
Alistus's page

Organized Play Member. 199 posts (1,137 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters. 11 aliases.


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Samnell wrote:
Alistus wrote:
Definitely interested! I can easily have an "Arcane Trickster" type built quick if that sounds interesting to your group. Would most likely be UnRogue/Wizard. I can build to focus on ranged combat and bring some much needed skill diversity to the party, as well as some Spell utility. Let me know if you'd like to see the crunch I can have it up within the next day or so!
I would like to see that crunch.

I'll have it up by the end of the night! I'm contemplating Divination or Evocation, is the group in desperate need of damage?

Definitely interested! I can easily have an "Arcane Trickster" type built quick if that sounds interesting to your group. Would most likely be UnRogue/Wizard. I can build to focus on ranged combat and bring some much needed skill diversity to the party, as well as some Spell utility. Let me know if you'd like to see the crunch I can have it up within the next day or so!

Unchained Rogue 1/Wizard 3/Arcane Trickster X
Unchained Rogue 1/Sorcerer 4/Arcane Trickster X

With the Accomplished Sneak Attacker feat at level 3 you qualify for AT at 5 with Wizard or 6 with Sorcerer. Sounds like exactly what you're looking for.

There is probably some way to make it work, but Spellstrike only works with a weapon you are wielding, and Iaijutsu only works if your weapon is sheathed.

Yeah as someone already stated above you're going to need at least one level of Barbarian to get amplified rage. That being said, Mad Dog may or may not be the best option, I actually just started a home campaign where I will be playing the character but I think this time I'll go with something like this:

Hunter 1: Sympathetic Rage
Hunter 2: Outflank
Barbarian 1(3): Gore Fiend or Thrill of the Kill
Hunter 3(4): Amplified Rage
Barbarian 2(5): Boon Companion
Barbarian 3(6):?
Barbarian 4(7):?
Hunter 4-16(8-20)

That way by level 4 you've got everything you need to start smashing some skulls in for a few rounds a day, and a decent way to regain your rage rounds. As this is a home campaign I also got my GM to agree that the Badger's rage can scale as it already lines up with him having a barbarian level equal to his animal companion "level" meaning he would gain 2 rounds every time you level up as well, this isn't too unbelievable but some GMs might not allow it.

This was the first character I built after Hunter was released, played a level 7 mythic campaign as Hunter 3/Barbarian(Mad Dog) 4. First round of combat he had ever been used in, no mythic tiers yet, 126 damage with 1 crit. I wasn't mounted, flanking makes this build even more rediculous, albeit my GM allowed outflank and Pack Tactics to stack for a total of +6 to hit when flanking with my badger.

Without that flanking bonus that characters attacks looked something like this:
Falchion: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (6) + 14 = 202d4 + 20 ⇒ (4, 2) + 20 = 26

Sounds like a good fix, Ill keep that in mind. I've finished the background for Davro, which I'll leave in a spoiler below.


Davro was abandoned in the forest at a very young age, he never knew his parents and could barely fend for himself in the wild. One day Davro came upon a young badger foraging for food, the two helped eachother and soon became close friends. They traveled the land foraging and hunting for survival, and eventually worked up the courage to visit a small village. The villagers were amazed by the rare meats and pelts they had, trading top of the line equipment and goods. The two soon became local legends, hunting rare beasts for their furs and meats. Years later Davro seemed to have hunted and slain every type of rare creature imaginable, he longed for a creature worthy enough give him a true hunt. His travels lead him to the small village of Roderic's Cove, where he began hearing rumors of an elusive man in the possession of an even more elusive gem. Jewels meant nothing to Davro, but this would be a hunt worthy of his skill.

I apologize for my poor writing skills

Submitting my application as Davro Iramelis, level 4 Hunter with Variant Multiclass Barbarian. The following is a rough stat block of Davro, I still have a few hundred gold to spend and haven't decided entirely on the feat choice. Davro's trusty sidekick Doraga the badger is also not included, as I have a question pertaining to the use of the Automatic Bonus Progression ruleset. Will animal companions/familiars also be following the chart? In my previous iterations of this character I spent almost half of the allotted gold on Doraga as he was very important to not only the crunch of this character, but also the background(Which I'll have up tomorrow). I'm just hoping his AC and Con won't lag behind without magic to boost them.

Poorly Organized Stat Block:

Davro Iramelis
Male Half-orc Hunter 4
N medium humanoid
Init +1 Senses Darkvision (60) Perception +9
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15
hp 39
Fort 8 Reflex 6 Will 4
Speed 30 ft
Melee +1 Falchion +7 (2d4+10/18-20/x2) or Bite +7 (1d4+4/x2) or Bite +2 (1d4+2/x2)
Space 5 Reach 5
STR 18 DEX 12 CON 16 INT 8 WIS 14 CHA 13
BAB 3 CMB 7 CMD 18
Feats Power Attack, Amplified Rage
Skills Acrobatics 0, Appraise -1, Bluff 1, Climb 10, Diplomacy 1, Disguise 1, Escape Artist 0, Fly 0, Handle Animal 9, Heal 7, Intimidate 1, Knowledge (geography) 6, Knowledge (nature) 4, Perception 9, Ride 1, Sense Motive 2, Stealth 0, Survival 9, Swim 10
Languages Orc, Common
Gear +1 Falchion, +1 Chain Shirt, Kit - Dungeoneering - deluxe, Key - Skeleton, Handy Haversack

Excellent, I'll be applying with a Hunter with variant multi class in barbarian. I'll have the crunch and backstory up tomorrow. I have a few variations of this character spread across various aliases if you want to check them out under this profile, but I've only actually played the character once for a one-shot mythic campaign.

Will Variant Multiclassing be available for use?

Magus/Swashbuckler(Inspired Blade), nuff said.

Count me in! I have a few gestalt characters that I would love to play, but one sticks out a bit more than others so I think I'll play him. My character will be focusing on magic suppression and destruction of all "heretics"(People who use magic without the consent of Nethys). If this game is going to fall short in the area of magical enemies let me know and I'll switch over to my Bloodrager/Hunter that I've been meaning to play for a while, but for now I'm going to start writing up the backstory for Lucian Magebane.

Short Character Info:

After a few hours of brainstorming, Lucian's level layout looks something along the lines of Arcanist 20/(Magus 2/Bloodrager 18/), but he may change a bit due to the very interesting setting. If multi-classing isn't allowed let me know and I'll make some sacrifices. Like I said the character will be focusing heavily on spell suppression and all-around caster hatred through things like counter spelling and AoOs. I also plan on eventually taking the dimensional agility line and mixing it with Spell Combat to make me mobile enough to keep multiple casters down at once. Currently I would like the character to be dex-based but that would unfortunately waste the nice bonuses Bloodraging gives, so if you know of any 3pp content that you would allow that does this I'd be glad to gloss it over and see if it fits my theme.

*Edit*Found it! If you'd allow that I'm definitely going to use it, it fits very well with my agile spellthief build.

Definitely looking to get into a game if you're willing GM Bone

I can confirm the above, I'm currently using this build as well, though not in PFS. It's fun to bomb a group of enemies for big numbers, but it definitely isn't overpowered by any stretch.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Level 1 Human Crossblooded(Orc/Dragon)Tattooed Sorcerer

Gifted Adept(+1 CL with Snowball)

Mage's Tattoo(Bonus)(Conjuration): +1 CL with Snowball
Spell Focus(Conjuration)
Spell Specialization(Snowball): +2 CL with Snowball

So that's 5d6 + 10 damage you can do 4, maybe 5 times a day at level 1. Fun stuff if you're just looking for a character to play as if the build you're trying in PFS doesn't have a great level 1.

This also works with Burning hands for 5d4 + 10 AoE damage, just be careful you don't OHKO one of your parry members.

Ssalarn wrote:

Remember the most important disclaimer to the "count as your own ally" clause:

Ally: Do you count as your own ally?
You count as your own ally unless otherwise stated or if doing so would make no sense or be impossible. Thus, "your allies" almost always means the same as "you and your allies."

—Sean K Reynolds, 10/12/10

I think this is the key to your confusion, mostly because it is a very confusing ruling. In my opinion, counting yourself as your own ally so you can Sympathetic Rage at 30 ft makes sense within the rules, but counting yourself as your own ally so that you can always sympathetic rage forever because you're "adjacent to yourself" doesn't make any sense realistically or within the rules. Thus I came to the conclusion(Yours may differ), that you can begin the rage and then move away etc.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Kung Fu fighters throwing energy blasts, where have I heard that before? I mean it sounds so familiar. I mean that idea had to have been used before.

That being said, I love the idea and I think it could work very well. Bonus points if you can find a way to add in the dimensional agility line of feats. At the very least it would make for a character who is fun to play, but I mean who wants to have fun in rpgs anymore am i right?

That was the question of the thread Ishian, read the above posts and your answer should be there. The answer I took to my group was that Barbarian A has to be adjacent to Barbarian B to activate Sympathetic Rage, but he may then move away and continue "Raging" as long as he remains within 30 ft, due to the fact that he can most likely consider himself his own ally for the effects of Warleader's Rage. You are correct that it would also work if Barbarian B had Warleader's Rage, but in this scenario he did not.

And here I was checking out the the new thread posts. "Hey wait that's me, I haven't created my own thread in a while. I wonder what this could be."

I can get any voice chat that is preferred, but I may or may not be able to get us into a Teamspeak server if no one is against that.

Very interested, not positive what I'd like to play quite yet but I can make both of those times.

Bombs dont exist until you make the standard action to create them, and once theyre created you throw them immediately within the same action, as you stated. Alchemical weapon works with bows and arrows because the arrows exist when you use your move action, it is impossible to use a move action while holding a bomb in your hand because core rulebook action rules. At any rate I think throw anything would still apply because a splash weapon is always a splash weapon even if the splash damage doesn't take effect, at least as far as rules are concerned.

I'd love to join you guys with a rogue alchemist I have built. If we can find others of course. I may have a friend that's interested as well.

I'm hoping to play my Elven Rogue 4/Alchemist X I've had built for a while.

Character Advancement::

As stated above the advancement will be Rogue 4/Alchemist X, but as this is a slightly odd character, there will be several archetypes.
Underground Chemist

Inspired Chemist

I hope the high amount of archetypes doesn't dissuade you from considering this character, as these archetypes are actually integral for the type of character I'm trying to accomplish. This character will focus on splash weapons and poison, which obviously aren't incredibly effective strategies. I've been working on him for a while and I think I've made it work with some of the new options that have been made available lately. These options include The new Bomber talent and the afformentioned Underground Chemist archetype. I do have the crunch completed up to a pretty high level and will post it if you need it.

More Character Info::

This character will be focusing heavily on crafting alchemical items and poisons, and will most likely also be brewing potions. This won't require too much downtime, but I'm hoping there will at least be enough for me to craft some weapons and make some healing potions between modules/missions.

Background, personality/appearence, and Desires:

Since a very young age Alistair has been interested in alchemy, and has held it above all else. As an elf this was a very interesting decision that made most of the others in his village see him as a less than desirable character. Some even began treating him as they would a mad scientist, shunning him to his lab where he spent day and night studying alchemy. Years later Alistair left his village in search of a place he could call home, where he could study alchemy and share his knowledge with others. Traveling the world Alistair found new alchemical creations and ingredients, he used these to fund his exploration by crafting and selling a wide array of items. Unfortunately he began drawing in the wrong crowd, acting more as a travelling poison and alchemical weapons fence than a scientist. Eventually he embraced his role in the world and began scouring the world for the rarest of poisons and weaponry, selling them to the highest bidder. Now wanted in several cities, Alistair has become one of the most well known fencers of illegal items in (golarion i assume?).
Due to his past Alistair is very secretive and quiet. He only speaks when necessary, giving accurate information on whatever topic comes up before returning to silence. He stands just under 6.5 ft in a tall black overcoat lined with hidden pockets and alchemical vials. Need a poison? Alistair has you covered and will jump at any opportunity to make a sale.

Alistair only desires one thing; To discover and master every alchemical item and process known to the world, and then create his own to become THE master of alchemy. He will do anything in his power to complete this goal, no matter how illegal or immoral.

Roleplaying History::

I have been gaming for most of my life but am relatively new to pathfinder. I have been a part of a few non-pfs campaigns but only one has been able to make it to the end. My posting rate is very high, and there really isn't a time that I'm not available to make a post.

In Character::

Alistair walked towards the orc territory, nervous as to what might happen in the near future.
Another big sale, they may be orcs but I need the coin. I'm sure the locals can defend against these monsters even with the them chugging potions, but what if they can't? Maybe I'll offer my services to them as well, I can handle these orcs quite easily especially with the help of the mercenaries the towns are no doubt hiring already. This is it, I'm right on the edge of the orc territory, the guide should be around here somewhere.
At that moment an orc stepped out from behind a nearby tree, and then another, and then one more. Alistair was surrounded.
"Come." the lead orc shouted.

"Lead the way." Alistair grinned.

The orcs led him to their village and into the large tent at the center. The orc chief stood to "greet" Alistair as he entered.
"Welcome human, do you bring potions and firebombs?" the chief said.

"I do indeed, the best alchemy in the land no doubt, but do you have the funds to purchase them?"

"Bring the chest." the large orc commanded.

A pair of orcs left the tent and soon returned with a large wooden chest, throwing it to Alistair's feet.
Alistair leaned down to open the chest, revealing several hundred gold worth of gems and other treasure.
"Does this please you?" the orc asked.

"Very much so Chief, Gromtusk was it?" Alistair said as he pulled a small sack from his waist and poured the contents onto the ground, an array of alchemist fire and potions of cure light wounds. "Do we have a deal then?"

"We do."Gromtusk said motioning towards his guards to retrieve the items.
"Excellent," Alistair said as he began emptying the chest into his sack. "I hope you don't plan to betray me, you know the power of my alchemy don't you Chief?"

"I do. My guards will escort you safely back to the road. Leave now." Chief Gromtusk said, returning to his seat and waving to his guards.

A pair of orcs escorted Alistair out of the village and back through the forest, then suddenly stopped and turned to him.
"Gromtusk thinks you strong, but you are puny and weak. We will take back treasure and get praise from chief." One orc said drawing his weapon.

"I wouldn't plan on it," Alistair said pulling a small stick from his pocket.

Alistair dropped the small stick to the ground, creating a large smoke cloud around him. The orcs shielded their eyes from the smoke attempting to see their enemy in the cloud.
"You really should have just taken me back." Alistair laughed as he hurled alchemical vials out of the cloud, killing the orcs in a quick blast of fire and acid.

"Every time, damn orcs." Alistair chuckled to himself as he made his way back to the road.

Hopefully I can make some more coin from this village, these orcs shouldn't pose a problem for me let alone a group of mercenaries.

Thank you for your consideration, can't wait to see what others have put together.

I am very interested as well, I will more than likely be building a sniper of some kind.

Alright this sounds fun.

Don't want to take up half a page:

Experience with PBPs: I have played in a few PbP games, mostly PFS. I've only had the opportunity to finish one module using the PbP format, and would love to add an AP to that list.

Experience with the RotR AP: I have yet to get the chance to play any of the Pathfinder APs, my experience with pathfinder thus far has been sitting and making interesting characters for hours on end.

Favourite alignment and why/do you hate the alignment system and why: My favorite alignment has always been Chaotic Neutral, because I love to play the character who's in it for his own reasons(See Below). I think the current alignment system is more or less unnecessary, I think the game would be a lot more enjoyable if we didn't have to worry about our alignments, and instead just worried about the actual choices we make.

Number of PBPs you have played in: 14 total, though only half made it through until the end, usually due to gm dropouts.

Number of PBPs you have played in that have finished/are still actively ongoing after a long period of time: 7

Tell me a little about the PBPs you have played in that finished/are still actively ongoing after a long period of time: Most of my completed PbPs have been PFS, though one was a short module. The module completed started at level 7, and though we never leveled we did gain a few mythic tiers.

Your most interesting character in a previous PBP/real life game: I have a Bloodrager/Hunter character built for a gestalt Wrath of the Righteous campaign that I have unfortunately never had the opportunity to play. The character is entirely based around using the demonic powers of the worldwound against the demon swarm, with even his animal companion gaining some "demonic" powers through the Primal Companion Hunter archetype. This character has been by far my favorite of those that I have built, because each part meshes so well together with the others to create an awesome demonic demonslayer, through both his crunch and backstory.

Your best roleplay interaction post in a previous PBP: This post, though not that long, was my favorite post made as easily my favorite character I've played thus far. I began the campaign as a magical item fence in the heavily populated city of Bard's Gate, but quickly turned into the leader of a rag-tag group of mercenaries in search of riches deep inside the catacombs of the followers of Thyr and Muir.

Can you commit to an absolute minimum of 1 post every 2 days: I have a very open schedule at the moment, and I don't see that changing anytime soon. My other campaigns have generally consisted of me rapidly reloading pages hoping for updates, so yes, I can commit.

Can you commit to this game for a long time, as the bare minimum is measured in months not weeks: I'm in this for the long-haul.

What would you like to do in this game/get out of this game: Well I definitely hope to "complete" another PbP game, but for the most part I just really want to play this character I have built, I love the new options they're putting fourth lately.

Are you a dick: Yes. I mean... No? I mean... I don't understand the question. Anyways to be serious, no I don't think anyone would consider me a dick by any means.

The 10 Chaotic Neutral Commandments:

Brought to you by these wonderful people.

1. You shall lie to promote your freedom.

2. You shall not kill the innocent.

3. You shall not murder.

4. You shall help the needy if such action promotes your freedom.

5. You shall honor no authority above yourself.

6. You shall break the law whenever convenient.

7. You shall not betray others unless your life is in jeopardy.

8. You shall not aid enemies of freedom or those who promote law.

9. You shall pursue pleasure.

10. You shall promote unlimited freedom for yourself.

If nothing else this application was a great exercise in self-reflection, so thank you!

For a quick rundown of how Pbp formatting works, check out the "How to format your post" tab below the text box whenever you make a post.

Bold is used for in character speech
Italics are used for in character thought
Ooc is obviously used for out of character info that is quick and simple, otherwise use the discussion thread.
Spoilers may also be used when you only want specific people to see your text.

Overall it's really fairly simple, I'm sure you'll catch on quickly.

Excitement intensifies. If you need full crunch of my character let me know, I have it right here I just haven't typed it out yet.

Tons of good submissions here, having a lot of fun looking through them. Will we be allowed to use the spontaneous alchemy rules from the alchemy manual? It'll make my character's crafting much easier, and it'll allow me to spam more alchemical weapons!

Interesting, I think I'll go with a Dwarven Warpriest/Zen Archer.

This campaign looks very interesting to me and for some reason is making me want to play an arcane trickster even more than usual. I may enter a trickster build sometime tonight for review, any advice using your new content is more than welcome.

This sounds like a great opportunity. I'm hoping to play my Elven Rogue 4/Alchemist X I've had built for a while.

Character Advancement:

As stated above the advancement will be Rogue 4/Alchemist X, but as this is a slightly odd character, there will be several archetypes.

Underground Chemist

Inspired Chemist

I hope the high amount of archetypes doesn't dissuade you from considering this character, as these archetypes are actually integral for the type of character I'm trying to accomplish. This character will focus on splash weapons and poison, which obviously aren't incredibly effective strategies. I've been working on him for a while and I think I've made it work with some of the new options that have been made available lately. These options include The new Bomber talent and the afformentioned Underground Chemist archetype. I do have the crunch completed up to a pretty high level and will post it if you need it.

More Character Info:

This character will be focusing heavily on crafting alchemical items and poisons, and will most likely also be brewing potions. This won't require too much downtime, but I'm hoping there will at least be enough for me to craft some weapons and make some healing potions between modules/missions.

Background, personality/appearence, and Desires:

Since a very young age Alistair has been interested in alchemy, and has held it above all else. As an elf this was a very interesting decision that made most of the others in his village see him as a less than desirable character. Some even began treating him as they would a mad scientist, shunning him to his lab where he spent day and night studying alchemy. Years later Alistair left his village in search of a place he could call home, where he could study alchemy and share his knowledge with others. Traveling the world Alistair found new alchemical creations and ingredients, he used these to fund his exploration by crafting and selling a wide array of items. Unfortunately he began drawing in the wrong crowd, acting more as a travelling poison and alchemical weapons fence than a scientist. Eventually he embraced his role in the world and began scouring the world for the rarest of poisons and weaponry, selling them to the highest bidder. Now wanted in several cities, Alistair has become one of the most well known fencers of illegal items in (golarion i assume?).

Due to his past Alistair is very secretive and quiet. He only speaks when necessary, giving accurate information on whatever topic comes up before returning to silence. He stands just under 6.5 ft in a tall black overcoat lined with hidden pockets and alchemical vials. Need a poison? Alistair has you covered and will jump at any opportunity to make a sale.

Alistair only desires one thing; To discover and master every alchemical item and process known to the world, and then create his own to become THE master of alchemy. He will do anything in his power to complete this goal, no matter how illegal or immoral.

Roleplaying History:

I have been gaming for most of my life but am relatively new to pathfinder. I have been a part of a few non-pfs campaigns but only one has been able to make it to the end, and that was none-other than your Fire Over Blackcrag mythic campaign. Because of this, I would love to be a part of another of your campaigns as I trust you as a GM to be very efficient and reliable. My posting rate is very high as I'm sure you saw in the previous campaign, and there really isn't a time that I'm not available to make a post.

In Character:

Alistair walked towards the orc territory, nervous as to what might happen in the near future.
Another big sale, they may be orcs but I need the coin. I'm sure the locals can defend against these monsters even with the them chugging potions, but what if they can't? Maybe I'll offer my services to them as well, I can handle these orcs quite easily especially with the help of the mercenaries the towns are no doubt hiring already. This is it, I'm right on the edge of the orc territory, the guide should be around here somewhere.

At that moment an orc stepped out from behind a nearby tree, and then another, and then one more. Alistair was surrounded.
"Come." the lead orc shouted.
"Lead the way." Alistair grinned.
The orcs led him to their village and into the large tent at the center. The orc chief stood to "greet" Alistair as he entered.
"Welcome human, do you bring potions and firebombs?" the chief said.
"I do indeed, the best alchemy in the land no doubt, but do you have the funds to purchase them?"
"Bring the chest." the large orc commanded.
A pair of orcs left the tent and soon returned with a large wooden chest, throwing it to Alistair's feet.
Alistair leaned down to open the chest, revealing several hundred gold worth of gems and other treasure.
"Does this please you?" the orc asked.
"Very much so Chief, Gromtusk was it?" Alistair said as he pulled a small sack from his waist and poured the contents onto the ground, an array of alchemist fire and potions of cure light wounds. "Do we have a deal then?"
"We do." Gromtusk said motioning towards his guards to retrieve the items.
"Excellent," Alistair said as he began emptying the chest into his sack. "I hope you don't plan to betray me, you know the power of my bombs don't you Chief?"
"I do. My gourds will escort you safely back to the road. Leave now." Chief Gromtusk said, returning to his seat and waving to his guards.
A pair of orcs escorted Alistair out of the village and back through the forest, then suddenly stopped and turned to him.
"Gromtusk thinks you strong, but you are puny and weak. We will take back treasure and get praise from chief." One orc said drawing his weapon.
"I wouldn't plan on it," Alistair said pulling a small stick from his pocket.
Alistair dropped the small stick to the ground, creating a large smoke cloud around him. The orcs shielded their eyes from the smoke attempting to see their enemy in the cloud.
"You really should have just taken me back." Alistair laughed as he hurled alchemical vials out of the cloud, killing the orcs in a quick blast of fire and acid.
"Every time, damn orcs." Alistair chuckled to himself as he made his way back to the road.
"Hopefully I can make some more coin from this village, these orcs shouldn't pose a problem for me let alone a group of mercenaries.

Thank you for your consideration, can't wait to see what others have put together.

This Archetype does exactly what you want, unless I'm misunderstanding your post. They would have to scale the animals separately by dividing up their druid level, but it works nonetheless.

I'd like to throw my hat in with my Hunter(Primal Companion)/Barbarian character, who focuses on rage synergy with his brother, who happens to be a badger. But enough about the crunch.

Allow me to introduce, Davro Iramelis(Raging Badger)


1. Being the bastard born son of an Orc raid rape victim, Davro was abandoned in the forest shortly after being born. He was found by a young female badger, who raised him as her own.
2. Davro's "mother" helped him learn to hunt and feed himself so he could one day rejoin his own kind.
3. Soon after finding Davro, his "mother" gave birth to her first real child, Doraga, who soon became Davro's best friend.
4. At the age of 10 Davro left his adopted family to live with his own kind, Doraga followed and the two traveled the region.
5. Davro never learned to read or write, he makes a living by hunting animals for furs and selling them to the local villagers.


Davro's goals are simple, after being made aware of what he really was, his major goals are to slay his father and find out what became of his mother. He also seeks to rid the world of as many orcs as he possibly can.


Known: Although Davro hunts animals for a living, it is merely a way to sate his bloodlust toward orcs, until he can find a hunting party strong enough to aid him in this venture.
Unknown: Since the incident that led to Davro's birth, his father has become one of the most powerful orc warchiefs in the region.


"Mother": The badger that raised Davro and Doraga, though he hasn't seen her in years, he would recognize her in a heart beat and would lay down his life to save hers.
Doraga: Davro's closest friend and travelling buddy. The two have been inseparable since birth. Davro takes Doraga anywhere, including inns and other village buildings.
Thug Bloodfist: Davro's warchief father. Thug commands one of the largest orc camps in the region.
Aliana Iramelis: Davro's mother who after leaving Davro fled with her village to safety from the constant orc onslaught.


1. Davro does not remember much of his mother, though he constantly dreams of the night she left him in the forest. The only aspect of his mother he can remember is her soft voice ensuring him that he would be safer here then with his own people.
2. Davro remembers his childhood in the forest very fondly, and he wouldn't trade those memories for anything.
3. One of Davro's most significant memories is when he first left the forest, he will never forget his "mother" and the sacrifices she made to keep him alive.

This character obviously relies heavily on orcs, for his backstory and his build. I have never played this adventure path, so I'm not sure how many orcs will be involved, but at any rate I hope to join in on the fun!

Just noticed I read the original post wrong, didn't notice you had a sorcerer AND a wizard already. Ignore my previous post.

Would you consider a Half-Elf with the Drow Magic racial trait, soon to be a Cleric/Sorcerer Mystic Theurge? I know it's not a straight divine caster, but the character progresses at almost full casting for both Divine and Arcane.

Basic Leveling Layout:

Cleric 1(Seperatist) of Nethys 1: Magic/Trickery Domains
Sorcerer 1(Wildblooded): Empyrael Bloodline
Sorcerer 2
Mystic Theurge 1

Cleric casting = Level - 2
Sorcerer casting = Level - 1

Magical Knack trait keeps my Caster Level for cleric at character level for use with Healing spells.

I'll get right on the alias, I'm glad I finally get to play this character in a non-PFS setting

I just want to make this clear, even though it may lessen my odds of being chosen, my character is going to be a mystic theurge. So obviously he should not be chosen as a healer, he will be playing the role of utility caster.

Ahh I also just noticed that you meant to say they recently reached 2. I will adjust my crunch accordingly.

Basic Stat Block:

Male Half-elf Cleric(Ecclesitheurge) 1/Sorcerer(Wildblooded-Empyreal) 1
N medium humanoid
Init +5 Senses Darkvision (60) Perception +8
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10
hp 15
Fort 3 Reflex 1 Will 8
Speed 30 ft
Melee Crossbow, light +1 (1d8/19-20/x2) or Quarterstaff +0 (1d6/x2)
Space 5 Reach 5
STR 10 DEX 12 CON 12 INT 14 WIS 19 CHA 13
BAB 0 CMB 0 CMD 11
Feats Improved Initiative
Skills Acrobatics 1, Appraise 2, Bluff 1, Climb 0, Diplomacy 1, Disguise 1, Escape Artist 1, Fly 1, Heal 6, Intimidate 1, Knowledge (arcana) 7, Knowledge (religion) 9, Perception 8, Ride 1, Sense Motive 8, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 1, Survival 4, Swim 0
Languages Elven, Common
Gear Crossbow - light, Quarterstaff, Bolts - crossbow (10), Kit - Chroniclers

I would also be willing to go that direction, thought my previous iteration of this character was slightly different. The last time I played this character, in a campaign that unfortunately didn't last long, I played him as a radical Nethys follower who scoffed at the idea of teaching magic to "muggles"(Yes I used that word to insult at least 4 NPCS in game). His basic view was that magic was a holy gift, only to be used by spell-casters with innate magical abilities or people who were seen fit by Nethys to receive his divine gift. I literally walked around posting signs and handing out pamphlets on the sin that is arcane magic, it was quite fun. This time however, I'm willing to play along. I'm currently looking into background details, and I've settled on crossing to Sasserine from Nidal after hearing of the Noble District and the cities ties to Nethys. The before and after I am still not sure of, but I'm working on that now.

Minimalist Stat-Block:

Male Half-elf Cleric 1
N medium humanoid
Init +7 Senses Darkvision (60) Perception +7
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15
hp 9
Fort 3 Reflex 1 Will 6
Speed 20 ft
Space 5 Reach 5
STR 10 DEX 12 CON 12 INT 14 WIS 19 CHA 13
BAB 0 CMB 0 CMD 11
Feats Improved Initiative
Skills Acrobatics -2, Appraise 2, Bluff 1, Climb -3, Diplomacy 1, Disguise 1, Escape Artist -2, Fly -2, Heal 4, Intimidate 1, Knowledge (arcana) 6, Knowledge (religion) 6, Perception 7, Ride -2, Sense Motive 4, Spellcraft 6, Stealth -2, Survival 4, Swim -3
Languages Elven, Common
Gear Crossbow - light, Quarterstaff, Bolts - crossbow (10), Kit - Chroniclers

I've got a Half-Elf Mystic Theurge ready to go, starting as a first level Cleric of Nethys. I'll leave the basic progression below, but the character does rely on the spell-like abilities granted from the Half-Drow alternate racial traits as well as an inquisition taken instead of a domain to qualify him for Mystic Theurge. The character would be a great addition to any party, being an almost full Arcane and Divine caster. If anything looks off let me know, I'll have a background together shortly.

Character Level Advancement:

Cleric 1: Fate Inquisition/Magic Domain(Arcane)
Sorcerer(Wildblooded) 1(2): Epyreal Bloodline
Sorcerer(Wildblooded) 2(3)
Mystic Theurge 1(4)

Meeting the requirements:

3 Knowledge Arcana/Religion ranks gained through levels

2nd Level Arcane casting gained through Half-Elf Drow Magic trait

2nd Level Divine casting gained through Fate Inquisition

Very Short Background:

(Name undecided) is a Half-Drow from a long line of powerful spell-casters. After recently learning of his heritage, he began seeking answers about the magic that flows through his veins. Stumbling upon a temple of the God of Magic, Nethys, (Name Undecided) vowed to fulfill what he now believes is his destiny. He would become the most powerful spell-caster the world has ever seen, by mastering both the arcane and the divine he would learn every spell that has ever been cast, and even create some of his own.

How do you, or rather the NPCS of your campaign, feel about Drow? More specifically, a Half-Elf with the Drow racial features. My character is a Half-Drow Cleric(Soon to by Mythic Theurge) of Nethys from a long line of powerful Drow spell-casters. He believes it is his destiny to become the most powerful spell-caster of all time, and he plans to do so by combining the power of Nethys with his own innate spell-casting abilities.

Super Secret Crunch Stuff:

This character is built on the basis that racial spell-like abilities and ones granted by domains(or in this case an inquisition) count towards the spellcasting requirements for Mystic Theurge.

The basic character up to level 4:
Cleric 1: Fate Inquisition/Magic Domain(Arcane)
Sorcerer(Wildblooded) 1(2): Epyreal Bloodline
Sorcerer(Wildblooded) 2(3)
Mystic Theurge 1(4)

Meeting the requirements:

3 Knowledge Arcana/Religion ranks gained through levels

2nd Level Arcane casting gained through Half-Elf Drow Magic trait

2nd Level Divine casting gained through Fate Inquisition

Just to be clear the character is a half-elf, which is within the core races, are we not using the advanced race guide traits for the core races?

Alistus wrote:

Just a quick, relatively lacking, stat block:

** spoiler omitted **

Just want to take the time to point out that I purposefully posted the level 4 stat block, instead of the level 1, to show the characters future plans. Sorry I didn't make that very clear.

Just a quick, relatively lacking, stat block:

Stat Block:

Male Half-elf, Drow Decended Cleric 1/Sorcerer(Wildblooded/Tattooed Sorcerer) 2/Mystic Theurge 1
NG medium humanoid
Init 0 Senses Darkvision (60) Perception +11
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
hp 24
Fort 3 Reflex 0 Will 11
Speed 30 ft
Space 5 Reach 5
STR 8 DEX 10 CON 12 INT 14 WIS 20 CHA 12
BAB 1 CMB 0 CMD 10
Feats Summon Good Monster, Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Skills Acrobatics 0, Appraise 2, Bluff 1, Climb -1, Diplomacy 7, Disguise 1, Escape Artist 0, Fly 0, Heal 7, Intimidate 1, Knowledge (arcana) 8, Knowledge (religion) 10, Perception 11, Ride 0, Sense Motive 9, Spellcraft 9, Stealth 0, Survival 5, Swim -1
Languages Elven, Common

Would you allow the Mystic Theurge prestige class from the core rulebook? I'd like to use a character I made a while back, an Empyreal Sorcerer/Cleric Mystic Theurge. This requires the Wildblooded archetype for sorcerer, but the only mechanical effect of the archetype is to open up more bloodlines.

Caveats in spoiler to save space:

The character is built on the basis that racial spell-like abilities and ones granted by domains(or in this case an inquisition) count towards the spellcasting requirements for Mystic Theurge.

The basic character up to level 4:
Cleric 1: Fate Inquisition/Magic Domain(Arcane)
Sorcerer(Wildblooded) 1(2): Epyreal Bloodline
Sorcerer(Wildblooded) 2(3)
Mystic Theurge 1(4)

Meeting the requirements:

3 Knowledge Arcana/Religion ranks gained through levels

2nd Level Arcane casting gained through Half-Elf Drow Magic trait

2nd Level Divine casting gained through Fate Inquisition

I know this all may seem like a lot to digest, but everything meshes perfectly within the characters backstory. Atisael is a Half-Drow from a long line of powerful spellcasters. He believes it is his destiny to become the most powerful spellcaster of all time, and he intends to do so by mastering not only arcane spellcasting but divine as well. He draws his power from Nethys, the god of Magical knowledge, and hopes to one day ascend to exceed even his master's power. I'll start putting the rest of the character now, in hopes that I'll finally be able to play him!

Yeah mine too xP

So I've almost settled on Master of Many Styles/Mutagenic Brute. Unfortunately it lacks a very important aspect, claws. I'd have to wait until level 4 or 6, but it might be okay.

My character will be a drow trainee, as he has spent his entire life in secret military training. Now all that is left is to decide whether to choose The Spell-less rainger, or the alchemist variations. I'm leaning towards the alchemist, just because it makes more sense in this setting.

Agreed, other than that it fits the concept quite nicely. Unfortunately it lacks the claws necessary to complete the build.