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Do any of the spell lists best represent a self taught caster?

Explorer / Dungeon Crawler Specialist Ideas

How does a paladin behave?

Give me something to build...

Help with finishing up a Kellid Cleric / Barbarian for Iron Gods

Would you ever retcon PC death? What if you missed a rule?

Scent through doors and other significant but non-airtight barriers

Illustionist tactics

Feats needs retrain.

My Frankenstein's monster of a character - where to go now?

Help fleshing out a one-shot?

On a scale of 1-10 how needed is Lingering Performance on a bard?

Does an aberrant eidolon that takes eidolon mount still use tentacle mass as an attack?

Which class between the ones i've chosen would be the best fit for a heavy unarmed charisma based build?

Exhaust undead?

Mutagen Masters Wanted!!

Help Me Build Sir Prise The Roguish Cavalier

Eldritch Knight NPC for S&S

Build Advice: Gestalt Warpriest

is a high charisma based build too gimmicky?

Creating Darkness from Konosuba

Is mesmerist the only class that can make feint late game viable?

[Advice required] Building two recurring vilains


Gaining Spell like abilities via Feats / Races

Adjusting character for gestalt.

Which makes a better dip? Okayo Corsair or Battle dancer?

Is it worth investing in a little bit of melee in this build, or am i better off completely focusing on familiar empowerment?

Gun Magus Bounty hunter of mage criminals

Scaled fist + Dervish of Dawn build

Modifying for a smaller party

Not sure if this item exists already in pathfinder.

So which one of these builds would you say are better overall?

Magus with Variant Multiclassing, could use your input

Spells usable with ranged spell Strike

If you were using a class that was 3 / 4 bab, had access to a familiar and only 2+int to skills. Would you go mauler or Sage?

Dhampir Starting Age & Life Span in Golarian?

Mithral armor worth it for multiclass fighter?

Help with picking feats for a melee bard.

What would you add to this party?

Hordes of enemies Cr equivalant

Help me build a gestalt fighter / wizard who specializes in transmutation.

Returning to PF: Goblin Alchemist Help?

White Necromancer questions

Roleplaying Romance How Do You Do It

What DC would you set to learn how to craft advanced firearms in an Emerging Guns setting?

Mystic past life Samsarans Magus Advice

The Final Fantasy Pathfinder team

Could use a little help deciding on feats / rage powers for a level 7 barbarian

How early can one enter Evangelist PrC, without being an Aasimar?

Anyone got any sugestions for a Warpriest of Gorum?

Subbing In

Any spells inherently castable while Paralyzed?

The Pack of Wolves

Help me flesh out a Cult of Tiamat

A bard intimidate build for Wrath of the Righteous, how to maximize?

What bard archetype would best fit a faun?

Ceratioidi with a Parasite Familiar...

We Be Goblins Campaign

Packmaster Utility Companions

Undine Mist Assassin

Owl's Witch Guide


Working on a guide to the HUNTER base class

Unchained Barbarian advice

3PP Ruse spells?

Looking to add some ghostly-mysticsm to my Fighter

Tarondor’s Guide to the Pathfinder Transmuter Wizard

Using a high end / players can’t win to bait the players on hook.

[Unchained Monk Guide] YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD

Random question, What classes work best for Cohorts?

WW1 Era Pathfinder : Looking for rules & Suggestions.

Does the protector Familiar Archtype work with Nature-Bonded Magus's Familiar Symbiosis?


How many people would be willing to play this....?

Human or Half Elf Arsenal Chaplain (Archer) optimization (DPS)

If you had to think of one archetype that just screams "EDM(Electronic Dance Music)" what would it be?

Is there any way to give a land based animal companion a swim speed?

Divine Arcane Trickster

Who would you rather have in your party? A Strength based paladin or a Charisma based one?

Tiefling Warpriest Advice needed

Which one of these bard Archtypes would be the better choice for an.....sigh....idol PC?

Judo Druid: Goliath Druid / Sage Advisor Monk, Advise and critique

AP encounters very easy?

Catfolk Swashbuckler - Grit and Panache

Is this gunslinger archetype balanced?

Can someone give me their thoughts on this build i came up with?

More Build Help: Pirate with a gun?

Trick feats...

Equipment advice = weapon (Falcata)

Looking for advice on what to play

Kitsune Oracle

Kineticist fire build advice

Best druid spells to use with Imbue Arrow

Guide to the Arcane Trickster

To Natural Attack, or not to Natural Attack

Random idea.. Someone who focuses on companions / summons for combat..

Menhir Savant-Planar Extremist [ex]Druid VMC Summoner...

Campaign where GM allows high race point (40 RP) characters; alternatives for those who don't want a high RP race?

Build Ideas - Generic & Basic

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