Aram Zey

Hakketh the Black's page

103 posts. Alias of Aubster.

Full Name

Hakketh the Black (Stygian Sorcerer) Benny 4


Agility d6 Smarts d10 Spirit d6 Strength d6 Vigor d6 Charisma 0 Benny 3 (+1 gray) Pace 6 Parry 5 Toughness 8 (with armor)


Spellcraft d10 Knowledge Arcane d6 Knowledge Set d4 Fighting d6 Notice d8 Persuasion d6 Survival d8

About Hakketh the Black

Hakketh (Stygian - Sorcerer)
Race benefits: Smarts D6; +2 Knowledge (Arcana checks); arcane background free edge

Attributes (5 pts to spend)
Agility d6
Smarts d10
Spirit d6
Strength d6
Vigor d6

Skills (15 pts to spend)
Spellcraft d10
Knowledge Arcane d6
Knowledge Set d4
Fighting d6
Notice d8
Persuasion d6
Survival d8

Vengeful (Major) - sworn vengeance on Set and his Priests
Wanted (Minor) - becomes major in Stygia
Vow (Minor) - help those who oppose Set's evil

Arcane Background (free edge from race)
Power points (human free edge)
Beast Master (bought with Hindrance pts) - Hekketh is accompanied by a bull mastiff size dog

Languages (1 starting + 5 bonus)
Ancient Stygian

Arcane Powers (Magic)
10 Power Points + 5 from edge = 15
Starting Powers:3
Powers: Bolt, Confusion, Summon Ally

Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: 12/24/48
Duration: Special
Trappings: Bolts of energy, stun bombs, sonic booms, burst of blinding light.
Stun shocks those within a Medium Burst Template with concussive force, sound, light, magical energy, or the like.
If the arcane character scores a success, targets within the area of effect must make Vigor rolls or be Shaken. With a raise, victims must make Vigor rolls at –2.

Turanian Tulwar
Turanian Mail


Hakketh was one of the multitude of the Stygian underclass who toiled under the lash of Thoth-Amon troops and priests of the dread god Set. When Hakketh was 10 years old his father Hotep was crippled when he did not get out of the way of a Set Priest named Amnun quickly enough in the Priest's opinion. Amnun had Hotep whipped and left tied to a post under the blazing sun for 2 days not allowing any to approach with food, water or medicine. By the time his family could cut him free he was barely alive.

The boy Hakketh developed an intense hatred for the Stygian ruling cast and most of all for the servants of Set. Hakketh began to work in the tanning yards to try to earn enough money to keep his family alive all the while plotting revenge against Amnun.

When Hakketh was 13 he finally made his move against Amnun. Stealing a sharp knife from the tannery, Hakketh took position in an alley and waited for the priest and his bodyguards to pass. His plan was to charge the Priest of Set and stab him through the heart. Hakketh new he would not survive himself but in his anger and frustration he no longer cared.

Suddenly, as the priest Amnun approached, Hakketh was grabbed from behind. He struggled uselessly against his captor but could not break free. Quietly nonsense words were whispered in Hakketh's ear which somehow caused the boy to fall into a deep slumber.

When he awoke he found himself laying on a pallet in an old man's hovel in the middle of the slums. It turned out that the old man was one of the few followers of Ibis left in Stygia following the purges and that the man, who's name was Tuthamon, had been watching Hakketh for some time as he had sensed the budding power of sorcery in the boy and had actually been working to keep the boy's growing arcane strength hidden from the Priests of Set who would have taken the boy for their own uses if they had discovered him.

On that faithful day, Hakketh and Tuthamon swore a pact. Tuthamon would teach Hakketh everything he knows about sorcery if Hakketh would swear to oppose the god Set and his minions. That day was 10 years ago and Hakketh has grown to be a man. His family was killed a few years earlier in a fire that decimated the slums and in honor of their memory he always wears black. His second father was captured and killed by the Priests last week and now wanted posters with Hakketh's name and likeness are showing up all over the kingdom. Hakketh grabbed what supplies he had and made it to a ship that took him away from Stygia before the harbor had been notified about the fugitive. Now Hakketh wanders the land seeking allies to fulfill his quest to drive Set out of Stygia.