Since Kinetic Healing heals per Kinetic Blast, you gather power for a full round + move action in the second round and heal with an empowered composite blast. At 9th level that yields 10d6*1.5 + misc bonus (depending on energy or physical type of blast). For energy blasts that's 52 +2/3 hp back; for physical blasts that's 52 + 10 + 4/5/6 hp.
At minimum that's 6*(52+2)=324 hp. Just how many hp do you expect your party fighter to burn through before getting 8 hours of rest (or two hours with nap stack)?
Kinetic Healer, heals for your Kinetic Blast damage. That's the level 1 basic blast. I don't think you can use meta's or composites.
Or a Theologian Cleric with the Fire domain. Pick up Preferred Spell or Greater Spell Specialization. Helps if your party could do with some healing too.
Use the clerics channel pool to daze living creatures. Use the oracles pool to daze undead. At 5 the oracles pool can also be used against living. At 8 can get an additional pool using the Life Spirit.
Gear to consider - Ring of Protected Life, Amulet of the Spirits - Life, Vestments of War
Maybe I'm missing something but you can't wield a large two handed weapon. You can wield a large one handed weapon two handed. Therefore you need EWP Bastard sword.
Normally you can't. But the Titan Fighter and Titan Mauler archtypes both allow it. The damage is a little more (enlarged, large, impact is 6d6 vs 4d8) but the accuracy is worse. But also opens up options for Gorum worshippers.
Saw this archtype the other day. If the +2 shield bonus still works when using a two-handed weapon, it could be a good dip if you also want brawler's cunning
This thread and ones like it may give you ideas. Just remember that they're heavily optimised for damage within the rules of the thread, and may not work so well in an actual game. Also, there may be errata that changes how/if they work.
I always think of butterfly sting as being intended to be used by yourself.
Like a boxer, a couple of jabs, create an opening, then lay down the pain.
It's even called butterfly sting. Float like a Butterfly, Sting like a bee.
1 Fighter, Weapon Focus - Tri-Bladed Katar, Combat Expertise, Toughness
2 Brawler,
3 Brawler, Butterfly's Sting, Weapon Focus - Waveblade
4 Fighter, Power Attack
5 Bloodrager, Extra Rage
6 Fighter,
7 Bard, Extra Performance
8 Brawler,
9 Brawler, Iron Will
10 Brawler, Improved Critical - Waveblade
Well ı never checked it realy.I thought ı wouldnt need ioun stones.I stand corrected.Hmm that +1 doesnt stack with bracers of falcon.Still a better choice.
I'd had a similar idea a while back, though I was thinking of using a spiked chain. With weapon finesse and power attack, it didn't need much else to work
You could try a Razmiran Priest,
Or a simple blaster
Or a Mystic Theurge (Using Faith Magic for easier access)
Or, an Occultist Arcanist,
Or as mentioned, a Bard (Duettist+Savage Skald could be good)
Or, anything really. It would be hard to go wrong
With the Ring of Archon
Harbinger Archon can cure at SM3.
With Summon Good Monster
Unicorn can neutralize poison at SM5, Kirin can lesser restoration at SM6
That was a while ago. I think I wrote +2 for focus, when I didn't actually have greater weapon focus (my bad). But calculated it correctly (hopefully).