Note: The Pathfinder RPG Prerelease Discussion forums will be locked on Friday, October 16, 2009. You will not be able to create new posts after this date, but existing discussion will still be available for reading.

Races & Classes

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Converting the Warlock

Half Orc Cleric VS Half Orc Druid

Ranger Animal Companion

Artificer in Pathfinder

Are we getting the Druids wrong?

New Races for Beta

Wizard: Adding knowledge only skill points

Druid Summoning Concern

Let's stop maximizing hitpoints at first level.

Aasimar in Pathfinder

Pathfinder Kobold

Wizards & Sorcerers Automatic Abilities

Is Channel Energy too powerful?

If I'd like to submit a new Druid Class , how do I go about it?

Wizards, Clerics & Druids

Nature's Bond for At Will Pathfinder Wildshape

Mutliclassing answer?....Hybrid characters?

Lore master Problems

Hand of the Apprentice + Sneak attack

Clerics and domain spells in Pathfinder

Duskblade 0 level spells in Pathfinder

Class Variants... PLEASE!

Celestial-bloodline Sorcerer's 1st-level Ability Pointless


Half-dragon sorcerer

clerics learning spells like wizards

Are rangers underpowered in Pathfinder so far...

Favored Class Bonus


Spell-less Ranger

Issues with the Fighter Class...

Ranger's Hunter's Bond (Companion Bond) rethink?

What's the XP formula?

Barbarian Rage Power: Elemental Rage

Monk (Ki Pool) issues

Barbarian Rage Power Issue

Paladin Aura of Righteousness Issue

A few arcane questions...

Races, classes and the planetouched?

How to PFize Kobolds

Favored Weapon Suggestion.

Arcane Bond - Jason or fellow Paizoians PLEASE CLARIFY

Why not just bring back 1e / 2e Multiclassing?

Bard Deadly Performance

Suggestion on Paladin Spellcasting

Races Comments

Possible answer to the multiclassing question...Hybrid Characters.

Is natural spell too powerful?

Faerunian Swashbuckler Barbarian! Optimization Sorely Needed!

Druid discussion vis a vis their healing capabilities

outmonking the monk...

Rogue Sneak Attacks

Wizards using Charisma instead of the expected Intelligence in the DC of their schools powers

Outmonking the monk...

A +4 racial bonus to Survival skill for Animals?

Core Classes vs Non Core Classes and Alterations....

Channel Energy for Varient Clerics that Don't Have Turn / Rebuke

Sorcerer's Draconic Bloodline: Wings ability query

Sneak attack and grappling...

A Wizard’s Arcane Bond (the Object)

Ranger's Favored Terrain: Suggestion

New feats for monsters, any ideas?

Barbarian notes

Sorcerer Aberrant Class Skill Error?

Multiclass proposal... perhaps repeated

Warforged stats for Pathfinder

Cleric Domain Powers and Prestige Classes

Playing as an Astral Construct

Absolutes Bedevil the d20 system

Druids and Shapeshift (PHB2)

Bardic Knowledge

My Take on the Pathfinder Monk

Anyone multiclass sorcerer and wizard?

What is and is not open to sneak attacks? What about critical hits?

Starting Weapons and Armor

Multiclass Arcane Casters

Trapfinding should be a feat

Fighters need to be set apart from other "Warrior" type classes...

[THINK TANK] Fighters

Rogue capstone ability

Pathfinder Druid vs PHB 2 Druid, wildshape vs Shapeshift

Different monk and fighter paths

Remove Favored Class Altogether?

Orcs, Goblins, Kobolds, and Gnolls = Player Races?

Warshaper Advice

The Fighter references the 3.0 Ranger

Fractional Bonuses

Bard Lore Master Pg 20

Deity Favored Weapon TYPO?

Encountering the new Monk

Class Alignment Restrictions

Wizard Specialist SLAs... gone bonus spells back

They sit on toadstools with fishing rods and talk to animals...

Ranger = (Fighter / Druid) Paladin = (Fighter / Cleric) where's the Fighter / Mage ?


Unarmoured Fighters


Ranger's bonus to Survival / Tracking Question

Idea for sorcerers to complete get rid of components

Pathfinder Eberron

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