Shifty |
Venture-Captain Arvin has invited you to a brunch at Qafe Qabarat, a quaint Castrovelian fusion eatery on Absalom Station, to discuss your next assignment.
As a server removes empty plates from the table, Venture-Captain Arvin speaks. “I do admit this brunch was to assuage my guilt about the assignment I’m giving you today, as you won’t be getting the chance for any such dining for a while.” He takes out a datapad and swipes the screen, sending out a file that contains basic information and images of a star system in the Vast labelled Mentras System.
“We’ve had some forays into this system in the past, and the Society established a research outpost on one of the asteroids to survey the system more thoroughly. The agents inside the outpost have been working tirelessly for well over a year now, and they deserve a break. But since we can’t leave the outpost unoccupied, we’ll need a skeleton crew to take over while the primary crew is gone. This is your assignment. Travel to Outpost 634 to relieve the crew and then remain there while the crew returns to Absalom Station to relax and spend some time with their families. Given how time in the Drift is nebulous, you’ll be at the outpost for anywhere from five to nine weeks"
“I know it’s hardly the most interesting of missions; the most I expect you’ll have to do is make sure the equipment stays maintained. The crew will brief you on the details of what you’ll need to do during your stay once you get there, but I don’t believe it will be anything particularly technical. The outpost is relatively self-sustaining, and your ship is loaded with enough supplies for months. When you return, you can dine at any restaurant on the station, my treat.”
J'Shun gets to be a Base Commander!
Buddy Jabo |
"So there will be no nufriends there to help them? I need to take my drum set and will catch up on my video creation. So should we be dressed as skeletons on that outpost?"
when we are there we should modify the outpost in some crazy way. Like set up a plush skittermander to welcome everyone, set up cheesy music or alter all toilets to require 6 hands to work :p that will teach them a lesson to send skitters to solitude
Shifty |
"Well yes and no, there will be a team you will need to conduct a handover from, so you will be helping them I suppose"
"The team is made up of experts in their respective fields who have contributed much to the Society. Dr. Ordez, a geologist, is formally in charge of the outpost. Dr. Thrai is an archeologist who specializes in spacecraft development. Dr. Renou is a biologist studying any microbial samples or other lifeforms discovered in the system."
"The researchers are supported by an engineer named Bhennie Melford and a combat specialist named Vos Avino. In addition, there are two representatives from allied organizations currently observing the outpost. Resurgent Technologies sent Mr. Sonder, and Havar Maddu is representing the Xenowardens to guarantee the Society’s presence isn’t causing significant disruptions to the local ecosystem.”
Mujina-chan |
Ooh, does this have a survival tag?
Mujina rolls into the room with armor, shield, and a whip slapping about in a fury.
"Oh? No elementals or vesk to bruise me up and burn patches of fur off? No need to apologize then! Oh and I am bringing along my promoter...she got into some trouble at the arena but I SWEAR she gets in less trouble than me." the skitter gives a thumbs ups and points at the well dressed Pahtra before dizzily stumbling a few steps...then plopping down on the ground.
Unless there is something else I need to slot I will bring my ally for a social skill check I may need to make.
With head still spinning he chirps again, "Maintenance of gear is my specialty! Just give me a keycode to the lockers and I will keep us rationed out with ease...unless something goes terribly wrong as it seems to do..."
Szama |
**Um...Venture Captain Arvin, sir? Can I ask: why was the outpost stationed on an asteroid instead of on a planet? Are the planets all full of horrible monsters? Are we sure they don’t have capabilities for space travel?”[/b]
Guiseppelia Nandell Eve Shirley |
Joe finishes her meal, listening to Venture Captain Arvin mentioning the mission. Since he r last...failure on speaking before she has thought through the whole thing, she stays silent, though listening to all her skitter friends questions.
Hearing the names of the scientists though, Joe perks up a little.
"Is there any information on what information they collected? Any research papers, or publications that I can peruse on the way there? I would love to at least talk to the researchers there to see if there is anything I can do to help with the research or maintenance of their equipment."
Shifty |
"Szama, the asteroid belt has been an interest to a few in the Society, so we're based there. I don't think there are any spacefaring monsters off their planets. The crew sent regular reports to the Lorespire Complex, and none of them contained information about significant dangers. Their reports typically detailed mineral discoveries in the asteroid belt, along with interesting reports of ancient starship fragments adrift in local space. However, it can take weeks for their reports to reach us, so we can’t be notified of changes immediately.”
"Joe, the team is made up of experts in their respective fields who have contributed much to the Society. Dr. Ordez, a geologist, is formally in charge of the outpost. Dr. Thrai is an archeologist who specializes in spacecraft development. Dr. Renou is a biologist studying any microbial samples or other lifeforms discovered in the system."
"The researchers are supported by an engineer named Bhennie Melford and a combat specialist named Vos Avino. In addition, there are two representatives from allied organizations currently observing the outpost. Resurgent Technologies sent Mr. Sonder, and Havar Maddu is representing the Xenowardens to guarantee the Society’s presence isn’t causing significant disruptions to the local ecosystem.”
"They will be there to do a handover when you arrive and can answer questions in person. There's probably a fair bit of information on the Inofsphere you can look up before you depart"
Szama |
"Ooo! Dr. Thrai studies old starships? That sounds fun! I wonder if they have any prototypes they need us to take out for a few test runs while they're on leave! Okay! I'm ready to go!"
Shifty |
Diplomacy (Gather information) OR Culture (Recall knowledge)
As you leave the briefing, a signal comes through your communicators:
I was informed of your assignment to Outpost 634. You may be aware that the Mentras system was where I originally discovered the Tear—the artifact that ultimately led to the Scoured Stars Incident. As such, I’ve kept a close eye on the system ever since. Reports from Outpost 634 cited some unusual starship fragments discovered in the nearby asteroid belt. During your stay at the outpost, learn whatever you can about the starship fragments. I would appreciate a copy of any data you discover upon your return.
Good luck, Starfinders.
Boon slottage and final purchases
Also, can anyone pilot a ship? :p
Buddy Jabo |
Szama is our best, and only pilot ;) No purchases, no boons :P
Buddy reads the note from Jadnura nodding as he does so.
"Very interesting! Very interesting! I hope we will be able to meet the team that we will be replacing and get some insights from them. I need to pack my drum set quickly." says Buddy as he rushes towards his gear.
Szama |
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Szama helps her co-skitters catch up on the Mentras system and the Society's previous engagements there, which she read about as part of her research for her Radaszam fan-zine. Sadly, Radaszam wasn't heavily involved in the Society's previous expeditions to the system, but Szama did learn about some other interesting stuff that had happened over the past few years!
Go ahead and read the first 3 spoilers, friends!
Guiseppelia Nandell Eve Shirley |
Some minor purchases (buying more serums mk1). Also, are we taking a Pegasus? If so, can I purchase UPB's and during the down time there, make more serums? It is downtime, and should allow crafting if I have the science bay the Pegasus has...
Culture: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
Before leaving Joe will spend a bit of time downloading as much reading materials on Dr. Ordez, Dr. Thrai, and especially Dr. Renou, since their area of expertise is close to Joe's. She would also take a few minutes looking up Bhennie Melford, Vos Avino, Mr. Sonder, and Havar Maddu just to know what they have done.
Computers: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26
Shifty |
You can take whatever ship you like - no Starship tag :)
Bhennie Melford
Bhennie used to work for the Azlanti Star Empire’s military before an encounter with the Starfinder Society gave her the chance to flee.
Vos Avino Silel of Clan Umana
Combat Specialist
Experienced combat veteran, distinguished himself fighting the Jinsul in the recent conflicts.
Mr. Sonder
Resurgent Technologies Rep.
Mid-level RT Company representative who joined the team in honour of the Society’s current partnership with the organization.
Havar Maddu
The representative of the Xenowardens, no particular background of note.
The downloaded documents make for pretty dry but highly professional papers in their respective fields, plenty of reading for the journey.
Guiseppelia Nandell Eve Shirley |
Joe will walk happily onto the Pegasus with some UPBs to make serums of healing, knowing that Buddy and Mujina will need them if it becomes all hands needed....
Though she is wistful, hardly able to wait to read some of the professional papers of Dr. Renou and the rest....knowing that she should know all about what research they have done in the past, just incase some kind of unusual piece of information they have done will be useful when the Skitter-crew takes control of the research station.
Mujina-chan |
"This sounds a bit suspect. My insurance surely doesn't cover a new Scoured Stars Incident. Well...let's go!" Mujina says after reading the message aloud.
Shifty |
Two and a half weeks of uneventful space travel later...
The viewscreen shows a small building constructed of prefab structures built into the pockmarked surface of a large asteroid on the edge of the belt. The comms light up, and a recorded message plays: “You are approaching Starfinder Society Outpost 634—” that voice cuts off as another interrupts: “Please give us a ping, by Yaraesa, we are so bored.”
There are sounds of a scuffle, and then the original voice continues. “Please be aware that, according to Pact Worlds law, the Starfinder Society has first exploration rights to the Mentras System, as well as claims to any discoveries of note. Feel free to open a communication line if you have questions or require aid.”
After a few moments, the message begins to repeat. Suddenly, your ship’s computers blare a warning as they detect a surface-to-air weapon powering up at the outpost and locking onto the ship.
You all scramble for your stations!
The Pilot needs to make a DC18 Piloting check. Everyone else can aid via the aid another action to assist the pilot with Computers, Engineering, Diplomacy, or Intimidate checks to reflect either encouraging the pilot or assisting them by managing the ship’s systems.
Guiseppelia Nandell Eve Shirley |
During the space travel, Joe wanders between the science bay--where she works on making more serums--to one of the many chairs in the bridge and/or the galley reading the fascinating papers she downloaded about the research group....particularly fawning on Dr. Renou. She probably attempts to explain the fascinating details of the the microbial samples Dr. Renou seems to work on.
Where is she when they drop out of drift: 1d5 ⇒ 5
Lounging on the Bridge, in the gunner's chair--it is the most comfortable one besides the captain, Joe is laying upside down, her legs drumming on the back of the chair, while her torso is in the seat. Her top two hands hold up the data pad so that she can read it, while the bottom two keep her planted and not sliding out of the chair.
She hears the first message, and smiles and says to nobody in particular,"Yeah it would be boring here...."
Hearing the full comm, Joe sighs, and flips herself around, thinking she should probably wander over to the Science officer station. Taking her time she gets up...and hears the warning klaxon. This spurs her into action, rushing to the Engineering station instead....
Engineering DC 14: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
"I don't know why they are targeting us with their point defense know the weapons that normally WE use to shoot down missiles, or annoying space junk that gets to close to the ship? I mean....we are not a missile, at least I don't think we area unless we are coming in at such a velocity that they think we are. Space junk, well, this Pegasus isn't the newest ship the Society has, but She is DEFINITELY not junk! Yeah...they are locking on us...Szama, I hope you can pilot! I will set up a 3D grid showing the best vectors to come in to hopefully allow us the least time in the firing window...."
Computers (to assist by tracking the weapon firing arc): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
Mujina-chan |
Mujina spends the time travelling either slumped into uncomfortable positions being rather moody or hyper polishing the entire crews gear till it shines...or breaks.
"So much of nothing to do." he mutters.
When the communication begins, he immediately joins the comms from the nearest panel.
"Yeah, that is us--THAT IS US--" he begins to curse back at the comms as the klaxons goes off, racing towards one of the gunnery stations.
He stats preparing for anything that needs to be fired at.
"I don't know but they didn't even let me introduce myself and if they want to give it they better be able to TAKE IT." he says shaking his joysticks.
Ayoka Quonx |
Unless some else is, Ayoka is at the pilot station. (+5 piloting). Usually she is down in the engineering section tinkering with the engines (+13 engineering)) but, someone had to do it and it was her turn on the roster.
Samza ... get up here ... we have a situation
Buddy Jabo |
During the trip, Buddy set up his drum set and spent a significant amount of time playing... or recording videos on how to play.
When the siren was heard he was walking back from the kitchen with six cups of coffee. He begins to walk faster to the bridge where he passes coffee to everyone.
6 hands baby! 6 hands, I can carry 6 cups of coffee :D
"Did you respond to their call? Have anyone told them that we are nufriends?"
Intimidate, untrained, aid: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
"Szama, you need to focus on that, our lives depend on it! You do not want to mess it up!" yells clearly worried Buddy
Szama |
During the long voyage through the Drift, Szama spends time reflecting on her reality and as many of the alternates as she can in the time allotted, trying to figure out why she hasn't yet been made president of the Radaszam fan club.
Explore Futures (Mysticism DC14): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
The future remains obscured, however. Perhaps this would be the reality in which she gets to be best friends with her hero!
Szama shouts in alarm as the ship's klaxons blare, "I was just about to open comms to send them a reply! I don't know why they're shooting at us!" She brings the piloting UI up and begins tapping furiously at the computer-assisted piloting controls before seizing the yoke and performing evasive maneuvers.
Piloting: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22
Ayoka Quonx |
Ayoka gets out of Szama's way and uses the engineering console to give Szama as much power as she needs.
engineering: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22
Shifty |
With Buddy yelling and Ayoka giving the engines a good poke, Szama gets the ship down between bursts of incoming fire and does so without any damage to the ship, landing just outside the squat base as the docking bay has not opened. You spend a few minutes trying to hail the base to no avail before realising you will need to suit up, walk over, and manually open the docking bay.
Any prep before sealing up and heading over?
Buddy Jabo |
"Well done nufriends! I think those egg heads inside might need our help! Let us all-six this!" says Buddy as he drinks his coffee and begins packing. He gets his smoke grenade, but very carefully as this is the first one that he made. He used to make smoke for his drum videos now he only wrapped it in a small container, with explosives, and it can harm him if it explodes on his belt.
But Buddy was certain that it was ok, the grenade only rarely was losing parts and they were not the important ones.
Environmental protection on and ready to go!
Guiseppelia Nandell Eve Shirley |
"Weird that the weapons attempted to shoot us down. And no response....yeah this might have turned into a rescue mission. So much for an easy mission. ".
Joe quickly sets the computers to do a life, energy and radiation scan on the base.
Computers to see if Joe can learn anything about what they might be walking into: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30
There goes my nat 20....
With that, Joe goes and grabs her medical kit, custom lab, all the serums to heal Buddy and Mujina, and her weapons. Sealing her environmentals is one of the last things she does.
"Ready to go, comms system is on."
Shifty |
Map up!
You trek over to the base.
A humming, bright blue force field seals in the outpost’s artificial atmosphere while allowing creatures and objects to pass through harmlessly. Inside, the walls are rough, natural rock while the floors are smooth-cut stone. Much of the structure is built directly into the asteroid, with technological additions where necessary.
Two rails traversing back and forth from the starship landing site serve as docking stations for transport platforms. One such platform sits powered down at the end of the eastern tracks. The southern wall houses two computer workstations, and a large metal door to the west leads further into the outpost.
The air inside the force field is breathable but stale. The outpost’s power is still functioning, and this room is brightly lit.
The obvious interfaces here are The control panel for the doors, as well as the computer workstations
Szama |
Before disembarking, Szama sends a message back to the Absalom Station, letting the Lorespire Complex know that something is off with the Outpost.
'Outpost defenses fired on our ship during approach after we received the initial hail signal. Managed to evade defenses and land outside of Outpost hangar. No handshake between ship and hangar systems; no response from outpost personnel. Moving in to investigate. Requesting rescue ops for when our ship inevitably gets destroyed.'
After leaving the ship, Szama follows along behind the rest of the crew, her hail pistol in hand (low-left), while her other hands (up-right and left) extend out in front of her, searching for magical auras to see if there is anything unexpected ahead.
Moving along casting Detect Magic
Shifty |
The computers are password-protected but prove fairly easy to hack.
With access to the computer you find you can move the transport back and forth along the tracks at about jogging speed, and turn the lights in the room on or off. You also find you can access automated logs that record all significant passages through the force field, which reveal that no one has left or entered the outpost in over four weeks. This log’s last recorded movement shows a large group of creatures entering, followed by a small number leaving a few hours later—though the logs don’t track specific numbers
Anyone can make a Perception check
Anyone accessing the Control panel - Engineering check
Buddy Jabo |
Buddy looks at how Ayoka is working and he looks around
Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (8) + 0 = 8
"Hey check this out... this view from here is amazing! Look how that belt of asteroids fits nicely over pegasus. I could take my drum set out and record a video here before we go." Buddy says clearly excited.
"No one get out in 4 weeks. But some group have entered!" He begins to unwrap his arsenal. He holds a shield in one hand in the second his self-made smoke grenade that lost another part.
"No worries, it is not a critical part."
Doshko, he holds in his mid pair of hands and hail cannon in the top pair of hands.
"I think I am ready whatever do we find there."
Ayoka Quonx |
perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
After examining and downloading information from the computers, she will, unless someone beats her to it, examine the control panel.
engineering: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22
Mujina-chan |
"They better be in danger! Or I am gonna whop them!" Mujina angrily mutters as they pass through the blue forcefield.
He takes position at the front in case any threats appear, he positions himself near the panels.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Ayoka Quonx |
Door fixed she chirps May I press the button? Please let me press the button. I'm sure it will be helpful. Ah .. where are you guys going?
Szama |
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Szama keeps a sharp eye out...or at least as sharp as she can manage.
Szama |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
"Really? You think those ijtikri beat us here? Man, some people will go to any length for their payday!"
Mujina-chan |
"WHAT!? Here? I knew we should have made them Starfinders." Mujina says on guard waiting for the button push and heading through the door.
Shifty |
You push the button!
The primary objects of note in this circular room are two huge metal trays piled with mineral samples. At each workstation, it appears someone was in the process of cataloguing and dividing up the rocks into smaller samples for further study. A tiny conveyor belt travels through this room, vanishing into the wall near an airlock door. More rocks sit on a platform next to the conveyor belt. One station is labelled MA-053-07, and the other is labelled MA-053-08.
You notice evidence of gunfire on the western wall of this room.
DC 16 Physical Science check to recall knowledge for more info!
An airlock to the south is the main exit from this room.
Ayoka Quonx |
Did I miss something in the briefing? What ijtikri? Ayoka asks as she opens the door.
She peers into the room. (What skill is the DC spoiler for?)
perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
Buddy Jabo |
Buddy walks inside the room and he looks around...
Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (11) + 0 = 11 Skitter damn it! Playing an unskilled honest soul with no perception is so ... ugh...
"Did I miss something in the briefing? What ijtikri?"
"Oh, you did not miss anything. During our last tour, we found a lab that was experimenting on living aliens. There were two squid mercenaries that we allowed to walk free. Those are the ones that you call itirkikiki, or itirkiri, or whatever. I am certain they are the ones behind all of this!"
Ayoka Quonx |
Ijtikri Ayoka corrects. They're from Vesk 2. But the odds of them being involved in this seems ........ unlikely. But ... anyway ... shouldn't we be finding out about what happened to our nu-friends we were sent here to help?