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Website Feedback

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Has anyone's Revolut card suddenly failed to work with purchases?

That weird bug in product threads where it doesn't take you to the last unread post..

Issue with number of displayed novas (too many)

Gift Certificate from Paizo Con NOT working

One click downloads Scheduled Maintenance: Monday, June 3, 2019

SFS 01-29 Honorbound Emissaries reporting is missing "Special Faction Objectives" checkbox

Website formatting errors

SFS - When viewing sessions, some show as having a NULL scenario

Incorrect GM stars

Tranferring Event Organiser??

NPC and all of his posts are gone

Alias deleted / missing?

Can't get past "You have made seven posts as..."

Can't See Inactive Campaings

Private information public on front page.

PaizoCon events filtering

website doesn’t work with Firefox on my Mac

Backorder, our of stock, out of print, preorders, “waiting-for-word-from-the-manufacturer” etcetera

Ongoing PDF download issue

PaizoCon events page broken

SFS01-08 Sanctuary of Drowned Delight Reporting Error

Reporting a problem function not working

Superscriber button

Pathfinder ACG Store Page - hard to find Core and Curse of the Crimson Throne

Sidebar Improvements

Problem with download for Convergent Paths: Clerics of the Cloth (PFRPG) PDF


Unable to report for a specific, recurring event

Organized play - Show sessions now working

Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Special #1-00: Claim to Salvation flagging as repeatable when reporting.

Player does not get 'new' post notifier

Is there a way to enable email notifications whenever someone replies to a comment I've made in a thread?

"Playtest Points" no longer tallying on Organized Play page

E-Ticket transfer

Strange / Malware Post

All text in this PbP campaign is red now?

Forum hiccup?

Application Backtrack Limit Exceeded.

Release 1.67: New Code


Duplicate sessions are being created

Filter doesn't seem to work for refining your searches.

URLs redirections

Log-in and Data Retention

FAQ page won't load

list formatting omitting dots

Paizo Blog: Iconic Encounter: One by One

Paizo Blog: Iconic Evolution: Harsk

Is there a way to follow threads?

Spam Again!

Product request

Bolding not visible in posts?

Disappearing PFS GM Stars?

Character page is now missing Sessions

Opening a thread isn't taking me to the most recent post

Create a "Modules" section for Starfinder

Pathfinder 1st Edition FAQs

(Forum Bug) Quote tag "Grey Area" extends too far left

Paizo Blog: Iconic Evolution: Amiri Email Correspondence Issues, 2 / 20 / 2019

Missing Product Page for ACG 4-7 Yeleth of the First Blood

Items disappearing from Digital Content while trying to download the item.

Invisible thread I can post in (Starfinder minis)

Site wide community moderation policy

Contributor tag

Campaign Gameplay Thread Issues Scheduled Maintenance: Saturday, February 16

weird behavior in accessint the VO forums

Paizo Blog... in 1999?

Signal of Screams one file per chapter downloads

Requesting stickies for Tyrant's Grasp GM Reference threads

Profile Picture / Avatar Selection - Filters not working as intended

Just an FYI: Didn't get email notice subs shipped.

Avatar images

Something changed about Jan 20 on sign-in

Forums Page Only Loads Halfway

Disorder in my Lists

Is this how the dice roller is intended to work?

Feature request - "manage subscriptions"

Looks like Paizo’s Cert expired.

S.O.S.: One of my character's on-site profiles just DISAPPEARED!

Am I missing something important?

Digital Content

Cannot change avatars

State error in Paizo website, causing me to be logged in as someone else

Please inactivate a game thread

The "List" format seems to be broken

Can we get Kreighton Shane and Janira Gavrix as Forum Avatars?

Pathfinder RPG Adventures page never fully loads

So if the thread title is inappropriate, how about just changing it?

Focus view is doing that weird PBP thing again

Forum RSS feeds down?

Gale Force Nine D&D Products still being carried?

Search is terrible at its job

New posts not appearing is surely driving away new traffic

Return Chapter 6 Interactive Maps

Pathfinder Player Companion subscription page gives error

New Avatar Updates

SFS01-07 The Solar Sortie Reporting Error

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