
A Shifty Pregen's page

12 posts. Alias of Nik B..

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VC - Sydney, Australia

The levels applicable for this Chronicle are levels 1-20

Please provide:
* Character name (who the chronicle will be applied to)
* Level

Pregens attached - have a read and fight it out amongst yourselves.

VC - Sydney, Australia

/dot in!

VC - Sydney, Australia

The levels applicable for this Chronicle are levels 1-20

Please provide:
* Character name (who the chronicle will be applied to)
* Level

Pregens attached - have a read and fight it out amongst yourselves.

VC - Sydney, Australia

/dot in!

VC - Sydney, Australia

/dot in

VC - Sydney, Australia

The levels applicable for this Chronicle are levels 1-20

Please provide:
* Character name (who the chronicle will be applied to)
* Level

VC - Sydney, Australia

The levels available for this Chronicle are 1-2 & 3-4.

Please provide:
* Character name (who the chronicle will be applied to)
* Level

VC - Sydney, Australia

/dot in!

VC - Sydney, Australia

Please dot into the gameplay thread.

Please also fill in your particulars on the SLIDES sheet.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Images up in slides

Called to Skyreach at the Grand Lodge in Absalom in the early hours of the morning, you sit before Venture-Captain Shevala Iorae, a tall, dark-haired Varisian sorceress known for helping to found the Pathfinder Lodge in Magnimar. She paces her small, scroll-packed office and recounts a story.
“More than a decade ago, a falchion known as Passion’s Edge cut down warrior after warrior, changing hands whenever its owner was bested. A Pathfinder Chronicle from several years ago recently came to my attention with details of the sword and I became more and more curious about it. Last told, a harpy named Tylaca wielded Passion’s Edge and swore an oath to a coven of green hags in the River Kingdoms, declaring herself their champion and swearing to protect them"

“One of the hags, it is said, enjoyed the company of the harpy but the other two hated her presence in their coven. In secret, they plotted to rid the coven of her. Their taunts and tricks did not drive her away, but instead, beguiled by jealousy and incited to rage, Tylaca struck down one of the hags and triggered the sword’s powerful curse. The harpy fell into a deep coma and was only rescued from death at the hands of the other hags by her loyal harpy minions. The remaining hags then shattered the sword into three pieces, tossing the hilt in the river and taking one piece with them as they separated, their coven forever broken"

“This account comes from a Pathfinder in Daggermark who found the first fragment in the protection of one of the hag sisters, whom he slew to acquire it. He then tracked Aelzeldra, the other hag holding the last fragment, to the Wilewood in the River Kingdoms, but was unable to confront her and take the final fragment before being called away for other duties in Varisia. Go to the hag in the Wilewood and get her fragment. Hags are tricky, though, so be careful—she will likely disguise herself as a young beautiful maiden or a swarthy, handsome man, anything to trick you. Pretend to be fooled by her disguise and try to get her to tell you where the other fragment is—she likely knows more about the history of the sword and I’d prefer if you didn’t kill her.” She pauses and hands one of you her fragment of the broken sword.

“Bring this fragment and the hag’s fragment together in Sevenarches. The hilt, retrieved from the Sellen River, rests in Sevenarches with another Pathfinder, a sword sage named Parke Rangston. I’ve asked him to study the fragments, and he will provide lodging for all of you. Give Rangston a day to examine the pieces and then return to Absalom with them. But beware: the fragments likely still hold an old curse, and whoever holds them may be weakened. You leave this afternoon—any questions?”

4/5 5/55/55/55/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

These would be super handy for recruitment events, and handy for FLGS who have shorter slots for table space.

The current quests and intros are too long to serve as good intro material, and the quests are really just a scenario broken up into chunks.

A 'pack' of quests would work as well, happy to get four quests in a pack that could be played independently of each other.

Just feeling like SFS is missing a beat here.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Hi all!

I'm keen for us all to try to post regularly (aim for once or more per weekday and, at least once on weekends). Whilst adventures can be caught in 'conversation loops' back and forth, I will endeavor to keep things kicking along and get the gist of where a conversation is going and keep us pointed in the right direction.

Work, study, and wild parties in Mexico have a way of getting in the way sometimes and if that is likely please leave a post in advance if you know that you may have limited time/ability to post for a period of time (and when we can expect you back).

On that note, I am posting from Sydney, Australia. Most of you will be posting when I am asleep so when I get up around 0500 odd I usually do the catch-up over a coffee, and then usually in the afternoon/evening each day.

I will generally roll Initiative (and any other rolls if really required), but not to shaft anyone or railroad them, more in the interest of giving you some sort of outcome to then respond to - I aim to complete a single round of combat within 24 hours.

When in combat, unless a PC has left botting instructions or made arrangements for another player to bot them, I may place any PC that has not posted within the past 24 hours (48 hours on a weekend) on delay.


Please provide the following for your PC:

Character Name:
SFS ID and character number:
Day job Roll:
Boons (Happy for this to occur after the briefing)

VC - Sydney, Australia

/dot in!

VC - Sydney, Australia

This is the discussion thread for the ongoing Frozen Ambitions scenario arc.
As the characters will (likely!) remain the same for the remaining two instalments, we will just remain in this thread til the end of the series.

Please provide the following for your PC:
Character Name:
SFS ID and character number:
Day job Roll:
Boons (Happy for this to occur after the briefing)

VC - Sydney, Australia

/dot in

VC - Sydney, Australia

This is the discussion thread for the ongoing Frozen Ambitions scenario arc.
As the characters will (likely!) remain the same for the remaining two instalments, we will just remain in this thread til the end of the series.

Please provide the following for your PC:
Character Name:
SFS ID and character number:
Day job Roll:
Boons (Happy for this to occur after the briefing)

VC - Sydney, Australia

/dot in!

VC - Sydney, Australia

This is the discussion thread for the ongoing Frozen Ambitions scenario arc.
As the characters will (likely!) remain the same for the remaining two instalments, we will just remain in this thread til the end of the series.

Please provide the following for your PC:
Character Name:
SFS ID and character number:
Day job Roll:
Boons (Happy for this to occur after the briefing)

VC - Sydney, Australia

/dot in!

VC - Sydney, Australia

Welcome to #3-17: Clone Batch Catastrophe run as part of Outpost IV

- Aim to maintain a daily post.
- Let us know if you are away.

This scenario drops on 24 Feb 21 so we will begin the minute it pops.

Please provide the following for your PC:
Email address (for boon draws):
Character Name:
SFS ID and character number:
Day job Roll:
Boons (Happy for this to occur after the briefing

VC - Sydney, Australia

/dot in!

VC - Sydney, Australia

Welcome to #3-17: Clone Batch Catastrophe run as part of Outpost IV

- Aim to maintain a daily post.
- Let us know if you are away.

This scenario drops on 24 Feb 21 so we will begin the minute it pops.

Please provide the following for your PC:
Email address (for boon draws):
Character Name:
SFS ID and character number:
Day job Roll:
Boons (Happy for this to occur after the briefing)

VC - Sydney, Australia

/Dot in!

VC - Sydney, Australia

Hi all!

I'm keen for us all to try to post regularly (aim for once or more per weekday and, at least once on weekends). Whilst adventures can be caught in 'conversation loops' back and forth, I will endeavour to keep things kicking along and get the gist of where a conversation is going and keep us pointed in the right direction.

Work, study, and wild parties in Mexico have a way of getting in the way sometimes and if that is likely please leave a post in advance if you know that you may have limited time/ability to post for a period of time (and when we can expect you back).

On that note, I am posting from Sydney, Australia. Most of you will be posting when I am asleep so when I get up around 0500 odd I usually do the catch up over a coffee, and then usually in the afternoon/evening each day.

I will generally roll Initiative (and any other rolls if really required), but not to shaft anyone or railroad them, more in the interest of giving you some sort of outcome to then respond to - I aim to complete a single round of combat within 24 hours.

When in combat, unless a PC has left botting instructions or made arrangement for another player to bot them, I will place any PC that has not posted within the past 24 hours (48 hours on a weekend) on delay.

If a single skill check has been called for, I will accept the PC with the highest skill bonus as the "primary" and all other attempts by PCs for the same check as aiding another.


Please provide the following for your PC:

Character Name:
SFS ID and character number:
Your email: (OPTIONAL for Online Support Program)
Day job Roll:
Boons (Happy for this to occur after the briefing)

VC - Sydney, Australia

/dot in!

VC - Sydney, Australia

Welcome to Silence at Outpost 634, which is our ‘placeholder’ session until the next instalment of the Frozen Ambitions line drops at the end of Jan (#3-15: Frozen Ambitions: The Preluria Connection). The intent is we will complete this then roll straight on to that.

Please provide the following for your PC:
Character Name:
SFS ID and character number:
Day job Roll:
Boons (Happy for this to occur after the briefing)

VC - Sydney, Australia

/dot in!

VC - Sydney, Australia

Welcome to Silence at Outpost 634, which is our ‘placeholder’ session until the next instalment of the Frozen Ambitions line drops at the end of Jan (#3-15: Frozen Ambitions: The Preluria Connection). The intent is we will complete this then roll straight on to that.

Please provide the following for your PC:
Character Name:
SFS ID and character number:
Day job Roll:
Boons (Happy for this to occur after the briefing)

VC - Sydney, Australia

/dot in!

VC - Sydney, Australia

Welcome to Silence at Outpost 634, which is our ‘placeholder’ session until the next instalment of the Frozen Ambitions line drops at the end of Jan (#3-15: Frozen Ambitions: The Preluria Connection). The intent is we will complete this then roll straight on to that.

Please provide the following for your PC:
Character Name:
SFS ID and character number:
Day job Roll:
Boons (Happy for this to occur after the briefing)

VC - Sydney, Australia

/dot in!

VC - Sydney, Australia

Hi all!

I'm keen for us all to try to post regularly (aim for once or more per weekday and, at least once on weekends). Whilst adventures can be caught in 'conversation loops' back and forth, I will endeavour to keep things kicking along and get the gist of where a conversation is going and keep us pointed in the right direction.

Work, study, and wild parties in Mexico have a way of getting in the way sometimes and if that is likely please leave a post in advance if you know that you may have limited time/ability to post for a period of time (and when we can expect you back).

On that note, I am posting from Sydney, Australia. Most of you will be posting when I am asleep so when I get up around 0500 odd I usually do the catch up over a coffee, and then usually in the afternoon/evening each day.

I will generally roll Initiative (and any other rolls if really required), but not to shaft anyone or railroad them, more in the interest of giving you some sort of outcome to then respond to - I aim to complete a single round of combat within 24 hours.

When in combat, unless a PC has left botting instructions or made arrangement for another player to bot them, I will place any PC that has not posted within the past 24 hours (48 hours on a weekend) on delay.

If a single skill check has been called for, I will accept the PC with the highest skill bonus as the "primary" and all other attempts by PCs for the same check as aiding another.

Please provide the following for your PC:

Character Name:
SFS ID and character number:
Day job Roll:
Boons (Happy for this to occur after the briefing)


[i]This scenario also includes the Starship tag - so please work out who is on what station, and debate the ship frame so when we get to the appropriate part we are good to go.[i]

VC - Sydney, Australia

/dot in

VC - Sydney, Australia

/dot in

VC - Sydney, Australia

/dot in

VC - Sydney, Australia

Welcome back for the next instalment!


Please provide the following for your PC:

Character Name:
SFS ID and character number:
Day job Roll:
Boons (Happy for this to occur after the briefing)

VC - Sydney, Australia

/dot in

VC - Sydney, Australia

Welcome back for Part 2!

Please provide the following for your PC:

Character Name:
SFS ID and character number:
Day job Roll:
Boons (Happy for this to occur after the briefing)

VC - Sydney, Australia

/dot in

VC - Sydney, Australia

Hi all!

I'm keen for us all to try to post regularly (aim for once or more per weekday and, at least once on weekends). Whilst adventures can be caught in 'conversation loops' back and forth, I will endeavour to keep things kicking along and get the gist of where a conversation is going and keep us pointed in the right direction.

Work, study, and wild parties in Mexico have a way of getting in the way sometimes and if that is likely please leave a post in advance if you know that you may have limited time/ability to post for a period of time (and when we can expect you back).

On that note, I am posting from Sydney, Australia. Most of you will be posting when I am asleep so when I get up around 0500 odd I usually do the catch up over a coffee, and then usually in the afternoon/evening each day.

I will generally roll Initiative (and any other rolls if really required), but not to shaft anyone or railroad them, more in the interest of giving you some sort of outcome to then respond to - I aim to complete a single round of combat within 24 hours.

When in combat, unless a PC has left botting instructions or made arrangement for another player to bot them, I will place any PC that has not posted within the past 24 hours (48 hours on a weekend) on delay.

If a single skill check has been called for, I will accept the PC with the highest skill bonus as the "primary" and all other attempts by PCs for the same check as aiding another.


Please provide the following for your PC:

Character Name:
SFS ID and character number:
Day job Roll:
Boons (Happy for this to occur after the briefing)

VC - Sydney, Australia

/dot in!

VC - Sydney, Australia

Hi all!

I'm keen for us all to try to post regularly (aim for once or more per weekday and, at least once on weekends). Whilst adventures can be caught in 'conversation loops' back and forth, I will endeavour to keep things kicking along and get the gist of where a conversation is going and keep us pointed in the right direction.

Work, study, and wild parties in Mexico have a way of getting in the way sometimes and if that is likely please leave a post in advance if you know that you may have limited time/ability to post for a period of time (and when we can expect you back).

On that note, I am posting from Sydney, Australia. Most of you will be posting when I am asleep so when I get up around 0500 odd I usually do the catch up over a coffee, and then usually in the afternoon/evening each day.

I will generally roll Initiative (and any other rolls if really required), but not to shaft anyone or railroad them, more in the interest of giving you some sort of outcome to then respond to - I aim to complete a single round of combat within 24 hours.

When in combat, unless a PC has left botting instructions or made arrangement for another player to bot them, I will place any PC that has not posted within the past 24 hours (48 hours on a weekend) on delay.

If a single skill check has been called for, I will accept the PC with the highest skill bonus as the "primary" and all other attempts by PCs for the same check as aiding another.


Please provide the following for your PC:

Character Name:
SFS ID and character number:
Day job Roll:
Boons (Happy for this to occur after the briefing)

VC - Sydney, Australia

Dot in!

VC - Sydney, Australia

Hi all!

I'm keen for us all to try to post regularly (aim for once or more per weekday and, at least once on weekends). Whilst adventures can be caught in 'conversation loops' back and forth, I will endeavour to keep things kicking along and get the gist of where a conversation is going and keep us pointed in the right direction.

Work, study, and wild parties in Mexico have a way of getting in the way sometimes and if that is likely please leave a post in advance if you know that you may have limited time/ability to post for a period of time (and when we can expect you back).

On that note, I am posting from Sydney, Australia. Most of you will be posting when I am asleep so when I get up around 0500 odd I usually do the catch up over a coffee, and then usually in the afternoon/evening each day.

I will generally roll Initiative (and any other rolls if really required), but not to shaft anyone or railroad them, more in the interest of giving you some sort of outcome to then respond to - I aim to complete a single round of combat within 24 hours.

When in combat, unless a PC has left botting instructions or made arrangement for another player to bot them, I will place any PC that has not posted within the past 24 hours (48 hours on a weekend) on delay.

If a single skill check has been called for, I will accept the PC with the highest skill bonus as the "primary" and all other attempts by PCs for the same check as aiding another.


Please provide the following for your PC:

Character Name:
SFS ID and character number:
Day job Roll:
Boons (Happy for this to occur after the briefing)

VC - Sydney, Australia

/dot in!

VC - Sydney, Australia

/dot in

VC - Sydney, Australia

Hi all!

I'm keen for us all to try to post regularly (aim for once or more per weekday and, at least once on weekends). Whilst adventures can be caught in 'conversation loops' back and forth, I will endeavour to keep things kicking along and get the gist of where a conversation is going and keep us pointed in the right direction.

Work, study, and wild parties in Mexico have a way of getting in the way sometimes and if that is likely please leave a post in advance if you know that you may have limited time/ability to post for a period of time (and when we can expect you back).

On that note, I am posting from Sydney, Australia. Most of you will be posting when I am asleep so when I get up around 0500 odd I usually do the catch up over a coffee, and then usually in the afternoon/evening each day.

I will generally roll Initiative (and any other rolls if really required), but not to shaft anyone or railroad them, more in the interest of giving you some sort of outcome to then respond to - I aim to complete a single round of combat within 24 hours.

When in combat, unless a PC has left botting instructions or made arrangement for another player to bot them, I will place any PC that has not posted within the past 24 hours (48 hours on a weekend) on delay.

If a single skill check has been called for, I will accept the PC with the highest skill bonus as the "primary" and all other attempts by PCs for the same check as aiding another.


Please provide the following for your PC:

Character Name:
SFS ID and character number:
Day job Roll:
Boons (Happy for this to occur after the briefing)

VC - Sydney, Australia

Hi all!

I'm keen for us all to try to post regularly (aim for once or more per weekday and, at least once on weekends). Whilst adventures can be caught in 'conversation loops' back and forth, I will endeavour to keep things kicking along and get the gist of where a conversation is going and keep us pointed in the right direction.

Work, study, and wild parties in Mexico have a way of getting in the way sometimes and if that is likely please leave a post in advance if you know that you may have limited time/ability to post for a period of time (and when we can expect you back).

On that note, I am posting from Sydney, Australia. Most of you will be posting when I am asleep so when I get up around 0500 odd I usually do the catch up over a coffee, and then usually in the afternoon/evening each day.

I will generally roll Initiative (and any other rolls if really required), but not to shaft anyone or railroad them, more in the interest of giving you some sort of outcome to then respond to - I aim to complete a single round of combat within 24 hours.

When in combat, unless a PC has left botting instructions or made arrangement for another player to bot them, I will place any PC that has not posted within the past 24 hours (48 hours on a weekend) on delay.

If a single skill check has been called for, I will accept the PC with the highest skill bonus as the "primary" and all other attempts by PCs for the same check as aiding another.


Please provide the following for your PC:

Character Name:
SFS ID and character number:
Day job Roll:
Boons (Happy for this to occur after the briefing)

VC - Sydney, Australia

/dot in

VC - Sydney, Australia

/dot in

Wishlists and Lists

Wishlists allow you to track products you'd like to buy, or—if you make a wishlist public—to have others buy for you.

Lists allow you to track products, product categories, blog entries, messageboard forums, threads, and posts, and even other lists! For example, see Lisa Stevens' items used in her Burnt Offerings game sessions.

For more details about wishlists and lists, see this thread.


Monisol Lutele does not have a wishlist.


Monisol Lutele does not have any lists.