Shifty |
You sit in orbit around Vesk-3 aboard the Brass Clutch, a private transport owned by Radaszam “The Dealmaker”, leader of the Obsidian Spiders mercenaries and the Starfinders’ Acquisitives faction.
Radaszam, waits on the bridge of his luxurious personal transport, the Brass Clutch, and stares out a viewport toward a colorful planet. He turns, parting his scaly lips in a sharp-toothed grin, and points at sleek leather chairs arrayed around the bridge. “You’re here. Have a seat.” He pauses, allowing everyone to settle, then gestures grandly to the planet behind him. “Welcome to Vesk-3, home of the skittermanders and continual pain in the Veskarium’s backside. The skittermanders called it Oeddertchonk, but that mouthful’s gone the way of the Gap–forgotten.”
Radaszam crosses his arms and frowns. “The Starfinder Society holds little sway in the Veskarium. Unfortunate, but understandable. We’re a foreign enterprise, prone to meddling, and the Veskarium keeps a tight grip on their territories. We’re rarely granted exploration rights in Veskarium-held space and, the few times we have been, we can’t scratch an itch without the government sending soldiers to watch. They don’t trust us. With your help, we’re going to change that.” Radaszam gestures again to the colorful planet outside. “Which brings us here. Vesk-3 is a lush planet. Plenty of water, rich soil, helpful locals–but it’s not without danger. The planet suffers from constant low-key tectonic activity–gas seeps, geysers, tremors–that sort of thing. It’s a valuable world, but difficult to control. Military personnel stationed here tend to consider it punishment and most vesk don’t visit if they can avoid it–except to go on safari, that is.”
“It’s taken me months of negotiations, but I’ve arranged a meeting with Brigadier Teshgari, a prominent member of the Veskarium military. She’s got enough standing to grant us exploration rights to a few Veskarium holdings I’d like to dig my claws into– if she can be convinced of our competence, trustworthiness, and value.” Radaszam pauses to make eye contact with everyone, crossing his arms. “You’re scheduled to have dinner with Brigadier Teshgari tonight at Hunt, a restaurant in the city of Ewagadravona. If you impress her, she’ll invite you on a safari expedition into the subterranean tunnels of Gadraveech tomorrow morning. Prove yourselves competent down there and you’ll help build a promising future for the Society. Mess it up and I’ll know exactly whose career to ruin. Understood?”
Culture (Recall knowledge)
Dr. Mavrik "Drift" Drix |
"Oeddertchonk is a mouthful but the city is called Ewagadravona?" I don't think I can forget either of them...sir." says a human man wearing black military fatigues with various medical gear. He has his arms crossed but straightens up after realizing he was being to casual with his boss.
Culture: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
"I hope Brigadier Teshgari has a briefing on what to expect. I don't know much past the tectonic activity and how rough that makes venturing in those tunnels. Either way, understood, we will handle the mission." he tells Radaszam before turning to the group.
He forces an awkward smiles and brushes his hair back, revealing a cybernetic eye with circuits that run back towards his neck.
"My name is Dr. Mavrik Drix but I go by Drift when not in the office. Ranged support and...well, medical expert if you have not guessed from the title."
Shifty |
"Good. Brigadier Teshgari’s an upstanding military officer with enough influence to get us an in with Veskarium bigwigs. She’s a capable combatant and strategist, known for her fondness for big game hunting. Of late, she’s been stationed around Vesk-3 by choice. Word is she’s looking to add some local predators to her trophy collection. I’m not sure what she’s hoping to hunt in Gadraveech, but I expect you to help her bag it and transport it topside. She’ll be accompanied by her skittermander assistants. I’m sure they’ll be exasperating but be patient. Brigadier Teshgari won’t appreciate you bullying her subordinates.”
Ceolor Xusha |
A bright red-skinned hylki bounds into the room of the ship, carrying a lightly-packed backpack and little else. He fingers the shiny new armor with a Desnian Butterfly etched over his heart, and adjusts the frilled cuffs of his stark white shirt, revealing a small voice recorder has been worked into the sleeves. With a wide brilliant smile he zips up to everyone in turn and hands all of the new people a small rectangle of paper with his name and contact information on it. "Pleasure to meet you, I'm Ceolor, holonovelist of some renown! I wrote Around Verces in Eighty Parsecs and The Akitonians Abroad. This is my card, if you tap it on your datapad it'll load my contact information in automatically and give you a code for one of my books for free."
He then turns to the people he recognizes, his face brightening further. "Croaker! You old Rascal! It seems like we've been on missions together for the longest time now... You haven't been requesting the same positions have you? I still haven't dedicated that character after you yet. I have an idea for a story but it needs... something still. We should get some Baked Sand Worm sometime soon and catch up. What've you been up to recently? Find someone to date, mayhaps have a litter with?"
He then turns to Bar and companionly drapes an arm over the pahtra, "And BAR! Glad to see our kitty mascot is coming back! Be good to work with you again! So, how glad are you that this isn't a frozen hell-hole like Triaxius was?"
Ceolor realizes that Radaszam is glaring at him and is probably ready to get started, and the human slinks over to one of the tasteful chairs and gets lost in how luxurious it is for a moment. He perks up as the briefing proper begins.
"So we're possibly going on Safari as a way to show that the Society can be competent and reliable excavation/expolaration partners? Sounds doable! I might even get to flex my Vesk skills and I studied Skittermander on the flight over here! This will be fun!"
Culture (Recall Knowledge) Sidereal: 1d20 + 10 + 1d6 ⇒ (17) + 10 + (1) = 28 -5 to DC to recall knowledge about customs and related topics
"But speaking of Gadraveech, I read a news story about a group of Veks who tried to explore a newly exposed cavern system and nearly died before a group of skittermanders fished them out of the trouble at the time. It speculated that the group might have run into a stridermander, a much more deadly distant relative of the skittermander... Think tiger versus house cat."
"Also This is Brigadier "Huntress" Teshgari? I once talked to a vesk about something for a novel once and he'd worked under her for a bit. She sounded like the type who really appreciates people who distinguish themselves with strength or service. Also, she seems to love hunting big game, thus the "huntress" nickname. My friend did mention she wanted a stridermander for her collection. That might be a good angle to approach from!"
Dr. Mavrik "Drift" Drix |
"Deadly, big-game relatives of the Skittermanders?" Drift sighs as he runs his hand back through the greying hair and scratches his head. He instinctively makes sure his plasma fork is still on his person at the thought.
"Well, it can't be that bad. The information is nice to have up-front instead of surprising us later. Thanks you, Ceolor." he says scanning the business card and fishing out his own from one of the cargo pockets. He hands them out to the others. "Only free thing that will get you is a consultation for cybernetics, sorry."
Spike 'Croaker' |
Croaker was chatting with Radaszam before the briefing happened
"I am telling you... squox races. There is money in it, those creatures have become very popular. It does not require a lot of room, agents are betting. It helps relieve some frustration, make some money."
Seeing that Ysoki is going nowhere with Vesk
"Think about it!" says as he turns around and spots Ceolor
"Ceolor! Still looking for thrilling stories for your books! I told you to write a story about mighty, smart Ysoki that tamed a dragon and liberated Ryphorian on Triaxus. That would be a bestseller man. Blood good to see you! A lass? Nah none of them are smart enough to tie their fate with someone like me! "
Croaker smiles broadly.
"I am now organizing squox races, mate I tell you there is an opportunity here! Tens of credits! Tens!" he laughs.
You can see that he is wearing a military uniform but without any embles. On his shoulder, he wears a medic arm patch. His fur is rather dark and his eyes are keen. He carries a laser rifle.
Then he turns towards Drift
"Nice to meet you mate! A doctor? Do you mean a medical doctor or science doctor? Have you lost an eye? or willingly swapped it for the cybernetics? I am a soldier, but on the battlefield, I tend to patch people to survive the trip to the hospitals."
Then to Rattus
"Hey yah! Fellow Ysoki on the team! Finally more brains and less height!"
"Stridermander? Do skiterrmanders have any feelings related to this creature? Will they approve of such hunt? I wonder..."
Thinks out loud Croaker.
@Drift - I think that Dr. title in English is a scientific title, MD would be Medicine doctor I think it is what you are after. And then you can still be a Dr. in medicine but that means that you are more scholar than a practitioner. And again I am not a native English speaker so all advice on using that language is not worth squat :)
Dr. Mavrik "Drift" Drix |
"A little column A and a little column B. I would not trust any medical doctor that lacked a passion for the academics. I specialize in cybernetic implantation but you learn the basics for battlefield trauma. The eye is a long I do not quite remember..." he enjoys getting into the details of his career but starts to wistfully trail off when talking about his own enhancement.
Ceolor Xusha |
Ceolor nods at Drift's worry. "I understand your concern but there's a definite appeal to it isn't there? I mean how often do you get to go big game hunting? And against things that have as many legs and stealth capabilities as stridermanders? Even if I don't use this in a story, I'm expecting a good tarn or tale from this! But yup now we can read up on them better. I think I found a few good skittermander sites documenting the flora and fauna as we were docking!"
He accepts the card with interest. " Cybernetics consulting can be expensive! Thank you! Not sure if I ever needed any cybernetics though. Any suggestions for someone who is positively halfling in his views of them?"
He broadly pats Croaker on the back, "It's got potential, as a story, but that bit of worry about why the sky fire legion wasn't swooping in proved impossible to reconcile with reality. And I needed something that a mighty-dragon-tamin-ysoki would have troubles facing. There needs to be some challenge and suspense. A smart, hard to kill, antagonist is what I need maybe someone who either uses the law to their advantage or who is not recognized by the law as a problem?... Hrmm... "
" Though you'll definitely find a lass somewhere! I'm sure of it... Oooh squox races? I'd love to but I need to save my credits first... Might have spent them all on getting that armor from that incident on Absalom engraved"
Rattus Solo |
Rattus turns to Croaker "Nice to meet you guy! Height ain't everything!"
He takes the holonovel from Ceolor. "Thanks I ain't much for reading but I'll check it out some time!"
He tries to remember about the area.
Culture: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Dr. Mavrik "Drift" Drix |
"It does have some appeal. A lot of our cybernetic implants take ideas from nature! I am sure there are at least a few customers that would like to have a few more legs. For a story weaver like yourself, starting simple with a datajack to quickly access your work or a vocal modulator to really add some oomph to readings!" Drift prattles on listing off possible modifications that Ceolor may be interested in.
When his boss mentions the shuttle he nods.
"Got it!"
Ceolor Xusha |
"I've heard data jacks are really useful! That might be something to invest in later... but a vocal modulator? That sounds interesting. I do admit I haven't been known for my readings, and I have received a comment or three that my voice is more squirrel than human before, so that might be a good idea." Ceolor adds the dr.'s number to his datapad and then files both of them away into a pocket on his armor.
He takes a moment to luxiriate in the chairs for a little longer not quite wanting to leave the plush confines of it, before he ultimately stands streches and works out a few kinks. "Righto! Anything we need to get ready here before we get moving?"
Spike 'Croaker' |
"I am not too big on cybernetic augmentations when they are not necessary. Ceolor if you are concerned with your voice you can practice it rather than introduce an implant."
Croaker looks at Drift
"But hey, one may do what he likes. I am just not a big fan of implants. When one lost a part of his body, sure they are amazing."
Says Ysoki as he gets up and walks towards the shuttle.
"Let me pack my gear and meet you at the docking bay! Have you seen Bar? I thought he was somewhere in the corridor but he disappeared somewhere. Crap, I will find him and drag him to the ship. "
Shifty |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Ewagadravona is a fortified town more vesk than skittermander in aesthetics. Encircled by high walls patrolled by vesk soldiers, its impressive gun turrets are aimed inward to fight off internal threats. Blocky buildings with thick doors and steel-shuttered windows line the winding streets. Half the buildings–clearly those inhabited by the resident skittermanders are festooned with fluttering banners and painted a riotous jumble of colors.
"NuFriends!" is a term you hear a lot as an endless stream of Skittermanders spot you and come tearing over to help you find your destination. They provide directions to the 'Hunt' restaurant and then form a parade to escort you to the place.
You arrive outside what is clearly a high-end vesk restaurant and your Skittermander carnival escort leaves you to it, but only after some long hugs goodbye and teary-eyed farewells from your new best friends (whom you have now known for all of five minutes).
Spike 'Croaker' |
Encircled by high walls patrolled by vesk soldiers, its impressive gun turrets are aimed inward to fight off internal threats
Do I understand it right, that it looks like a prison? Guns directed towards the city?
Croaker finds the fortifications weird. He is a merc, he fought with a lot of Vesks, he knows there language and understands some parts of their military culture. But it is his first trip to any planet of Veskarium.
He pats skittermanders on their multiple shoulders.
"Have you noticed the turrets, they seems to be aiming the wrong side. What the hell? " wonders Croaker.
Dr. Mavrik "Drift" Drix |
Drift is certainly taken by surprise at the growing entourage.
"Is this a first time experience for anyone else? This makes me a bit uncomfortable. Hello, yes, nice to meet you, this way, thank you!" he calls out amid the colorful sea of NuFriends.
When he gets a breather at the destination he looks to Croaker, "Yeah, I did notice that...certainly hasn't dimmed the mood for the residents though."
Baurquathus |
Bar stays mostly quiet, listening to the group as they talk about going to Vesk 3. He seems a little worse for wear, maybe he was out drinking the previous night.
Muttering quietly to himself, "Veskarium....and Skittermanders. Sigh. I wonder what god I pissed off. First Triaxus, then Veskarium........"
Hearing Croaker and Ceolor greet him he smiles a little. "Good to see you all again. Apparently we must have pissed off the same people to get 'picked' for this mission."
As the Starfinders go down to the planet in a shuttle, Bar speaks up,"Who here besides me speaks our oppressor's language?"
"Oh, before anybody gets out of sorts on me calling the Vesks 'our oppressor's' I do realize there are good Vesks....Radazam for one. I am actually in his faction and sometimes play gigs for his Obsidian Spiders. But a lot of vesks...well, their overall smugness sets my canine teeth hurting. I might not be the best one to talk to this Brigadier Teshgari. Oh...and Skittermanders, best to just smile and pat them on the head, and take some painkillers for the headache you get when you talk to them."
Ceolor Xusha |
"I am not too big on cybernetic augmentations when they are not necessary. Ceolor if you are concerned with your voice you can practice it rather than introduce an implant."
Ceolor grins broadly, "Oh don't think I haven't! But I swear I've heard squirrels with lower voices than mine. But thank-you for believing in me!"
He pauses as Croaker talks about not seeing Bar and looks around the room himself. "Wait, I could have sworn the kitty was here just a moment ago... Dang I knew he was sneaky but not that sneaky! I'm packed already, so I can check the dinning hall and training area!"
As the Starfinders go down to the planet in a shuttle, Bar speaks up, "Who here besides me speaks our oppressor's language?"
"Oh, before anybody gets out of sorts on me calling the Vesks 'our oppressor's' I do realize there are good Vesks....Radazam for one. I am actually in his faction and sometimes play gigs for his Obsidian Spiders. But a lot of vesks...well, their overall smugness sets my canine teeth hurting. I might not be the best one to talk to this Brigadier Teshgari. Oh...and Skittermanders, best to just smile and pat them on the head, and take some painkillers for the headache you get when you talk to them."
Ceolor's face lights up as he finds Bar again near the docking bay. "There you are! Thought we were going to have to start searching the ventilation systems for you!"
As Bar asks his question in the shuttle, Ceolor launches into a fluent rendition of Vesk, with the proper blustering and posturing that the language requires for effective communication.
Ceolor then breaks out into a smile, "Sure do! Been studying for years ever since I tried to have a vesk character and tried to incorporate some loan words in. I mean I don't know another language that differentiates between levels and varieties of honor. I also started studying Skittermander on the flight overt here and am hoping I can get some good practice in!"
Ceolor takes in the encampment with a srpig of worry over the treatment of the natives over a goo helping of mirth over the fact that the vesk consider the skitters more dangerous than things on the outside of the camp. His worry falls off as he meets the skitters, gald to see them happy and unfazed by the encampment that would have terrified others.
With increasingly less broken Skittermander, the normally friendly Ceolor rebounds off his 'nufriends' and returns their enthusiasm in kind. He quickly gets into the conversations with them, laughing and ruffling some headfur here and there. When the group gets to the restaurant, he gives a few goodbyes himself, a few tears in his eyes too over seeing them teary-eyed. ".....Goodbye, Cabe, Rani, Bovizon, Culonu! You have my contact numbers if you ever want to talk!"
Spike 'Croaker' |
Croaker looks at Ceolor monologue:
"Your actions have some resemblance of skittermanders. And now i see that your voice is matching as well. You might want to promote your books here, nufriends are friendly enough to enjoy them"
Then he turns towards Bar
"I know Vesk. Fought next to number of Vesks and I picked up their language. Their culture is brutal and their tolerance towards other races that don't hold fighting and physical strength in high revere is nonexistent. With regards to skittermander I was born as part of 30 Ysoki litter, and there was 2 other litter growing up in my house, noise, constant speaking and lack of personal space is bread and butter to me."
Waiting for Shifty to post, simply bantering.
Shifty |
Allowing room for banter :p
As you arrive at the door and look in you can see that Hunt is a high-end vesk-owned restaurant that serves communal platters of meat, cooked on a central fire pit. Although fresh rolls and vegetables are available, few vesk appear to be partaking.
A yellow furred female Skittermander comes bounding forward "I'm Mimzy, one of Brigadier Teshgari’s aides!" she exclaims with boundless enthusiasm whilst adjusting a colorful fashion scarf looped around her neck. "I'm also Brigadier Teshgari’s ‘mobile nutritionist,’ but I also enjoys baking hearty rolls and hand-held pies, so maybe that doesn't align so well. Anyhow, thrilled to meet you all!"
"Not so sure about this restaurant though, a real lack of pies...and hearty rolls" Mimzy explains as she leads you through the restaurant to the brigadier’s table.
"This is Jomp" Mimzy gestures to an aquamarine skittermander with thick-framed glasses and a comically long, waxed mustache he clearly thinks is incredibly dapper. "Jomp is the brigadier’s ‘artillery aide' Jomp has piled five guns behind his chair. Jomp gives an overly dramatic bow.
"And this is Brigadier Teshgari" A green scaled, serious vesk with a trio of frilled horns crowning her head, she has a stoic, regal countenance and wears a Veskarium dress uniform rises to her full height. "Greetings Starfinders, welcome, take a seat" she gestures to your chairs.
"So, tell me about yourselves - try not to be boring"
Pic in slides
Throw in an Intimidate, Diplomacy, or profession check that might make an impression :)
Dr. Mavrik "Drift" Drix |
"Definitely glad we have some cultural experts. I would have been in trouble." Drift says rather embarrassed he doesn't speak the local languages before mumbling a note to himself.
"Drift Note: Check inventory of Linguistic Capacitors when back at office."
As they enter the Hunt, Drift is a surprised by all the communal plates but eyes the untouched rolls before drooling a bit.
"Nice to meet you all! Mimzy, I will gladly partake in any rolls you make. Jomp, nice arsenal! Brigadier Teshgari, honor to meet you!" Drift makes his pleasantries before digging in to bread. He waves his assistant to sit down as well.
"Quillo...that...the one mission. With the Vesk, can you refresh my memory on that. The drift retrieval mission." he whispers to the ysoki dressed quite similar to himself.
Hireling: Intimidate: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
"Oh yeah, Brigadier Teshgari, Dr. Mavrik Drix here is something else. An anomaly! Literally, he can't remember much at all. However, he does remember how to work with his hands whether that is upgrading something or someone...or blasting things that need blasting. You ever hear of the Honorbound?! Tough Vesk ship...well his crew blasted them during a duel...he isn't afraid of anything! Not sure if that is because he doesn't remember to be." the Ysoki prattles on about his boss, constantly slapping him on the arm till Drift pushes him.
Drift sighs and shakes his head.
"Thanks Quillo. Yeah, both ships got some nice scars during that duel. Now we get to see what the Vesk hunt outside of their ships!" he finishes.
Please don't challenge me to a duel...
Baurquathus |
Bar looks around at all the skittermanders as they walk into the city. He really hasn't missed being in the Veskarium at all since he left.
Muttering to himself lightly, "First going to Apostae for a gig, then going back to the Scoured stars, and then going to the ice planet this. I really must have pissed off Naiaj or Guidance....."
Hearing that a decent number of his companions can speak the 'native' tongue Bar is relieved. He hates acting as a translator.
As Mimzy introduces herself and takes them to the Brigadier Bar looks around at the restaurant. Seeing that the food is Vesk cuisine he nods.
When Mimzy introduces Jomp, Bar nods his head, though keeping his eyes on the Brigadier. As Mimzy introduces her, Bar bows in respect.
Letting Drift (and Quillo) do the first introduction, Bar will then say,"Name is Baurquathus, originally from Vesk-6, though haven't been there in a couple of decades. Been working with the Starfinders for a few years now--though almost two years being stuck behind the Gold Shield in that forsaken Scoured Stars. Besides being stuck there and fighting and surviving on ah hellscape with dangerous plants and creatures, I went back to break the Jinsul threat there. And actually finding that an 'ally' of the Starfinder society was actually a 'demi-god'--I think that is what the egg-heads said. All in all, that mission taught me that what I learned as a young kit really is useful...hunting, tracking and trapmaking."
Intimidate: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
The dice will likely torture me this game since I did so well in the last......sigh
Rattus Solo |
Rattus points to himself with this thumb. "This rat is the pilot who made the Absalom run in less than 12 parasecs. I'm in the Starfinders now. Kinda laying low..." He looks around then whispers. "If a slug shows up. I'm not here. Get my drift!"
prof (smuggler): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Spike 'Croaker' |
I was giving room for others to speak ;)
Croaker enters the restaurant, he looks at guests and plates offered and realizes that he was hungry. He greets the skittermanders smiling broadly and waits for his turn to introduce himself to Brigadier Tashgari. He bows and speaks in Vesk:
Replace chieftain with whatever they use to describe Vesk leaders
"Greetings to you ferocious and brave chieftain. I am Croaker a mercenary currently working for Starfinder. I have fought alongside many Vesk warriors and I am field medic. My last job was for Starfinders, where on Triaxus we were sent to hunt Ursikka. It created its nest in a communication tower paralyzing operations in whole region. It was a fine hunt, we tracked it down to its lair and attacked from two directions. It fought viciously at close range and spat its saliva at distance. Bar and Ceolor were also part of that team. We killed the beast and repaired the antennas. We took no casualties on that mission."
Bluff: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25 The best lie is the one having some facts weaved into it.
Shifty |
BRIG Teshgari looks mildly impressed by the introductions but also mildly bored.
"A Doctor, excellent, you'll come in handy for a hunt where people may get injured - though I hope you are better with a scalpel than your helper is at telling tales. A refugee from a hellish planet, well it may have at least taught you some resilience which may make you handy in a tight spot - we shall see. A self-proclaimed top pilot, I normally find them somewhat more boisterous and full of their own ego, you seem much more...grounded, I suppose maybe you just have steady hands rather than a big mouth. A Mercenary? Excellent, just my cup of tea - there are the hunters and the hunted, at least you know which one you are."
"Well I liked the stories but I also like a good dinner, I have ordered for you in advance, you'll thank me later"
Stern-looking vesk servers arrive out of nowhere carrying heaping platters of fire-cooked meats. The servers provide no sides or drinks, only the heaped piles of meat, and then begin to rapidly disappear as rapidly as they arrived.
Upon the food’s arrival, Mimzy makes a face that displays her displeasure, Jomp looks at you all curiously, and Brigadier Teshgari regards you with stony silence.
You recognize the meal is a test.
You recognize the meat as monouxe and achabril — two eight-legged domesticated species native to Vesk-3—though excessively spiced.
Spike 'Croaker' |
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Life science, hireling: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Croaker looks at Teshgari and nods to her words. She was more pleasant than most of Vesk leaders that he met. Meet smelled well, As a Ysoki from Akiton he could eat a rusting pipe if it was season well, at least this is what the joke said.
He turns on his camera as the picture is sent to his associate which response using comms only to Croaker.
Turning to common,
"I think I can smell here monouxe and something else." He inhales deeply
"Yes that has to be achabril. I only tried monouxe and heard about the second. This is domesticated, I hoped we would eat something hunted and not some eight-legged cattle! Don't mistake us for jugglers and scientists, we are warriors and we will wait for proper food. Some local game would do."
When I say game I mean something hunted. The word game is problematic for me to use, so sorry if I said something else :P
Croaker pushes the plate beside and looks at Brigadier waiting. He hopes that he read this situation correctly.
Shifty |
Teshgari almost smiles "You know your beasts, that is good. You'll have plenty of opportunities to cook some hunted meat shortly - I think you'll find these well prepared to satisfy the discerning palate"
Teshgari picks up a fork full of meat and begins to eat in stony silence. Mimzy eats little, but with impeccable manners, while Jomp eats like a slob, getting more food in his mustache than his mouth. You spot that he has a jug of water under the table, poorly concealed.
Teshgari watches you all carefully.
To eat without showing signs of discomfort, you must succeed at a DC 14 Fortitude save. Those who identified the meat as spicy can consume the mildest pieces, granting them a +2 circumstance bonus to this saving throw.
Spike 'Croaker' |
Croaker looks at Teshgari eating and begins putting couple of pieces on his plate.
Fortitude, DC14, bonus for identifying spicy meats: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 + 2 = 18
He eats with Ysoki enthusiasm and takes a few more pieces.
"It is way better than what I tried on Absalom Station." He eats like a soldier not focusing to much on manners. He takes pieces with his paws and put them in his mouth. After he is done he takes a piece and stuffs it into his cheek pouches for later.
Yeah I was guessing with that game vs domesticated meet. The restaurant is called Hunt, Teshgari is a hunter ;)
Dr. Mavrik "Drift" Drix |
Sense Motive: 1d20 ⇒ 3
Life Science: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
"A mission deserves a good meal." says Drift before taking a few bites...
Fortitude: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
...before the spice kicks in. His biological eye begins to water as he finishes chewing his last bite.
Ceolor Xusha |
Croaker looks at Ceolor monologue:
"Your actions have some resemblance of skittermanders. And now i see that your voice is matching as well. You might want to promote your books here, nufriends are friendly enough to enjoy them"
Ceolor perks up at the suggestion. "Oh, I hadn't thought of that! That's a great idea!" HE pulls out his datapad and types in a number, holding it up to his ear. "Culonu! Hey, I know we were just talking but you said you ran an advertising company, right? I have an idea...."
After a few minutes back and forth on the phone and another call or three, Ceolor smiles to the rest of the group. "So some good news, might have an advertising set up here for selling books, but I also got access to a high speed inter-system connection. I know quite a few of you have people helping you from back in the pact worlds. This might help that move faster!"
Don't forget, Ceolor has a boon that adds +2 to your hireling/Ally boon skill rolls!
In the restaurant, Ceolor pauses for a second, talking shop with Mimzy in skittermander, asking more what her opinions on what makes a good roll or pastry, as he watches the others introduce themselves. He finally makes an approach, offering his hand and starting in fluent Vesk, "I am CEolor Xusha. I'm a writer, but don't let my measly 'liberal arts' profession fool you, I have had to fight to be able to get here. I was born on Akiton, in a town that had more people who earned less in their lifetime than a shuttle to the next town costs. If you know anything about the planet you know how hard it is to be able to become anything there. I may not be a mercenary, doctor or self professed fighter, but I am still willing to go toe to toe with some of the toughest people out there."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
He watches the plates of food come in and puzzles over them for a second.
Sense motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Culture: 1d20 + 10 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + 10 + (3) = 14
He seems satisficed about why it's there but doesn't have a clue as to what is there. He nods as if he knows what Croaker is talking about when he identifies the meats but pauses for a moment before eating. Though he finally does go for a bite.
Fortitude save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
He downs it with no trouble. "Wait is there some Pahtran Pepper in here? I could swear I've tasted this spice somewhere before... But I certainly doesn't compare to the Solar Curry that the Burning Arpeggio is know for. That stuff very nearly burns in a literal sense. I like the gamey-ness though. Some real flavors in here."
Baurquathus |
Normally I would put the Save first but without rolling in order it would make no sense on how to determine if I get the +2.....
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Bar tries his best to keep his face out of the Brigadier sight, as he really doesn't want to cause any issues.
Culture: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
Seeing the meat, he realizes that almost all the meat is going to be unbearable to eat. Grimacing as he attempts to take some of the more 'choicer' pieces (that are hopefully less spicy), Bar puts the on the grill and cooks them to well past his usual preference...hoping that the spice has time to come off in the grease.
Fortitude: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 + 2 = 5
Unfortunately Bar apparently didn't realize that this spice only gets spicier the more it is shown physical heat. His eyes water as he eats a piece or two, then does his best to smile through the pain and the tears.
Shifty |
The pair of Ysoki, Rattus and Croaker, bith manage to devour their plates easily. Ceolor likewise picks his way through the meal without incident.
Bar and Drift both draw raised eyebrows from Teshgari as they struggle - "Overly used to comforts and soft living I see"
The dinner is coming to an end. Brigadier Teshgari tilts her scaled snout imperiously. “At dawn you will accompany me on a hunting expedition into Gadraveech. A new tunnel system was discovered by skittermanders from Nakonechkin Salvage, who returned with wounded hunters and tales of fierce predators. I’ve earned the privilege of exploring these tunnels.” She smiles, clearly satisfied. “It’s my hope strovions lair there – you might know them as stridermanders. They’re cunning beasts, which I’ve yet to have the pleasure of hunting. I’d like to add a large specimen to my trophy collection. You will aid me, if you can.” Refocusing on her guests, she sneers. “Tell me Starfinders, what assistance do you believe you can provide me?”
You may attempt a DC 18 Diplomacy, Intimidate, or relevant Profession check to convince Brigadier Teshgari of your competence.
Ceolor Xusha |
Ceolor pauses for a moment as he contemplates just what exactly he has to bring to he table here. "First I can tell you all about he cultural significance of the strovions and why they are feared or local beliefs and practices used when avoiding or fighting one. I can definitely sneak ND scout about, though Bar over there is probably much, much better! Finally I could readily immortalize the who expedition in words for future generations to read about, though video would probably be just as appealing."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
Seems to be all or nothing for these diplomacy checks.
Spike 'Croaker' |
Diplomacy, DC18: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14 Almost
Croaker consumes his last piece on his plate and responds
"Well I can keep you alive if you will be wounded by this Stridermander. I am not saying that you will! Such great hunter..." he cuts half sentence as by accident the meet moves from cheek pouch into his mouth.
He begins to chew and turns silent.
Dr. Mavrik "Drift" Drix |
Profession (Cybernetics Company): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15
"On the off chance someone loses a limb or gets hurt, I have the contacts to get that fixed...improved. Maybe even recommend some upgrades for further hunts. Otherwise, I am just going to be using this cybernetic eye to pin-point the weakspot." Drift says rather dryly...probably because his mouth was still on fire.
If that isn't relevant, it will be a 2 as Diplomacy has no modifier for me.
Baurquathus |
Bar sees that almost everybody seems to be placating Brigadier Teshgari. Feeling that her dismissiveness to Bar's previous engagements were an affront to his honor.
"Brigadier, while I am CERTAIN you are good at sport hunting....being such an awesome apex predator that you as a member of the Vesk race have very likely NEVER had it where you were both the prey and the hunter. I don't know a lot about strovions, but I do know they are very UNLIKE our good Jomp and Mimzy here. They are true predators, and until the Vesk came along, considered the Skittermanders nothing more than a tasty treat. I on the other hand, have been both a predator in the hellscape that I lived for over a year, and also sometimes potential prey. Thinking like a predator is good, but sometimes thinking a little like the prey that has to be good at outsmarting the predator can help you think where best to go."
Intimidate: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
Well....I made at least one....shesh...RNG really do not like me so far
Rattus Solo |
Rattus seems a bit out of place outdoors but chimes in. "I'm not a bad shot if it comes to that. I can help in base camp or what ever you need General!"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Shifty |
The next morning, you meet Brigadier Teshgari, Mimzy, and Jomp at the entrance to Gadraveech. Brigadier Teshgari’s outfitted for battle in defrex hide, with a tactical doshakari and tactical rotating pistol holstered at her hip. Jomp carries four different guns and a polishing cloth. Mimzy wears a backpack bristling with baked goods and a belt lined with bottles of water.
Brigadier Teshgari leads you into the dark, well-travelled subterranean tunnels of Gadraveech. After a few minutes she hands over a small device and says, “Prove your worth.” The device emits a holographic map of the safari tunnels, with your destination highlighted, though the map doesn’t track your location.
Survival check by the person who takes the gadget, Only one can roll but everyone else can aid :)
Ceolor Xusha |
Ceolor peers over into the device, curious as to what it might be, but not confident enough to try and take it himself. He ponders the map he sees in it and then pulls out his comms device curious if there are any maps of the area online.
Survival Aid another: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (17) + 0 = 17
"Oooooh, lookit this, there's a guide for how to use this device on the Veskarium Aarpnet! If you press the blue buttons it might bring up a few preset locations and automatically plot a course to the desired location from there... but we don't quite know where we are right now do we?"
Dr. Mavrik "Drift" Drix |
Survival (Aid): 1d20 ⇒ 6
Drift stays quiet during navigation, letting someone else take the lead.
Spike 'Croaker' |
Croaker comes with the others and bows to Brigadier Teshgari and shakes his paw with Mimzy and Jomp.
He looks at his allies and sees that no one is eager to take the device.
So it seems like my +9 is the highest survival that we have
"Let me take it, if we will bump onto some danger the rest will have free hands to use them."
He looks at the device and listens to what Ceolor is saying.
Surivival: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13 Crap
"I see, ok if I turn it ... and if this corridor is here, and this is here. Then we must be ..."
I did not add all aids, will let GM do it. But I think that even with +6 (if Rattus and Bar makes their aid rolls) it will not be good enough :( Sorry guys.
Baurquathus |
Bar comes with his full rucksack of items and his weapons to the start of the hunt.
Seeing that the Brigadier wants to test others, Bar will just assist Croaker.
Survival to aid: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Bar does his best to find actual tracks on the ground as Croaker attempts to dial in the device properly.
Rattus Solo |
Rattus looks around the area.
"Anyone know where we are on the map?" He clearly doesn't and seems distracted.
I can't wait to get to a bar and get an ale and some cheese
aid: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4