
ZeroHazard's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 9 Organized Play characters.


Silver Crusade

So, Summarizing the answers would be:

1) Only one special materiel is allowed, and the Armored Coat counts as metal for available crafting

2a) When layering special materiel armor, only the most voluminous armor counts as per piecemeal armor rules, I.E. biggest, heaviest piece is applied. Best AC bonus counts, all other penalties largest counts.

2b) When layering armor, the outermost layer enchantment effect applies and the AC bonus only applies to the enchanted AC value.

Does that sound about right?

Silver Crusade

Several questions about this type of armor I'd like clarified:

1) Special materials: In the description, it's a leather coat with metal plates sewn in. From what I've found so far, everyone opts for something like darkleaf, but can something like Elysian Bronze be used in the plates for a bonus? Maybe stack like Eelhide and Elysian Bronze?

2) Stacking armor: I remember reading somewhere about stacking armor where the best AC is used and the worst of everything else applies. I can't dig up the rest of the info from that, so here's the hypothetical--If you're wearing an Eelhide armored coat and an adamantine chain shirt, do you get only the electricity resistance or both effects?

2b) Stacking enchantments: Is my assumption right that only the outermost layer's enchantment effect is applied?