GM Arkwright's Rise of the Whatlords (Inactive)

Game Master Arkwright

Battle Map

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M Half Orc Fighter(Lore Warden)/3 (HP 4/30| AC:16 | T:12 | FF:14 | CMB:11/13 | CMD:24/25/26 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+5 | Will:+4 | Init:+4 | Perc:+4 | Speed 30)


Female Human Inquisitor 3 (HP 27/27| AC:18 | T:12 | FF:16 | CMB:6 | CMD: 18 | Fort:+6| Ref:+4 | Will:+8 | Init:+6 | Perc:+8 | Speed 20)


Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) | Bard 4 | HP 21/21 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 CMD 18 | F +2 R +8 W +5 (+4 vs. Bardic Perf, sonic, lang-dep) | Init +5 | Perc +9 | Status: Inspiring Courage

The tall muscular black man looks at the woman, and smiles to her.
"Hello! What is your name?"
His voice is almost unnatural deep and melodious. Like the words could make her body shake gently, floating away into the distance.
And his eyes... they glitter, as if the rainbow was stored inside of them.

Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) | Bard 4 | HP 21/21 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 CMD 18 | F +2 R +8 W +5 (+4 vs. Bardic Perf, sonic, lang-dep) | Init +5 | Perc +9 | Status: Inspiring Courage


M Half-elf: AC 15/11/14 / HP 21 / F +2 R +2 W +3 (+2 vs. Enchants) / Init. +1 / Perc. +2/ S. Motive +0 Story Summoner / 3

Testing too!

Male Human (Kellid) Bloodrager (Primalist, Untouchable Rager) 10/VMC Ranger | HP 115 | AC 15, touch 15, FF 13 | Fort +13, Ref +8, Will +7 | Init +6, Perception +14

Hope I'm in now.

Alright ladies and gents, let's do this.

Dawn on the first day of Autumn brings a gathering frenzy to the town of Sandpoint, perched on the Varisian coast. Travellers and gypsies, entertainers and merchants speed themselves across country roads to the town. Bunting is hung, houses are busily scrubbed and polished to a gleam, and the early risers among the town turn themselves out to look around. Old residents and new arrivals set up stalls of food, craffs, clothes and attractions. Such is the beginning of the Swallowtail festival.

In the north-east of town in front of a brand-new stone ediface, a small crowd gathers to hear the welcoming speeches. In the south, caravans offer breakfasts of sausage, fruits and fine Korvosan pastries. To the west, Ameiko Kaijitsu hammers a hefty banquet table in front of her inn into place and directs food and drink to be laid out and covered in readiness. At a northern field attached to the town, gypsy caravans set up attractions and games to pull coin from festivalgoers.

Describe your entrance and if anyone goes to visit any of the above. Remember, none of you know eachother but you can feel free to meet if you want, otherwise I'll take care of it eventually.

Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) | Bard 4 | HP 21/21 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 CMD 18 | F +2 R +8 W +5 (+4 vs. Bardic Perf, sonic, lang-dep) | Init +5 | Perc +9 | Status: Inspiring Courage

The tall and smiling black man walks around the town. He notices the ruins of the Old Light, smiling while pointing in their direction with a finger, and then turns his attention to more pressing matters.
He starts surveying the surrounding grounds for the most beautiful woman around. He needs a place to sleep tonight.
He sees Ameiko, and lets a huge smile show. He approaches her, and in his incredible melodious and deep voice greets her.
"Good day, my name is Joshua, a visitor to your town. What is your name? You seem a great cook."
Diplomacy (taking 10): 21 = 21

Female Human Inquisitor 3 (HP 27/27| AC:18 | T:12 | FF:16 | CMB:6 | CMD: 18 | Fort:+6| Ref:+4 | Will:+8 | Init:+6 | Perc:+8 | Speed 20)

Ko'Kori strolled around the town looking over the various caravans, she spotted one that had an assortment of fruit, looking over it she found two pears that caught her attention.

She put them into her tabard pocket and reached for her coin purse.

The near bare inside of the pouch put a grimace on her face and she begrudgingly put one of the pears back. She paid the man running the stall and went about her way.

This little impromptu "adventure" her mothers had cooked up for her was not turning out the way she would have liked. She'd need to find work soon or find herself sleeping in the street.

-Posted with Wayfinder

"Beth, make sure you grab the purple napkins!" Laying out covered platters, the woman turns her head and nods at Joshua. "Wotcher. Going to help?" She tilts her head at the covered plates still to be laid out. "Name's Ameiko, and I'd better be a good cook, I've 'bout three hundred potential customers to woo today." She lifts the cover off of one of the platters, sniffs then pours a few dashes of something brown and spicy-smelling over it before covering it again. "You've got one hell of a voice on you. Singer? Or did Mama just lock you up with a voice teacher 'stead of letting you scab your knees like the other boys and girls?"

Male Human (Kellid) Bloodrager (Primalist, Untouchable Rager) 10/VMC Ranger | HP 115 | AC 15, touch 15, FF 13 | Fort +13, Ref +8, Will +7 | Init +6, Perception +14

Kjell stretches and finally rises from his position on a barrel in an alley near the preparations. He awoke early this morning as usual, and rode into town even before dawn. Having secured a place for his horse at the local stables, he made his way to the main square with Arne in the air above. Keep an eye for danger, and help yourself to any critters you find. The Ulfen grins to himself and turns his gaze skyward for a moment. As if on cue, the osprey flaps down to perch on a building and let out a short cry. Good.

Making his way through the building throng, the young paladin breathes deeply, inhaling the scents of the festival and reveling in the foreign spices. Being a champion of Erastil isn't all work, is it? You have to enjoy the fruits of your labors. Little towns like this one, raised up out of the wilderness. Times of trial yield the greatest harvest. He pauses at one caravan to purchase some breakfast and chat with the proprietor for a few minutes, then begins making his way a spot near the speeches--somewhere he can both hear the opening remarks and watch the games and other festivities.

Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) | Bard 4 | HP 21/21 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 CMD 18 | F +2 R +8 W +5 (+4 vs. Bardic Perf, sonic, lang-dep) | Init +5 | Perc +9 | Status: Inspiring Courage

Joshua lets out a hearty loud laugh.
"You got me all figured out there! Mama taught me how to sing, when I was not outside scrapping my knees! Would you mind if I sing a little while you serve? That way I can woo around 300 future patrons!"
If she let him, he will play a happy song next to Ameiko's stand.
Perform (Sing) taking 10: 21 = 21
Perform (Trumpet) taking 10 MW instrument: 23 = 23
I imagine something like "It's a wonderful world" by Louis Armstrong

"Ha; you're welcome, but maybe a little later in the day, yeah? Us who gotta work for a living have to be out and about now, but I'll bet my incoming customers are tucked up or getting untucked and won't fancy some great big bellowing bard, no matter how sweet the tune. Maybe 'round lunchtime, eh? Thanks." Receiving her napkins from an elderly halfling woman in an apron, Ameiko starts setting them up. "You should get some tips then. So, what're you here for? The festival? Just passin' through?"

Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) | Bard 4 | HP 21/21 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 CMD 18 | F +2 R +8 W +5 (+4 vs. Bardic Perf, sonic, lang-dep) | Init +5 | Perc +9 | Status: Inspiring Courage

"Lunchtime it is, thank you very much! But let me help you!"
He starts helping Ameiko with his stand.
"I came to see the sights, and the festival."
He stops and stands in front of Ameiko and looks into her eyes for a second.
"But I have seen beautiful things in this town, and I am thinking in staying."
He then moved to keep helping her.
"What do you thing? You recon the town could grow to love a solitary musician like me?"

Counting off platters in her head, Joshua's words eventually filter through and Ameiko blinks, looking up at him at a moment. She snorts and tries to hide a guffaw and pats the man on the shoulder. "...Nice try, squire. I'm sure you and whatever's here'll get along fine with you if ya don't 'xpect too much." She pops into the tavern then comesout rolling a barrel, gesturing for Joshua to help her lift it up onto the table. "Food's free come lunchtime, pop by and I'll point you to the freshest stuff for y'time."

M Half-elf: AC 15/11/14 / HP 21 / F +2 R +2 W +3 (+2 vs. Enchants) / Init. +1 / Perc. +2/ S. Motive +0 Story Summoner / 3

"She uses that line on everyone." Quee approached the musician from behind Ameiko. "I guess there's a lot of freshest food to go around." The half-elf gave his friend a playful nudge. "Here are the herbs and spices you asked for: rosemary, dill, cumin, and cinnamon."

As he handed her the case of ingredients, Quee pushed his hair out of his eyes. A bit shorter than Joshua, his well-formed though non-muscular body was still very visible to those around; his smooth skin and fair hair gave him an otherworldly beauty in the otherwise common festival. "I'm Quee, the one who keeps Ameiko from promising away too much of the food. You might see me reading fortunes later today if you're walking around. Then again, with a voice like that, you may be here to do a show."

Quee had heard a few bars of the man's tune before Ameiko had cut him off on his way. Easy on the ears, that one...

Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) | Bard 4 | HP 21/21 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 CMD 18 | F +2 R +8 W +5 (+4 vs. Bardic Perf, sonic, lang-dep) | Init +5 | Perc +9 | Status: Inspiring Courage

Joshua laughs while helping Ameiko.
"A man has to fight for what is worth it, even if he crash and burns sometimes. I would be very thankful for the pointers for my next conquest."
He extends his hand to Quee.
"Joshua, at your service. Are you a couple? Sorry if I made my move there..."

M Half Orc Fighter(Lore Warden)/3 (HP 4/30| AC:16 | T:12 | FF:14 | CMB:11/13 | CMD:24/25/26 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+5 | Will:+4 | Init:+4 | Perc:+4 | Speed 30)

A half-orc dressed in worn armor moves up to the group, easily lifting a roast pig that a young woman had been struggling to move onto a nearby table. Do you mind if I join you? I'm Malen, just came into town recently, so I don't know anyone yet.

Another stifled guffaw. "...No no, lemme see what you get up to on your own, big man." Ameiko gets stuck in to laying out cutlery and tankards.

Further away, leaning against a handy caravan, the full-bearded paladin gets an earful of the welcoming speeches. The first up is a smiling, apple-cheeked woman of forty-something. "Visitors, greetings! My name is Kendra Deverin, I am the proudly elected Sandpoint Town Mayor, and it is my priveledge to welcome everyone to the swallowtail festival! It's wonderful to see so many come out to support the town and take in the festivities, why I do believe I even see Larz Rovanky over there, however did he manage to tear himself away from his work!"

She continues with a friendly and welcoming speech, before a swarthy bald man in a uniform and armor takes the stage. "Hello. I am Sheriff Hemlock. Don't make any problems, and I won't have any problems with you. Take care around tonight's bonfire, and those heavy drinkers among you, aim for a quiet night tonight, otherwise my deputies will enforce it themselves. And now, a moment of silence please to remember those lost in the tragic fire five years ago."

Next up is a moustachioed boisterous man who brings everyone's mood up and invites everyone to drop by the theatre to see his, Cyrdak Drokkus', new production of 'the Harpy's Curse'.

Finally, a prim mane with a neat brown beard and priest robes takes the stage. "Thank you, I will not demand much of your attention. I am Father Zantus. It is my pleasure to see so many people here, and to formally open the town's magnificent new cathedral later in the day. Please, stop by this square come the middle of the day for the traditional Swallowtail release, and finally at dusk for the consecration of the Cathedral. Thank you again, and I declare the town's festivities formally underway!"

A mild cheer goes up, and the crowd drifts away to pursue the festival's pleasures.

Male Human (Kellid) Bloodrager (Primalist, Untouchable Rager) 10/VMC Ranger | HP 115 | AC 15, touch 15, FF 13 | Fort +13, Ref +8, Will +7 | Init +6, Perception +14

Kjell watches the setup for the festivities through most of the speeches, but turns his gaze to the stage when the priest takes it. He watches Father Zantus without any clear expression in his eyes, taking in the man's demeanor, tone, and words. After briefly checking in with Arne--Food, the osprey replies, bringing a small grin to Kjell's face--the young man approaches the priest once the speeches commence.

"Father Zantus, is it? Kjell Amundsson." He holds out his arm to clasp the man's wrist in greeting. "I'm new in town, and I was wondering if you could tell me a little more about the Cathedral here, and the festival. I myself am in the servant of Erastil." He pauses to pull the silver symbol from where it's fallen beneath his shirt collar. "Do you know if he's represented in the region?"

Female Human Inquisitor 3 (HP 27/27| AC:18 | T:12 | FF:16 | CMB:6 | CMD: 18 | Fort:+6| Ref:+4 | Will:+8 | Init:+6 | Perc:+8 | Speed 20)

Taking a bite out of her pear, Ko'Kori hears all the people talking around Ameiko.

She turns and calls out to her, "Hey you there woman? If you're just giving out food for free to anyone who does some heavy lifting for you, then count me among them. I can haul twice whatever this lot can."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) | Bard 4 | HP 21/21 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 CMD 18 | F +2 R +8 W +5 (+4 vs. Bardic Perf, sonic, lang-dep) | Init +5 | Perc +9 | Status: Inspiring Courage

Josua extends his hand to Malen.
"Now you know me, Josua, at your service, and she is Ameiko, and he is Quee. I am new here too."
At Ko'Kori he smiles.
"Charming... I think she will give food for free to everyone, later on. But I think your help would be appreciated. I am Joshua, at your service. Can I inquire the name of this charming lady? I guess you are new here too..."
He tries to hold Ko'Kori's hand to kiss it.

Female Human Inquisitor 3 (HP 27/27| AC:18 | T:12 | FF:16 | CMB:6 | CMD: 18 | Fort:+6| Ref:+4 | Will:+8 | Init:+6 | Perc:+8 | Speed 20)

Ko'Kori allows Joshua to do so, apparently being used to such things.

"Ko'Kori, of House Ammenao."

"And yes, I'm new to Sandpoint, or Varisia in general I should say."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) | Bard 4 | HP 21/21 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 CMD 18 | F +2 R +8 W +5 (+4 vs. Bardic Perf, sonic, lang-dep) | Init +5 | Perc +9 | Status: Inspiring Courage

"Can I inquire in which blessed land a woman as lovely as you is born?"

Female Human Inquisitor 3 (HP 27/27| AC:18 | T:12 | FF:16 | CMB:6 | CMD: 18 | Fort:+6| Ref:+4 | Will:+8 | Init:+6 | Perc:+8 | Speed 20)

"Tian Xia, more specifically the city of Goka."

-Posted with Wayfinder

M Half Orc Fighter(Lore Warden)/3 (HP 4/30| AC:16 | T:12 | FF:14 | CMB:11/13 | CMD:24/25/26 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+5 | Will:+4 | Init:+4 | Perc:+4 | Speed 30)

Malen turns to the woman, his face expressing clear interest, How did you travel here? Did you come through the Crown of the World?

Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) | Bard 4 | HP 21/21 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 CMD 18 | F +2 R +8 W +5 (+4 vs. Bardic Perf, sonic, lang-dep) | Init +5 | Perc +9 | Status: Inspiring Courage

"Sounds like a lovely place... besides the pleasure of meeting you, what brought you here, my lady, if I may ask?"

Female Human Inquisitor 3 (HP 27/27| AC:18 | T:12 | FF:16 | CMB:6 | CMD: 18 | Fort:+6| Ref:+4 | Will:+8 | Init:+6 | Perc:+8 | Speed 20)

Ko'Kori nods to her questioner, "The caravan cost me most of my money too. A fact I am now fairly certain was intentional."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Female Human Inquisitor 3 (HP 27/27| AC:18 | T:12 | FF:16 | CMB:6 | CMD: 18 | Fort:+6| Ref:+4 | Will:+8 | Init:+6 | Perc:+8 | Speed 20)

Turning back to Joshua, "Let's call it some kind of exile."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) | Bard 4 | HP 21/21 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 CMD 18 | F +2 R +8 W +5 (+4 vs. Bardic Perf, sonic, lang-dep) | Init +5 | Perc +9 | Status: Inspiring Courage

Joshua smiles at her.
"Their loss, our gain. Let's keep helping Ameiko, and you can tell me more about your land later."

Female Human Inquisitor 3 (HP 27/27| AC:18 | T:12 | FF:16 | CMB:6 | CMD: 18 | Fort:+6| Ref:+4 | Will:+8 | Init:+6 | Perc:+8 | Speed 20)

Ko'Kori extends her hand to Malen clearly expecting him to follow Joshua's example.

"Ko'Kori, of House Ammenao."

-Posted with Wayfinder

M Half Orc Fighter(Lore Warden)/3 (HP 4/30| AC:16 | T:12 | FF:14 | CMB:11/13 | CMD:24/25/26 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+5 | Will:+4 | Init:+4 | Perc:+4 | Speed 30)

The half-orc takes the hand and shakes it.
Pleasure to meet you.

M Half-elf: AC 15/11/14 / HP 21 / F +2 R +2 W +3 (+2 vs. Enchants) / Init. +1 / Perc. +2/ S. Motive +0 Story Summoner / 3

"Couple?" Quee laughed. "Not even close! And I'd think twice about trying to tame her ... she's a little, hmm, how to put it." He tapped his lips playfully while grinning and Ameiko. "Stubborn? Headstrong?"

Quee smiled and waved to Malen and Ko'Kori as Joshua introduced him. The festivals always bring out the colorful types!

Rolling his eyes at Joshua's antics, Quee made an observation. "Not so easily deterred, I see!"

Like the others, his ears perked up with talk of Ko'Kori's travel - but not due the origin. "An exile? That was a similar reasoning for my own settling here. I keep a small shop. It's not all bad."

Female Human Inquisitor 3 (HP 27/27| AC:18 | T:12 | FF:16 | CMB:6 | CMD: 18 | Fort:+6| Ref:+4 | Will:+8 | Init:+6 | Perc:+8 | Speed 20)

"Maybe exile is a tad misleading. Perhaps forced vacation is a better term."

Ko'Kori frowns when Malen shakes her hand, and makes sure to squeeze tightly.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) | Bard 4 | HP 21/21 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 CMD 18 | F +2 R +8 W +5 (+4 vs. Bardic Perf, sonic, lang-dep) | Init +5 | Perc +9 | Status: Inspiring Courage

Joshua smiles at Quee.
"A man has to travel his roads..."

@Kjell Quietly speaking with a ruddy-cheeked man in some agitation, Father Zantus pats him on the back before turning to Kjell. "Sir Amundsson. A pleasure." He clasps his wrist in return. "Well, I am the Father here, and while I owe my own loyalty to Desna, it is my responsibility to care for the spiritual needs of all of Sandpoint's people; thus I offer services for many gods; Abadar, Torag, and of course Erastil. Many of the old families on the outskirts of the town pay tribute to the Hunter. While they prefer not to come into great buildings like this, I lead many harvest services out on the fields for them. It is a pleasure to meet another worshipper on this fine festival day." He smiles and turns to gaze up at the cathedral. "As for the building, well, it is the town's newest construction, and its greatest since the old one tragically burnt down five years ago. We are all very proud for it. As for the meaning of the festival; it is a day of selling and entertaining for everyone. If you would like to know of its more spiritual aspects, I will be speaking more of it at the midday Swallowtail Release, if you would care to wait. Or at your pleasure, I could speak of it now. But tell me my son, what brings you to this town? Your trade, your pleasure?"

@Rest Ameiko rolls her eyes and waves an offensive gesture at Quee. "Same to you, bastard. Aww, but I love you anyway... no lettin' it go to your head. Now stop flapping your lips and help me set up, else you're gettin' yesterday's mead."

"So, y'all ain't tlking much 'bought what you're here for. If'n you need something to do, the Rusty Dragon" she points a thumb back at her tavern "always has a few jobs up on the 'help wanted' board; currently pickings are a bit sparse, not much between 'kill monstrous badgers' and 'slay the Kobold King', but might be able to find something interestin'."

Male Human (Kellid) Bloodrager (Primalist, Untouchable Rager) 10/VMC Ranger | HP 115 | AC 15, touch 15, FF 13 | Fort +13, Ref +8, Will +7 | Init +6, Perception +14

Kjell nods along with the man's words, his face serious once again, and he takes in the information with open ears. At the priest's question, he gives a small laugh and holds out one arm. "Well, Father, your offer is very gracious, but I should leave you to your duties. It seems everyone's busy here, you must be the same. I'm happy to wait until the full ceremony to hear about the day. But as for myself, a friend brought me."

Almost without missing a beat, the osprey flaps down and lands on the Ulfen's outstretched forearm. It grips the leather bracer he wears there, flaps its wings once more, and lets out a short screech. Kjell scratches the top of its head with a free finger and grins. "Arne, he's called. A fine companion, and a messenger sent to me by Erastil. I'm told I'm to travel the land, righting wrongs and bringing justice to those what are deserving. Travel with the caravans brought me news of the southlands, and when I caught wind of the Festival here and the adventure abounding in Varisia, I thought to myself, 'That could make for a fine mission.'" He grins again, and turns back to face Father Zantus with an almost mischievous gleam in his ice-blue eyes. "And a fine service to the gods, no? I guide the flock, like you, Father. Just in a more martial capacity, I suppose." He pats the quiver strap on his shoulder and nods.

"My trade is helping the needy and striking down the wicked, and my pleasure's the same. I just hope I can be of service in town."

M Half-elf: AC 15/11/14 / HP 21 / F +2 R +2 W +3 (+2 vs. Enchants) / Init. +1 / Perc. +2/ S. Motive +0 Story Summoner / 3

I'm happy to have met her. Quee turned to the musician and cold lady.

"If you're interested, I can show you where the inn and board are. I have not looked at the postings in some time, myself, but Ameiko usually has a good eye for them. How does some kobold regicide sound?"

Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) | Bard 4 | HP 21/21 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 CMD 18 | F +2 R +8 W +5 (+4 vs. Bardic Perf, sonic, lang-dep) | Init +5 | Perc +9 | Status: Inspiring Courage

Joshua smiles.
"I am more of the 'saving princesses' kind, but I should manage. Now, if you excuse me, I see another opportunity to explore. But don't worry, I'll be back."
He goes looking for Cyrdak Drokkus, to present himself.
"Mr. Cyrdak, my name is Joshua Tansden. I am a musician. I hope you can go hear me at noon at Miss Ameiko's place. Maybe we can talk later about some presentations at your theater."

M Half-elf: AC 15/11/14 / HP 21 / F +2 R +2 W +3 (+2 vs. Enchants) / Init. +1 / Perc. +2/ S. Motive +0 Story Summoner / 3

"Yes, I suppose I should get to my fortune telling as well. See you around!"

Quee meandered to his tent of green and yellow. Inside was a table, three chairs, and some refreshments throughout the day. He priced the readings at a basic for two coppers, a group at five, and an in-depth look into the future at seven.

He set his harrow deck on the table, donned his cape, and had a set. Opening his wine, he awaited the first customer.

M Half Orc Fighter(Lore Warden)/3 (HP 4/30| AC:16 | T:12 | FF:14 | CMB:11/13 | CMD:24/25/26 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+5 | Will:+4 | Init:+4 | Perc:+4 | Speed 30)

Malen nods, I suppose I'll see you around. I'll likely be wandering the festival if any would like to join me.

Noon eventually comes. In front of the Cathedral, Father Zantus and his robed acolytes wheel a large covered wagon into the square. He spreads his arms wide and with a suddenly boomimng voice, recites a parable. he tells of how the goddess Desna was mortally wounded in combat with the dreaded Mother of Monsters, Lamashtu, and she fell to earth as the tiniest creature imaginable, hurt and dying. There she was found by a blind child, who spent months selflessly nursing the fallen god back to health. And as a reward, the goddess transformed her rescuer into a great immortable butterly, with glowing wings that could set the sky ablaze.

As he finishes the story, his acolytes pull the cover free from the wagon, releasing a thousand swallowtail butterflies, a furious storm that rises into the air in a spiraling riot of color to great cheers from the crowd. For the rest of the day, children futiley chase the butterflies, never quite quick enough to catch them.

Noon also brings lunch, provided free at the expense of Sandpoint's taverns. It soon becomes apparent that the darling of the event is, once again, Ameiko Kaijitsu, whose remarkable curry-spiced salmon and early winterdrop mead easily overshadow offerings such as the Hagfish's lobster chowder or the White Deer's peppercorn venison.

Spotting Joshua and everyone else who helped, Ameiko waves them over and shoves particularly luscious portions in front of them.

Cyrdak perks up, and asks Joshua to stop by his Sandpoint Theatre tomorrow; he could use a backup singer for his upcoming production 'the Harpy's Curse' and after some testing, Joshua could be perfect.

Male Human (Kellid) Bloodrager (Primalist, Untouchable Rager) 10/VMC Ranger | HP 115 | AC 15, touch 15, FF 13 | Fort +13, Ref +8, Will +7 | Init +6, Perception +14

Kjell finds another seat for the speech at noon, feeding Arne scraps of meat from one of the stands. He pays attention with a neutral expression through most of the story, but he openly grins and laughs when the butterflies are released. Arne twitches on his arm, shifting and looking at the creatures as they fly off, and he turns to face the osprey, raising an eyebrow. Don't. The bird cocks its head at him, fluffs its wings, and then flaps off into the sky once more, leaving the butterflies alone.

For lunch, the Ulfen browses a few of the different stands, but like most of the patrons, he makes his way to the Rusty Dragon's offerings. He takes the plate with a wide smile and digs in, savoring the spices of the fish and the sweet mead. He finds his way to the end of a table and sits down, glancing at a few other obvious outsiders. Seems I'm not the only one made his way to the town for this festival, hmm? He nods to them and raises his tankard. "A fine celebration, no?"

M Half Orc Fighter(Lore Warden)/3 (HP 4/30| AC:16 | T:12 | FF:14 | CMB:11/13 | CMD:24/25/26 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+5 | Will:+4 | Init:+4 | Perc:+4 | Speed 30)

Indeed, I'm glad that I made it here in time.

Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) | Bard 4 | HP 21/21 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 CMD 18 | F +2 R +8 W +5 (+4 vs. Bardic Perf, sonic, lang-dep) | Init +5 | Perc +9 | Status: Inspiring Courage

Joshua shakes Cyrdak's hand.
"Thank you for the opportunity."
He goes back to Ameiko's place, and thanks her too.
"You are a very gentle woman. I hope you will like my music."
He eats quickly, and after it, he stands next to Ameiko's place, and starts playing and singing while looking at Ameiko and Ko'Kori.
He sings something like THIS
Perform (Sing) Taking 10: 21 = 21
Perform (Trumpet) Taking 10 + 2 masterwork instrument: 23 = 23

Joshua's mellow voice rings out over the little corner of the town next to Ameiko's tavern, a smooth background to the sweet, sugary and delicious foods being passed around. The effect is somewhat reduced by Ameiko occasionally stopping serving to snigger, but it still carries through.

A few people press coins into his hands, 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 silver coins.

Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) | Bard 4 | HP 21/21 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 CMD 18 | F +2 R +8 W +5 (+4 vs. Bardic Perf, sonic, lang-dep) | Init +5 | Perc +9 | Status: Inspiring Courage

Joshua thanks the patrons with his head.

Male Human (Kellid) Bloodrager (Primalist, Untouchable Rager) 10/VMC Ranger | HP 115 | AC 15, touch 15, FF 13 | Fort +13, Ref +8, Will +7 | Init +6, Perception +14

Glancing around, Kjell taps his fingers on the table a few times. "Tell me, friend," he says to Malen, "are you also new in town? I'd been hoping to find a local, ask if there was any work needs doing in the region. Bandits, monsters, the like. Or are you here for the same?"

M Half Orc Fighter(Lore Warden)/3 (HP 4/30| AC:16 | T:12 | FF:14 | CMB:11/13 | CMD:24/25/26 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+5 | Will:+4 | Init:+4 | Perc:+4 | Speed 30)

Malen nods, I'm afraid I can't be much help, seeing as I'm in the same situation. I just came in with a caravan and am looking for work. If you don't mind, perhaps we could seek employment together? Two heads are often better than one for this sort of thing.

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