Consignment FAQ

Last updated: May 12, 2015.

General Consignment Questions

How do I start selling products on

Contact our webstore specialist at You will be sent a consignment agreement. Once you've returned it and we've accepted it, we'll let you know how to deliver your products for sale on

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How do I view my sales data?

To view sales data for your consignment products, go to your My Account page and scroll down to the lower right-hand corner. In the “Manage Consignment” box, click on "Upload Downloadable Products or Manage Consignments"; this will take you to your Uploader page. Click on the "Manage Consignments" link in the upper right corner of the page, which will take you to a page displaying your sales for the last 30 days. You can enter in a custom date range for your sales report as well.

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I'm having technical issues viewing my sales data. Who do I contact?

Please contact the webstore specialist at

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How do I put my consignment products on sale, or permanently change the price?

For sales or price changes, please contact the webstore specialist at, with a minimum of 2 business days notice.

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How do I stop selling a particular product?

Just contact our webstore specialist at with the details.

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I've already submitted my information to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License Registry—why can't I upload my products?

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License is not an agreement to distribute your products. If you'd like to sell your products through, you must sign a consignment contract. Please send an email to for details.

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When should I get a check for sales of my consignment products?

If your sales exceed $25, we will send you a check for the previous month's sales around the 15th of the following month, giving you a steady stream of income to run your business. If sales for a particular month are not above $25, then we will continue to collect sales until your total due is $25 or more and will send you the check at that time. All payments are tendered in US Dollars.

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How do I update my mailing address?

Please contact to have your address updated for your consignment sales check, as this is separate from your customer account information.

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Digital Product Sales & Questions

How do I sell digital products on

The first step to selling your PDFs on is to contact our webstore specialist via email at You will be sent a contract, and once you have returned it, we will provide you with the ability to upload your PDFs. Please note: after returning the contract, you will receive an email with instructions for uploading and checking on your sales; you will not be able to upload PDFs until you have received this email.

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I have returned my consignment contract. How do I upload my products?

After your contract is received and reviewed, we will send you an email to let you know when you can begin uploading products. Once you have received this email, go to your My Account page and scroll down to the lower right-hand corner. In the “Manage Consignments” box, click on “Upload Downloadable Products.” This will take you to the uploader, and you can begin uploading your products. If you are unable to access the uploader or are experiencing technical difficulties, please let our webstore specialist know at

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Will Paizo add watermarks to my digital products?

As you upload your product, you will be able to choose whether you want to watermark any PDF files you've uploaded. (PDFs are the only type of file that may be watermarked.) If your product contains more than one PDF, you'll be able to choose which files you would like to have watermarked.

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I'm trying to upload a new product, but the "Finish Creating Product" button is grayed out.

The most common cause of this is that the Uploader is unable to extract a cover image from your PDF. Try uploading a cover image separately from the rest of your PDF. If that doesn’t work, please contact with the product's details and files to upload.

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How do I update a digital product that I already have for sale at

You may update your digital products using the same procedure that you used to upload it: Go to your My Account page and scroll down to the lower right-hand corner. In the “Manage Consignments” box, click on “Upload Downloadable Products.” Use the uploader to update your product. You cannot edit the product description or price when you update your PDF. If you need to do either of those things, please contact our webstore specialist at

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I'm having technical issues uploading my digital products. Who do I contact?

Please contact the webstore specialist at

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