Pathfinder Battles Preview: A Motley Crew

Friday, March 15, 2013

WizKids secret agents have been making multiple weekly trips to Paizo these days, and each time they show up they have a chest full of pirate's treasure. Ok, that's not true, but for nerds like me it's pretty close. In fact they've been bringing over the latest paint masters for figures in this summer's Skull & Shackles set of Pathfinder Battles miniatures, and man, they shine like the brightest gold to these old pirate eyes!

The new set supports the popular Skull & Shackles Adventure Path, and provides a host of creatures that have never before appeared in prepainted plastic (many of which, I might add, came from suggestions from the Pathfinder faithful—so keep those requests coming!). This week I present a motley, more or less random assortment of figures from the set.

Up first is Selissa, a young aquatic naga pushed into the "civilized" lands of the Shackles isles by unusually dry conditions in her usual river habitats. That means she's hungry and desperate, and ready to bite a chunk of refreshing meat from your player characters.

Selissa is an interesting figure because she's size Medium, one step smaller than standard aquatic nagas. One of the cool things about basing these sets on actual characters from actual adventures is that it gives us a chance to do some oddball figures that maybe wouldn't make sense in a more "generic" set.

The figure looks amazing in hand, with vibrant blues and greens and an aquatic shine that adds an extra layer of creepiness.

"But she's the wrong size!" some might exclaim. "Why didn't you include a Large aquatic naga in the set?"

To which I'd reply. "She's the right size for Selissa, and a cool figure to boot. You'll just have to wait a bit longer to see the Large version that's ALSO in this set!"

Up next we have a classic creature of fantasy gaming that to my knowledge has never before been produced in prepainted plastic. We call this Large abomination Shimerae, and in the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path she's the beloved pet (and convenient poison source) for a nasty alchemist.

In the real world, she's an amazing, amazing miniature that I can't wait to throw up against my hated enemies (by which I mean my players).

But it wouldn't be a proper Skull & Shackles preview without a kick-ass pirate, and this week we've got a baddy who you really don't want to run into on the open sea. I give you Arronax Endymion, Lord of Hell Harbor and renegade former commander of the Fourth Fleet of Imperial Cheliax. That didn't turn out for him, and now he ranks among the most powerful pirate lords of the Shackles Isles.

I think he also makes a nice sub for any kind of naval officer or player character with a naval background. By the time we're done with this set, you'll be able to pair him up with tons of different pirate lords OR team him up with Chelish naval officers, all of whom will be sailing into view in the coming weeks.

You can make sure you get all of these figures by setting up an Ongoing Pathfinder Battles Subscription today!

The set is scheduled for a summer release, so start getting your sea legs. There's a long and exciting voyage ahead!

Erik Mona

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Skull & Shackles
Liberty's Edge

I'm on board

Pathfinder Adventure Path, PF Special Edition Subscriber

These look beautiful! :O

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I'm iffy on the naga (pointing out a concern before it is raised does not invalidate that concern); I'll need to check out the stats for that particular character before making up my mind whether or not a Young Naga is a worthwhile addition to my collection.

I'm intrigued by the Shimerae, although that multitude of snakey protrusions only reinforces my concerns about packaging. It's a nice looking mini, but man do those things look like they could snap right off.

I'm excited about Endymion; he's a good looking pirate, but I think that he could also make a good stand-in for an Andoran in uniform.

Dark Archive

Medium-sized or not, that's one of the best poses for a serpentine miniature I think I've ever seen.

Grand Lodge

I am surprised to see Shimerae. I was looking at the AP and thought that one may be too complex for PPMs. I am glad I was wrong.

I like the Young Naga. The colors are sweet. I hope she is at least an uncommon. She might work nice as part of a nest with the Naga from Shattered Star.

I like Endymion's uniform. That's a nice looking fig. Finally getting minis that belong along the coast, or at ports or at sea is great. This is badly needed. I really don't understand a DM that doesn't see the value or usefulness. Too each their own I guess.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

Any reason the kamadan is going by Shimerae? Other than that's that particular dusk kamadan's name, of course.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Kamadan, as far as I know, is not a mythological name and belongs to another company.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Selissa is Uncommon, at least presently.Actually, all three of these figures are Uncommon. I'd normally make Arronax Rare, but this set had too many better Rare candidates and I figured he'd sub in for an officer character people might want multiples of.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Love the look of all three of these ones. The naga has a incredible and dynamic pose and the medium size makes for a great young creature. Could repaint in a pinch and turn it into a (probably oversized) goblin snake, until we get one in a later set (hint! along wiht a Mi-go of course). The fact that there is another in the set caught me off guard a bit - this, and the other one in the next, will make three nagas in the last two sets. The second large will need to be be strikingly different in pose and colour to stand out form the one in shackles.

As for Shimerae, this I love. I was hoping this would make the grade since the announcement last week, yet really thought it may be a little too niche, and way to complex (as Mazra notes). Really happy to see it. I have a similar concern to the poster above - the snakes look fragile, but I have faith in the way you guys operate. Better still it could be UNCOMMON? Wow.

As for NPC humanoids - that's damn good pirate. Enough detail to stand out, yet no so much it limits its use. And again love the face! It's so good to see the facial details coming to the forefront in the humans.

The detail in this set is a step up again, the reliquary from the last set, combined with the shimerae here really gives me hope we can see some more truly memorable sculpts...

Here's my wish list
Grindalows! Hopefully 2 sculpts like the mites and an extra nasty medium one!
The ships whores (ghasts with some great detail in the picture)
Cannon golem
Pirate bomber, female!
Pirate sniper, female!
Captain Aiger
Phase spider
A cyclops? although I don't actually know if like the artwork for them in shackles enough
the eel
avimar sorrinash
Giles Halmis
Zarskia Galembar
Drowning Devil
Seaweed Siren
Sahuagin at last..
including the matron...
and Krelloort

Brine zombie
The ancient Mariner
MErril Pegsworthy
Whalebone pilk
And from the ISle of SHackels Book
Jolis Raffles - a halfling pirate captain, hell yeah
Cultist of the eye - this would be amazingly awesome - this is a remarkable piece of art
Coral golem
did I mention some SHARKS
andperhaps some grindilow?

Got to have something to wish for

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ahoy the Ship!

LOVED this preview ... and what I loved most was the Dusk Kamadan mini (or Shimerae as she's known) ... I know I was one of the people that asked for Kamadan minis (all variants in time please). :)

I also second and totally agree with a lot of Cat-thulhu's wish list. Much of that would make me a happy "plasticrack" junkie.



Haven't played Skull & Shackles yet so don't know if there is one in the AP but I want a Goblin Pirate! And the 1/2 orc Buccaneer from the Pirates Players Companion. That said those three are just awesome sculpts (particularly Arronax, he just screams 'I am a Bad-ass, don't @#&! with me or I'll @#&! you up.' Then again he might simply mess you up because it's Tuesday and he's bored . . .)

OMG, two aquatic nagas? I'm in heaven.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Kamadan name copyrighted? Then why both Tomb of Horrors and Bestiary 3 use the name without any problem?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Sincubus, I was wondering about this too (the Kamadan name) and then I remembered something similar with the Glabrezu (Treachery Demon) and even the Vrock (Wrath Demon) minis from Wizkids ... I can't recall the exact wordage used to explain it ... but I'm guessing it's a similar situation.

Of course, I could be completely wrong and waay off base ... I'm sure someone more official will have an answer for you in time.




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The minis don't use the OGL, so they can't use names that are only open due to the OGL

There were already 2 Displacer Beasts in prepainted plastic sets from WotC (AFAIR Unhallowed and War of the Dragon Queen)

That is no displacer beast! And it is much better in quality than the Manhunter Displacer Beast. That mini sacrificed appearance for durability's sake. And with the harder plastics used in the Pathfinder Battles sets, I expect this Kamadan's snakes will hold their form much better than the Harbinger Displacer Beast's tentacles. I hadn't imagined such an intricate mini would have been attempted, but after the Clockwork Reliquary I should have realized there are no boundaries for Paizo and Wizkids. Well done! I look forward to many more creatures that weren't really possible until these two companies teamed up.

Selissa is great. Whether she is used as a Naga youngster or maybe even a Nagatha, I agree that getting unusual variants (in moderation) adds possibilities to my campaigns. Mokmurian was a wonderful supplement to the stone giants in Rise of the Runelords. But that was because there was such a strong foundation of "standard" stone giant sculpts accompanying him. A matching adult Aquatic Naga for Selissa will be perfect.

Arronax will be a welcome pirate addition. So far this set has been hitting on all cylinders, with so much more cool stuff to come.

Berk the Black wrote:
And with the harder plastics used in the Pathfinder Battles sets, I expect this Kamadan's snakes will hold their form much better than the Harbinger Displacer Beast's tentacles.

In the very least, this mini gives Paizo & WizKids a chance to demonstrate their promises of new and improved packaging to reduce breakage concerns.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

That's the spirit!

Erik, I'm not sure how my comment reads to everyone and I think it may have come off sarcastically. I hope it didn't, because it was not meant that way.

The Shimerae miniature itself is a really great sculpt. If the final paint job looks like this proof, then I will also be equally impressed. (That's quite a bit of someone's time to "neatly" paint the eyes, mouths, tongues and fangs of each snake, in addition the creature's).

Based on some concerns which arose from the Shattered Star set, Paizo has advised that those concerns will be addressed in this set, which may include varying the plastic consistency of different parts of the minis, and re-addressing the packaging. Understandably, its all part of the trial and error process when producing a new product line.

All of those snakes(tentacles) will present a unique challenge in the packaging process. I look forward to seeing how WizKids safeguards this particular mini from being broken. I believe this mini alone will be a great "test" to see how well those changes work. If this mini can make it to people's doorsteps unscathed, then I think it's safe to say that pretty much any of the PFB minis will be able to survive the rigors of the postal service :)

Grand Lodge

Which iconics will we see in this set?

Lini and Sajan, I would guess. Hopefully her cat, too.

Grand Lodge

There are only 3 "core" iconics left (including Seltyiel). I'm hoping they will start working on the other ones now, to mix it up a bit.

I was thinking Seltyiel and Lirianne would be a good pair for this set: Seltyiel is in the art, and this is the best fit for a gunslinger.

But we will have to wait for the preview.

Here's hoping if they do Seltyiel that the do either Lini (and Droogami as a separate Mini) or Sajan. Much as like Lirianne, having both of the Iconic PC-type minis in the set be half-elves would be . . . bothersome to say it politely. I'm liking the current trend in Iconics of one Human / one Non-human. just my two coppers.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Erik, I'm not sure how my comment reads to everyone and I think it may have come off sarcastically. I hope it didn't, because it was not meant that way.

No offense taken. I was agreeing with you. :)

Pirate with a bastard sword you say? How soon do you want my money?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

For the iconics I'm hoping for Sajan and Lini (with a separate Droogami mini). They could even call "Droogami" - "Snow leopard" - or something else if there is concern about rarity and such.

And this would complete the "Core Rulebook" classes ... allowing the APG classes to begin in the set after Skull and Shackles.

***Erik, and news regarding Paizo's and Wizkids's plans for HUGE minis?***


Grand Lodge

My bet would be Alahazra Iconic Human Oracle. Her image is often seen in some of the artwork for Skull and Shackles.

Grand Lodge

Mazra wrote:
My bet would be Alahazra Iconic Human Oracle. Her image is often seen in some of the artwork for Skull and Shackles.

That would be good. IIRC, the "party" of iconics for the art was Alahazra, Lem (done), Merisiel (done), and Seltyiel.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The_Minstrel_Wyrm wrote:

For the iconics I'm hoping for Sajan and Lini (with a separate Droogami mini). They could even call "Droogami" - "Snow leopard" - or something else if there is concern about rarity and such.

And this would complete the "Core Rulebook" classes ... allowing the APG classes to begin in the set after Skull and Shackles.

***Erik, and news regarding Paizo's and Wizkids's plans for HUGE minis?***


Ack! ... Sorry Erik, I meant to say "any" news ... just realized (hours later) I typed "and". :(

And @ Mazra and Scribbling Rambler ... I wouldn't mind Alahazra and/or Seltyiel ... but for Shattered Star we didn't get Damiel who is in all the covers for the Shattered Star AP ... we got Amiri and Lem. (Which leads me to believe the Core Rulebook iconics get completed first).

But, whatever happens, happens. ;)


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