Shifty |
New slide up!
First Seeker Ehu Hadif stands behind his chair across the table. Two of his hands grip the backrest tightly as the other two fidget, indicating some anxiety or excitement before he begins to speak.
“Thank you for joining me. It’s a pleasure to be here before you. Today, I have a special request directly from a High Despot of the Veskarium.” Ehu Hadif pauses, gauging the reactions of his audience.
He gestures to a projection that pops up of a heavily snow-capped planet. “Of the Veskarium system’s planets, Vesk‑8 is the furthest from their sun, and most would not consider it a glamorous outpost. Each of the Veskarium’s planets has an ultimate authority, called the High Despot. Jularaz the Frozen is the High Despot of Vesk-8 and is our client for this particular mission. It can’t be overstated what a unique opportunity this presents. Considering he has an entire planet under their control, we would not normally expect a High Despot to need resources such as the Society. But Jularaz seems keen on protecting the secrecy of the anomaly uncovered in his shimmerstone mines, and he doesn’t trust his own ranks to keep the information from the attention of outside Veskarium leadership".
“The High Despot has requested our assistance in investigating this anomaly. When we questioned him for specifics, Jularaz remained vague. I anticipate that this is partially to keep the information secure, but it also evidences exactly how little Jularaz currently understands about the anomaly. All we currently know is that it likely has something to do with the shimmerstone mined on Vesk-8. Such an unknown quantity requires a versatile group to investigate and research the phenomenon".
“We now have the opportunity to develop a relationship with Veskarium leadership using both the skills and discretion of our Starfinders. Although Jularaz may come across as ambitious and status-oriented, he is deeply engaged in the politics of Vesk Prime, and certainly not a meaningless ally to obtain"
“You will be meeting with the High Despot’s direct contact, Rahla.” The projection changes to the feline face of a pahtra. Black markings dot her beige fur, and a pink scar cuts diagonally over her amber eyes. “She is the High Despot’s eyes and ears in the mines, and she’ll lead you from the surface into the cavern where the anomaly has appeared. While you should always do your best as Starfinders, please be aware that you are all emissaries for the Society, and you will be responsible for establishing the nature of our relationship with the Veskarium.”
Guiseppelia Nandell Eve Shirley |
Joe Bones is a curious bookish Skittermander (Both Skittermander options) she is naturally more studious than her normal brethren. So, assume she is more likely going to act like a normal person, not a ditzy bouncy ball of fur..... Originally I tried to go instinctive biohacker...but couldn't get it to work for me.
A small, very pale yellow skittermander, with a bandolier across her chest nods occasionally as Ehu Hadif talks. Hearing that they are going back to the Veskarium almost make her bounce a little out of her seat. Seeing the projection turn into a pahtra....the race who raised her....and they were going to help this High Despot Rahla she beams.
During the briefing her multiple hands move over the pistol at her side thinking on what she needs to have loaded in there, then to the metal cases next to her. This seems more reassuring and instinctive than fidgeting, as if her mind is going over what she might need on this mission.
"So, we are going there to help the High Despot figure out this anomaly on Vesk-8. I was a lieutenant in their medical corps on Vesk-6, so while I know a decent amount about the Veskarium, I don't think I have really researched into shimmerstone mines. Do we have any info or files on what this mine...well...mines?"
Shifty |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
"Well allow me to HELP you, nufriend" Ehu gestures towards the Skittermander respectfully.
“Shimmerstone is an extremely rare mineral found only on Vesk-8. It possesses some magical qualities, and the native kothamas have used it to meditate much in the same way they contemplate the stars. The Vesk mine it particularly for military efforts, but the extent of its capabilities isn’t fully understood.”
Mujina-chan |
Mujina is an Assimilated Skittermander. A gladiator that has probably been called dour as he is quite different than the average Skittermander, but streaks still come through.
A crimson colored cannonball rushes into the room, moments before the briefing is scheduled to start. Quickly settling into place and nearly motionless, you can observe that the dark red fur is streaked with grey.
After the briefing, the skittermander adjusts the black leather straps and ballistic plates of his Shobhad harness.
"A High Despot, I avoided military service but here I am working for the leadership. Some things are nigh unstoppable." he sighs as he moves for the first time since arriving, stretching out his arms in a sign of surrender before crossing them.
"High Despot Jularaz should be reminded you can't issue the proper equipment without knowing the rules, perhaps Rahla will have anything extra we need. She seems like the practical type." he says not sure of what other questions he could ask at this point. He instead turns his attention to the rest of the gathered crew.
In another burst of energy he rolls up next to the pale yellow Skittermander, "Vesk-6? I call that home too. I help organize fights around the time of the Proving Grounds...and I enter the fights too. You can call me Red Sprite Mujina-chan. And you?" he says introducing himself.
Buddy Jabo |
Ok, I see that Jim does not have the (fur)balls to play a bouncy furball :P
Still have few details to finish (will do it before the end of briefing) Buddy Jabo (taken from Buddy Rich and John Jabo Starks ;)) is a Skitterpunk
Before the briefing the doors opens and a relatively big skittermander walks in, he must be 3.1 or 3.2 ft tall with blue fur. He has two nose rings and couple of earrings, a crest of green hear on his head and a wide smile
He yells and runs to hug everyone starting with Edu Hadif.
"Buddy Jabo, I am dying to help you!" His arms are a bit bigger than usual skittermander and in two hands he always carries two drum sticks.
"You see, I just finished my 3d recording of: how to play drums for 4 and more armed aliens. I covered all sorts of technics and tempos. I tried to invite Izalguun Bobby to show the basics of using four drum pedals. That would be amazing!" Buddy is full of energy and speaks a lot.
Mujina-chan |
Mujina starts to slide a riot shield in front of himself as Buddy Jabo begins his round of hugs.
"Nice to meet you." you hear from behind it.
Guiseppelia Nandell Eve Shirley |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Sorry.....I so tried to build a good instinctive biohacker...but I couldn't get it to Buddy Jabo will have to be our bouncing ball of fur :-)
Thinking on what else they might want to know, [b]"Oh! Do we know of any large megaflora or megafauna that might think any of us are edible? I heard that Stridermancers on our homeworld can be a problem....anything similar on Vesk-8?"
"Also, while the High Depot doesn't apparently want to give any info, we know this is an anomaly, could this be linked to the shimmerstone or maybe something tectonic that happened? Will we be given any geological or planetlogical information?"
"Oh...I forgot to introduce myself, My name is Guiseppelia Ba'drys Olyvia Nandell Eve Shirley, or as almost all Vesks and most Pahtra's like to call me 'Joe Bones'....."
Shifty |
“Vesk‑8 is a cold and barren planet. You won’t see much life aside from the miners and the Veskarium representatives. The planet is home
to a species called kothamas, but they are more interested in gazing at the stars and contemplating cosmic philosophy than whatever business the Veskarium has for you. They are very peaceful creatures anyhow.”
"As to it being a geological event - unknown. High Despot Jularaz’s complete consternation indicates it might be mystical in nature, as we also know that Vesk-8 isn’t particularly well-known for its technological innovations. We only know that it appeared on Vesk-8, and that the miners uncovered it in a shimmerstone mine after some extensive development of a new dig site. It must be exciting if it pulled Jularaz back from Vesk Prime.”
Shifty |
Culture (Recall knowledge) or Diplomacy (Gather information)
The current political state of Vesk-8, and the spiritual traditions of the local kothama.
Kothamas are a have shaggy fur and six stout limbs, and multiple pairs of glassy eyes turned toward the skies. Their culture is extremely peaceful, and they spend most of their time contemplating the cosmos.
The primary mining operation run by the vesk on Vesk-8 is called Penal Colony 8, and it’s a prison work camp that utilizes the labor of criminals committed for life. These sentences can be brutally short.
The kothamas of Vesk-7 and Vesk-8 convene a gathering called the Meet once every 36 years, using portals scattered across both planets to reach their shared moon, Traverse.
When the Meet takes place, the kothamas convene at Gathermount, a platform on top of the moon’s largest mountain that contains a magical shimmerstone gate.
Some kothamas are able to reach such a high state of ascension that they become star shamans. These kothamas have unique abilities and are respected spiritualists that value the connection to the cosmos above all else. They have a special kinship with followers of Ibra and other celestial religions.
Physical Science (Recall knowledge)
The properties of shimmerstone and the geography of Traverse and Vesk-8.
tallest mountain, Gathermount.
While shimmerstone is primarily known to release a calming effect, a few case studies have experimented with infusing other emotional properties into shimmerstone by using other substances. The result of these experiments has yielded darker, cloudier, and nearly red-colored shimmerstone that behaves far more erratically.
Boon finalisation
There are no specific boons called out for this scenario. It also lacks any Starship tag.
Buddy Jabo |
Mujina starts to slide a riot shield in front of himself as Buddy Jabo begins his round of hugs.
"Nice to meet you." you hear from behind it.
Buddy smiles and beats with his drum stick on the shield
"I will get back to you!"
Turning towards Ehu
"Who decides when we are done? Do Rahla can send us back, even if we did not help?"
Mujina-chan |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Culture: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Mujina peeks out from behind the shield, shaking his head.
"With this many Skittermanders taking on the mission we will find a way to help one way or another." he says, since he can't provide any information on the planet or the inhabitants.
Shifty |
"Who decides when we are done? Do Rahla can send us back, even if we did not help?"
"Well by attending we are showing support, and that is helping. It is also up to you to determine how much help you can give, and if you have the skills. Remember, you are Starfinders, and not owned by the vesk"
"Everyone set for a trip to the snow?"
Guiseppelia Nandell Eve Shirley |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Joe thinks on what they might have learned, pulling up her datapad just to make certain that there are no hidden notes she might have forgotten.
Culture: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
Physical Science: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29
Bouncing up and down--showing that while she is more....well adult I guess...than other Skittermanders--her hyper activeness seems to be related when she is learning or discussing something. "Oh...oh....oh...apparently I did go to a discussion panel a year or so ago! I must have been thinking about the scrumptious lunch buffet right after and not listening too much then...sorry! But, it was about the weird astrophysics involved with transferring of a moon from Vesk-7 and Vesk-8, but there was some talk about how tough the climate is....
She will then go into a lengthy involvement on what she had notes from, so everybody can read Culture 15, and all the Physical Sciences...
"See....I'm helping....."
Sorry, I would probably be typing A LOT more of this, but my duties as the one running the college chem labs really started this week with students coming back, so 12+ hour days means I am (and will be all week) more brain dead than normal....but I can already see that Joe is going to be more animate when she talks about science and such.
Buddy Jabo |
Buddy is clearly as excited as Joe, and as he speaks he opens his eyes wide and interrupts with:
"No Way!"
"Can this be even true?"
Read all that, I am a bit confused about why we get so much information about Traverse. But maybe it will be proved useful later.
Taneka |
Apologies - I was waiting to see if Phaeton wanted a place, but not heard back so I will jump in. Taneka is a Skitterpunk Envoy
Having sat in the briefing room, poring over a datapad and making furious notes is a Skittermander with Snow-white fur streaked with various shades of grey running near to black in some places. They wear tight fitting red and black armour which encases their eight limbs keeping much of their fur from getting in the way. They have two pistols holstered at their hips with two bandoliers slung over their chest. As the briefing comes to an end, they start realising that the others had been talking and introducing themselves without them paying much attention. Oops - not the greatest impression
"Hi nufriends - I am Ta-Ne-Ka, I'm originally from Vesk Prime where I was in their Division of Disloyal Organizations - I have training in infiltration and information gathering." They introduce, placing the datapad into one of the reinforced pouches on their hip, their voice calm and measured. "I have no connections with them anymore however - now i'm an Adventure Story writer and hope to use my experiences for inspiration."
diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 + 1d6 ⇒ (20) + 7 + (1) = 28
Taneka taps their comms device and after a few moments nodding and mumbling into it they come back. "Apparently - the Kothamas meet on Traverse, the moon that is shared between the two planets roughly every 36 years - with portals on the two planets taking them there. They apparently also meet on the highest mountain called Gathermount."
Shifty |
You all board a small shuttle bound for Vesk‑8. The journey takes eleven days, during which occasional information broadcasts provide warnings about the severe chill of the planet, and advisements that the landing site is near a penal colony and to be alert.
Fighting against the blustering winds of Vesk-8, the ship touches down just outside Penal Colony 8. A feline woman with sharp amber eyes stands proudly at the edge of the landing pad. Her white fur whips wildly in the frozen winds of the arctic planet. As the landing doors open, she beckons with clawed fingers toward the disembarking passengers.
“Welcome to Vesk-8. I am Rahla. Please, follow me.” With a brisk turn on her heels, she leads the way down a long staircase and into the dank mineshaft. Prisoners, restrained at their ankles, loiter around the mouth of the cavern with wary eyes. “Don’t mind them,” she assures. “We must reach the portal quickly. Watch your step.” She hops nimbly over a crack in the path and points it out behind her, offering a hand to help anyone less sure of foot to cross.
Jutting from the walls of the mineshaft is a deep blue stone that sparkles like crystallized fragments of the night sky. The luminescent blue shine of the shimmerstone becomes more prevalent in the deeper parts of the mine.
"First time seeing shimmerstone? It is pretty. This mine is one of the best run and incredibly productive" she keeps leading you onwards.
Buddy Jabo |
During travel Buddy either plays at the virtual drum set, while recording his videos or chats with other starfinders and crew members. He is very persistent in it, even crawling after engineers to the service tunnels.
When they arrive at the destination he spends some more time brushing his fur and his crest of hair. At the blows of wind his ear and nose rings rattle. As Rahla presents herself.
"My name is Buddy Jabo and we represent Starfinders. How can we help you?"
When jumping over the crack in the path he accepts help, knowing very well how important it is to aid others and to give them the opportunity to aid back. He pats Rahla on her shoulder leg thanking for help.
"Who established this mine? And why it is so productive?" asks without connecting the dots of the free labor resulting in low costs.
Shifty |
"Hopefully the Starfinder know-how can come through. We need you to check the anomaly and see what it may all be about - we will reach it shortly" she says as she keeps striding forward "As to the other question, Penal Colony 8 is as old as the Veskarium’s presence on Vesk-8, probably the first thing the Veskarium set up when we got here. We mine shimmerstone, which is a mineral with mind-altering properties. Due to our substantial workforce, we can have more than a dozen active workings in each sector, and we utilize novel backfilling processes to expedite the progress of new, secure tunnels. I engage in auxiliary operations on Jularaz’s behalf.”
Guiseppelia Nandell Eve Shirley |
Joe Bones will walk towards the first shimmerstone they come across, and use her custom microlab to see if there is anything that the chemalyzer can determine.
Physical science: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15 Unless you let met take 20 with my custom microlab in which case 30
"Fascinating," is all she says as she follows along Rahla.
"I am certain that we all can All-Six this and get it figured out right quick."
Looking around for any prying eyes, Joe will false whisper, "So, anything more you can tell us about this anomaly or anything that might help us with this mystery, anything that you didn't want anybody else to hear over long distance communication?"
Mujina-chan |
Mujina doesn't pause or wait for help crossing the crack, in face he doesn't like to stop moving at all once going.
Unphased by the indentured servants, having seen many in fight pits across the Veskarium, he follows along.
"A portal? In the mine...that sounds unexpected. Sounds, well, anamalous so I am guessing no workers here created it? When did it appear?" he asks clarifying the source of the issue.
Buddy Jabo |
Buddy shakes the snow of his fur as he keeps moving forwards. He bumps with his Doshko into a wall. He turns around to apologize and is glad that it was not a living being.
"When did the anomaly occur for the first time? And did anything else happened around that time period?" asks turning around
Shifty |
"Not so much occurred, more...found by the workers. You'll see shortly. Nothing of particular importance was happening at the time, which is what makes things all the more perplexing."
Joe Bones notes that the shimmerstone sure is pretty! It has a sort of unearthly natural beauty and certainly has some sort of magical traits.
Shifty |
She rounds a corner "Here we are"
The miners have uncovered a circular room 20 feet in diameter. Blue, softly luminescent jagged shimmerstone adorns every inch of the walls. Elaborate designs of smooth, carved shimmerstone inlay the floor, originating from the base of the shimmerstone archway at the center. The nearby miners are resting along the outside of the room, forced to sit on the ground with their ankles bound. They whisper among themselves.
Rahla paces the edge of the room, eyeing the portal quizzically. “This is one of many portals which are meant to transport the kothamas during the twice-yearly pilgrimage to their Meet—Vesk‑8 years, that is. They are only ever active for this event, despite our best attempts. However, this one has been activating consistently since its discovery, and we are more than a quarter of this planet’s very long years away from the Meet"
“You must investigate the nature of this anomaly. Enter the portal when it next opens, and report what’s on the other side. With the shared moon being so far away at this time, we must know where it leads.”
Squizzer |
Squizzer gulps loudly at the suggestion that she walk onto a portal to who-knows-where, without knowing how she will get back. She wants to help the Vesk nu-friend, but this is asking a lot..
Then she nods her agreement. This is what Starfinders do.
Mujina-chan |
"You got it, Rahla. I have never charged through people, doors, and walls but never a portal. Check that off the list today." Mujina says, starting to get pumped up by the opportunity. He gets down in a runner's stance with his shield in front, preparing for the portal to open.
"Someone once said I was a good example of Nyuutan's Law of Skitter-physics, once a Skittermander starts going...they keep going." he mumbles from behind the shield.
Buddy Jabo |
"How frequently does it open? Are we speaking about hours? Or weeks? " asks a bit worried Buddy wondering if he should grab his doshko or rather not.
"Did anyone tried to send a drone in there? Or are they too costly for this mine?"
I am ready to go in, but the idea seems preposterous :D
Guiseppelia Nandell Eve Shirley |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Joe moves forward closer to the room. She sees the prisoners, and immediately goes over closer to them, seeing if any of them need medical assistance. She is very helpful that way
As she scans the prisoners for any medical issues, she would ask them, "Names Joe Bones, from medical corps. Anybody else here knows more on this weird portal? Anything you have seen, felt or even imagined while around it? Just curious. Also, it looks like some of you have minor cuts and bruises. I can help you with those...."
Life science to do scans on them, taking 20: 20 + 11 = 31 If they have any poisons or diseases the DC is lowered by 5
Medicine check if allowed to help with any cuts and worse: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23 Can't treat deadly wounds with that, but I can do first aid...can't wait until level 5 when my microlab counts as a advanced medkit....
Shifty |
Joe Bones notes that the prisoners are generally in good health, only bearing the usual injuries experienced by long term miners - soft tissue injuries, repetitive strains, and other similar ailments. The cuts and bruises clean up nicely, but there's the realisation that they'll probably get some more tomorrow.
They seem to be happy about the attention, but they don't talk much.
Rahla seems pleased "As I say, a well run mine"
Mujina-chan |
"I am not sure it is!" Mujina exclaims as he pats a hand on his shield, sending sparks across it before ducking low and barreling through.
None here! Preposterous and crazy sounds like fun.
Guiseppelia Nandell Eve Shirley |
"Yes you do Rahla! I am glad that you take good care of your prisoners. "
As the portal opens, Joe turns her environmentals on her armor.
No idea where this might take us...better to be prepared than not able to breathe," she says.
In her upper hands is the caustolance, middle the capture pole, and in her right lower hand is the needle pistol.
Buddy Jabo |
"Fully armed huh? Ok. Let me hug you before you go in Mujina-chan!"
And he does what he said. Then he takes out his Doshko and his heavy rifle and walks into the portal turning on his environmental protection.
Taneka |
Sorry - load of Ysoki - related loading issues
Having spent much of their time avoiding talking to the Vesk supervisor of the mine - throwing suspicious glances at the scaled monster anytime they turn away to gesture at some shard of crystal, Taneka places their helm on so they now resemble a -small- Crimson insectoid creature and sealing their armour from outside pressures. Calmly drawing their two pistols they step through the portal carefully, closing their eyes momentarily as they pass through in case of any bright lights.
"Allsix! We got this wherever it may take us nufriends!" they whisper over their comms, their voice steady and hopefully re-assuring.
Shifty |
Map up!
The gentle glow of light from the portal dimly illuminates a 5-foot radius around it. A faint trickle of dripping water echoes off the cavern walls, suggesting that the darkness hides a vast stretch of cave. Several delicate shimmerstone inlays originating from each side of the portal stretch out like sun rays along the cavern ground, generating another 10 feet of dim light. They pulse like a heartbeat while the active portal thrums with magic.
Shortly after you have all passed through the portal, it deactivates, throwing the room into darkness. The absence of its almost unnoticeable hum amplifies the ambient sounds of the cavern. Squelches overwhelm the dripping, and the scent of petroleum fills the air.
Mujina-chan |
Mujina squeals, surprised by the hug when he was ready to charge into the portal.
"Yipes, almost scared the fur off me." he mutters as he heads in. On the other side he looks around for threats, in the few moments of light the portal provided. He feels around in the darkness for his allies and the spotlight in his backpack.
He cranks it on to view the cavern in front of them.
"What is that smell?" he waving his only free hand in front of his face.
Squizzer |
Squizzer steps through after taking a deep breath. Sometimes helping means you have to do things you are afraid of.
Squizzer looks around carefully in the light Mujina-chan's light provides.
perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Mujina-chan |
Survival: 1d20 ⇒ 10
Mujina starts to look around the cavern waiting for the others to get his bearings, unfortunately he has nothing of significance to share.
"Come on, once you start moving you can't waste that energy!" he says urging them forward.
Guiseppelia Nandell Eve Shirley |
Turning on her IR sensors, she looks at her microlab's chemalyzer..."Petroleum....petrol...hydrocarbons. Maybe natural seepage, maybe refined."
Survival: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (16) + 0 = 16
"I might not be the best here at seeing things, but it looks like there hasn't been much moving around here. Which makes me think natural petrol....maybe we should be careful with any weapons that use fire...."
Mujina-chan |
"Oh great." he replies making sure his polarity gauntlets are powered down.
Mujina starts to march forward spotting a branching path to his right, beckons the others with his free hand.
Buddy Jabo |
Buddy heads behind Mujina.
"Thankfully I have cryo weapon, huh."
He stands looking at the corridor and aims his rifle or a second.
"Seems clear, no nufriend in need either."