GM Wolf |

All my games have bogged down and with work getting in the way, it might be for the best.
Yeah I could see the ettercaps easily being recruited as NPC allies but also easy enemies.
The web abilities are merely advanced abilities being given to the Drider Queen class to select right?
I will get to thinking on
A few quick thoughts would be the standard web wall of very sticky webbing to catch victims.
Putting metal 'webs' in with it to cut the victim.
Pit drops.
Not much energy right now, I will think about it. These traps are for a drider to create and use correct?

Viluki |

Web abilities basically come part and parcel with the Web Weaver Path.
Personal recommendation for this campaign is to begin by the end of next month, that should give you plenty of time to draw up our path to the greatest cavern of all. These things are best with a lot of setup.

Viluki |

ok here are a few things I've done (and yes requests for flamethrowers have been answered).
First up we have the flamethrower which is in effect the new "gun" (e.g it's new, unwieldy and often dangerous just like old firearms).
Flamethrowers come in several varieties, detailed below.
Hand Flamer (one handed weapon)
Cost 750 gp
Dmg (S) 1d4 (either a 10 foot cone or 15 foot line)
Dmg (M) 1d6 (either a 10 foot cone or 15 foot line)
Critical Range Flamers cannot critically hit
Misfire 1-2
Capacity 1
Weight 10 pounds
Type fire
Special Explosive misfire*, Burning*, Spray*, Scatter*
Flamer (two handed weapon)
Cost 1250 gp
Dmg (S) 1d8 (either a 15 foot cone or 20 foot line)
Dmg (M) 1d10 (either a 15 foot cone or 20 foot line)
Critical Range Flamers cannot critically hit
Misfire 1-2
Capacity 2
Weight 20 pounds
Type fire
Special Explosive misfire*, Burning*, Spray*, Scatter*
Explosive misfire, whenever you misfire with a flamethrower roll a 1d20 if your result is 10 or above then your flamer simply doesn't work for that round. If you roll below 10 your flamer explodes and deals 2d6 fire damage to you and you suffer the burning condition.
Burning, when you strike enemies with this weapon they must make a reflex save (dc 10+dex modifier+weapon enhancement) or suffer the burning condition.
Spray and Scatter, flamers have two modes of fire. The first is spray which fires the flamethrower in a line, anything within that line takes damage as specified in the flamer's description. Scatter fires the flamer in a cone and anything within the cone takes damage as specified in the flame'rs description.
Flamers use fuel tanks to hold "ammunition" called "fire oil" a special alchemical substance similar to a more liquid form of tar. This liquid is not cheap to make and costs 20 gp per ounce (1 ounce=1 ammunition) to purchase.
also a way for you as the GM to not worry about assigning loot for the PCs (since Duergar don't have guns or weapons most Drow would find useful).
As the PCs level up the they will gain rank in the Drow army and access to more resources. In effect the higher level the PCs become the better gear they will receive to carry out missions and so forth.
Drow are masters at melting downs metals, scavenging and salvage. Rather then let that Duergar's shiny suit of platemail go to waste Drow can "salvage" it, effectively melting it down for use in their own projects. For instance Drow could turn a suit of plate armor into a 1000 bullets.
The PCs can also scavenge for things like mushroom and so forth, they may also find things like mineral veins which they can direct the Drow to. Mining these mineral veins can provide the Drow and the PCs with new resources to manufacture items and so forth.
Trying to come up with web traps here (trap research is taking a while), thoughts on the flamethrowers?

Viluki |

Ok here are some webtraps, also I think I found a class for anyone who wants to be the mad scientist fleshwarper (http://mcarchetype.wikispaces.com/Ichormancer)
Web Noose.
You create a Web Noose, a crude but effective trap.
Type web; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 20 (or burn it)
Trigger location; Reset none
Effect The target is effectively knocked pinned and cannot become unpinned without a dc 25 escape artist check ; DC 20 Reflex avoids; single target
Type web; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 20 (or burn)
Trigger location; Reset none
Effect 10-ft.-small pit (1d6 falling damage); DC 20 Reflex avoids; multiple targets (all targets in a 10-ft.-square area)
Webbed floor
Type web; Perception DC 15; Disable Device DC 30 (or burn)
Trigger location; Reset none (continuous trap until burned or 1 month old)
Effect 20-ft. Any target who fails the acrobatics check is automatically entangled (dc 25 escape artist to become unentangled) ; DC 25 acrobatics avoids; multiple targets (all targets in a 20-ft.-square area)
Will think up more...

GM Wolf |

Looking good, the web traps likely could be mixed with each other. A few more suggestions:
Type web; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 20 (or burn)
Trigger location; Reset none (continuous trap until burned or 1 week old)
Effect typically used on one target but up to 4 medium creatures or more. They step into the given web and find themselves stuck to the web, entangled, (dc 25 escape artist to become unentangled); multiple targets possible.
Type web; Perception DC 30, with light DC 22; Disable Device DC 25 (or burn)
continuous trap for 1 week.
Affected area becomes like greased, as the spell, DC 20 Acrobatics check to not fall prone, DC 30 to stop.
Could easily be led to another trap, chasm, or lair of some creature.

GM Wolf |

Sorry everyone, I have been rather busy this week and dead tired. I actually got some good sleep on Thursday, I crashed from 4 p.m. to about noon on Friday. Then Halloween showed its ugly head and life sucked me away again. Yes it was a long week. I am just catching up and hope to keep things going smoothly this weekend and the days following. Please forgive me and on with the games.
Let's shoot for November 15th! At least we can get recruitment going strong and I have a rough draft done of the campaign so far.
Just to get this straight, the PCs are apart of the military, if nothing else conscripted as Plethos is hit by the tide. I was thinking the first mission will be to secure a road from possible bandits as refugees flee. Then secure a ranch for the military. Does that sound like what you want to be doing or do you have other ideas for me?

Viluki |

That sounds like the Drow mission, although the bandits should be replaced with a more thematic enemy... Derro leap to mind as do Duergar (Drow just don't take to banditry against each other, this is for the same reason that city states don't war against each other, it's simply too dangerous to indulge in petty wars and the like).
We are definitely part of the military, if you want I can get some profiles up of the Drow General Staff and the like.

Viluki |

That they could be. Question of note Browman would you like to borrow Pharnox's double barreled shotgun for the first level or two (Pharnox while a capable gun user is more of a bombs and grenades kind of guy, his double shotgun won't really be important until about level 6).

Browman |

That they could be. Question of note Browman would you like to borrow Pharnox's double barreled shotgun for the first level or two (Pharnox while a capable gun user is more of a bombs and grenades kind of guy, his double shotgun won't really be important until about level 6).
That wouldn't be a terrible idea. I am hoping to get my character done tonight. Probably going straight ninja for more ninja tricks, planning on being more focused on close combat.

Pharnox |

Since no one is interested in the Drider Queen (although this may change) her production schedule will be delayed in favor of new armaments and equipment. Take a look see and suggest/critique. Thinking of having the grenade launcher replace the Rockers for long range, portable destruction.
Flash Fire Grenade
Cost 150 gp, damage 1d6 fire, effect: Targets must make fortitude save X or be blinded, if the targets suffer from light sensitivity or light blindness they are instead blinded or on a successful saving throw dazzled.
Acid Grenade
cost 100 gp, damage 2d6 acid, effect: Targets must make a reflex save X. If they fail this save they take 1d6 acid damage for X rounds.
Ooze Grenade
cost 200 gp, damage 1d8 acid, effect: Targets must make a reflex save X. If they fail this save they are entangled for X rounds.
Sonic Grenade:
cost 100 gp, damage 2d6 sonic, effect: Targets must make a fortitude save X. If they fail this save they are deafened for X rounds.
Smoke Grenade
cost 100 gp, damage 0, effect: The area the grenade strikes is covered with a thick smog (treat as the fog cloud spell) that lasts for X rounds.
Glitter Grenade
cost 150 gp, damage 0, effect: The area this grenade strikes is covered in sticky, alchemical glitter. Treat those within the area as being afflicted by "Faerie Fire" for X rounds.
Smoke goggles
cost X, effect: The wearer of smoke goggles can see through smoke and fog for up to thirty feet.
Grenade launcher
cost X, damage see*. Range 100 feet, exotic weapon, capacity four, weight thirty pounds.
*Grenade launchers fire grenades and damage is calculated according to the grenade fired, this weapon takes a full round to reload with grenades.

Pharnox |

Perhaps it could be more like a mortar from the WW1 era and you use specially designed grenades for it. Effectively an indirect fire weapon (the specially designed grenades don't cost any additional gold to make, but you have to choose whether they are hand or mortar grenades at creation).

Browman |

Perhaps it could be more like a mortar from the WW1 era and you use specially designed grenades for it. Effectively an indirect fire weapon (the specially designed grenades don't cost any additional gold to make, but you have to choose whether they are hand or mortar grenades at creation).
That sounds really cool.

Pharnox |

Ok GM does everything check out in the alias?
I also have designed some story feats uniquely Drow.
When the Drow broke free from slavery and formed governments it was decreed universally that the Duergar, Derro and abominations were only fit for extermination. No Drow (on penalty of exile) or Drider is to trade with them or support them in any manner and whenever possible it is racial duty to exterminate these foul enemies.
While all Drow believe in this to an extent for you it is a consuming hatred, your fellows say that you seem to burn with hate and fury at the mere mention of the hated enemies. For you Exterminatus is not just expected it is a racial duty that no Drow can ignore... Spare none of them, genocide is the only answer.
Prerequisite(s): Drow
Benefit(s): You gain a 1+ bonus on all attack, damage, knowledge, stealth, perception and sense motive rolls against and concerning Duergar, Derro and Abominations.
Goal: Participate in at least one cleansing (genocide of a Duergar or Derro settlement, as abominations do not congregate in societies a hundred of their number slain by your hands counts).
Completion Benefit(s): In the eyes of your fellow Drow you have participated in the racial duty of Exterminatus, none can deny that you truly are Drow and indeed a hero of your race.
Drow instinctively know of you and your deeds and as a result start off 1 attitude step up then they would normally (indifferent becomes friendly etc).
Amongst the highest of Drow are the Vorns, masters of great Cabals who wield staggering influence and indeed govern the city-states in great councils. You have looked up upon the highest of the high at a young age and desire to join the illustrious ranks of the Vorns.
To do this is not a simple nor easy task, you must not only be the head of a cabal to become a Vorn... Your Cabal must be strong and powerful, bulging with members and rampant progeny. The task before you promises great difficulty but you truly desire to become great, to become Vorn. In doing so you will uplift your Cabal to new heights of glory and power in your eternal, undying quest.
Prerequisite(s): Must be a member of a Cabal
Benefit(s): Your desire to become Vorn drives you onwards, the will to power is evident in you. You may reroll 1 saving throw each day.
Goal: Uplift your Cabal to glory, wealth and power and in doing so become Vorn.
Completion Benefit(s): Your have arisen to the rank of Vorn, ordinary Drow are awed by your magnificence and accomplishments. You are the pinnacle of what Drow can achieve, your name shall be remembered forever more in the annals of Drow history.
All Drow are more favorable to you and their attitude towards you improves by 1 step, Drow of your Cabal look upon you as a mighty patriarch and are apt to follow your commands and are considered helpful to you so long as you do not ask them to go against the Cabal.
In Drow history stand out many great individuals but none greater then the War Masters of old. A War Master is the highest rank in the Drow military and those who bear this rank are truly warlords incarnate, destined to crush the enemies of the Drow underfoot and lead their armies to victory on the battlefield.
You joined the military with this lofty ambition, this greater purpose. Your ambition has driven you past the limits of endurance and forces you on even when all else is lost, you will become War Master or die trying.
Prerequisite(s): Drow Officer
Benefit(s): You gain Endurance and Diehard as bonus feats.
Goal: Become War Master.
Completion Benefit(s): Your are now the master of a great military machine and your destiny is seen by all. You bear one of the greatest burdens of all, the defense of not just the Drow but their way of life. Yet you carry this burden proudly, you are the ultimate paragon of duty, valor and cunning and your men look upon you as their undisputed leader. They will follow you into the Maw itself if you ask them to.
Any Drow/Drider army you command gains 1 additional tactic, 1 additional boon and a +10 bonus to morale.
You are without Cabal and are except to you family (if you have one) an outcast. The loneliness bites into you and you dream of what you once had (or never had in the first place). You desire to rectify this issue and found your own Cabal, while it is doubtable that you or your cabal will achieve the greatness enjoyed by older, more established cabals you will go to your grave knowing that your children and their children shall have a cabal.
Few Drow could ask for more then that.
Prerequisite(s): You are not a member of a Cabal.
Benefit(s): You gain a 5+ bonus to diplomacy checks to convince other outcast Drow to join you in the foundation of a new Cabal (or the restoration of an old one).
Goal: Found a Cabal (must have at least a 100 individual Drow or Driders).
Completion Benefit(s): Your efforts have born born fruit and you are now the head of a Cabal, while you may not be a Vorn this likely does not matter to you. What you have achieved will last throughout the ages and within your eye the twinkle of grandchildren can be seen...
You are head of a Cabal and gain control over a series of businesses, buildings and streets which effectively make up your Cabal's "home". Refer to http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateCampaign/downtime.html for more information on buildings, streets, businesses and so forth.
Thoughts guys?

Viluki |

alright it is time to compose something of special import to the Drow military, the Big Book of War (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BigBookOfWar).
(Codex de Guerra is Spanish for Codex of War, I am imaging the Drow language as a corruption of elven using spanish and latin instead of french)
When the Drow rebelled against the Duergar and became a true civilization the first book they ever ordered to be made en mass was the Codex de Guerra, a book of war written by (and added to later on) by some of the greatest War Masters and Generals who ever lived.
This great volume is divided into four (original) chapters and many supplementary (added later on, no two city-state's Codexs are quite the same, this reflects different dangers and circumstances each city state faces) chapters. The first four chapters are written by 4 (unnamed) Drow from the past the Sergeant, the Quartermaster, the Infiltrator and the War Master.
The Sergeant covers the recruitment, training and discipline of an army. This and the second chapter are the only chapters ever modified from their original versions (at the express order of the writers), this is to account for new weapons of war which Drow soldiers will inevitably employ as the future marches on.
The Quartermaster covers the provisioning of Drow armies, the maintenance and building of roads, fortifications, weapons and armors. This chapter has been modified extensively as time and technology have marched on.
The Infiltrator covers scouting, the importance of information, guerrilla warfare, squad tactics and operations behind enemy lines.
The War Master covers the running and organization of armies large and small, the management of entire theaters of war, overall strategy, army tactics and how to account for the unsuspected surprises which inevitably arise in times of war.
Special Forces Chapters: This chapter tells one of how to train, equipt and ultimately utilize the various special and exotic forces that the Drow have created throughout the years.
Common forces include Lightbringers, Noise Makers, Driders, Fleshwarps and so forth.
Will come up with more.
Thoughts guys?

Orthos |

Alright, quick look-over review for the Drider Queen.
I love the concept of a sort of cohort/minion/partner in the vein of the hunter's companion but with the versatility and building-block formula of the Eidolon. Plus it's got a ton of story potential. I presume most Advisors would be Drow or lesser Driders, but I could see a few small exceptions being made, depending on backstory - regardless, as I don't think the intent is to make them a combat partner so much as a skill monkey, I think the Advisor's race is somewhat less important. They're certainly going to be "less" than a full character, in the sense that they won't have a class and their abilities are fully tied to the Queen.
For Path of the Queen: The Advisor, I think, would serve best in the role of a Herald or Spokesperson, so I think for Path of the Queen the best route would be to rob from the Bard for the Advisor. Social skills and some ooph for interpersonal interactions, something like Bard Song with an Oratory focus, Aid Another boosts, Knowledges, and such like.
For Path of the Weaver: This is the creation-focused path. If the Queen is a designer and builder, the Advisor would serve the role of something like a contractor, surveyor, and/or landscaper. Likely this would give them various foci on things like Crafting, perhaps to the point of being able to make or use special items or creations the Queen makes. It's a bit hard to flesh this out as the Weaver path hasn't been as touched on as the other two... as building an adventuring character focused on making things is a little tricky. Perhaps rob a bit from the 3.5 Artificer? Able to craft items easily and use them to greater effect than others?
For Path of the Widow: This Path paints the Queen as a loner, meaning her Advisor will probably be her only real close companion - s/he might be a strong partner, their only friend, a sibling or child, or even a lover/mate (which makes the path name a bit ironic, admittedly). In this case, the Advisor will probably need a more combat-ready role than the other two, and thus will need to be the closest capable to the animal companion/eidolon. I'm almost tempted to say that this should be the Fleshwarping path in addition to poisoning - or even better, their poison IS a Fleshwarping agent - and the Advisor is the one most of/all the warping is getting used on. So they can actually gain Eidolon-like combat evolutions to allow them to better watch and protect the Queen. I'd recommend looking into the Masquerade Reveler Barbarian archetype for some ideas on that regard.
Paths and Pheromone Pool
First and foremost, I love the idea of the paths, though I'm a bit less certain about their contents. The three distinct routes to power are definitely both fitting and flavorful, they just need some work to even out, I think.
Path of the Weaver: Again, the least touched path. I really see this as the creation-based path, and I want to suggest robbing from the Magus here. The Weaver could create objects, magic items, and weapons or weapon accompaniments (hilt wraps, scabbards, bowstrings, etc.) with her silk, and imbue that silk with her body's own magic, granting enhancements and bonuses similar to the Magus's Arcane Pool's 5th-level ability, or the Paladin's Weapon Bond. At lower levels this might just be one or two weapons, but at higher levels I want to see her quickly throw together siege weapons and similar things, weave powerful enhancements into them, and - with the aid of Advisor of course - man and operate them efficiently. The Weaver, IMO, should at higher levels be a one-woman military armory, at least in combat.
Path of the Widow: Whereas the Queen leads warriors and the Weaver makes weapons, the Widow IS a weapon. As I said before, I think this should be the Fleshwarping path. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the list of poisons and spending Pheromone Points to change the poison type and effect, but I think that should only be the start. This is the combat-based path, but unlike the Weaver, the Widow's combat abilities should be based on enhancing herself and her Advisor directly, rather than building things to improve her/their abilities. After all, the Widow is alone save her Advisor, and must be able to fend for herself - she does not have armies to persuade like the Queen or soldiers to equip and arm like the Weaver. Perhaps, again with respectful nod to the Masquerade Reveler, applying Eidolon Evolutions or a similar system to herself and/or the Advisor, either temporarily (via spending pool points, which would then restock after rest and their mutations would fade after a set time - rounds or minutes/level maybe?) or permanently (give them a pool of evolution points similar to Eidolons and have them spend those on enhancements or abilities). I'm leaning a little bit toward the latter, as having to split the Pool's use between the poisons and the Fleshwarping might strap her resources a bit too strongly, but I can be convinced otherwise.
That's all for now. Back later with more, maybe.
I would be really interested in testing out a Weaver or Widow, methinks, for what it's worth, once they have something more substantial to them.

Orthos |

One thing I thought of just before I ran out of edit time on the Path of the Widow: Whatever we do with her, she needs to be able to have more options than the Poison, especially at higher levels where curing poison is easy, immunity is common, and combat doesn't usually last long enough for poison effects to really add up or have their full effect. Either she needs to be able to deliver non-poison effects with her Sting*, or she needs to be able to bypass poison immunity somehow, or she needs to have more potent/more fast-acting variants of the poisons so that when they do hit, and do work, they do so quickly, efficiently, and noticeably.
If we go the Fleshwarping route, that could give her some abilities to play with, but still leaves the Poison kind of redundant at higher levels, I think, unless we do something with it to address those issues.
*=Since that came up, I'm also having a bit of trouble trying to visualize the Sting. Does the Widow Drider have a scorpion tail? Or some kind of barb on her arms/legs? Why not just give her a Bite (which normally Driders have in D&D/PF, but our lessened-down Driders normally do not) with increased damage? Regardless, she'll need a way to keep whatever natural attack she delivers her poison with relevant at higher levels and on-par with magical weapons (or whatever high-level Drow use in their place, given the setting), unless we want her to be reliant on Amulets of Mighty Fists or something.

Pharnox |

The sting for the Widow I was thinking would be like the Spider from the 3rd lord of the rings movie... And the fleshwarping idea gave me a fun and very Drow way of doing the Widow Queen... Read on.
While Drider hives proved extraordinarily effective initially they could still not overcome one major hurdle in the Cleansing Wars, operations behind front lines. Then one volunteer came forth, her name is lost to most but her title is not... The Black Widow.
Duergar had slaughtered her family before her very eyes, she watched as her own children were put to the axe. She was left with nothing...except hatred. This hatred is what made her willing to take the most dangerous of all drider mutagens, where all other volunteers died she survived. Many Drow attribute this to her sheer hatred, the will to power was strong with her indeed...
She would demonstrate why the fleshwarpers rightfully regarded the black widow genus as the most lethal of all drider breeds in short order. The Widow as a test was sent deep behind Duergar lines to destroy their army alone, she did not destroy them... She them her own.
The War Master thought at first that the Widow had failed, until the Duergar came closer and he saw the strangeness of them...and the sight of the Widow amongst their ranks like a master amongst slaves. Which the Duergar were, no longer were they free: to the will of the Widow they were shackled and by her commands only did they march.
Before the awed Drow army the Widow spoke, her voice is said to have been the very incarnation of wrath and hate.
Look upon me noble sons and daughters of the Drow, look upon me and know the face of extermination. We march on Kallag this day, do not merely kill the Duergar. No take pleasure as you kill them, enjoy the feeling of strangling the life out of their race! Do not be repulsed by their blood as it coats your hands, for your bloodied hands are proof of your rightful duty!
So the Cleansing of Kallag began that day, of all the cleansing wars it was the most bloody, over 15000 Duergar (the entire city's population) were killed and over it all presided the Widow as her army of fleshwarped slaves waged war upon their former kin...
Her name is still spoken with awe and reverence by nearly all driders and drow to this day and the Duergar known her as the "harbinger"...
What I propose with the Black Widow is this, we make her a pseudo-necromancer who gains the ability to inject a special fleshwarping poison that reanimates the nearly dead and turns them into her brainwashed servants (controlled by her pheromones).
As for her Sting I was thinking that rather then gain multiple attacks with her stinger it gains a Vital Strike like line of support feats (basically she only gets one attack but it is one mother!@#$er of an attack). Thoughts?
Still thinking on the other two paths at the moment (currently I think we should focus on path at a time, better that we focus our creative efforts on one aspect of the Queen at a time).

Orthos |

The sting for the Widow I was thinking would be like the Spider from the 3rd lord of the rings movie...
Gotcha. Works in my head now =)
What I propose with the Black Widow is this, we make her a pseudo-necromancer who gains the ability to inject a special fleshwarping poison that reanimates the nearly dead and turns them into her brainwashed servants (controlled by her pheromones).
I can get behind this. I imagine the revived pseudo-dead would be Aberrations not unlike their creator has become. Each would probably have a small array of possible mutations that could be applied on creation, and the Widow could spend points or some other resource to add more or to alter them (extra damage, extra damage types, extra attacks, etc. etc. etc.).
Would open up a nice array of options for the Advisor as well. In addition/alternative to roleplaying them as the Widow's one remaining relative/confidant/whatever, you could also choose to portray them as their first/favorite experiment, the one that they devote the most of their efforts to perfecting, the one they use as the prime example of what they're capable of.
As for her Sting I was thinking that rather then gain multiple attacks with her stinger it gains a Vital Strike like line of support feats (basically she only gets one attack but it is one mother!@#$er of an attack). Thoughts?
I can get behind that. So say at level X instead of getting an iterative attack her damage goes up from 1d8 to 2d8, then 3d8 at level Y, then 4d8 at level Z, and so on and so forth. Which nicely sidesteps the problems that Vital Strike et. al. has with being a competitive option as not being compatible with charges, AoOs, and so forth.

Pharnox |

Rather then be able to alter her abominable horde I think the Queen instead gets to create new ones and types as she levels up. This is far more of a "horde" leader then an eidolon summoner...
Also as for how many she can have the Black Widow basically puts a number of "points" in hawk depending on the fleshwarped under her control (e.g to control one fleshwarped slave I have 1 point in hawk until I either release the slave or it's destroyed).
Fleshwarped slave: This is the basic "I can create from the get go" creature, it isn't much but it's easy to create and isn't costly to control.
Fleshwarped Bomb: Yep this is a living bomb that keeps up the theme of "expendable" which is how the Black Widow regards her "hive".
Fleshwarped Rager: This guy takes the theme of "expendable minions" to the next level, when he enters combat he goes into a suicidal rage that causes him to expire after five rounds. During that time however he is like a mini barbarian...
Fleshwarped Thrower: This horrific fleshwarp throws devastating (like 1d12/18-20x2 that cause bleed damage) shards of bone at it's target... From it's own skeleton of course, once again another expendable minion.
Fleshwarped Gasbag: This fleshwarped specimen bulges with poison that it constantly leaks form it's own body in combat, this poison is of course generated from it's own body fluids...
Fleshwarped Hive: Arguably the most disgusting fleshwarp available to the Black Widow this abomination is a living hive of insects and when it goes into battle these insect hordes pour out to engulf all nearby...
As for the Advisor I was thinking of something like these two (http://starcraft.wikia.com/wiki/Abathur or http://starcraft.wikia.com/wiki/Izsha). Your minion is basically a geneticist/alchemist hybrid who assists you in "perfecting" your minions.

Pharnox |

And now I have some mechanic ideas for the advisor and a suggestion. While paths are a good way to diversify the class perhaps their should be three "queen" classes who are different in the same way that the cavalier/samurai classes are. They are built on the same chassis because while mechanically similar the difference couldn't be pulled off with just an archetype...
Genetic Pool: Your advisor gains a "genetics" pool equal to it's level plus int modifier. The Genetics Pool is what the advisor uses to add "strains" to your fleshwarps.
Strain keeper: You advisor is capable of keeping vast amounts of information related to "strains", strains are unique genetic improvements culled from a variety of sources and stored within the mind and indeed body of the Advisor.
Example strain.
Boneshard Bomb: Your fleshwarped bombs do not just explode in a hail of flesh and sickening poison anymore... Now your enemies have to worry about shrapnel.
Effect: All targets hit by the Fleshwarped Bomb's explosion also take X bleeding damage.

Rynjin |

One thing I thought of just before I ran out of edit time on the Path of the Widow: Whatever we do with her, she needs to be able to have more options than the Poison, especially at higher levels where curing poison is easy, immunity is common, and combat doesn't usually last long enough for poison effects to really add up or have their full effect. Either she needs to be able to deliver non-poison effects with her Sting*, or she needs to be able to bypass poison immunity somehow, or she needs to have more potent/more fast-acting variants of the poisons so that when they do hit, and do work, they do so quickly, efficiently, and noticeably.
A quick and dirty fix might be giving her an X/day ability mimicking Accelerate Poison, perhaps getting even more potent as time goes on (at higher levels perhaps tacking on a Pernicious Poison effect or even further increasing the frequency, to the point that all rounds of duration take place at once. Or both.).
That would give it a REALLY nasty poison.

GM Wolf |

I like the grenades. A mortar sounds excellent, though 1000 gp seems excessive but if it comes with say 10 mortars or even 5 it would be worth that. Mortars should do 1d6 additional piercing shrapnel damage besides one of the other types.
Yes if you would make out some of the generals and military structure that would be great!
I like the feats! I hope to see at least two of them used!
Drider Queen looks like it is coming along nicely.

Orthos |

Orthos wrote:One thing I thought of just before I ran out of edit time on the Path of the Widow: Whatever we do with her, she needs to be able to have more options than the Poison, especially at higher levels where curing poison is easy, immunity is common, and combat doesn't usually last long enough for poison effects to really add up or have their full effect. Either she needs to be able to deliver non-poison effects with her Sting*, or she needs to be able to bypass poison immunity somehow, or she needs to have more potent/more fast-acting variants of the poisons so that when they do hit, and do work, they do so quickly, efficiently, and noticeably.
A quick and dirty fix might be giving her an X/day ability mimicking Accelerate Poison, perhaps getting even more potent as time goes on (at higher levels perhaps tacking on a Pernicious Poison effect or even further increasing the frequency, to the point that all rounds of duration take place at once. Or both.).
That would give it a REALLY nasty poison.
I like it, especially if it can be activated freely as part of delivering the poison, rather than having to be used separately. Given they're both level 2 spells, I can see her getting one around level 5 then picking up the other soon after (6 or 7) and advance in uses per day from there. There should probably be a statement that the Pernicious Poison effect, say starting around level 10 or 12?, allows her to bypass Poison Immunity (perhaps by spending two uses per day instead of one?).

Rynjin |

Yar. Something along the lines of:
Virulent Poison (Ex): The Drider Widow is known and feared for her deadly poison. Starting at 1st level, as a Free action once per day upon hitting an opponent with a venomous attack the Widow may apply the effects of Accelerate Poison to the target. The Widow may use this ability an additional time per day at 5th levels and every 5 levels thereafter.
At 5th level the ability also applies the effects of Pernicious Poison to the target.
At 10th level she may cause the poison's chemical make-up to fluctuate wildly, mutating too rapidly for resistance to poison to counteract it. Any resistance or immunity to poison the target possesses does not apply to this poison. This includes bonuses to save from items such as Antitoxin.
At 15th level the poison becomes especially fast-acting. The poison's duration is reduced to one round, applying its entire effect immediately (for example, a poison with a frequency of 1/round for 6 rounds would apply the poison's effect 6 times on a failed save, and then end).
Maybe a bit much, but I dunno. Depends on whether you'd want her to be poison focused, or merely have poison as a side gig.

Ríoghan |

I think the Widow's pretty solidly done, at least as concept is concerned. Heavy focus on poison, with the wide array of venoms she can use and the ability to enhance them and bypass resistances, and fleshwarping, turning defeated enemies into minions and using her Advisor to cobble together unique talent combinations. It really just needs to be arranged into a list/table format and limits/amounts set on how much of each she can manage per day, how powerful minions she can revive (and what said minions keep from their prior lives - we might need to put an actual template together), and what the capacities of the Advisor are.
I think she no longer really needs the Sneak Attack we were considering giving her, to be honest. I think she'll have enough tricks and options without it, between the enhanced Sting damage progression, the poison array, and the fleshwarp necromancy/summoning.
Once that's done I think she'll be finished =) As I said before I'm all for playing one of these and playtesting it in the game to come.
Then we can resume poking at the Queen or move on to the Weaver, those of us working on this bit anyway.

Pharnox |

On her Poison I am thinking that it will become not so much a side gig as a more "specialized" variant. The Black Widow will get only one poison but it's going to be a brutal one with all the poison acceleration enhancements and so forth. Basically before it turns you into a minion it really wracks your insides...
Right now though I am producing the personalities, going to need a few hours of time to get the Drider Queen written up...
General Szordrin is the 260 years old General of the entire Drow army, he has had years of brutal experience in warfare especially against the Duergar.
Alignment: LN
Cabal: The Bloodhands (a Cabal noted for both it's exceptional melee weapons and the sheer number of it's members who are in or were in the military).
Personality: Szordrin is in many ways a father to his army, while he may be harsh he will never blame his mistakes upon another nor will he ever criticize a subordinate who failed because of circumstances outside their control (if the circumstances were in their control however...).
Doctrine: Szordrin is perhaps a paragon of Drow military virtue, he never fails to scout out areas beforehand or to utilize the terrain to his advantage. He also understands when and where to deploy men for the best effect and will not hesitate to exploit an advantage his enemies give him.
The head of the military's supplies is Quartermaster General Talabrina, she is responsible for the provisioning of the army. In addition to this though she is also the head artillerist and is reputed to be an expert gunner.
Alignment: LN
Personality: Talabrina is caustic and noted for her pathological need to organize, she is not kind to the incompetent. Despite this however she does act to her subordinates like a watchful Drider mother, quick to shield her "children" and even quicker to lash out against those who would harm them.
Cabal: The Shellriders (a Cabal of traveling miners and harvesters who are experts in the harvesting of resources).
Doctrine: Talabrina is a true believer in the merciless use of artillery, if she is commanding an army or detachment she won't hesitate to pound enemy fortifications and troops into dust with big, big guns. As she puts it "powerful and plentiful firearms win wars, the age of swords and crossbows has past us."
Major Durdyn is the leader of Phelthos's special forces units, which consist of Lightbringers, Noise Makers and Driders.
Alignment: LN
Personality: Major Durdyn is noted for being unconventional and relentless in his aims. He is also arguably one of the most brilliant men in the Drow military yet he is not a father to his men, as one put it "perhaps the crazy uncle everyone loves but General Szordrin he ain't.""
Cabal: The Ironmongers (masters of smelting and processing all kinds of metal, capable of manufacturing alchemical mithral and adamantine in addition to most of Phelthos's alchemical bronze).
Doctrine: As the leader of Phelthos's special forces units (about 120 total Drow, 30 Driders) Major Durdyn favors unconventional tactics and stealth operations. He is also well acquainted with his unit's capabilities and knows where and when to use them for maximum, brutal effect.
The resident and brutal Captain of the Lightbringers (50 Drow) Captain Chadzina is known for both her stalwart loyalty to the Drow and for having directed several cleansings.
Alignment: LE
Cabal: None (escaped slave)
Personality: Chadzina is a true believer in the extermination of all enemies of the Drow, especially the Duergar. While absolutely loyal to her men she is a ruthless leader who drives her men forward in the eternal war against the enemies of the Drow. While she may not be the beloved General Szordrin she is respected, none can question that her hands are stained with the proof of rightful duty.
Doctrine: Where others might believe in stealth Chadzina believes in overwhelming power, aggressively using her Lightbringers to blind the enemy before proceeding to unleash volley after volley of brutal gunfire.
The leader of the Drider shocktroopers.
Alignment: LN
Cabal: none (does have a family though with 1 child).
Personality: Captain Duagloth is a Drider of decent intelligence and great charisma, yet he is not the wisest of his kind. Duagloth's attitude towards life and war can be best expressed as the following.
"We were born for war, our fathers were born for war and so were there fathers born for war. This is our cause, our purpose. Our progenitors knew that sacrifices had to be made for victory against the Duergar to be achieved. To war we march, for our civilization, for our children we must fight. Brethren to arms! We shall not falter, we shall not fail in our charge!"
Doctrine: Duagloth and his drider warriors charge into battle with massive lances, devastating entire lines of the enemies in one fell charge. Then he and his men use giant, double barreled shotguns to tear apart the alright battered enemy.
Then they switch to pole arms and get to their bloody, merciless work...
The Surgeon General and master fleshwarper of the army.
Alignment: NG
Personality: Phaere is seen as the mother of the army, her medical expertise have saved countless lives and her fleshwarping skills have allowed her to ensure that none remain crippled for long (she can even replace spines). While not as "dutiful" in the extermination of the enemies of the Drow as most she is content to allow the army to finish them... Phaere's duty is to ensure that all in her care alive alive and well, she will not fail in this charge.
Cabal: The Fleshmakers (a cabal of doctors and surgeons with extensive expertise in Fleshwarping.
Doctrine: Save as many Drow lives as possible.
Will have more up later, thoughts?

Alistus |

Alright guys(and possibly gals?), after looking at some of the characters being created I noticed that I'm "stepping on the toes" of none other than the person who invited me to this campaign with my build, as it is nearly identical to Pharnox. Thus, in the interest of a well-rounded party comp, I have decided to switch to another character I have had built for a while that I think could easily be adapted to a non-magic game. The character was originally a Druid/Monk(Master of Many Styles) utilizing pounce and high natural weapon damage. I figure he could easily be rid of his spellcasting, and could be turned into something of an alchemical monster created by the Drow military. I looked around for some 3pp content for a match and ended up finding this, which I think fits the "Alchemical War Monster" bill pretty nicely. I was also thinking of taking the alchemist class instead and using mutagens, any thoughs? I read all of the background and I still can't decide if this is something the Drow would do in this setting.

Orthos |

On her Poison I am thinking that it will become not so much a side gig as a more "specialized" variant. The Black Widow will get only one poison but it's going to be a brutal one with all the poison acceleration enhancements and so forth. Basically before it turns you into a minion it really wracks your insides...
Alright, this is a change from the original presentation then, where she had a long list of poisons to choose from.
I think a smaller list is not a bad idea, but she should have some ability to vary it up, if only by changing the type of damage it does (maybe start out as STR damage as standard for spider poison, then allow switching to other stats as a later-level ability?).
Right now though I am producing the personalities, going to need a few hours of time to get the Drider Queen written up...
All look good! I need to spend some time reading up on the Cabals and the general rules and style of the society.
I figure he could easily be rid of his spellcasting, and could be turned into something of an alchemical monster created by the Drow military. I looked around for some 3pp content for a match and ended up finding this, which I think fits the "Alchemical War Monster" bill pretty nicely. I was also thinking of taking the alchemist class instead and using mutagens, any thoughs? I read all of the background and I still can't decide if this is something the Drow would do in this setting.
I like the Ranger archetype, and I think it works as our Drow definitely have a great bit of "mad scientist syndrome" going on in their civilization. I can definitely see some PCs as "abandoned war project leftovers" and so forth, similar to various superhero backstories.
The one thing I'd suggest asking the GM for would be a houserule to add Vermin forms to the list of options you could take, as the limitation of "must be familiar with the creature whose form you take" kind of limits Drow given their location of residence, there's not a great variety of animals to choose from, at least as far as I'm aware.

Alistus |

Ah yes, that was the problem I saw too. Though I figured that could be easily remedied with a little back story magic. After all, my character has spent his whole life in secluded schooling/surgery to make him a powerful war leader. I'm almost thinking something like Fury's background in Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, if anyone here has seen that. Long story short he was injected with a special "chemical" and schooled for his entire life to be the perfect leader of the country in the show.

Pharnox |

http://mcarchetype.wikispaces.com/Physiomorph+Marauder Now this is the true monster!
1st Advisor, Pheromone Pool, Widow's Focus, Stinger (1d8), Stalker, Fleshwarping Poison
2nd Adviser's Assistance, Scent
3rd Direct the Swarm, Strain the warped
4th Stinger (2d8)
Alright have the Queen's stats done partially here are the abilities.
You gain a Pheromone pool equal to your constitution modifier+level and can spend points from this pool on the following.
Flesh Warped slave (1 point)
Flesh Warped Bomb (2 points)
Fleshwarped Rager (2 points)
Fleshwarped Thrower (2 points)
Fleshwarped Gasbag (3 points)
Fleshwarped Hive (3 points)
At level one you gain the ability to focus your fleshwarped form to a specific task. When the Widow selects this ability it applies all day and cannot be changed until the next day.
Poisoner: The Widow's Fleshwarped Poison increases in toxicity and effectiveness, gaining a +1 bonus to dc (8th +2, 15th +3) and is under the effects of Accelerate Poison.
Widowmaker: The Widow's stinger enlarges and sharpens and is now consider a large weapon (this does not affect the Widow's ability to use it) with a critical modifier of 18-20x3.
Stealthy: The Widow becomes even more stealthy gaining a stealth bonus equal to 1/2 her level (minimum 1) and a +4 bonus to attack and damage against targets that she is either flanking or has caught unprepared (flat footed).
The Black Widow can move at full speed while using the stealth skill without penalty.
Type poison (injury); Save Fortitude DC 10+1/2 class level+con modifier
Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds
Effect 1 Con damage*; Cure 2 consecutive saves
*This improves to 2 con damage at level six, 3 con damage at level 11 and 4 con damage at level 16
Special: Any target slain by this poison can immediately mutated by the Black Widow into a Fleshwarped minion.
You Advisor gains the ability to augment your form with special "strains" only available to your kind.
You gain scent 30 feet (60 upwind, 15 downwind). Against foe's suffering from your fleshwarping poison double these numbers.
You can spend a full round action to improve your swarm's power, they gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage. At level 8 this becomes a standard action and your swarm gains a +3 bonus to attack and damage, at level 15 this becomes a move action and your swarm gains a +4 bonus to attack and damage.
You gain the ability to suddenly force your minions to mutate a specific strain in addition to any they are currently under the effect of. This costs X amount of Pheromone points based on the strain.

Rynjin |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

That's a pretty rad class except for the part where he can roll a 1 and become useless for an entire combat upon activating Mutagenic Form. Nauseated for one minute is a nasty drawback for an otherwise solid, but not great ability.
Nauseated for a round, and Sickened thereafter (or just Sickened) might be better.

Pharnox |

Also while I'm thinking about it some new weapon qualities and more fluff...
Screeching: This weapon deals an extra 1d6 sonic damage to those it strikes (this only applies if they are within 30 feet). +1 bonus
Dazzling: Targets who are struck by this weapon are dazzled for 1 round, if they have light blindness they are blinded instead (fort dc 15). +2 bonus
Those weapon bonuses might seem strange but they are actually rooted in two things, the sound of a firearm and the muzzle flash.
Noise Makers are special Drow squads armed with Screech guns as Drow call them, their primary purpose is to cause complete, abject chaos in the ranks of an enemy... They are very effective at this task.
They also have another purpose though, they make excellent abomination hunters...
And let's make the deafen condition useful...
Abominations often don't have eyes but rely on echolocation instead and Drow have become very well aware of this fact... To put it bluntly the deafen condition ruins echolocation and effectively blinds many abominations. As a result Drow Noise Maker Squads are often the best weapon available against them...

Rynjin |

Deafness already nullifies Echolocation in the core rules BTW. It just doesn't nullify alternative sources of Blindsight (like feeling wind vibrations or mental signatures). The default, as I recall, is Echolocation/Super hearing so anything with Blindsight/Sense listed and no fluff contradicting this has super hearing, which Deafness will mess up.

Pharnox |

Exactly (that is the type of craftsmanship that Pharnox aspires to). The Alchemical process is basically taking a barrel and putting the steel/iron/bronze into the barrel to "absorb" the properties of the alchemical fluid.
For obvious reasons the Drow don't have weapon qualities like "ghost touch" (but this doesn't mean they can't make those sort of weapons, they just haven't had the reason to do so). And obviously Lawful/Chaotic/Evil/Good weapons are something they can't make (and would consider mostly useless).

Pharnox |

Also some handy statistics about population and some homebrewed additions to mass combat... Will add more later. Also if free story feats are being awarded I will take Cabal Founder, the Sootfingers may be nearly extinguished but by Pharnox's smithy hammer the Sootfinger forges shall once again bellow and burn...
The Drow population of Phelthos was about 3500 pre-tide, it is now 3000.
Phelthos also has a large population outside it's walls, many cabals and families call the tunnels and caverns surrounding Phelthos home. They number nearly a 1000 but are scattered into ranches, farms and plantations. Much of the PC's time initially will likely be spent as both messengers and defenders of these outlanders as ancient enemies such as the Duergar seek to take advantage of Drow weakness...
Military would be roughly 400 trained individuals and the working population as conscripts (those excluded would be children, the very old, the severely sick and those who are pregnant or recent mothers) who are being trained into a coherent if unskilled (by Drow standards) force.
The Drow have forty cannons available under the direction of the Quartermaster General. Virtually every Drow owns a gun and guns are rapidly turned out alongside vast crates of ammunition. The citizens knowing of the encroaching tide are recycled everything from the un-flooded parts of the city that can be recycled.
Your "average" Drow soldier is a level 5 fighter or gunslinger, the Drow knowing that numbers can more often then not be as much of a hindrance as a help in the cramped tunnels have taken the "protoss" style of war to heart (e.g we may not have swarms but what we do have is damn powerful and can beat quite a few enemies on a one on one encounter with ease).
Your average (male) Drider in the military is a level 5 fighter trained in the use of lances, polearms and big shotguns.
New army resource: Firearms, this counts as the ranged weapon resource and in addition grants a 2+ bonus to OV in the ranged phase. In addition to this they ignore any DV bonuses derived from natural armor or the Improved Armor resource. Increase army consumption by 2.
New tactics
Suppressive Fire
Your army forsakes accurate fire to blast the field with a constant barrage of lead that makes advancing difficult for the enemy.
Suppressive fire is taken during the ranged phase, instead of attacking the enemy you force him to move at a sluggish pace lest he endure great causalities. The opposing army's speed is slowed by two thirds as they have to take cover and so forth to avoid the flying sea of lead. If they choose to advance at normal speed suppressive fire becomes a ranged attack with a +4 bonus to OV.
Hit and Run
This tactic works by exploiting the special Ambush battlefield condition.
In addition to the opposing army being unable to take a tactics phase they can also not take a ranged phase. Your army makes a ranged attack with a +1 OV and then withdraws as per withdraw tactic with a +4 bonus to morale.
Shotgun specialists
Your army has greatly supplemented it's close range capabilities with the addition of shotguns and training in their use.
Your army so long as it has the firearms resource gains a +2 bonus to OV and DV in the melee phase.
Experienced Artillery Crews
Your experienced artillery crews greatly increase the effect of your already impressive artillery.
Your army gains a +2 bonus to OV in the ranged combat phase, this increases to +4 against fortifications and armies larger then medium. This tactic only works with an army composed of artillery.

Orthos |

Special: Any target slain by this poison can immediately mutated by the Black Widow into a Fleshwarped minion.
Is this the ONLY way to create Fleshwarped minions? Because if so that's... going to be problematic in a party. Any enemy that gets killed by your allies is no longer qualified to be revived.
Perhaps instead "any target that dies while this poison is in its body" in addition to those actually killed by the poison? That way as long as the Widow gets to sting them once or twice and they manage to fail at least one save, the party can then wail on them without hesitation and not worry about screwing up their teammate's main class ability.
Otherwise looking good. I think we can up the Stinger at every 4th level, so 3d8 at 8th, 4d8 at 12th, 5d8 at 16th, and 6d8 at 20th in addition to her Capstone.
I had an idea for a Capstone, actually - an effect that allows her to control anything infected by her poison (within a certain range possibly, but make it a pretty wide one IMO - high-level combat is not small scale, especially with a minion-controller class like the Widow), even if it's not already dead/fleshwarped, as per Dominate Monster (though I imagine it'd be a Fort rather than a Will save)? Perhaps allowing her Advisor to apply Strains to living creatures on the fly that she Dominates, as well?

Orthos |

Dang you edit limit timer. Add to that that I still support putting in an option to switch up the poison to target other stats as a mid-level ability.
Also some handy statistics about population and some homebrewed additions to mass combat... Will add more later. Also if free story feats are being awarded I will take Cabal Founder, the Sootfingers may be nearly extinguished but by Pharnox's smithy hammer the Sootfinger forges shall once again bellow and burn...
I like it.
So I presume this is a "guns everywhere" setting, and most classes (doubly so since we have no casters) will have proficiency with at least basic firearms?
Alright. Probably going to spend what free reading time I have today catching up on the culture and cabals. Will hopefully have feedback for you later =)

Orthos |

Interesting, I just learned the die roller doesn't recognize capital Ds.
4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 2, 1) = 10 9
4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 2, 2) = 13 11
4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 3, 3) = 14 11
4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 4, 3) = 15 13
4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 6, 6) = 20 16
4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 1, 1) = 7 6
4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 5, 4) = 13 12
... well not the worst stats I've ever rolled. Obviously that 6 is going away. I'm guessing you don't use "reroll 1s" with your stat generation?
Given the Widow is, thus far, shaping up like a hybrid Summoner/Arcanist, I think it's safe to assume her primary stats will be Con (Poison DCs and associated abilities) and Cha (pheromone abilities DCs, relation to minions controlled, etc.)? Not to mention will need Str to be capable in melee if she wants to be able to deliver the poison efficiently and not get horribly mauled in the process. That's... actually not horribly MAD, especially with the racial adjustments for Female Drider. Can put the 16 in Str and bump up two lower scores with the +2s in Con and Cha. The Int penalty hurts because I'm a skill junkie but I can manage.
Might have to make sure I gestalt with something that can give her decent armor or make up for it with worthwhile abilities/defenses, since I'm definitely not going to have the scores to spare for a decent Dex. Let's see, what gets a good benefit from high Str, Con, and Cha besides Paladin... which admittedly would be an extremely good option for this... maybe there's an MCA I can use... Hmm, maybe Warder or Warlord from Path of War... *ramble off*