes up by 10g from Count Boorman's payment to 40g.


Looking at new cargo now: we don't have nearly enough money to fill the 300 encumbrance of the Lucky Lady's hold. Do we want to borrow money for it?

Without that, I'm thinking we should keep at least 5g in the shipping fund, so we'd still have 45g to spend on brandy or armaments. It probably doesn't matter which we buy if we're not filling the 300 encumbrance cargo hold.

Aubster, what would borrowing money look like? If they are wanting like 120g back for a short-term loan of 100g I doubt we could make that up easily.

If you want to borrow money for a short time and are willing to put the barge up as collateral you could borrow up to 500 gold crowns for 2% a month in interest.

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We’ve just hit 3000 posts in the gameplay section which is very cool. Great job all!

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Krizta wrote:

Krizta smiles and introduces herself to Bert and Ing, sitting with them and finding their company enjoyable.

When Bert warns her about the mutant corpses she adds

Wow, that's horrible. What should be done if we see something like that? Surely someone needs to be cleaning that sort of defilement up... do we report it to someone?

”Well luv, that’s the problem ain’t it? According to the Emperor they ain’t no such thing as mutants. Reporting dead ‘uns means breaking the law. So, keep this story under your hat, so to speak, and remember mums the word when it comes to the M’s,” Ing says sotto voice. ”Just mind how you go out there.”

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Wife is back home and feeling better. Unfortunately she’ll need another week of iv antibiotics.

So, easing back into the game now…

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Sorry folks, she’s still in the hospital so I don’t have enough brain power to post. Hopefully if you all check in a few days things will be back to normal (what passes for normal for me anyhow).

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Darkest Doomed wrote:

I didn't realize that we'd be reaching Kemperbad yet. While Count Boorman is still about & has time, likely on the river after Diesdorf, Landolf would want to talk to him about his situation. I'm looking at Landolf's Short Term Ambition of "gain the support of a noble house".

Despite the length of time he'd spent on the river, Landolf found himself nervous about approaching Count Boorman directly like this. From all appearances, the count was as virtuous a nobleman as he was likely to find all across the Reik. He'd be a fool not to try to gain the man's support for his family.

Given an opportunity, Landolf will explain his family's circumstances in more detail. He's not asking for help with paying off the Gersun debt but is instead seeking patronage: a lesser house serving a greater in return for connections & so forth...however that sort of thing worked.


With the Lucky Lady docked at Kemperbad, Landolf helped oversee the delivery of Count Boorman's luggage. Doing so expeditiously might be beyond the small handful of Black Thorns we have. How much would it cost to hire a crew for this?

Boorman sits on the deck and listens to Landolf. "It sounds like your family has faced a severe challenge with dignity. However, it strikes me that you will have to take some risks to earn the amount that your family needs to get out of debt. It seems that owning part of a barge will likely not generate the gold you need. Once you raise a stake, I would recommend making your way north to Marienburg. Despite the fact that they are all traitors to the Empire, it is a place that you can earn large sums. You could purchase a share in a trading company that sends one of their ships all around the world. I have been impressed by you and your compatriots and if you are interested I would provide you a letter of introduction to the East Cathay Trading Company. It is possible to earn 50 or even 100 times your investment."

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You’ve completed the section, On to Kemperbad.

XP rewards
25 XP if you had fun.
10 points for helping to complete the Signal Tower.
15 points for defeating the Ghoul.
25 points for defeating the zombies and recovering their keys.

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Count Boorman disappears into his cabin along with his valet and both footmen. Several minutes pass before Boorman reappears, now in formal court garb accompanied by his two footmen dressed now in Imperial Guard uniforms. One of his men holds Boorman’s Rod of Office which is bestowed only on the highest ranking emissaries of the Emperor himself. The other footman holds a golden banner displaying a rearing Griffon on a sable field along with the Boorman family motto of Always Faithful To The Holy Emperor. If it was not clear before it should be now that Boorman is a very important man in the Empire.

The Count listens to Valghaz’s proposal with approval. ”Well said Templar. Have you considered a diplomatic career? I am good friends with the dwarven ambassador in Altdorf and he is always complaining of a lack of suitable talent. I would be pleased to introduce you to the ambassador once I am again in the capital.” That said, Boorman turns and looks at the crowd that watches and waits. He snaps his fingers and his valet brings him a clever dwarven speaking device that will amplify Boorman’s words.

”LADIES, GENTLEMEN, CHILDREN, TOWNSFOLK AND RIVERFOLK, THE DWARF MAKES A FAIR OFFER FOR ALL. AS THE DULY EMPOWERED REPRESENTATIVE OF HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, I CAN ASSURE YOU THAT THE CROWN STANDS WITH THIS BRAVE TEMPLAR AND FOURSQUARE BEHIND HIS PROPOSAL. DO I MAKE THE SITUATION CLEAR?,” Boorman bellows at the watching people. Seeing reluctant agreement on all the faces in the crowd, Boorman a gives the crowd a dismissive wave and then turns and makes his way back to his private cabin.

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Krizta wrote:

My score is low, so this should be an attempt at helping, not the main roll.

[dice=Evaluate (33)]1d100

Yeah, and doesn't even help, sorry.

To assist, you do not have to pass a skill test. Just saying you are assisting is enough to give a +10 bonus.

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Krizta wrote:
Sorry I got it wrong. I don't have any fortune points--spent them trying to get the rumors about how to catch the kidnapper guy. So I guess I use a resolve point instead.

No worries, seriously…we’ve been playing this campaign for well over a year and we all still get muddled up by the rules. I think it was probably six months before we realized that Resolve removes a condition.

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Krizta wrote:

Krizta thanks Adelaida for the shillings, promising to pay her back when she gets her first bounty.

Retconning the begging because of changed circumstances. Didn't happen, because Krizta has the money. (Thank you.)

Krizta gives ten pennies to the drunk in return for whatever information that he has.

The very drunk man swallows a huge gulp of the cheap wine and leans towards Krizta and whispers, "she goes by Elvyra Kleinestun now," the man pauses and looks around. "I knew her as Huberta Keiner when she lived hereabouts. She claimed to be an apothe...apothe...pharmacist," the man says around hiccups. "She's was right friendly, if you know what I mean, with a young university student named Alberich Hollzauber. Well now, I hear that same Hollzauber has taken the dark road and is now a demonologist. He likely needs Elvyra for some dirty ritual." After yet another large swallow he finishes his story, "supposedly a summoning works better if you sacrifice someone you loved. I think that's why he's after Elvyra. Best thing for everyone would be if Elvyra is dead before Alberich can get to her." With a loud thunk, the drunk's head hits the bars as he passes out and then he makes a horrible noise which after a moment Krizta identifies as snoring.

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Landolf quickly learns to fit in with the local nobility and has new found confidence in his own importance. However, he also quickly realizes that he does not have the wonderful jewelry or clothes that the local nobles all seem to have and embarrassingly only has a single servant. If he is really going to fit in with the important people of the Empire he will need to have more money, lots more money.

After a very pleasant week, Landolf broaches the idea of either finding a sponsor from one of the great families or find a way to help deal with his family's debts. Caroline Osswald von Kretschmer thinks about Landolf's request and after a few moments suggests that he ask for a meeting with Count Godfrey von Kemperbad. The Count is extremely wealthy and more importantly has been quietly looking for a trustworthy nobleman to escort his youngest daughter from Altdorf to Kemperbad. Supposedly the girl has fallen in with the 'wrong crowd'.

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Krizta wrote:

With all these dreams, maybe Krizta should be a mystic next. :)

To her father Krizta says

Thank you. That explains more of what I saw in my dream. I appreciate the warning, and I won't speak of this in public... so you are saying that one of these undercities is right here in Altdorf?


Krizta will also talk to the group about her dream later, but still waiting on responses to her idea about following up on the pharmacist lead, so will wait to share more so we don't get overloaded with things to respond to.

"Yes, there is a undercity under our feet. I've never been down there but it's supposedly huge," Krizta's father explains.

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I will be doing individual posts for each of you so be a bit patient (especially those at the end of the alphabetical order) :)

Adelaida's sleep is disturbed one night by something that was more than a dream, it was more like a vision but one that was disjointed somehow. In seemingly random order she dreamt of using her Warhammer to smash a huge rat that walked on two legs and that towered over her, of an assassins approaching the sleeping emperor, of fighting between troops from the Reik against troops from Middenheim, of Altdorf burning out of control, of herself kneeling before the The Grand Theogonist, of a cheering crowd calling her name, of Ubersreik destroyed, of demons laughing and then finally a deep, powerfully majestic voice saying, "it's time child, Sigmar calls for you, your destiny is upon you."

Almost in a trance, the next morning Adelaida walks alone to the Cathedral of Sigmar Risen and Transformed. The rampaging mobs move aside for her passage and fall quiet for a moment before resuming their looting and killing. Adelaida walks through the great temple as if she's been there many times before and unerringly makes her way to the hall of the Order of the Silver Hammer. Sir Peters is waiting for her at the entrance and escorts her inside. Her friends do not see her again for a full week but for some reason none of them are worried about her safety.

Adelaida can describe what happened if she wishes

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Krizta wrote:

Krizta works hard on the ship, running back and forth trying to learn everything.

I'm saying all the running around helps her improve her athletics skill, if that is okay.

[dice=Skill Test]1d100 (vs 29 Athletics)


Krizta is going to visit her parents, but she isn't staying with them, so plenty else to do, in terms of endeavours.

[dice=Event Table]1d100 (Sticky Fingers!)

It says I lose half the money I ended the last adventure with, but I don't have anything... never got part of the reward we were given or anything, so I think the thief comes away with nothing.

I also think that the cutpurse must have been very, very desperate to come after someone who looks like me.

Sure, Krizta gets a +1 to Athletics.

As Krizta walks through the familiar neighborhoods of Altdorf she feels a tug on her clothes. Turning quickly she's able to grab what appears to be a 10 year old boy dressed in filthy rags. "I'm sorry! I didn't realize that you were one of Sigmar's chosen. Please don't whip me!" the urchin cries.

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Krizta wrote:
Sounds good. Is it cost-effective to keep the barge or should we sell it when we get to Altdorf?

The GM strongly recommends that you keep your barge especially since this series of adventures is called Death on the Reik so you're going to need to be on the Reik.

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Krizta wrote:

Krizta is amazed at such a reward for helping with the kidnapping, but talks to Father Herr on the way out, letting him know that she is worried that someone will send more kidnappers and that she wasn't able to get to the core of the problem, but that Elvira seems to know why it happened to her.

When Landolf asks, she agrees to the dinner, looking forward to free food.

Father Herr agrees to keep on eye on the pharmacist. He then asks, "is there anything else you can use in your travels, holy one? If we have it something you need consider it yours."

You can pick up a sling and a backpack from the temple.

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Great job everyone!

As you all relate your story, Father Herr is busy taking notes, the Lector listens without expression, Sir Peters seems inspired by your words and the shadowy-man seems to have not moved at all. Once the last of you finishes a dead silence comes over the room broken only by the ticking of a grandfather clock and the sound of workmen outside...

After a moment, Lector Neumayer motions Father Herr to bend down and he quietly says something to the man. Herr stares at you as he listens to the Lector and then quietly says, "your will be done." Herr then leaves the room. The Lector gives you a hard stare and tells you, "Father Herr will return momentarily." The Lector settles back into his chair a serene expression on his face. He's obviously made a decision.

Tick, tick, tick... The sound from the clock seems louder and louder the longer you wait. After what seems like an eternity but really was about 5 minutes you hear a sound from outside the room and then the door is pushed open by one of the temple guards who is armored and has one hand on his sword hilt. The guard carefully steps away from the door to allow Father Herr to reenter the room. Instead of a weapon or more guards, Herr carries nothing more than a silver tea set with 9 small cups into the room. He gives you all a smile and then asks each of you if you would care to have milk and sugar in your tea. Without needing to be told, he prepares a cup for the Lector. The giant Warrior-Priest suprisingly asks for 3 lumps of sugar. The sight of him holding the tiny tea cup and sippling daintingly just adds to the bizarreness of the situation. Father Herr looks around the room to ask the Witch-Hunter how he'd like his tea and stops in mid-question as the Witch-Hunter as slipped out of the room without anyone noticing.

One everyone has their tea and Father Herr pulls up a chair, Lector gives a small chuckle. "You should have seen your faces when the guard came into the room," he says with a smile. His face is transformed and instead of the stern judge you now deal with a merry grandfatherly man. "So much to discuss...where to start?" Herr hands Neumayer a form and Neumayer scrawls his signature on it. "This a note for 10 Gold Crowns payable to the presenter of the note by the Bank of Altdorf branch in the city. It is your reward for rescuing our wayward pharmacist." Herr gives him another piece of paper and again Neumayer scrawls his signature and then passes it to you. "This is a letter from myself that clears you of any charges and states that anyone that tries to act on the bounty from Bogenhafen is guilty of heresy and will be treated as a heretic by the Holy Church of Sigmar." Lector passes back the letters that Landolf had shared earlier, "keep these, especially the letter from one Etelka Herzen. That name is known to the Witch-Hunters. I feel that you will have a chance to meet her in person at some point."

After a few minutes of chit-chat, Lector stands which is the signal for you to get out. Father Herr and Sir Peters escort you from the temple and Peters stops Adelaida and with a serious look says, "follow your heart young lady."

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Krizta wrote:
Krizta asks if she can launder some clothes at Elvyra's house... she wants to wash the blood out before it sets if possible. She also volunteers to help her clean up.

"Blessed one, my home is yours to use as you wish. I would be grateful for you help."

Liza shyly follows Krizta around the house and finally asks her, "why are you dressed like that, in tattered robes? Can you not afford better clothes?"

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Elvyra’s home is a simple, two-up-two-down cottage near The Happy Man inn. The cottage is well kept and recently painted, with window boxes of herbs and flowers. As you approach, however, you notice that one of the windows has been smashed and its window box is broken. You can see that it was smashed from the outside, and that a couple of threads caught on a broken glass show that someone has climbed through it. Looking through the window, the signs of a violent struggle are obvious, with broken furniture, glass, and so on.

Elvyra pushes past you all and rushes into the house calling out, "Liza! Liza! Where are you girl?" Suddenly a quickly moving form hurtles into Elvyra and then your realize that the shape is that of a 10 year old girl. Elvyra and the little girl hug each other close as their tears flow. Both talk at the same time detailing what happened and confirming that they are both alright.

Elvyra gives you a all a happy smile, "thank you all so much! If you need any medicine I promise to sell it to you for what the ingredients cost me."
You may purchase any potion from Elvyra for a 50% discount

"Or maybe you want training?"
She will willingly train anyone who wants to become an Apothecary, and Characters may enter those careers for 100 fewer XP than it would typically cost.

Elvyra requests a couple of hours to spend with Liza and and straighten up the mess in her house before she accompanies you lot to the temple.

You all have time to run errands before visiting the temple again

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Krizta wrote:

Krizta moves forward, placing herself between the woman and the men (Scooting the chair the woman is bound to back if needed).

Why are you still here? she asks them.

In Sigmar's name, if you wish to live, surrender quickly. Down on your knees before Sigmar, and thank him for the pain that reminds you of your sins.

Since they don't seem immediately threatening to the woman, she looks around to see if they have weapons nearby, and if so, she kicks the weapons out of the loft and down to the barn floor.

(Of course, if either of them come at her, or try to get at the woman again, she will strike, but that doesn't seem to be happening yet, so she is just trying to neutralize the threat.)

As Krizta moves to protect the woman and Valghaz crushes one of the kidnappers, the kidnap victim gains a measure of revenge by kicking out with her bound feet. Her feet slam into Kidnapper 3 who comically windmills his arms for a moment and then falls backwards from the hayloft. You all hear a sickening thunk as the unfortunate kidnapper manages to land on an upturned pitchfork. The tines of the pitchfork protrude out the chest of the man. Blood begins to pour out of the holes made by the pitchfork quickly soaking the bits of straw and the dirt around the body.

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Ruprecht Scheinfelder wrote:


Ruprecht enters the crowd, glad to take advantage of the good cheer Valghaz' unexpected ribaldry has created! He sees if he's able to find anyone who was familiar with the unfortunate pharmacist.

Ruprecht gets an old-timer talking. It seems Old Hermann (as he's known to everyone, being at least 40 years old) spotted something as the sun was coming up this morning. It'll cost you a pint of beer for Old Hermann...

It'll cost 3 brass pennies to buy Old Hermann a pint

If you bribe Old Hermann with a beer:
It turns out that Old Hermann was up at dawn this morning and saw a most unusual sight. On a back country path, the three men that had been staying at the inn were pushing a wheelbarrow that held a big burlap sack. They were heading away from town. Not being something you normally see, Old Hermann tells you that he 'sort of followed after them fellows for a bit.' Old Hermann stopped following them once they got to the canal as he'd be out in the open and something about the men convinced Old Hermann that them seeing him wouldn't be good for his health. After lubricating his throat with a swallow of beer, Old Hermann tells you that 'it sure looked like them outlanders were pushing that wheelbarrow into that red barn on the other side of the canal.' Old Hermann draws a crude map for you to locate the barn.

If Ruprecht gets the story from Old Hermann he then owes the bar a story

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Valghaz Ironhammer wrote:

[dice=Gossip 21 + 20 = 41]1d100 SL3

Valghaz gave Adelaida a grin. Feeling buyoed by her laughter, he felt in the mood to push his luck. "Aye, I heard that one. They said 'ouch!' Ha!" Valghaz said in a loud voice back. Walking over to the table he grabbed a seat and sat down. "Name's Valghaz. Miner by trade, aye? Here, got another joke for ye. Grab ye drink while I tell this one. Me jokes are better that way. Anyways, there's this barge, see? Sailin' down to Altdorf. On it is a soldier who'se goin' home. He's walkin' up and down the barge lookin' for a seat and can't find one. But he sees this noblewoman, who has a wee dog sittin' on a seat next to her. So he says to her, ma'am, I'm awfully tired, would ye mind movin' yer dog? And she says to him, ye Reiklanders, for she was from Marienburg, see, she says ye Reiklanders must be blind. Can't ye see me dog is sittin' here?" Valghaz made a mock face of surprise as he continued "So the lad he bites his tongue, apologizes, and walks off. He walks another two laps around the barge lookin' for a seat, and there be none. So he walks back and says 'ma'am, I'm comin' home from fightin' in the north. Me legs are fallin' off. May I please have this seat?' And she replies 'Ye Reiklanders must be deaf and dumb! I told ye that me foofoo is sittin' here!' Now, this lad had just spent months fightin' northerner scum, and he had it. So he reached down, grabbed the wee dog, and threw it out the window and overboard." He stopped here, letting the tale sink in. Then he said "There be a yip and a splash and the noblewoman, she started screamin' 'He killed me dog! He killed me dog!' Makin' a noise. An old man, sittin' nearby, he said 'Boy. Youth these days just keeps gettin' it wrong. Ye threw the wrong b%%*# out the window!"

If his jokes go over well, then Valghaz will spend some time regaling the locals with stories of their heroism, especially in Bogenhafen.


One of the gaffers sitting near Valghaz laughs so hard that beer shoots out of his nose which triggers huge laughs from his friends who said they'd call him beer fountain from now on. After regaling his new found friends, Valghaz manages to steer the conversation to something useful. The beer fountain tell you that the three men who checked out yesterday told him that they are getting picked up tomorrow morning by a boatman friend who is supposed to take them to Altdorf.

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Darkest Doomed wrote:

Should we declare a Party Short Term Ambition of either:

* gain the assistance of the Cult of Sigmar in clearing up the Bogenhafen confusion
* solve the pharmacist kidnapping case

I've been on the side of delaying a Party Long Term Ambition, but this situation with Etelka Herzen seems like it might have legs. We can always change the Ambition later if we're wrong. So something like:

* eliminate the cultist threat in the Empire (Teugen & Etelka ring)

The long term ambition is spot on and ties directly into the campaign!

Short term can be solve the kidnapping case (by which I mean find out who wanted her disappeared and why). The Bogenhafen confusion is not an issue that can be solved in the equivalent of 2-3 live sessions.

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At the Happy Man Inn (early evening)

You can hear the buzz of happy conversation spilling from the inn. Warm yellow light shines through the windows and smoke rises lazily from the chimney before being blown away by the evening breeze. Unlike the dockside inns and taverns you have frequented before, the Happy Man clientele is composed of locals who are sitting comfortably while they drink their beverages of choice and gossip. At the sight of a flagellant, dwarf, nobleman, soldier and boatman walking into the inn together, the crowd falls silent and stares at you all in surprise. You overhear one wag at the bar begin a joke by saying, "did you hear the one about the nobleman, dwarf and flagellant that walked into a bar," only to be quickly hushed by the barkeep who wants no angry dwarfs or furious flagellants causing trouble and definitely doesn't want to make a nobleman mad.

Everyone can attempt a single Average (+20) Gossip Skill Test to pick up some information. You can influence your chances of success. Landolf gets a +10 to his chance because he's higher status than the patrons. Krizta also gets a +10 because of the respect (and/or dread) shown to Sigmar's Flagellants. Krizta is also offered free food and drink and is addressed as 'blessed one' or 'godly one'. Spending money at the inn raises your chances a bit, buying drinks for a local raising them even more, buying drinks for the house would be a tremendous bonus. Even telling a good story to the crowd would warm them towards you and help your chances. Finally, remember if you want to get a rumor you have to share a rumor with whoever you're talking to.

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Krizta wrote:

Okay you guys I think I finally have a handle on the character... so sorry it took me a while to get my mind around it.

I wrote the background and answered the 10 questions, and spent all the XP I could.

If there are any other corrections or notes (or ideas, or questions) anyone has, feel free to let me know.

Great stuff!

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Hi All - been sick last couple of days but getting better so hope to get posts up later today

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Krizta wrote:

Not sure who the people were that Landolf was talking about, Krizta drifted towards the small wooden temple to Sigmar.

Kneeling inside with her face touching the ground, she asks for help to know his will, and where to go from here. After her brief prayer, she found herself thinking about the people she had been traveling with, so she returned and reattached herself to the group, wondering who Josef was and interested to learn more about the future that Sigmar had set before her.

As Krizta makes her way through Weissbruck she is acknowledged by almost everyone she passes as they make the sign of the Hammer. Some seem reverent, some seem frightened and some seem like they just want to make sure not to make the flagellant mad and be accused of being a heretic. Merchants come out of their shops to press food on her and she can take her pick of meats or cheeses or breads or wine or sweets.

Inside the temple she is greeted by a young priest (it seems all the other priests found pressing business that took them away from the temple just before she arrived). "Welcome Holy One. I am Father Theobald Herr and we are honored by your presence. It is unusual for us to see one of the Holy Ones in Weissbruck as most are on the frontiers where the fighting with the cursed greenskins is the thickest. But Sigmar is wise and he clearly has brought you here for a reason," Theobald stops to think for a moment, trying to come up with the reason and then his eyes widen and he says, "our local pharmacist, Elvyra Kleinestun, just returned from the Schaffenfest in Bogenhafen has been kidnapped! If Sigmar brought you to us then this most be more than just a regular crime, there must be something else that hides from view. In Sigmar's name, I ask you to find Elvyra Kleinestun." Theobald of course does not insult Krizta by offering a reward.

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That's some good roleplaying so Valghaz's Haggle Skill for this particular smith is considered to be 31 and a roll of 04 is SL +3
Haggle Check Merchant (32): 1d100 ⇒ 48

The smith listens with a smile on his face as Valghaz makes his offer to pitch in. "That'd be something sir, you helping me and all, you've got yourself a deal," the smith says happily and then spits on his hand and holds it out to Valghaz for a shake. Valghaz does notice that there's no purple ink on this man's hands, just good callouses from hard-work.

With the discount you can get the mail shirt altered to fit for 8 Shillings plus the leftover chainmail, or 18 Shillings if you want to keep the leftover mail yourself. Or you can get the fitting plus the chausses for 36 Shillings (1 GC and 16 Shillings)

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Krizta wrote:

--Moved up from Zealot to the second tier of Flagellant (also named Flagellant).

Question about that: Krizta has zero money (at Brass 0 she can't roll for anything)... Flagellants go around praying with people and living off of their kindness and donations, so that is what she has done up till now, and even if that is going to change going forward, she can't afford to buy anything at all. Does she automatically get the trappings of tier 2, or will she pick those up along the way?

She'll have an opportunity to pick them up along the way. Sigmar provides :)

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Krizta wrote:
Does this world have the printing press, or are all books hand-copied?

The printing press is a recent invention in the Empire, so most books are still hand-written, some with pages adorned with exquisite illuminations, others little better than scribbled notes. In larger settlements, official documents, newssheets, and leaflets are typically press-printed, as are many poems, romances, and important academic texts. The penny novels, My Travels With Gotrek are,particularly popular.

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Finally, Josef is going to introduce to a buyer in Weissbruck so you’ll have a chance to sell the cargo you ‘inherited’ with the barge. That’ll give you some starting capital to be able to start trading.

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