Dark Archive

Dark Archive Faction Status Report - Year of the Sky Key

At the Drop Box

A young half-orc walks into the Archive

The Absalom Calistrian Temple: Pleasure Salon of Calistria

A quiet voice 'Now where did I put that key? No matter. 'Click'

A new librarian

The Mysterious Soothsayer's Harrowing Thread

In the Dark Archives...

Raising Dralneen's Spirits [Minor Season 7 Spoilers]

Collecting reading material for the Paracountess

At a loading area within Skyreach Citadel

An elf in a new place

A halfling in black enters the Archive

An urgent delivery for the Paracountess (Spoiler for 7-5: School of Spirits)

Excuse me?

A message from the Darkive

Female Slip on Auction for Interested Handler within the Dark Archive

Greetings fellow pathfinders!

Before the Steel Doors...

The Archive's latest recruit... ((Spoilers for 6-07: Valley of Veiled Flame))

Ok, this place is creeping me out.

Dark Archive Archives

Red Mantis incoming.

Views of the Darkive

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