Telekineticist Ammunition


Hey everyone, so I was looking at the kineticist's blast, and I think I found a cool way to use it, so I was hoping to get some tips on how to make it work effectively.
So if you use spring-loaded wrist sheathes to drop a bag into your hand, then drop it and push it towards an opponent. Then, if the bag is destroyed by the impact, what's inside it will drop to the ground. So if you put coins or arrowheads, something like that, inside the bag, you now have readily accessible ammunition strewn across the battlefield.
This way, if you need to get through DR, you can just get arrowheads made of certain materials and use them. It's relatively cheap and still pretty effective.

So what do you guys think? Would this work?

I don't think the standard blast works that way.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Dragonflyer1243 wrote:

Hey everyone, so I was looking at the kineticist's blast, and I think I found a cool way to use it, so I was hoping to get some tips on how to make it work effectively.

So if you use spring-loaded wrist sheathes to drop a bag into your hand, then drop it and push it towards an opponent. Then, if the bag is destroyed by the impact, what's inside it will drop to the ground. So if you put coins or arrowheads, something like that, inside the bag, you now have readily accessible ammunition strewn across the battlefield.
This way, if you need to get through DR, you can just get arrowheads made of certain materials and use them. It's relatively cheap and still pretty effective.

So what do you guys think? Would this work?

So, Telekinetic blast has two different uses:

1) Wrap the item in telekinetic aether to deal full damage with your attacks, this protects the item from damage.

2) Throw the item, without the aether wrap, dealing normal damage for the item as a thrown weapon, plus constitution mod instead of strength mod for damage. This deals equal damage to the item.

So if you were to use a normal glass vial: 1 hardness, 1 hp. So as long as you deal a minimum of 2 damage the item will break, spilling its contents all over the square it breaks in.

I would recommend a bag of caltrops for this purpose, because then you hit your foe, they'll have trouble moving and then you can throw individual caltrops.

So you'll be wasting your first attack in the round, but then you'll be good to go.

But honestly, there's nothing stopping you from just carrying a bag of normal sling bullets to blast with on your person.

Shadow Lodge

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

So, Telekinetic blast has two different uses:

1) Wrap the item in telekinetic aether to deal full damage with your attacks, this protects the item from damage.

Clarification: The object thrown always takes damage, even if wrapped in aether. It either takes the blasts damage or the thrown damage (if not wrapped in aether)


Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Telekinetic Blast wrote:
... Since the object is enfolded in strands of aether, even if you use this power on a magic weapon or other unusual object, the attack doesn't use any of the magic weapon's bonuses or effects; it simply deals your blast damage. Alternatively, you can loosen the strands of aether in order to deal damage to both the object and the target as though you had thrown the object yourself (instead of dealing your normal blast damage).

Because the word Alternatively is used, the second option is the only one that deals damage to both target and object.

Harliquinn Whiteshadow wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

So, Telekinetic blast has two different uses:

1) Wrap the item in telekinetic aether to deal full damage with your attacks, this protects the item from damage.

Clarification: The object thrown always takes damage, even if wrapped in aether. It either takes the blasts damage or the thrown damage (if not wrapped in aether)


Source? The power suggests otherwise.

Shadow Lodge

The power reads:

You throw a nearby unattended object at a single foe as a
ranged attack. The object must weigh no more than 5 pounds
per kineticist level you possess. If the attack hits, the target and
the thrown object each take the blast’s damage.

Not sure why it says "Alternatively" for the other version but it clearly states the object takes the blast's damage.

The "Alternatively" is referring to allowing you to treat the item as thrown. Therefore you can actually use specifics of the items, such as being Adamantine or Holy, etc. You do less damage that way, but it is an option.

It helps to have the entire ability text at hand to accurately quote things, so here you go.

Telekinetic Blast:

Source Occult Adventures pg. 15 (Amazon)
Element aether; Type simple blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 0
Blast Type physical; Damage bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing
You throw a nearby unattended object at a single foe as a ranged attack. The object must weigh no more than 5 pounds per kineticist level you possess. If the attack hits, the target and the thrown object each take the blast’s damage. Since the object is enfolded in strands of aether, even if you use this power on a magic weapon or other unusual object, the attack doesn’t use any of the magic weapon’s bonuses or effects; it simply deals your blast damage. Alternatively, you can loosen the strands of aether in order to deal damage to both the object and the target as though you had thrown the object yourself (instead of dealing your normal blast damage). You substitute your Constitution modifier for your Strength modifier if throwing the object would have added your Strength modifier on the damage roll, and you don’t take the –4 penalty on the attack roll for throwing an object that wasn’t designed to be thrown. In this case, the object’s special effects apply (including effects from its materials), and if the object is a weapon, you must be proficient with it and able to wield it with one hand; otherwise, the item deals damage as a one-handed improvised weapon for a creature of your size.

Basically, if you want to have your own ammo around the best option is arrows. They are the cheapest/lightest per ammo group. 20 arrows cost you 1gp and only weigh 3 lbs.

Not bad, what I did for my character is get some steel balls that clip onto my belt that are attached on with a break away clip so they dangle there until I use my blast and they fly off.

Texas Snyper wrote:
Not bad, what I did for my character is get some steel balls that clip onto my belt that are attached on with a break away clip so they dangle there until I use my blast and they fly off.

Okay, that sounds as if it would work, I didn't think of that but it's along the same lines as what I'd been trying to figure out with this thread.

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