Gen Con Stream Schedule

Friday, July 28, 2023

With less than a week until Gen Con, it’s time to reveal our Gen Con Stream Schedule! These streams will be going live on, with VODs available directly afterward on Twitch, and uploaded to YouTube after Gen Con.

A graphic showing our panels scheduled for Gen Con

Thursday, August 3rd

10am Eastern / 7am Pacific

Gen Con 2023 Keynote
Exciting news and upcoming products from Paizo! This Keynote features segments from a variety of teams, hosted by Paizo Publisher Erik Mona.

Friday, August 4th

10am Eastern / 7am Pacific

Rage of Elements — Designer’s Commentary with Logan Bonner
Join Pathfinder Lead Designer Logan Bonner for a tour of the planes! In this panel, Logan flips through Pathfinder Rage of Elements, providing commentary on the design and development of the book.

Saturday, August 5th

10am Eastern / 7am Pacific

Pathfinder Remaster Preview
Jason Bulmahn, James Case, and Michael Sayre dive into the Pathfinder Remaster Project with an exclusive look into the Player Core and GM Core books — plus a sneak peek at what’s coming in Monster Core and Player Core 2!

Sunday, August 6th

10am Eastern / 7am Pacific

Lost Omens Highhelm & Sky King’s Tomb — Developers’ Commentary
Luis Loza and John Compton sit down in the Paizo Games Library for a chat about Lost Omens Highhelm, the Sky King’s Tomb Adventure Path, and all things dwarves!

See you soon!

Whether it’s in person at Gen Con Indy or online, we can’t wait to see you and share some exciting news!

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Director of Marketing

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Backstory! As we've said previously, the whole Marketing team will be at Gen Con, and the editorial team will be split up, so all these are pre-recorded. It is fewer hours than we have done in years past, but full of value!

Thanks for playing Starfinder and Pathfinder.

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No Starfinder panels?

Director of Marketing

11 people marked this as a favorite.
Lycanthropist wrote:
No Starfinder panels?

There is Starfinder goodness in the Keynote.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Aaron Shanks wrote:

Backstory! As we've said previously, the whole Marketing team will be at Gen Con, and the editorial team will be slip up, so all these are pre-recorded. It is fewer hours than we have done in years past, but full of value!

Thanks for playing Starfinder and Pathfinder.

What does “slip up” mean in this context? Because when I looked it up on Google (thinking there might be a new fangled slang meaning all the hip young kids are using these days), I found it meant what it has meant my entire lie, which is to make a mistake. To quote Inigo Montoya, “I do not think that word means what you think it means.”


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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

PF gets 3 panels and SF only part of the keynote :(

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm sure whatever announcements are coming for Pathfinder and Starfinder, they will be big and spectacular. I haven't been disappointed by the GenCon announcements so far, and I don't think I will this year. =D

Dark Archive

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Any new upcoming adventures (Ap or Module?) likely to be announced at any of these panels

Director of Marketing

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Ashanderai wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:

Backstory! As we've said previously, the whole Marketing team will be at Gen Con, and the editorial team will be slip up, so all these are pre-recorded. It is fewer hours than we have done in years past, but full of value!

Thanks for playing Starfinder and Pathfinder.

What does “slip up” mean in this context? Because when I looked it up on Google (thinking there might be a new fangled slang meaning all the hip young kids are using these days), I found it meant what it has meant my entire lie, which is to make a mistake. To quote Inigo Montoya, “I do not think that word means what you think it means.”

Just a typo. I meant split up—some at home, some at the show.

Dark Archive

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I'm curious to see if a new playtest for a new class will be announced. Looking forward the remastered panel

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I really appreciate that you continue to post the videos to YouTube. I’ve never been a huge fan of Twitch and can never seem to be able to make the livestreams.

Director of Marketing

7 people marked this as a favorite.
AJCarrington wrote:
I really appreciate that you continue to post the videos to YouTube. I’ve never been a huge fan of Twitch and can never seem to be able to make the livestreams.

If all goes as planned we will simulcast on both Twitch and YouTube, so you won't need to wait at all!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

And then there are those of us allergic to videostreams, live or not, and wait for those kind and dedicated souls who give us a written run-down…

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

How long are each of these presentations?

Liberty's Edge

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OceanshieldwolPF 2.5 wrote:
And then there are those of us allergic to videostreams, live or not, and wait for those kind and dedicated souls who give us a written run-down…

Long live The Magic Sword (and other benefactors I am forgetting).

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

5 people marked this as a favorite.

In addition to Starfinder getting to make its big announcement(s) in the keynote, the SF team is much smaller than the PF team, and a much larger proportion of that team will be at Gen Con. So they won't be around to answer questions that might pop up during or after a more thorough stream like the PF design/development team will. Rest assured, Starfinder will have plenty of time in the spotlight in streams and blogs and other stuff in the coming months, just not as much during the Best Four Days in Gaming™.

Director of Marketing

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logic_poet wrote:
How long are each of these presentations?

Between 40 an 80 minutes, so 4 hours total.

Nice, 4 panels so at least thats a bit better than I thought. I'll still miss the live chat panels as that is so much fun and interesting to get live replies and their take on things.

But hopefully we will have more regular Twitch streams on a monthly or bi monthly basic :)

REALLY hope the Starfinder team gets some fresh new peeps hired on their side of things!!


Any word if the Discord Q&As are still happening this year, or will those be skipped this year?

I only ask since I typically do the Google Doc write-ups from said Q&As to post on Reddit, so if they aren't happening, I can go ahead and clear out my weekend plans.

Paizo Employee Organized Play Coordinator

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Ezekieru wrote:
Any word if the Discord Q&As are still happening this year, or will those be skipped this year?

Those are a PaizoCon exclusive. Don't expect the staff to necessarily be on Discord during the show, outside of those of us overseeing the online gaming.

Director of Marketing

3 people marked this as a favorite.
TRDG wrote:

Nice, 4 panels so at least thats a bit better than I thought. I'll still miss the live chat panels as that is so much fun and interesting to get live replies and their take on things.

But hopefully we will have more regular Twitch streams on a monthly or bi monthly basic :)

REALLY hope the Starfinder team gets some fresh new peeps hired on their side of things!!


We are working on moving Paizo LIVE to the First Friday of every month. We think that will work best. And the new bigger Marketing team is working on extra occasional Paizo LIVE Specials when needed—mostly to feature licensed partners. And we want to convert everything to podcast. So much to do! :)

I don't think Starfinder has any empty positions, but we will see what the future holds. ;)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I really hope that despite getting PF2 Remastered we will still get a new class playtest this year. Please be Warlord or Inquisitor.

Aaron Shanks wrote:
TRDG wrote:

Nice, 4 panels so at least thats a bit better than I thought. I'll still miss the live chat panels as that is so much fun and interesting to get live replies and their take on things.

But hopefully we will have more regular Twitch streams on a monthly or bi monthly basic :)

REALLY hope the Starfinder team gets some fresh new peeps hired on their side of things!!


We are working on moving Paizo LIVE to the First Friday of every month. We think that will work best. And the new bigger Marketing team is working on extra occasional Paizo LIVE Specials when needed—mostly to feature licensed partners. And we want to convert everything to podcast. So much to do! :)

I don't think Starfinder has any empty positions, but we will see what the future holds. ;)

Thanks bud!!! VERY good to hear and good luck at the con if your there!!


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