Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Mummy's Mask FAQ

Last updated: August 22, 2019.

Rules Questions

The Quick-Start Guide tells you to deal 3 boons to each location, but the boon stack only has enough to deal 2 cards to each.

It should tell you to deal 2 boons to each location.

Resolution: On page 1 of the Quick-Start Guide, in the first full paragraph of the second column, change "deal 3 boons to each location" to "deal 2 boons to each location."

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The rules for promo cards tell you not to add promo cards (other than ones that have the Owner trait and characters) until you begin the first chapter of the Adventure Path, but in Mummy's Mask, the B adventure is part of the Adventure Path. Does that mean we can use all promos starting with the B adventure?

As always, don't use them until adventure 1.

Resolution: On page 4 of the rulebook, change "Don’t add other promo cards to the game until you begin the first chapter of the Adventure Path" to "Don’t add other promo cards to the game until you begin adventure 1 of the Adventure Path."

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When exactly do you apply effects that happen when you explore?

Before you even flip over the card you're exploring.

Resolution: On page 7 of the rulebook, insert the italicized text into the following sentence: "When you explore, first apply any effects that happen when you explore, then flip over the top card of your current location deck."

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On page 7 of the rulebook, the example about multiple explorations describes a power that Drelm doesn't actually have, and seems to have a few other mistakes.

There are a few problems there.

Resolution: On page 7 of the rulebook, replace the next-to-last paragraph with the following text.

However, during a single exploration, no matter how many different effects allow you to explore again, treat them as granting one additional exploration, not a series of additional explorations. For example, Drelm has taken the Keymaster role, and has gained the power feat that lets him explore his location after he defeats a barrier that has the Obstacle trait on his exploration. During his exploration, Drelm encounters Falling Rubble, a barrier that has the Obstacle trait and a power that says “If defeated, you may explore your location.” Drelm defeats the barrier, but he gains only one additional exploration, not two.

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The rules say "If a power says using it counts as playing a boon, it counts as playing a card." Does it count as having any traits?

Yes. If, for example, a character power says "For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 and add the Attack, Fire, and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell," it counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane, Attack, Fire, and Magic traits.

Resolution: On page 8 of the rulebook, add the italicized text to the following sentence: "If a power says that using it counts as playing a boon, it counts as playing a card that has traits matching the skills the character is using as well as any traits that power adds."

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I have a power that lets me display cards to make an effect happen. If those cards have a power that happens while it's displayed, can I use the displayed card's power?


Resolution: On page 8 of the rulebook, under Playing Cards, add the following to the end of the "Display" action: "If you display a boon for any reason other than playing it, ignore its powers."

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The rules for immunity say that if the card you’re encountering is immune to a particular trait, you can't use powers that would add that trait to the check. Is that just for the check to defeat or acquire the card?

It applies for any check against that card.

Resolution: On page 9 of the rulebook, under Encountering a Card, change "If the card you’re encountering states that it is immune to a particular trait, during the encounter, characters may not play cards that have the specified trait or use powers that would add that trait to the check" to end "...or use powers that would add that trait to any check against that card."

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Can I play a card that has a trait that a bane is immune to if playing it removes that trait?

We definitely want you to be able to do that.

Resolution: On page 9 of the rulebook, under Encountering a Card, change “If the card you’re encountering states that it is immune to a particular trait, during the encounter, characters may not play cards that have the specified trait or use powers that would add that trait to the check” to “If the card you’re encountering is immune to a particular trait, during the encounter, characters may not use powers that would add that trait to any check against that card, or play cards that have the specified trait unless a power is used to remove or ignore that trait or the immunity”.

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The Affecting the Situation sidebar has a character with a power to give a card to another character. The sidebar says he can't give her a card that allows her to draw a blessing from the box, and then suggests she uses it to draw the blessing. Can she do that?

No, because she doesn't have the card to do so.

Resolution: On page 9 of the rulebook, in the sidebar Rules: Affecting the Situation, change "play the card she just drew" to "in this case, play the card he gave her".

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If I’m at a location that requires two checks to close, can I attempt one check and have another character attempt the other?

No. The rule about splitting sequential checks only applies to acquiring and defeating cards.

Resolution: On page 11 of the rulebook, in Attempting a Check, change “if a card requires sequential checks” to “if a card requires sequential checks to acquire or defeat”.

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When I use a skill that's equal to another skill of mine, does it gain that skill's traits?

Yes. So if you gain the skill Arcane equal to your Craft, and your Craft is your Intelligence +3, your Arcane checks are considered Craft and Intelligence checks. This does not fall under the rule that you can only use one power to determine the skill you're using.

Resolution: On page 11 of the rulebook, under Determine Which Skill You're Using, change:

Some cards allow you to use a particular skill for a specific type of check, or to use one skill instead of another. (These cards generally say things like “For your combat check, use your Strength or Melee skill,” or “Use your Strength skill instead of your Diplomacy skill.”) You may play only 1 such card or use only 1 such power to determine which skill you’re using.


Some powers allow you to use a particular skill for a specific type of check. These powers say things like “For your combat check, use your Dexterity or Ranged skill.” You may use only one such power to determine which skill you’re using. Other powers allow you to use one skill instead of another. These powers say things like “when you attempt a Perception check, you may use your Knowledge skill” or “use your Strength skill instead of Diplomacy.”

...and change:

The skill you’re using for the check, and any skill referenced by that skill, are added as traits to the check. For example, if your character has the skill Melee: Strength +2, and you are using your Melee skill, both the Strength and the Melee traits are added to the check.


The skill you chose from the list, the skill you’re using, and any skill referenced by that skill, are all added as traits to the check. For example, if you choose combat from the list, then play a weapon that lets you use your Ranged skill for a combat check, and your Ranged skill is “Dexterity +2,” the check is a Dexterity Ranged combat check.

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If a power needs to know what the difficulty of a card that has no check to defeat or acquire is, what is it?


Resolution: On page 11 of the rulebook, under Determine the Difficulty, add "If a card has no difficulty, treat it as 0."

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If I'm examining a location deck that has faceup cards on top, do I examine those cards?

No—skip to the facedown cards.

Resolution: On page 14 of the rulebook, in Examining and Searching, add the following as the second sentence: "If you are examining a location deck, when determining which cards you are examining, consider only facedown cards." (In the first PDF edition of the rulebook, this sentence replaces the sentence "If there are any faceup cards on the deck, ignore them when determining which cards you are examining.")

Note that this resolution creates a new problem: we do want you to be able to examine token cards, so we need to make sure they count as facedown no matter which side was up when they were put into the deck. So on page 4 of the rulebook, amend the last sentence of the second paragraph with the italicized text: "Very rarely, a card can have two faces, as token cards do."

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What happens if you're examining cards in a deck and something causes you to shuffle the deck?

Finish dealing with the cards you're examine first, then shuffle.

Resolution: On page 14 of the rulebook, under Examining and Searching, insert the following text before the parenthetical at the end of the first paragraph: "If anything would cause you to shuffle the deck while you are examining cards, shuffle the deck only after you put the cards back."

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Warehouse in the Base Set says "On closing, summon and acquire a weapon, an armor, or an item from the box." Canny Jackal in Adventure Deck 2 says "On closing, summon and encounter an ally; if you acquire it, draw it." These seem like they're doing the same thing, so why are they worded differently?

The wording on Warehouse is problematic because the rules say after you resolve an encounter with a summoned card, "never put it anywhere other than back in the box unless the card that caused you to summon it instructs you otherwise." The wording on Canny Jackal was meant to rectify that problem. But the fact is, whenever we have you summon and encounter a boon, we always want you to keep it if you manage to acquire it, so we might as well tell you that in the rules so that we don't have to tell you on every card that can summon a boon. Also, summoned cards always come from the box (unless they're already in play), so we don't need to specify that.

Resolution: On page 14 of the rulebook, under Summoning and Adding Cards, replace the sentence "After evading a summoned card or resolving the encounter with it, never put it anywhere other than back in the box unless the card that caused you to summon it instructs you otherwise" with these two sentences: "If you're told to summon and encounter a boon, and you acquire it, draw it. Otherwise, after evading a summoned card or resolving the encounter with it, never put it anywhere other than back in the box unless the card that caused you to summon it instructs you otherwise." Then, the B location Warehouse should say "On closing, summon and encounter a weapon, an armor, or an item" and the AD2 location Canny Jackal can say "On closing, summon and encounter an ally."

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When you're examining multiple cards, and you find a Trigger card, what happens?

Deal with the Trigger before you continue examining.

Resolution: On page 15 of the rulebook, in the Trigger Trait sidebar, add the following: "If you are examining multiple cards and a triggered power interrupts your examinations, set the remaining cards aside and examine them after you deal with the triggered power. While set aside, the cards still count as being in the location."

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The rules say that while my token is in a location deck, I cannot move. That sounds like a movement restriction. So if I have a card that lets me move and ignore movement restrictions, I can move?

Sorry, no.

Resolution: On page 15 of the Rulebook, in Tokens in Location Decks, change "you cannot move" to "you can never move".

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Can you attempt to close a location that is already closed?


Resolution: On page 15 of the rulebook, in the first paragraph of Closing a Location, change the last sentence to "You can never attempt to close a location that is temporarily or permanently closed, or that your character isn’t at."

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If I banish a cohort from a location deck, do I always get to encounter it, or does that apply only when you're trying to close a location and you find a villain in it?

It's universal.

Resolution: On page 15 of the rulebook, in the second paragraph of Closing a Location, delete "If you would banish any cohorts this way, you may encounter them instead." On page 23, under Cohorts, replace "If you would banish a cohort, remove it from the game instead" with "If you would banish a cohort from a location deck, you may encounter it instead. Otherwise, if you would banish a cohort, remove it from the game instead".

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In the example of encountering a villain, Estra uses a spell on a villain that's immune to it, and fails to use her power that adds 1d8 to her checks against cards that have Undead trait. And the villain's "Before you act" power doesn't go off. Finally, the location Towering Obelisk is named, but that location isn't used in the scenario they're playing. Those things are wrong, right?

Right—those are wrong. Let's swap in Ezren for Estra, as he can ignore the immunity, and replace the Towering Obelisk with Hot Springs.

Resolution: On page 16 of the rulebook, replace the example with the following.

Example: Damiel and Ezren are playing A Sandstorm of Malevolent Will. Damiel is at the Howling Sands; Ezren is at the Glass Pavilion. The Windswept Chasm and the Hot Springs are also open. On Ezren’s turn, he encounters the villain Tukanem-Hanam. Damiel gets a chance to temporarily close the Howling Sands, using his Dexterity skill of d10. He gets a result of 6, succeeding at the check. Before Ezren acts, the villain makes Ezren attempt a Wisdom or Perception check; he succeeds, avoiding a point of Electricity damage. It takes two Combat 10 checks to defeat the villain. If Damiel were at the location, they could each attempt one check, but Ezren is alone, so he must attempt them both. Ezren wants to play the spell Clinging Venom, but the villain is immune to the Poison trait. Fortunately, the villain has the Electricity trait, so Ezren can use a character power to ignore that immunity. Ezren rolls 1d12+2 plus 1d8 and gets a result of 12, enough to beat the first Combat 10 check. Clinging Venom lets him use the result for the second check, so Tukanem-Hanam is defeated and the Glass Pavilion is closed. The Hot Springs and the Windswept Chasm are open, so the villain escapes. Ezren’s player shuffles together Tukanem-Hanam and a random blessing from the box and deals one into each of the open locations—but not the Howling Sands, since it’s temporarily closed. The game continues!

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Do effects that happen before closing my location happen when I close it because I defeated a villain?


Resolution: On page 17 of the rulebook, under If You Defeat the Villain, Close the Villain’s Location, change “if you don’t find any, banish all of its cards” to "if you don’t find any, apply the location’s When Closing effects, then banish all of its cards”.

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If a villain that I failed to defeat escapes, and the cards I retrieve from the blessings deck include cards that aren't blessings, do I use them?

No. Instead, search the blessings deck until you find enough blessings.

Resolution: On page 17 of the rulebook, under Check to See Whether the Villain Escapes, change "If the villain is undefeated, do the same thing, but retrieve the blessings from the blessings deck instead of from the box" to "If the villain is undefeated, do the same thing, but instead of taking the blessings from the box, search the blessings deck until you have taken as many blessings as you need".

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If I'm playing a scenario that has a victory condition other than defeating and corning the villain, and I defeat and corner the villain, but the scenario isn't over yet, what happens?

Banish the villain and keep going!

Resolution: On page 17 of the rulebook, under "If the Villain Has Nowhere to Escape to, You Win!," replace the sentence "Some scenarios may have other conditions for winning" with "Some scenarios may have other conditions for winning; if a villain can't escape but you haven't met these conditions, banish the villain and continue play".

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The rules for using traders say that the adventure deck number restrictions on the boon you're trading in are dependent on the scenario you just completed, but the example indicates that it's dependent on the card you're trading for. Which is correct?

The example.

Resolution: On page 18 of the rulebook, change:

To trade with the trader, the character must pay the trade cost by putting the appropriate number and type of cards from her cards into the box; these cards must have an adventure deck number no less than 1 less than the scenario’s adventure deck number.


To trade with the trader, the character must pay the trade cost by putting the appropriate number and type of cards from her cards into the box; these cards must have an adventure deck number no less than 1 less than the desired card's adventure deck number.

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Some characters now have favored card types such as "card that has the Attack trait" and "card that has the Staff trait." But I can build a legal deck that doesn't contain those cards, so I can never draw a valid starting hand. What do I do then?

If you want to build a legal deck that you can't draw a legal starting hand from, that's your own problem. (When your friends disown you after you begin an infinite loop of reshuffling your starting hand, perhaps you might question your choices.) We're therefore not changing the rules on building your starting deck to account for this.

However, there is a hole to patch here. In the unlikely circumstance that all of your cards with the appropriate trait are banished, we want you to be able to replace them as you would any other required card. (But really, you should be putting a lot of these cards in your deck so this doesn't happen.)

Resolution: On page 19 of the rulebook, under Favored Card Type, change "If you can’t construct a valid deck from the cards your group has available because you don’t have enough of certain card types, choose the extra cards you need from the box" to "If you can’t construct a valid deck from the cards your group has available because you don’t have enough of certain cards, choose the extra cards you need from the box".

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If I have a power that refers to a blessing named for a deity, can I use it only with that specific blessing?

You can use it with any blessing that has the trait of that deity.

Resolution: On page 24 of the rulebook, under Blessing, add "When a power refers to a blessing of a particular deity, it works with any blessing that has that deity's name as a trait. For example, a power that refers to Blessing of Iomedae also applies to any blessing that has the Iomedae trait."

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Do bane powers apply only when you encounter them?

No. They apply whenever you interact with them.

Resolution: On page 25 of the rulebook, under Powers, change “These special rules apply when you encounter the bane” to “These special rules apply when you encounter or interact with the bane”.

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In the example of play, Ezren banishes Armor of the Sands to reduce damage from the Fire Hydra, but Armor of the Sands doesn't work against Fire damage.

Let's change that to a Crocodile Skin Madu.

Resolution: On page 26 of the rulebook, in the first paragraph of the second column, replace the last sentence with the following:

Ezren has only a d4 in Dexterity and so cannot succeed at the check. He rolls for damage and gets a result of 1. He recharges his Crocodile Skin Madu to reduce the damage by 2, so he doesn’t have to discard any cards.

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The "Cards Don't Have Memories" section of "Things to Keep in Mind" uses the phrase "before an encounter." That hasn't been a thing since Rise of the Runelords!


Resolution: On page 29 of the rulebook, under Cards Don't Have Memories, change "So if you reveal an item to reduce damage dealt before an encounter, you can reveal that item again during the encounter" to "So if you reveal an item to reduce damage dealt before you act, you can reveal that item again while you act".

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An example on page 29 says that you can't play a Blessing of Horus after discarding a Galvanic Chakram +1 because doing that didn't add the Electricity trait to the check. But you can't discard the Chakram unless you previously revealed it for your combat check, which did give the check the Electricity trait. So I can play the Blessing of Horus, right?

That's correct. We need a better example.

Resolution: On page 29 of the rulebook, under Add Only What You Are Told to Add, replace "When you discard a Galvanic Chakram +1 to add 1d6 to your combat check, playing a Blessing of Horus doesn't add 2 dice because you did not add the Electricity trait" to "When you reveal a Flaming Heavy Pick +1 to use your Melee skill + 1d6+1, playing a Blessing of Ra doesn't add 2 dice because you did not discard the weapon to invoke the Fire trait".

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Card Questions: Mummy's Mask Base Set

Estra has a power than lets her examine 2 cards and, if 1 of them has the Undead trait, she can encounter it, and she can ignore any power on it that happens when examined. What if both of them have the Undead trait?

She can ignore the power on either, neither, or both, but she may encounter no more than 1 of them.

Resolution: On Estra's character card and the Ectoplasmatist side of her role card, change "If one of the examined cards has the Undead trait, you may encounter it (□ and you may ignore any power on that card that happens when examined)" to "If any examined card has the Undead trait, (□ you may ignore any power on that card that happens when examined and) you may encounter 1 of them". On the Speaker to the Dead side of her role card, change "If one of the examined cards has the Undead trait, you may encounter it (□ and you may ignore any power on that card that happens when examined) (□ then you may shuffle that location deck)" to "If any examined card has the Undead trait, (□ you may ignore any power on that card that happens when examined and) you may encounter 1 of them (□ then you may shuffle that location deck)".

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With Zadim's Executioner role, when an item that has the Poison trait requires him to banish or bury a card, he can discard or recharge it instead. The item Tears of Death can make him bury his discard pile. So a thing that was supposed to be detrimental turns into crazy good healing.

Yeah—that interaction is a little too good. Let's limit Zadim's power to his hand or deck.

Resolution: On the Executioner side of Zadim's role card, change "When an item that has the Poison trait requires you to banish or bury a card, you may discard (□ or recharge) it instead" to "When an item that has the Poison trait requires you to banish or bury a card from your hand or deck, you may discard (□ or recharge) it instead".

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Curse of Vulnerability says I can't reduce certain type of damage to myself. Does that mean other people can reduce it for me?


Resolution: On the scourge Curse of Vulnerability, replace "While displayed, you may not reduce Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to you" with "While displayed, Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to you may not be reduced".

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When Defensive Stance is in play, does the card I encounter count as an exploration?


Resolution: On the support card Defensive Stance, change “When you would explore, instead encounter the top card...” to “For your exploration, encounter the top card...”.

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The Hunga Munga lets you use your Strength + 1d6. Is that your Strength skill or your Strength die?


Resolution: On the weapon Hunga Munga, change "reveal this card to use your Strength + 1d6" to "reveal this card to use your Strength skill + 1d6".

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The Shotel has the Scythe trait, but the Pathfinder RPG considers it a sword. Should it maybe have the Sword trait instead?


Resolution: On the weapon Shotel, replace the Scythe trait with the Sword trait. This resolution also applies to the weapon Shattertouch Shotel +2 in Adventure Deck 4.

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Should the Staff of Focus let me use my Melee skill?


Resolution: On the weapon Staff of Focus, change "For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength skill + 1d6+1" to "For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d6+1".

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Should Armor of the Sands have an Armor trait?

It should have the Light Armor trait.

Resolution: On the armor Armor of the Sands, add the Light Armor trait.

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Stained Glass Elemental can cause me to discard the top card of the blessings deck in the middle of an encounter. Is that okay?

It's not ideal.

Resolution: On the ally Stained Glass Elemental, replace "discard this card and the top card of the blessings deck" with "after the encounter, discard this card and the top card of the blessings deck”.

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Blessing of Horus can let me move in the middle of an encounter. Is that okay?

It's not ideal.

Resolution: On the blessing Blessing of Horus, replace the last power with the following: "After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may move; if you are in an encounter, do so after the encounter." (Note: This card also appears in the Character Add-On Deck.)

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Can another character get Estra’s loot ally Honaire?

There are ways some characters can get him... but they can’t keep him.

Resolution: On the loot ally Honaire, add the power “When this card would leave your hand, if you do not have the Spiritualist trait, banish it instead.”

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Card Questions: Mummy's Mask Character Add-On Deck

Mavaro has a power that lets him gain skills equal to his Intelligence. Is that his Intelligence skill or his Intelligence die?

His Intelligence skill.

Resolution: On the front of Mavaro's character card and both sides of his role card, add the italicized word to the following text: "You may display a card to gain all skills listed on the check to acquire for that card equal to your Intelligence skill until the end of the turn."

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What are the checks to defeat Conflagration in the Character Add-On Deck?

The same as they are in the Base Set.

Resolution: On the henchman Conflagration in the Character Add-On Deck, change the check to defeat's skills from NONE to DEXTERITY DISABLE CONSTITUTION CRAFT SURVIVAL.

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Should the Twin Serpent Quarterstaff let me use my Strength skill?


Resolution: On the weapon Twin Serpent Quarterstaff, change "For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Melee skill + 1d6+1" to "For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d6+1".

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Card Questions: The Half-Dead City (Mummy's Mask Adventure Deck 1)

If you defeat the Scorched Hand by less than 5, you get to draw boons out of her location deck. Are you examining that deck (meaning Triggers go off and you don't shuffle afterwards) or searching it (meaning Triggers don't go off and you do shuffle it)?

You're searching it.

Resolution: On the henchman Scorched Hand, replace the last power with "If defeated by less than 5, search the location deck this henchman came from; you may draw any number of its boons."

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The First Law has the Trigger trait. Should The Second Law and The Third Law also have the Trigger trait?


Resolution: On the barriers The Second Law and The Third Law, add the Trigger trait.

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Should Fire Kukri +1 really have Dexterity and Ranged in its checks to acquire? That doesn't seem to align with its powers, or with other kukris. Also, other kukris have the Finesse trait—should this?

It should match the other kukris in these respects.

Resolution: On the weapon Fire Kukri +1, delete Dexterity and Ranged from the check to acquire and add the Finesse trait.

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Card Questions: Empty Graves (Mummy's Mask Adventure Deck 2)

That Widow sure has pointy ears for a human.

She's only half human.

Resolution: On the henchman Widow and Dearly Departed, replace the Human trait with the Half-Elf trait.

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The Brain Ooze tells you to "draw" a monster from the box to increase the difficulty. Am I really supposed to put that monster in my hand?

No—it goes back in the box.

Resolution: On the monster Brain Ooze, replace "Before you act, draw a monster from the box; the Brain Ooze’s difficulty to defeat is increased by that monster’s adventure deck number" with "The difficulty of the check to defeat the Brain Ooze is increased by the adventure deck number of a random monster from the box".

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Card Questions: Shifting Sands (Mummy's Mask Adventure Deck 3)

The back of Muminofrah's Amusement lists Camel Race as the location for 1 player. Shouldn't that be "1–6"?

Yes—yes, it should.

Resolution: On the back of the scenario Muminofrah's Amusement, change "1" to "1–6".

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In the scenario Sting Operation, if something buries or banishes a Stolen Larvae, does that mean you can't win the scenario anymore?

We're not that mean! In cases like that, we want the Stolen Larvae to get shuffled into a random open location deck instead. (See? We're only slightly mean.)

Resolution: On the scenario Sting Operation, change "When you discard cards as damage, first choose Stolen Larvae if you have any; shuffle the Larvae into random open location decks instead of discarding them" to "When you discard cards as damage, first choose Stolen Larvae if you have any. When you would banish Stolen Larvae or put it into a deck or pile, shuffle it into a random open location deck instead".

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In In Search of Chisisek, you're supposed to replace 6 blessings in the blessing deck with Forgotten Pharaoh Cultists, but there are only 5 Forgotten Pharaoh Cultists in the Base Set Box. What should I do?

There's a sixth Cultist in the Character Add-On Deck, but we're not going to make you buy that (even though it's awesome). Replace 5 of them instead.

Resolution: On the scenario In Search of Chisisek, change "replace 6 blessings with the henchmen Forgotten Pharaoh Cultists" to "replace 5 blessings with the henchmen Forgotten Pharaoh Cultists".

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Does the Theletos banish a Curse from my hand?

No, it banishes a Curse displayed next to you.

Resolution: On the henchman Theletos, change “When you examine this card, if a card that has Curse trait is displayed next to your deck, banish a card that has the Curse trait” to "When you examine this card, if any cards that have the Curse trait are displayed next to your deck, banish 1 of them”.

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The first power of Elemental Mastery helps defeat monsters that have any of six elemental traits. The second power helps acquire allies that have any of five elemental traits, leaving out Fire. Is that intentional?

No—Fire should be in the list.

Resolution: On the spell Elemental Mastery, add Fire to the list of traits in the second power.

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In the Alchemist Class Deck, the first power of Deliquescent Gloves adds the Acid trait to your Melee check, but in Mummy's Mask, it adds it to your Melee combat check. Which is it?

The Alchemist Class Deck version is correct—it adds to your Melee check, whether combat or not.

Resolution: On the item Deliquescent Gloves, in the first power, change "Melee combat check" to "Melee check".

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Should not Knot of Isis have the Isis trait?

It should... even though adding that trait isn't mechanically useful.

Resolution: On the item Knot of Isis, add the Isis trait.

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Card Questions: Secrets of the Sphinx (Mummy's Mask Adventure Deck 4)

The loot Mythopoeic Sphinx doesn’t seem to be given out anywhere. Is that an error?

No—it’s part of a puzzle hidden throughout Mummy's Mask. As mentioned in Pathfinder Adventure Society Card Guild Adventure 3-4: Tomb of the Godless Host, the riddle allowed a player to include it in her character's deck if she invoked the mysterious "Mythopoeic Curse." Now that the community has solved the puzzle, we've issued an optional errata that allows you to get the Mythopoeic Sphinx after completing adventure 4. (If you’ve already played past that point, any character in your party may rebuild her deck with it before starting your next scenario.)

Resolution: On the adventure card Secrets of the Sphinx, you may change the reward to “Each character gains a power feat. 1 character may recite the Mythopoeic Curse to draw the loot Mythopoeic Sphinx from the box.”

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Shadow of the Sphinx says "When you defeat a bane by 3 or more, examine the top card of your location deck." What if the bane has multiple checks?

That can get messy pretty fast. Let's say that if any character succeeds at any check to defeat the card by the required amount during the encounter, the person who encountered the card gets to examine 1 card, and to avoid the possibility that you might examine a card that makes you encounter it while you're already acting in an encounter, let's just make that all happen after the encounter.

Resolution: On the scenario Shadow of the Sphinx, replace "When you defeat a bane by 3 or more, examine the top card of your location deck" with "If the result of any check to defeat a bane you encounter exceeds the difficulty by 3 or more, after the encounter, examine the top card of your location deck."

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The trader Naheeba doesn't seem to be given out anywhere. Is that an error?

Yes. She should be part of the reward for Cult of the Sightless Sphinx.

Resolution: On the scenario Cult of the Sightless Sphinx, the reward should be "Each character gains a skill feat. Trader: Naheeba".

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On the Half-Fiend Sphinx, how does the examine power interact with the combat check power in the first paragraph?

They don't interact. The two sentences should be separate paragraphs.

Resolution: On the villain Half-Fiend Sphinx, split "When you examine this card, you are dealt 1d4 Poison damage, then recharge your hand, then reset your hand" and "If your combat check to defeat does not have the Attack or Ranged trait, the difficulty is increased by 3" into separate paragraphs.

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I defeated Thmei, and now I'm supposed to draw the loot Armband of the Golden Serpent, but I can't find it.

We changed the loot's name to "Golden Serpent Armband" to fit better on the card, but we neglected to change that reference.

Resolution: On the henchman Thmei, change "draw the loot Armband of the Golden Serpent from the box" to "draw the loot Golden Serpent Armband from the box".

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Safety Bubble's check to acquire says "Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Arcane". Shouldn't that last Arcane be Divine?


Resolution: On the spell Safety Bubble, change the check to acquire to "Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 11".

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The Hearth Elemental is an outsider, isn't it?


Resolution: On the ally Hearth Elemental, add the Outsider trait.

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The Mythopoeic Sphinx's first power, which happens at the end of your turn, tells you to reset your hand. According to the rules, you do things that happen at the end of your turn, then you reset your hand. So am I supposed to reset my hand twice?

No—just once.

Resolution: On the loot Mythopoeic Sphinx, change the first power to "At the end of your turn, recharge this card to recharge any number of cards; after you reset your hand, you may search your deck for a spell and draw it."

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Card Questions: The Slave Trenches of Hakotep (Mummy's Mask Adventure Deck 5)

Activating the Sekrepheres cares about the traits on the top card of the blessings deck, but that card is usually facedown. Am I supposed to examine it?

No—the card the scenario really cares about is the top card of the blessings discard pile.

Resolution: On the scenario Activating the Sekrepheres, change "top card of the blessings deck" to "top card of the blessings discard pile".

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Since the location Five-Pointed Sun can't be permanently closed, to win a scenario that uses it, you need to have one character temporarily close that location while another character battles the villain elsewhere. So how do you win when you have only one character playing?

You need to be able to close that location if it's the only one still open—then you can win by closing everything else and beating the villain there.

Resolution: On the location Five-Pointed Sun, change the When Permanently closed text to "This location cannot be permanently closed unless all other locations are closed."

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The recharge powers for Jolting Portent and Spite Cloud don't include the phrase "you may." Is recharging those mandatory?

No. They should include "you may."

Resolution: On the spells Jolting Portent and Spite Cloud, change "otherwise, succeed at" to "otherwise, you may succeed at".

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Sirocco lets you examine cards during an encounter. What happens if the card I examine makes me encounter it?

The entire universe could implode. Let's not let that happen.

Resolution: On the spell Sirocco, change "Each other character at your location is dealt 1 Fire damage, and you may examine the top 2 cards of your location deck" to "After the encounter, each other character at your location is dealt 1 Fire damage, and you may examine the top 2 cards of your location deck".

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Vision says "Discard this card to examine any location deck. If you find a villain, it escapes as if undefeated." If the villain has a Trigger, does it go off before it escapes?


Resolution: On the spell Vision, change the first power to "Discard this card to examine any location deck. After you finish examining, if the location deck contains a villain, it escapes as if undefeated."

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If I have a Cloud Elemental displayed at the end of the scenario, do I have to banish it, or do I get to keep it? Or do I roll 1d6 and banish it on a 1?

If it makes it to the end of the scenario, you get to keep it.

Resolution: On the ally Cloud Elemental, add the following as a new paragraph: "When the scenario ends, if this card is displayed, discard it."

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Khai-Utef lets you reset your hand and explore. If you combine that with cards that let you retrieve a specific card from your discard pile, there are relatively low-risk ways to ensure that you can use Khai Utef many times per turn. Awesome, isn't it?

If avoiding much of the challenge of the game is awesome to you, sure. We think it's more awesome if you can't easily use him multiple times per turn.

Resolution: On the loot ally Khai-Utef, replace this:

Discard this card to reset your hand and examine the top card of any location deck; then you may explore your location.

...with this:

Display this card to reset your hand and examine the top card of any location deck; then you may explore your location. At the end of the turn, discard this card.

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Card Questions: Pyramid of the Sky Pharaoh (Mummy's Mask Adventure Deck 6)

Glass Boat lets you draw a card from the box if you don’t defeat a bane by at least 3. What if the bane has multiple checks?

You only get to draw if that happens on all of the checks.

Resolution: On the barge Glass Boat, replace "When you encounter a bane, if you do not defeat it by at least 3, draw a random item that has the Alchemical or Liquid trait from the box" with "If the result of each check to defeat a bane you encounter does not exceed the difficulty by at least 3, after the encounter, draw a random item that has the Alchemical or Liquid trait from the box”.

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Can I use Foresight to ignore powers that happen when I examine a villain?


Resolution: On the spell Foresight, change "While displayed, you may ignore any power that happens when you examine a card" to "While displayed, you may ignore any non-villain power that happens when you examine a card".

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Ride the Lightning has the Arcane trait, lets you use your Arcane skill for a combat check, and is acquired with Intelligence or Arcane only, but characters with either the Arcane or Divine skill don't have to banish it after use. Is that right?


Resolution: On the spell Ride the Lightning, replace "if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish this card" with "if you do not have the Arcane skill, banish this card".

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Is rolling at the end of your turn for Hand of Glory really optional?

Sure isn't.

Resolution: On the item Hand of Glory, in the second power, delete "you may".

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Card Questions: Promo Cards

Reepazo's Verminator role has a power feat that lets her add 1d4 to her checks for each card displayed by that power. She can display a lot of cards. Is that right?

No. That feat was designed for an earlier iteration of her power; it should have been scaled back.

Resolution: On the Verminator side of Reepazo's role card, replace the sentence "For each card displayed by this power, add 1d4 to your checks" with the sentence "You may recharge a card displayed by this power to add 1d4 to your check".

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Sistrum of Bastet says you can discard it to use your Strength or Melee skill, and additionally discard it to add your Charisma or Dexterity skill. How can you discard it if you already discarded it?

That first part should require revealing rather than discarding.

Resolution: On the weapon Sistrum of Bastet, change "discard this card to use your Strength or Melee skill" to "reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill".

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