Starfinder Frequently Asked Questions
Last updated: February 09, 2018.
Character Creation
Does the improved get 'em ability (page 63) also grant the increased morale bonus to damage if you spend 1 Resolve Point to grant the benefits against all enemies within 60 feet?
[Mechanic] The mechanic class feature custom rig (page 69) states it functions "as a Mk 1 comm unit," but I can't find anything by that name.
[Mechanic] How does a mechanic repair his drone?
[Mechanic] Does a mechanic have to pay twice as much to equip his hover drone, which is Tiny, with smaller weapons to avoid taking a -4 penalty to attack rolls with improperly sized weapons, as suggested under Weapon Sizes on page 168?
[Mechanic] On page 69 it says a custom rig functions as a "Mk 1 comm unit," but that doesn't seem to be defiend anywhere. What does a Mk 1 comm unit do?
[Mechanic] Since a hover drone (page 75) doesn't have perfect maneuverability, it can't actually hover, can it?
[Mechanic] What is the range of the echolocators advanced mod (page 78)
[Operative] When an operative succeeds at a skill check to perform a trick attack (page 93), how long is the target flat-footed?
[Operative] Can I use a skill to make a trick attack without meeting the normal conditions for using that skill for other purposes? For example, can I make a Stealth check as part of a trick attack when I couldn't use Stealth to hide from the target of the attack?
[Operative] Ghost specialization (page 94) is the only specialization that gives a +4 bonus to a Dexterity-based skill made to perform a trick attack. Is it actually supposed to give that bonus?
[Operative] Debilitating sniper (page 96) allows trick attack to be used with a sniper weapon (though it does no extra damage), but sniper weapons are unwieldy and require taking a move action to aim them.
[Solarian] For the solarian's stellar rush revelation (page 104), does the fire damage only occur if you bull rush? Can the solarian charge and still cause the fire damage to occur?
[Solarian] For the blazing orbit revelation (page 105) do creatures take damage once when they enter the trail of flames, no matter how far they go, or do they take damage for equal square they enter.
[Soldier] If I buy an upgrade using the additional upgrade slot from the enhanced tank ability of armor storm (page 113), can I sell that upgrade? Can I move it to another upgrade slot?
Tactical Rules
Alien Archive
Character Creation
The explanation for stabilizing on page 23 says you can spend Resolve Points equal to one-quarter your maximum (minimum 1 RP, maximum 3 RP) on your turn to immediately stabilize. But it also says if you don't have at least 3 Resolve Points remaining when you are dying, you lose Resolve Points per the dying rules. Is the second part accurate?
No. Once you have stabilized, you no longer lose Resolve Points (unless you take damage again). The full rules for Injury and Death on page 250 are correct.
Does a character with the icon theme (page 31) increase the DC by 5 when attempting Profession or Culture check to recall knowledge about other icons of her profession or details about her profession's cultural aspects?
No, the icon should decrease the DC of those checks by 5.
On page 16 under Carrying Capacity it says you are encumbered when carrying an amount of bulk equal to or greater than half your Strength score. The full rules for carrying capacity on page 167 says you are encumbered when carrying bulk greater than half your Strength score. Which is correct?
The entry on page 167 is correct. You can carry up to half your Strength score in bulk without being encumbered.
When the constructed ability for androids says they count as both constructs and humanoids, whichever effect is worse, does that mean they cannot be targeted by a beneficial effect that only targets one of those two types, since not getting the benefit is "worse"?
No. When determining what abilities affect an android, and how, replace the first sentence of the constructed ability with the following. "For effects targeting creatures by type, androids count as both constructs and humanoids (whichever type allows an ability to affect them for abilities that affect only one type, and whichever is worse for abilities that affect both types)."
Does the improved get 'em ability (page 63) also grant the increased morale bonus to damage if you spend 1 Resolve Point to grant the benefits against all enemies within 60 feet?
Yes. If you spend 1 Resolve Point when using this ability, you grant +2 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls against all enemies who are within 60 feet.
[Mechanic] The mechanic class feature custom rig (page 69) states it functions "as a Mk 1 comm unit," but I can't find anything by that name.
The custom rig functions as a personal comm unit (page 218).
[Mechanic] How does a mechanic repair his drone?
Once per day, a mechanic can take 10 minutes to repair his drone, which then recovers 10% of its Hit Point maximum. Additionally, any time a mechanic takes a 10-minute rest and spends a Resolve Point to recover his Stamina Points, he can also choose to repair his drone as part of that same time period. This is an exception to the normal rule that you cannot perform any tasks while taking a 10-minute rest to recover your Stamina Points. The repair drone mechanic trick increases the amount the mechanic's drone recovers when it is repaired (in either way) to 25% of its maximum Hit Points.
[Mechanic] Does a mechanic have to pay twice as much to equip his hover drone, which is Tiny, with smaller weapons to avoid taking a -4 penalty to attack rolls with improperly sized weapons, as suggested under Weapon Sizes on page 168?
No, a hover drone is an exception to the normal rules for weapons built for Tiny creatures. Combat, hover, and stealth drones with melee weapon arms or weapon mounts can use weapons designed for Small or Medium creatures without penalty for their size.
[Mechanic] On page 69 it says a custom rig functions as a "Mk 1 comm unit," but that doesn't seem to be defiend anywhere. What does a Mk 1 comm unit do?
It acts in all ways as a personal comm unit.
[Mechanic] Since a hover drone (page 75) doesn't have perfect maneuverability, it can't actually hover, can it?
A drone that takes the flight system mod twice gains perfect maneuverability. This allows hover drones to hover.
[Mechanic] What is the range of the echolocators advanced mod (page 78)
60 feet.
[Operative] When an operative succeeds at a skill check to perform a trick attack (page 93), how long is the target flat-footed?
The target is flat-footed only against the single attack roll of the trick attack. Once the operative is 4th level and gains the debilitating trick class feature (page 94), the operative can additionally cause the target hit by a trick attack to have the normal flat-footed or off-target condition until the beginning of the operative's next turn.
[Operative] Can I use a skill to make a trick attack without meeting the normal conditions for using that skill for other purposes? For example, can I make a Stealth check as part of a trick attack when I couldn't use Stealth to hide from the target of the attack?
Yes, you can use any appropriate skill (those granted by the trick attack ability or your specialization anytime you attempt a trick attack) to determine if your trick attack does extra damage and applies any penalty.
[Operative] Ghost specialization (page 94) is the only specialization that gives a +4 bonus to a Dexterity-based skill made to perform a trick attack. Is it actually supposed to give that bonus?
No. The ghost specialization gives you only a +1 bonus to Stealth checks made to perform a trick attack.
[Operative] Debilitating sniper (page 96) allows trick attack to be used with a sniper weapon (though it does no extra damage), but sniper weapons are unwieldy and require taking a move action to aim them.
If you have debilitating sniper, or any other special ability that specifically allows you to use trick attack with a sniper weapon, using trick attack with a sniper rifle counts as taking a move action to aim the weapon to use the range increment listed in the sniper weapon special ability. You can do this even with unwieldy sniper weapons.
[Solarian] For the solarian's stellar rush revelation (page 104), does the fire damage only occur if you bull rush? Can the solarian charge and still cause the fire damage to occur?
You must attempt the bull rush to get the fire damage. You cause the fire damage even if the bull rush fails.
[Solarian] For the blazing orbit revelation (page 105) do creatures take damage once when they enter the trail of flames, no matter how far they go, or do they take damage for equal square they enter.
Creatures take the fire damage for every square they enter that is part of the trail of flames.
[Soldier] If I buy an upgrade using the additional upgrade slot from the enhanced tank ability of armor storm (page 113), can I sell that upgrade? Can I move it to another upgrade slot?
An upgrade from this bonus slot sells at 10% of the reduced cost. If you move an upgrade from this bonus slot to another slot, you must pay the difference between the upgrade's reduced cost and its normal cost.
Engineering specifies it can be used to identify technological items, and Mysticism specifies it can be used in conjunction with detect magic or identify to identify the properties of a magic item, but how do I identify hybrid items?
Either skill can identify hybrid items, using the same DCs as for technological (for Engineering) or magic (Mysticism) items.
The "Weapon Special Property and Critical Hit DCs" sidebar on page 181 says the save DC for a weapon that explodes or has a critical effect is typically 10 + half the weapon's item level + the ability modifier the attacker adds to the attack roll. It also states that for thrown weapons, that is Dexterity. But the rules for ranged attacks with thrown weapons on page 245 say you add your Strength modifier to attack rolls with thrown weapons. Also, the rules for grenades on page 183 state that grenades are thrown weapons, and that the save DC for a grenade is 10 + half the weapon's item level + the attacker's Dexterity modifier. Which of these is correct?
Thrown weapons includes all weapons with the thrown special weapon property (such as carbonedge shurikens), and all weapons that note they are thrown weapons in their description (such as grenades). Thrown weapons add the attacker's Strength modifier to attack rolls, and calculate the save DC of any critical effect or explode special property as 10 + half the weapon's item level + attacker's Strength modifier, unless they specify otherwise.
The exception to the normal rules for calculating the save DC of thrown weapons is grenades. As stated on page 183 in the description for grenades, the save DC for a grenade equals 10 + half the grenade's item level + attacker's Dexterity modifier.
The nyfiber net (page 179) does not list any damage, critical effect, or special properties. What does it do if you hit a target with it?
The nyfiber net has the entangle and thrown weapon special properties. It does no damage, but can entangle a foe.
Can I place multiple personal upgrades (page 212) on the same ability score? For example, can I have both a mk 2 and a mk 3 upgrade apply to my Dexterity for a total of +10 Dexterity?
No. Each personal upgrade you have must apply to a different ability score.
How do you calculate the save DC of a spell from a spell ampoule or cast from a spell gem?
The save DC of a spell from a spell ampoule or cast from a spell gem equals 10 + spell level + the modifier of the user's key ability score.
Is it correct that the pulsecaster rifle (page 176) uses a 40-charge high-capacity battery, which costs 330 credits, when the purlsecaster rifles comes with one when bought and only costs 100 credits?
No. The pulsecaster rifle uses a 20-charge battery, and has a usage of 1.
After I use a grenade (page 186), can I recover it and use it again?
No. Grenades are single-use weapons that are destroyed when used.
Tactical Rules
The rules for ability damage on page 252 claim operative weapons add your Dexterity modifier to damage rolls. This is not mentioned anywhere else. Is this accurate?
No. Attacks made with melee weapons with the operative weapon special property can add either your Strength or Dexterity modifier to attack rolls, but always add your Strength modifier to damage rolls.
The description of "Significant Enemies" on page 242 implies that an envoy can use her inspiring boost ability multiple times to regain Stamina Points, while the inspiring boost description (page 62) indicates that this can only be used on an ally once before that ally takes a rest. Which is correct?
Ignore the implication in "Significant Enemies" that inspiring boost can be used multiple times on the same ally. It cannot, as per the ability description.
When an engineer diverts power to shields (page 323), what do the rules mean when they say "...putting any excess Shield Points in the forward quadrant"?
The last sentence of that action should instead read, "You can distribute the restored Shield Points across the shield's four quadrants as you see fit."
Can you give an example of how the divert engineer action works with regards to restoring shields?
Of course.
Assume your ship has a Pulse Gray power core (100 PCU) and Basic 20 shields. After some starship combat, your Shield Points are down to forward 0, port 5. starboard 3, and aft 1. The engineer succeeds at the divert action and restores a total of 5 SP. As some examples, the engineer could place them all into the forward quadrant and bring up the forward shields to 5, split the shields up between two section so that they are now forward 3, port 5, starboard 3, and aft 3, or even spread around the points so they're forward 2, port 6, starboard 4, and aft 2.
If I don't have to have enough PCU to power everything at once, when do I decide what to power?
Outside of combat, you can choose to change what systems are powered freely. However, you have to decide what exactly is powered on your ship as combat begins and you can't change it during combat, as it requires too much fiddling with wires, switches, programs, and such.
How do you resolve critical damage to a power core (page 321) if the starship has multiple power cores?
The power core critical effect affects the ship as normal. Taking a power core critical damage effect means the whole power system of the ship is damaged in some fashion. Basically, multiple power cores are pretty much "wired together" to power the ship.
Under "Actions" on page 322 it is stated "Class features and items affect crew actions only if specifically noted in the class feature or action." Does this mean I can't benefit from the skill bonus of operative's edge, or an envoy's skill expertise?
No. When actions taken in starship combat call for a skill check, any class feature that grants bonuses to or allows rerolls with the relevant skill applies when using that skill as part of starship combat. This is an exception to the rule.
Are the DCs of various crew actions in Starship Combat correct?
No. Use the following DC calculations instead of the calculations presented in the Starfinder Core Rulebook. If an action isn't listed, the stated DC remains the same.
- For the back off stunt, the DC of the Piloting check equals 10 + 1-1/2 times your starship's tier.
- For the barrel roll stunt, the DC of the Piloting check equals 10 + 1-1/2 times your starship's tier.
- For the evade stunt, the DC of the Piloting check equals 10 + 1-1/2 times your starship's tier.
- For the flip and burn stunt, the DC of the Piloting check equals 15 + 1-1/2 times your starship's tier.
- For the flyby stunt, the DC of the Piloting check equals 15 + 1-1/2 times your starship's tier.
- For the slide stunt, the DC of the Piloting check equals 10 + 1-1/2 times your starship's tier.
Restoring Shields and Repairing Damage
- The DC of the Engineering check to double the recharge rate for your shields equals 15 + 1-1/2 times your starship's tier.
- The DC of the Engineering check to halve the cost or time for repairing damage your starship's hill equals 15 + 1-1/2 times your starship's tier.
Crew Actions
- If an action isn't listed, the stated DC remains the same.
Captain Actions
- For the demand action, the DC of the Intimidate check equals 15 + 1-1/2 times your starship's tier.
- For the encourage action, the DC of the Diplomacy check is 15; the DC for checks using other skills remains 10.
- For the taunt action, the DC of the Bluff or Intimidate check equals 15 + 1-1/2 times the enemy starship's tier.
- For the orders action, the DC of the check equals 15 + 1-1/2 times your starship's tier.
- For the moving speech action, the DC of the Diplomacy check equals 20 + 1-1/2 times your starship's tier.
Engineer Actions
- For the divert action, the DC of the Engineering check equals 10 + 1-1/2 times your starship's tier.
- For the hold it together action, the DC of the Engineering check equals 15 + 1-1/2 times your starship's tier.
- For the patch action, the DCs of the Engineering check equal 10 + 1-1/2 times your starship's tier to patch the glitching critical damage condition, 15 + 1-1/2 times your starship's tier to patch the malfunctioning critical damage condition, and 20 + 1-1/2 times your starship's tier to patch the wrecked critical damage condition.
- For the overpower action, the DC of the Engineering check equals 15 + 1-1/2 times your starship's tier.
- For the quick fix action, the DC of the Engineering check equals 20 + 1-1/2 times your starship's tier.
Pilot Actions
- For the maneuver action, the DC of the Piloting check equals 15 + 1-1/2 times your starship's tier.
- For the audacious gambit action, the DC of the Piloting check equals 20 + 1-1/2 times your starship's tier.
Science Officer Actions
- For the balance action, the DC of the Computers check equals 10 + 1-1/2 times your starship's tier.
- For the scan action, the DC of the Computers check equals 5 + 1-1/2 times the tier of the starship being scanned + its bonus from defensive countermeasures.
- For the target system action, the DC of the Computers check equals 5 + 1-1/2 times the tier of the enemy starship + its bonus from defensive countermeasures.
- For the lock on action, the DC of the Computers check equals 5 + 1-1/2 times the tier of the target starship + its bonus from defensive countermeasures.
- For the improve countermeasures action, the DC of the Computers check equals 5 + 1-1/2 times the tier of the target starship + its bonus from defensive countermeasures.
Alien Archive
Does a PC using a race from Alien Archive (such as the barathu PC, page 21) get the abilities from the matching creature type grafts (which for a barathu would be darkvision and a +2 bonus to Will saves, as a result of those abilities being part of the aberration creature type graft [Alien Archive, 132])?
Player characters do not receive creature type grafts or creature subtype grafts, even when those grafts have the same names as the PC race's the abilities. They are considered to be of the indicated type or subtype for purposes of abilities limited by type and any prerequisites.
Some of the racial traits for player races in Alien Archive are missing a small amount of information in the form of abilities they gain that are not listed with their racial traits, or notes on how specific abilities function, as noted below.
- Barathu: Darkvision, 60 feet.
- Contemplative: Limited telepathy, 30 feet.
- Gray: Limited telepathy, 30 feet.
- Kalo: Kalo can breathe in water, but cannot breathe in an atmosphere.
- Maraquoi: Maraquoi low-light vision follows the normal rules for low-light presented on page 155.
- Urog: Darkvision 60 feet.
- Verthani: Verthani low-light vision follows the normal rules for low-light presented on page 155.
Neither urogs not wrikreechee seem to have hands able to use normal equipment. Can player characters of these races use pistols and other equipment, or do they need some special gear designed just for them?
Every player races is assumed to have two appendages it can use as arms, that end in two grasping structures that work like hands, unless the description says otherwise.