2E map list for PFS?

Pathfinder Society

1/5 **

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

There were extensive lists of the maps used in Pathfinder Society scenarios for the 1st edition. Does anyone know where I could find the same for 2E? I've found Flip Mats and Map Packs listed here, but only for the playtest scenarios and some of the earlier modules.

In the description of each scenario there is a list of the maps for that module.

It is spoilered, so you have to click the little triangle to the left of the words "[Scenario Maps spoiler - click to reveal]".

It took them a while to get in the habit of doing that, so for some earlier scenarios, you have to scroll down through the comments to find the staff post listing which maps are needed.

1/5 **

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Dancing Wind wrote:

In the description of each scenario there is a list of the maps for that module.

It is spoilered, so you have to click the little triangle to the left of the words "[Scenario Maps spoiler - click to reveal]".

No, I mean a list of all the maps matched to the scenarios, so you know that one particular map is used for both scenario A and scenario B. See the list in the link I made above. Then click on the "PFS Scenarios by Map" sheet and you will understand what I mean.

Oh, yeah.

I've always wondered why Paizo doesn't do any cross-selling like that. It would be so useful to be able to buy all the related modules when you buy the map.

I'd love to see every product description contain links to all the other products that it is used with. I'd also love to see old flip mats that are out of print have a link to the new printing of the "classic" version that is currently available.

It's probably too much to ask for them to do that for past products, but you'd think they'd be able to start doing it going forward.

4/5 *****

2 people marked this as a favorite.
steelhead wrote:
Dancing Wind wrote:

In the description of each scenario there is a list of the maps for that module.

It is spoilered, so you have to click the little triangle to the left of the words "[Scenario Maps spoiler - click to reveal]".

No, I mean a list of all the maps matched to the scenarios, so you know that one particular map is used for both scenario A and scenario B. See the list in the link I made above. Then click on the "PFS Scenarios by Map" sheet and you will understand what I mean.

This link: Flip Mats & Map Packs in PFS & SFS - Cont. by William Cheung (originally compiled by Michael Eshleman) is the one you probably want.

Wayfinders 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Contributor

Oh my gosh, someone did a continuation of that awesome spreadsheet! Thank you William Cheung (and also to Doug for pointing me there!)

4/5 *****

Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
Oh my gosh, someone did a continuation of that awesome spreadsheet! Thank you William Cheung (and also to Doug for pointing me there!)

It is linked on my Guides at the bottom of the scenario lists. I was originally going to put maps in the table but William is already maintaining a list.


Doug Hahn wrote:
Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
Oh my gosh, someone did a continuation of that awesome spreadsheet! Thank you William Cheung (and also to Doug for pointing me there!)
It is linked on my Guides at the bottom of the scenario lists. I was originally going to put maps in the table but William is already maintaining a list.

It looks it hasn't been updated. I am trying to find out which maps are used as stand ins for society lodges. I know the museum is used but curious on any others?

Sovereign Court 2/5

Great resource, Thanks!

Silver Crusade 1/5 *

While we’re on the topic of maps, does anybody know of a good way to convert a PDF into a poster? I run a Pathfinder club for my middle school students and I’d like to have every map the kids will need for scenarios they run, but s#$% gets expensive. My school has a color poster printer and laminating machine which I have permission to use for Pathfinder club purposes, but I can never get it to the right size to print.

1/5 5/55/5 **

Bigdaddyjug wrote:
While we’re on the topic of maps, does anybody know of a good way to convert a PDF into a poster? I run a Pathfinder club for my middle school students and I’d like to have every map the kids will need for scenarios they run, but s&~@ gets expensive. My school has a color poster printer and laminating machine which I have permission to use for Pathfinder club purposes, but I can never get it to the right size to print.

In the past, I have used GIMP, which is free software.

If you have a jpg of the map, import it to GIMP.
Select a 2x2 or 3x3 squares section and copy it to a new file.
Scale that file to actually be the correct size in inches but take note of the percentage change.
Go back to the full map, make sure the entire map is selected, scale by the same percentage.
Save and export as jpg to take to print.

That is the process as I remember it, at least.

Silver Crusade 1/5 *

GM Numbat wrote:
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
While we’re on the topic of maps, does anybody know of a good way to convert a PDF into a poster? I run a Pathfinder club for my middle school students and I’d like to have every map the kids will need for scenarios they run, but s$*& gets expensive. My school has a color poster printer and laminating machine which I have permission to use for Pathfinder club purposes, but I can never get it to the right size to print.

In the past, I have used GIMP, which is free software.

If you have a jpg of the map, import it to GIMP.
Select a 2x2 or 3x3 squares section and copy it to a new file.
Scale that file to actually be the correct size in inches but take note of the percentage change.
Go back to the full map, make sure the entire map is selected, scale by the same percentage.
Save and export as jpg to take to print.

That is the process as I remember it, at least.

I assume GIMP is free? And I have whatever you download from the Paizo store when you buy it. I’m assuming that’s a PDF and have no clue how to convert that to. JPEG.

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