Carrion Crown Pbp (Inactive)

Game Master Joseph Millsaps

Carrion Crown Pbp

Dark Archive

post character info here

Damascus is a halfling born into slavery in the region of Cheliax. His master had a rather strange obcession with the dying and the dead. His slaves were always on their last breath, and although it taxed his wallet quite heavily in the long run, used this common denominator to write incredible research papers on the dying. Through a series of misfortunate events, he came across a book of which he could not set down, even if he tried. It’s pages were indecipherable and smelled of sewers. One night, more frustrated then ever, Damascus’ master thrust the book into the sky in a fit of madness. A bolt of lightning struck the book and it was disintegrated. On the porch witnessing the entire scene was Damascus. His master turned to him and pleaded that he recount the entire event. Several times, he recounted it to his master. Exactly the same way, the way he saw it happen. Finally, the master, accepting that Damascus must have a larger role to play in the meaning of the mysterious book, sent him out to find Professor Petros Lorrimor, hoping that he may know more. After months of searching, Damascus arrives at the beginning of his end: a misty morning in a field occupied with flowers, men in black, and a shiny black box.

Lauran Jalar:
Background: Lauran family traces its descent to the original Shining Crusade against the Whispering Tyrant himself.
When the crusade was called the Jalars, minor Taldan nobles hungry for glory, responded en masse. During the conflict most of the family perished, but some managed to gain important positions and actually suceeded at the "glory" part of their task, the fact most of them did not survive to enjoy the fruits of their actions was considered a small price to pay for the honor they achieved in death. Nearing the end of the fight only two Jalars, Elmar and Jyan, survived. Officers in the crusade, Lauran ancestors had the privilege to assist into the imprisonment of the Whispering Tyrant .After that was done they decided not to return to Taldor but to stay back and guard the land from the archlich possible return and from the machinations of his remaining agents. Of the two surviving Jalars one moved into Lastwall and gained a prestigious position in the newborn nation as a well respected general in its army. In time he married and his branch of the family was born anew.
His sister instead decided for a different path: choosing Ustalav as her new home, she favored a less direct approach than her sibling. Instead of searching for a place in the military of fractious Ustalav, she decided defending the land required a less blatant approach than it was possiblke elsewhere. So she embraced the way of the inquisitor founding the group known as the Torches of Valor, a Iomedaean sect dedicated to ferretting out undeads and other monstruosities hiding among humans and bringing them to justice (which, in most cases meant a quick burning in the main town square...). Through the years the ustalavian branch of the Jalars expanded quietly, even coming so far as to reqruit trusted outsiders in their ranks in order to expand their net of informats through Ustalav.

While the Torches were by all means not infallible and had their share of setbacks, nontheless they managed to gain an impressive reputation as relentless enemies of evil and undeath. They traced the reason for their success to the fact each generation a female child was born in the family bearing a striking resemblance with the original ancestor, and exibiting uncommon powers. Seemingly blessed by Iomedae this child invariably grew up as a skilled inquistor bringing eternal rest to the horrors still plaguing Ustalav.
The child was not always easy to identify, but while growing around dangers of every kind up the Torches knew her nature would show herself rather quickly (if not the chances of an unpleasant demise were rather high....). In any case any female Jalar was given a sword dating back to the original Shining Crusade. If and when the bearer would prove herself she would be given the original sword Jyan beared during the fight against the Whispering Tyrant.

During this age Lauran is considered to be the most probable heir of the ancestor. She has not done anything so impressive as to convince all of her elders in the family, but she has done enough to sway a number of them. Certainly she has roamed most of Ustalav and, despite being rather young, she has dealt with a number of monstrusities plaguing the Immortal Principality. It was in the very first of her missions that she met Professor Petros Lorrimor.

Lauran had been ordered to observe and report about a group of cultists supposedly following an ancient version of Pharasma's teachings. What she found out was a group of lunatics affiliated with the Whispering Way intent in sacrificing an old man to their foul patron. Despite being severely outnumbered, and having orders to just watch Lauran decided she could not allow the fould deed to be accomplished. Springing into action Lauran managed to scare, confuse and ultimately dispatch most of the cultists, leading the survivors to believe they were up against a large number of opponents, forcing them to flee into the night before completing their ritual. Freeing the old man from the bindings connecting him to the slab of obsidian meant to be the place where he would ahve met his end, Lauran initially didn't think much of the aged scholar giving her an odd look and thanking her with solemn courtesy. She got the impression the old man wasn't entirely happy to be saved as if what he had just undergone was no more than an interesting experience he would have liked to study a bit longer. Anyway the man presented himself as Professor Petros Lorrimor and promised her she would be rewarded for her help. Through the years he actually made good to his promise giving Lauran profound (if sometimes odd) insights into the dark things that roamed he ustalavic nights, and she actually grew to like the man, finding him refreshingly different from the usually dull members of her family.

Learning about Lorrimor's demise was therefore quite unsettling for Lauran. It was with a sad heath that she travelled to Ravengro to bury the man she had called friend and hear her camerade last whishes.

Personality: Lauran is quiet and dedicated. She doesn't talk much if not needed, having been trained to suspect of everything and everyone and to listen to other people's talk for hints of corruption. Lauran shows the world a confident facade, and she certainly trusts in her abilities, yet, she also feels the stress of her family's expectations. Since she was old enough to be trained she was told she was exceptional and she was expected to bring honor and glory to her family. From there she was given a very rigorous training, learning how to best shatter a skeletron spine with a mallet by 4 and 50 different ways to stake a vampire by seven, yet lacking a prospective on what "normal" people did for living. She doesn't exactly understand what she misses, yet she knows she does, and, being curious she started wondering about how would her life be without all the responsabilities she was saddled with.

Phisical descrition: Lauran is tall for a woman, with a lithe figure and short dark hair matched by her blackened armor. Despite her eavy armor Lauran is good at moving silently, probably a consequence of her natural grace.

Character creation rules?

I second the request for creation rules, please.

In the meantime, my submission s my profile. The Alignment and stats can change to suit the creation guidelines.

Liberty's Edge

Dotting for interest.

Here is a cleric for your campaign.

I knew the professor and helped on a couple of his adventures. It is sad that he is lost.

Dark Archive

Here's a kobold shaman I' d like to play, if not then I can use another one.

Helludarr here... may I present Vallenjos for submission.

His Story:
Vallenjos is a massive man with a booming laugh and a welcome hug for his friends. But, before his enemies he is without fear, without hesitation and without mercy.

Vallenjos grew up on a farm not far from Absalom. His extended family, consisting on nearly two score of farmers, was humble and generous to all that passed under their roofs.

His father taught him early that the law is absolute and will protect you... "just as you should protect those put in your care," his mother would add.

"Be mindful of your surroundings," his father would tell him. "From which direction the crow that eats the corn or the coyote that takes the hens will come, you will never know. Stay alert and stay safe."

Word spread accross the countryside of Vallenjos' prowess when he was still a boy. Not long after coming of age at 14, Vallenjos awoke one night to the sounds of commotion coming from the stable. Grabbing his father's axe, he was the first to arrive and find one of the draft horses felled by a huge black wolf. The wolf leapt at him, but Vallenjos did not panic. He felt stangely calm. He shifted to the left allowing the wolf to pass him on the right while clawing his face. Vallenjos swung the axe as the wolf landed, burying it deep into its back and severing its spine.

From that moment, his father knew that Vallenjos was destined for more than being a farmer. He sought weapons training for the boy with the local militia; vocational study with priests of Abadar; and continued to push the concepts of hard work, service over self, and loyalty.

Scraping together much of the families wealth, they sent Vallenjos, at the age of 19, to find his way in the world.

Vallenjos wears a breastplate smithed by his uncle adorned with the fur of the black wolf Vallenjos killed as a young boy. His size is only surpassed by his haughty laugh. His long, blonde hair is secured in a ponytail with a leather thong, and his green eyes can be inviting one moment and threatening the next. The great axe he wields is adorned with his family crest and has been passed down for several generations.

Vallenjos values honor in all things, loyalty amongst friends, self-sacrifice and obedience to the law. He is quick to have a good time with friends. But will act as judge, jury and executioner, without hesitation, if he feels it is appropriate.

Just starting the basics will update as rules for the build are provided.

Fighter 1 | LG |

Str 18
Dex 12
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 12
Chr 10

Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Combat Reflexes

Great Axe

Dark Archive

Also, creation rules would be nice

Dark Archive

HP:6 AC:16(+2dex,+4armor) speed:30(25 in armor)
Saves:fort:0 refl:+2 will:+6

Skills and Feats:
skills: craft(traps)+2, stealth+1, ride+1, handle animal+1, ride+1, knowledge(nature)+1
Feats: draconic aspect (white)

res.cold 5

Mele: short spear-1(1d6-1)
Ranged: light crossbow+2(1d8+2)

hide armor, 10 bolts, short spear, 1 weeks rations(small)

spirit animal:
cave salamander HP:8
Medium speed:40ft AC:13(+2 natural, +1 dex)
Attacks: Bite+1(1d6+1)
Special:DV 60ft

Gringe is a female kobold with white skin and dark green eyes.
She is a vile friend, but a good ally. She is sloppy but precise, and tends to want things her way. She begins arguments about small things, but never changes her mind. She is a determined person, yet acts almost erratically

Dark Archive

Here's my summoner I wanted to play. Still working out some details. I would have been tomb robbing... er... liberating relics... for him to study.

Dark Archive

And here is his eidolon form.

creation rules?

Dark Archive

Hey all. Here are the rules for characters. 20 point buy. 2 traits allowed, as are drawbacks. Core races plus Samsarans, Suli, Vanara, Vishkanya, Fetchling, and Catfolk. All classes but anti-paladin, and all archtypes.

in the players guide it said dhampirs are ok, will you allow it if so here is a character I have made 20 point buy and 2 taits

Alchemist{Beastmorph}/{Vivisectionist} 1

LN Medium Humanoid (Dhampir)Nosferatu-Born (Ancient-Born)

Init +3; Senses Perception +5
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +2 dex, +0 shield,+0 NA,+0 Magic)
hp 9 {+1d8,+1Con}
Fort +3, {+2Base,+1Con}
Ref +4, {+2Base,+2Dex}
Will +1,{+0Base,+1Wis}
CMD 10
Speed 30 ft.
CMB +0;
Base Atk +0;

---Morningstar{1d8+3} ×2 B and P
===={+1d6} SA

---Wooden stake{1d4+3} ×2 10 ft . P
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 10

-Subject of Study-+2 damage against {undead}
-Tacticain-+1 trait bonus on initiative checks. In addition, once per day when you make an attack of opportunity, you gain a +2 trait bonus on the attack roll.


-=Race Traits=-
-=Ability Score Racial Traits=-: +2 Str, +2 Wis, -2 Con
-=Undead Resistance=-: Dhampirs gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease and mind-affecting effects.
-=Resist Level Drain=- (Ex): A dhampir takes no penalties from energy drain effects, though he can still be killed if he accrues more negative levels then he has Hit Dice. After 24 hours, any negative levels a dhampir takes are removed without the need for an additional saving throw.
-=Vampiric Empathy=- communicate with bats, rats, and wolves as if under the effects of a speak with animals spell (caster level equal to 1/2 the dhampir's Hit Dice). In addition, they gain a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy checks when dealing with these animals. Whenever these dhampirs initiate an exchange, animals begin with a starting attitude of indifferent. This is a supernatural ability. This racial trait replaces manipulative.
-=Spell-Like Abilities (Su)=-: A dhampir can use DOOM three times per day as a spell-like ability. The caster level for this ability equals the dhampir's class level.
-=Darkvision=-: 60 feet.
-=Low-light vision=-: In addition to their ability to see perfectly in the dark up to 60 ft, dhampir have low-light vision, allowing them to see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
-=Alternate Weakness: =-:Ancient-born take a -1 penalty on saving throws against effects that damage, drain, or reduce physical ability scores.
-=Negative Energy Affinity=-: Though a living creature, a dhampir reacts to positive and negative energy as if it were undead—positive energy harms it, while negative energy heals it.

Blood Drinker
-=Skills=- (6 points; 4 class, 2 INT)

Craft (Int)____+5(+0rank,+2Int+3ICS}

Disable Device____+5{+1rank,+2Dex}



Knowledge (Arcana)(Int)____+6{+1rank,+2Int+3ICS}

Knowledge (Nature)(Int)____+6{+1rank,+2Int+3ICS)



Sleight of Hand*(Dex)____+0{+0rank,+2Dex}


Stealth* (Dex)____+2{+0rank,+2dex,}


Use Magic Device(Cha)____+0{+0rank,+0Cha+3ICS}

ACP -0

*ACP applies to these skills
-=Non-Standard Skill Bonuses=-

-=Languages=- Common

---===Special Abilities===---:

Throw Anything
Brew Potion
Sneak Attack
vivisectionist gains the sneak attack ability as a rogue of the same level. This ability replaces bomb.


-=1st (2/day)=-


Kit Alchemist= 40 gp 24 lbs
Kit, Alchemy Crafting =25 gp 5 lbs
Book Lariat= 3 sp 1/2 lb
Morningstar=8 gp 6 lbs
Studded leather= 25 gp 20 lbs.
Wodden Stake=O gp 1 lb {x10}

-=Carrying Capacity=-
Light 76 lbs. or less
Medium 77-153 lbs.
Heavy 154-230 lbs.

-=Current Load Carried=- 65.5 lb.

-=Money=- 6 GP 6 SP 100 CP


Draken is the first born of three triplets, but unlike his two other siblings he is cursed with the blood sickness that effects few dhampirs, for somehow his parentage is of a Nosferatu. An ancient and powerful vampire, his two siblings are Kathrin and William both of them normal dhampirs. Their mother is from an old noble family and a somewhat powerful witch, because of this she was able to keep the true parentage of her children hidden.

As time went on the three had a relatively normal child hood, although forbidden from leaving the castle grounds their mother did give them all she could a tutor for Scholl, music and for controlled social interaction. Even with all this Draken and his siblings wanted more at night they would sneak out to see the city. They saw many things there lovers, drunks, fights, one day the three siblings were out hiding in an alleyway watching the few who would walk buy and make stories about them to each other.

On this night one man pulled the other into the alleyway and they wondered what was their story. Before one could be thought up the glint of a knife flashed into sight and sank quickly into the smaller man’s neck. A soft gurgling sound was heard and when the knife was pulled out a spray of blood few across the alley and landed on them. Startled all of them jumped up exposing them to the man, ”well what do we have here?” he asked them.

Draken, Kathrin and William did not hear what the man said they were all looking at the blood that was running out of the smaller man neck. The big man stepped forward brandishing his knife ”well can’t have you all speaking of this can we” he said with a wicked grin. Before they knew what he meant he had already cut into Kathrin’s arm. In that moment something old and powerful inside came out and everything went black.

Draken awoke the next day clean and in his bed all he could remember from the previous night was a scream. Soon after waking up his brother and sister can into the room asking what could have happened last night. They went to their mother and told her of the night’s events, with grief clearly visible on her face she told them of what they were and why they were never to leave in the first place.

Some years had passed and the blood curse in Draken was harder to manage, now he and his siblings are 70 now in human years and their mother had long since passed. Over the years stories of bodies found drained of blood had spread. Draken knew it had to be his brother and sister that were committing these murders. Draken knew he had to do something to stop them so he turned to alchemy in hopes that in it he could find a way to cure them and this vampiric blood lust and his self of the blood curse in him.

So he studied old text and at night he would take one of the victims of his siblings to study. After 30 more years of this until he had what might be a cure ready, but with no way to test it all he could do is trick them into drinking it. Drink it they did but it did not have the effect he had hoped for, instead of curing them it made the vampire inside stronger and they left in the night to kill and hunt in freedom.
Sadden by the failure Draken went deeper into the study of the dead and the living.

He is 120 now and still no closer in finding the cure he has so long sought, but on this day Draken sees a man walk onto the castle grounds. This is odd to him since his failure no one has come within a few miles of here. What could he do but talk to the strange man, His name was Professor Petros Lorrimor. The professor came to this place because he heard rumours of a man that has been living here all alone for years.

Soon after meeting his Professor Lorrimor told Draken he could help him for he knew what was needed to make a better serum. After all these years Draken could be make some progress on the cure a failed to make before, for all that was needed was vampire ash.

Luckily the professor already had some but he told Draken your mistaken your should not cure yourself but use this to allow you control over the vampiric urges you suffer from but to use the power of you ancient blood to make you stronger so you could destroy any evil vampire. And so Draken drank the new serum and it did allow him to tap into power he did not think he had.

With this the professor left and Draken has been using this new power to hunt and kill other vampires over the years. And it was a very sad moment indeed when Draken received the letter telling him of the passing of this good man. Now he travels to help this man on his last journey

---===Appearance and Personality===---:

Normal look
Draken tries to keep himself clean at all times, if he get too much dirt on his white gloves he will change them for a clean pair. He will do all he can to never let someone fall in battle and with his knowledge of tactics in combat he will try to have his companions move to a position that would be most beneficial to the team. He is well spoken and polite buy can come off as brash since he will always tell the hard truth. Although slow to trust once you have his it will be forever.

Mutagen look and final look

Dark secrets:

His brother and sister are still out there killing...full vampires and it all his fault...hoping to find them one day and cure them either with his alchemy or a stake in the hart.

even though now his curse is under control, he fear is one day he might loose to the vampire inside if he keeps taping into that power.

Submitting Caerwen, I'll have his backstory up later.

I'm hoping to play my Elven Rogue 4/Alchemist X I've had built for a while.

Character Advancement::

As stated above the advancement will be Rogue 4/Alchemist X, but as this is a slightly odd character, there will be several archetypes.
Underground Chemist

Inspired Chemist

I hope the high amount of archetypes doesn't dissuade you from considering this character, as these archetypes are actually integral for the type of character I'm trying to accomplish. This character will focus on splash weapons and poison, which obviously aren't incredibly effective strategies. I've been working on him for a while and I think I've made it work with some of the new options that have been made available lately. These options include The new Bomber talent and the afformentioned Underground Chemist archetype. I do have the crunch completed up to a pretty high level and will post it if you need it.

More Character Info::

This character will be focusing heavily on crafting alchemical items and poisons, and will most likely also be brewing potions. This won't require too much downtime, but I'm hoping there will at least be enough for me to craft some weapons and make some healing potions between modules/missions.

Background, personality/appearence, and Desires:

Since a very young age Alistair has been interested in alchemy, and has held it above all else. As an elf this was a very interesting decision that made most of the others in his village see him as a less than desirable character. Some even began treating him as they would a mad scientist, shunning him to his lab where he spent day and night studying alchemy. Years later Alistair left his village in search of a place he could call home, where he could study alchemy and share his knowledge with others. Traveling the world Alistair found new alchemical creations and ingredients, he used these to fund his exploration by crafting and selling a wide array of items. Unfortunately he began drawing in the wrong crowd, acting more as a travelling poison and alchemical weapons fence than a scientist. Eventually he embraced his role in the world and began scouring the world for the rarest of poisons and weaponry, selling them to the highest bidder. Now wanted in several cities, Alistair has become one of the most well known fencers of illegal items in (golarion i assume?).
Due to his past Alistair is very secretive and quiet. He only speaks when necessary, giving accurate information on whatever topic comes up before returning to silence. He stands just under 6.5 ft in a tall black overcoat lined with hidden pockets and alchemical vials. Need a poison? Alistair has you covered and will jump at any opportunity to make a sale.

Alistair only desires one thing; To discover and master every alchemical item and process known to the world, and then create his own to become THE master of alchemy. He will do anything in his power to complete this goal, no matter how illegal or immoral.

Roleplaying History::

I have been gaming for most of my life but am relatively new to pathfinder. I have been a part of a few non-pfs campaigns but only one has been able to make it to the end. My posting rate is very high, and there really isn't a time that I'm not available to make a post.

In Character::

Alistair walked towards the orc territory, nervous as to what might happen in the near future.
Another big sale, they may be orcs but I need the coin. I'm sure the locals can defend against these monsters even with the them chugging potions, but what if they can't? Maybe I'll offer my services to them as well, I can handle these orcs quite easily especially with the help of the mercenaries the towns are no doubt hiring already. This is it, I'm right on the edge of the orc territory, the guide should be around here somewhere.
At that moment an orc stepped out from behind a nearby tree, and then another, and then one more. Alistair was surrounded.
"Come." the lead orc shouted.

"Lead the way." Alistair grinned.

The orcs led him to their village and into the large tent at the center. The orc chief stood to "greet" Alistair as he entered.
"Welcome human, do you bring potions and firebombs?" the chief said.

"I do indeed, the best alchemy in the land no doubt, but do you have the funds to purchase them?"

"Bring the chest." the large orc commanded.

A pair of orcs left the tent and soon returned with a large wooden chest, throwing it to Alistair's feet.
Alistair leaned down to open the chest, revealing several hundred gold worth of gems and other treasure.
"Does this please you?" the orc asked.

"Very much so Chief, Gromtusk was it?" Alistair said as he pulled a small sack from his waist and poured the contents onto the ground, an array of alchemist fire and potions of cure light wounds. "Do we have a deal then?"

"We do."Gromtusk said motioning towards his guards to retrieve the items.
"Excellent," Alistair said as he began emptying the chest into his sack. "I hope you don't plan to betray me, you know the power of my alchemy don't you Chief?"

"I do. My guards will escort you safely back to the road. Leave now." Chief Gromtusk said, returning to his seat and waving to his guards.

A pair of orcs escorted Alistair out of the village and back through the forest, then suddenly stopped and turned to him.
"Gromtusk thinks you strong, but you are puny and weak. We will take back treasure and get praise from chief." One orc said drawing his weapon.

"I wouldn't plan on it," Alistair said pulling a small stick from his pocket.

Alistair dropped the small stick to the ground, creating a large smoke cloud around him. The orcs shielded their eyes from the smoke attempting to see their enemy in the cloud.
"You really should have just taken me back." Alistair laughed as he hurled alchemical vials out of the cloud, killing the orcs in a quick blast of fire and acid.

"Every time, damn orcs." Alistair chuckled to himself as he made his way back to the road.

Hopefully I can make some more coin from this village, these orcs shouldn't pose a problem for me let alone a group of mercenaries.

Thank you for your consideration, can't wait to see what others have put together.

Background is now up on the page. So character is ready for approval.

Withdrawing my application. Thank you.

Catfolk paladin (hospitaler) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 116, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 90)
LG Medium humanoid (catfolk)
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception -2
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +0; +2 vs. death
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor), climb 20 ft.
Melee cold iron morningstar +3 (1d8+2) or
greatsword +3 (2d6+3/19-20) or
silver boarding axe +3 (1d6+1/×3)
Ranged composite longbow +4 (1d8+2/×3)
Special Attacks smite evil 1/day (+3 attack and AC, +1 damage)
Paladin Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +4)
At will—detect evil
Paladin (Hospitaler) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4)
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 6, Cha 16
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 16
Feats Fey Foundling[ISWG]
Traits deadeye bowman, magical knack, teacher's pet
Skills Acrobatics +0 (-4 to jump), Climb +7, Craft (bows) +6, Diplomacy +7, Disguise +2, Knowledge (history) +6, Knowledge (nobility) +6, Knowledge (religion) +6
Languages Catfolk, Common, Orc, Sylvan
SQ cat's luck, curiosity
Combat Gear adamantine durable arrow (50), cold iron durable arrow (50), oil (5); Other Gear kikko armor, cold iron morningstar, composite longbow (+2 Str), greatsword, silver boarding axe, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, candle (2), chalk, crowbar, flint and steel, hammer, hemp rope (100 ft.), holy text, hooded lantern, mess kit, piton (4), pot, sack (2), soap, tindertwig (4), torch (12), trail rations (5), waterskin, wooden holy symbol of Erastile
Special Abilities
Cat's Luck (1/day) (Ex) Can roll 2d20 for a Reflex save and take better result.
Climbing (20 feet) You have a Climb speed.
Curiosity +4 on Diplomacy checks to gather information.
Deadeye Bowman When using a longbow, your target is denied the soft cover AC bonus from one creature.
Detect Evil (At will) (Sp) You can use detect evil at will (as the spell).
Fey Foundling Magical healing works better on you
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Magical Knack (Paladin [Hospitaler]) +2 CL for a specific class, to a max of your HD.
Smite Evil (1/day) (Su) +3 to hit, +1 to damage, +3 deflection bonus to AC when used.
Teacher's Pet (Knowledge [planes]) Professor Lorrimor traveled the Inner Sea region lecturing and teaching at universities in locations as far-flung as Manaket and Magnimar, and as different in scope as the bardic colleges of Taldor and the battle colleges of the River Kingdoms. Speak

Ondrea snuck out of the church quietly. For a paladin novice. To the monks trying their best to sleep through it, it sounded something like a cross between a smithy accident and a runaway gardencart, but they gritted their teeth faithfully and persevered. When finally she was gone, the brothers, now fully awake, stared at the ceiling and prayed for her safety.

Her escape was no simple task, she would recall. It took her nearly two hours, in the darkest part of the night, but she managed to evade the watchers and the wards. Said watchers dutifully noted her passage in their logbooks, and lowered the wards on the abbey’s great doors precisely five minutes before she could reach them.

In short, it was a perfectly orchestrated quest beginning. Much as every questor of Erastil has had. Only when she returns, will she learn what value there is in the monastery’s tradition, they told themselves. The old man said so.

It began, of course, long before that and as such things do, with a small child. Fair of face, and with a hint of the other around her...Ok, maybe not. She was a catfolk, but druids don't judge. She had no parents, no sign on her save the brand on her paw. Ondrea was left seemingly by ghosts in the middle of the bramble, er grove, of the Order of the Bow. A druidic circle, primarily elven, they raised her and accepted her for who she was. When chance had her meet Professor Lorrimar, it was as she was retrieving her arrows, politely apologizing to plants and growing ever more frustrated at the bramble. No fool he, he immediately recognized a young catwoman as not at all an elf and equally as out of place in the woods as he was (he had grown quite lost, not that he mentioned that to Ondrea) and in a short session with her foster parents, convinced them of the merits of exposing her to the more orderly teachings of their faith. Conveniently earning himself a guide out of their grove, and conveniently finding her a home far away from brambles. Ondrea nearly worships him every time she fixes her fur.

So began her novitae, and with it ended what she would label her first great conflict. Not her last of course, while the bramble was behind her, the elvish druids had been accepting of a young girl’s desire to be a knight. The monks and knights of Erastil were less accommodating of her urges, and insisted she would need to learn discipline. Some days she thought she'd never be a paladin at all. The old men smiled as she worked, for as Erastil demands all paladin novices must know adversity, that they might overcome it.

Still, it would be nice to have a quiet novice, just once.

Put me down as interested!

Noelle Feora
Human Order of the Sword Cavalier 1
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Perception +1
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 13 (1d10+3)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +1;
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Greatsword + 4 (2d6 + 9) or
Dagger +4 (1d4 + 6)
Ranged Longbow +3 (1d8 / x3)
Challenge 1/Day
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 16
Feats : Power Attack, Mounted Combat, Duck and Cover
Traits Armor Expert, Reactionary, Making Good on Promises
Drawbacks : Doubt
Skills : Diplomacy +5, Sense Motive +5, Ride +5, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (Nobility) +2
Languages Common
Combat Gear : animal feed (5 days), a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a bit and bridle, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, a riding saddle, rope (100 ft.), saddlebags, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), waterskin, Scale Mail, Greatsword, Dagger x2
Special Abilities
Mount: Hinvarra III
Size Large; Speed 50 ft.; AC +4 natural armor; Attack bite (1d4), 2 hooves* (1d6); Ability Scores Str 16, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6; Special Qualities low-light vision, scent.
Challenge 1/Day: Swift Action +1 Damage, +1 to-hit if on mount
Tactician 1/Day: Standard action to give teammates teamwork feat of my choice for 3 rounds.

Noelle was always a fighter - scrapping in the yard behind the bar, wrestling with her older brothers, and attempting to sneak into the local militia’s training camp when she was far too young to join. While her mother was always a little put off by this, with her sister being so proper and graceful, her father couldn’t have been happier - another boy to have around the house, who he could understand and join the long family tradition of going into the military.

It wasn’t long before she was old enough to fight and get paid for it, when she fell into a crowd of surly mercenaries working out of town. She joined them for a short period of time, sneaking off from home in the middle of the night to fight in the woods, ambush caravans, and shake down merchants in the big city. She didn’t see much harm in it, as she was just stealing from people who already had gold overflowing from their pockets.

However, a couple of years later, at 18, she decided to leave all of that behind and join the militia - wanting to make her father proud, she was preparing for a long life in the military, hoping to rise through the ranks and become a commander, and maybe, even someday a knight. She wasn’t too enthused by the idea, missing the easy money and rush of crime that came from robbing old men with her thieving friends, but she wanted to make her father happy.

One slow, boring day drew into the next, and with little excitement entering the temple or town hall that she was guarding, there wasn’t much to keep her attention. However, one day, she was tasked with escorting a small caravan with a valuable holy relic to the major city with her father as the commanding officer. Shortly into their journey, they were attacked by bandits, and a huge melee ensued, with the militia quickly falling on the losing side.

While they fought hard, soon only her father and herself were left, fending off a half-dozen thieves. She was knocked to the ground, losing her sword, and when the burglar went for the killing blow, her father blocked it for her - before she lost consciousness, her father threw Noelle onto his own horse, and sent it running. With the thieves satisfied at having stolen their prize, they did not pursue.

She since has refused to return to her hometown, believing that it was her ignorance and non-perception that brought this fate on her father - she vowed to become someone he could be proud of, a knightly woman, and someday gain that title for a lord that she respected, a name that would be impressive throughout the land, and do her father’s name proud. With his horse, Hinvarra III, she vowed to become great.

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Perform(whinny): 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (17) - 2 = 15

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