Order of the Amber Die: The Slithering Salve Part 1

Monday, November 9, 2020

In case you're new to our projects or what Order of the Amber Die is all about, here's a quick rundown: We have been dedicated to pushing the envelope of tabletop role-playing since 1987. After more than five years on the Paizo blog, including three full Adventure Paths and the Pathfinder Playtest, we were looking for a new project, and our first one in Pathfinder 2nd Edition no less. We had never presented anything from Paizo's modules line, but just a few minutes after scanning the options, a new project was born: The Slithering Salve! Over the years, author Ron Lundeen has shown up as one of the more frequent names from the adventures we've played, and The Slithering will mark the fourth adventure of his that the Order has taken on.

Oozes have been a staple of adventurers' bad dreams for decades of this game now, and tales of the "the room with the ooze" from any given dungeon are fairly common on the messageboards. However, a module that features ooze as part of its central plot can be difficult to find--for good reason--which is why this adventure and the myriad oozes within it deserve the highest level of appreciation we can give them. Throughout this adventure, any player whose character is hit by an ooze during combat must stick their hand into a five-gallon bucket of disgusting slime, and retrieve a die at the bottom of the bucket for each hit they received. We told you we push the envelope!

  • Module: The Slithering
  • Marathon Length: 61 hours
  • Session Hours: 29hrs, 40min
A model of a town marketplace, The players' figures suround and defend the market from a large Ooze Three players, all masked, leaning over the table.

The Order has between ten and fifteen active members at any given time, and each roster is unique to each project. The team for The Slithering Salve is our most diverse and perhaps most challenging, in that we have ages ranging from forty-seven to fourteen, and experience varying from veterans with over thirty years to even a complete newcomer to the game. We also have a friend and patron along for this project: Karee Vogrin of Critical Hit Cookies, with hair dyed green to match Lini! Finally, with such a diverse array of locals across the city of Kibwe, our GM tapped two additional members of the Order for live-NPC roles throughout our journey.

Highlights From The Slithering:

  • Are your veterans too familiar with the various kinds of oozes in Pathfinder? Perhaps you're worried about them metagaming which types of damage to apply? Enter the fuming sludge, a new ooze that put three of our characters on the ground and slithered over their precious hero points with its ability to prevent the curing of persistent bleed. Oh, you're going to do the run-away-and-shoot routine? Hope you can duck ejected globs of sludge!

  • Oozes aren't the only thing we fought in The Slithering. Inside one of the oldest buildings in Kibwe, Jirelle opened a door and peered through the torchlight. Staring back at her--six times before help got there--were a pair of basilisks. Six successful saving throws made, never tell a swashbuckler the odds!

  • A mini figure large lizard-like creature stands over our players' figures, standing out ominously in the torchlight Player mini figures in the dark, surrounded by a hoard of boggard figures

  • We decided to employ the Critical Hit Deck and Critical Fumble Deck, with deadly variants applied to both, causing a card to be drawn on any crits/fumbles (not just natural 20s or 1s). In total, we saw twenty-seven critical hits and sixteen fumbles throughout the first half of the adventure. This resulted in some raucous combats, like the one where Zithembe the catfolk fighter threw his greataxe (not by choice), drew his greatclub, and proceeded to break it--in the same round!

  • Playing iconic characters has moments when a player gets to add to the lore of the iconic. While lifting up a map inside a caravan house belonging to the Aspis Consortium, Korakai discovered a feather token (fan), just like the one his grandfather used to dance with.

  • Kibwe was reason enough to play this adventure. The soundtrack to Tsotsi accompanied us as we explored nearly every block of the ten distinct districts of the city and met its inhabitants. As one of the adventure's more memorable encounters, we had to persevere in a heated debate in front of a large crowd (complete with module-specific debate system) about the contributions of non-humans and the value of diversity.

The Salve:

We weren't sure how we were going to feel playing an adventure about an out-of-control curse, spreading throughout the population of Kibwe with the backdrop of 2020 all around us. This being OAD though, we weren't going to shy away from any adventure that provides something new for us, and we were willing to make heavy sacrifices to have such a unique experience. We spent the weekend contact-tracing in Kibwe, discovering as much as we could about how the curse was spreading and even daring to visit the quarantined victims--eventually coming to the understanding that our own characters might now be vectors. The group agreed that as an out-of-game experience we found it cathartic, even a somewhat surprising outlet for expression during this challenging time. There was a great sense of hope that our characters could do what we at the table could not. By the end of the weekend, we came to feel as if the "Salve" in our project's title has several meanings, one of which applies to the players.

The order of the Amber Die, all wearing masks, sitting around the gaming table View looking down on the table map, different rooms include a dining hall, offices, and a few large storage rooms

Character Deaths:

None! Our characters were built solid and in good hands with the expertise of OAD Player Captain, Matt Hardin

Best Quote From Marathon 1:

(with the party facing two large ochre jellies)

Lini: "Well, let's see what works!" (casts electric arc, two jellies become four jellies)
Droogami: "Grrrrrr..." (bites, and four jellies now become five)
Korakai: "Caw!" (wields electricity, five jellies become six)
Zithembe: "Rraaawwwrrr!" (attacks with greataxe, six jellies become seven)
Jirelle: "This sounds like a good time to get out of Kibwe, honestly."

Current Situation:

We managed to discern the origin of the curse affecting Kibwe; unfortunately, the remedy appears to be one of the ancient pillar-watchers of the city, known as Cursebreaker. After chasing down clues, we must venture 140 miles deeper into Mwangi, to a place called Holy Xatramba. Little is known of the ruined city, both in-game and from Paizo's published material on it. There are demons within, we do know that...

The players mini figures on a path through a densely wooded jungle map The Order of the Amber Die player character roster

More Content:

Our table was brought to life with the help of Vibrant Gaming Terrain for jungle setups, Blue Table Painting for the iconic miniatures, and Black Bard Studios for custom adventure-specific miniatures and terrain.

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RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

I wish you guys would show a line up of your character miniatures

Also, why is Jirelle not a blob-ificated?

Half Elves, Half Orcs, and Humans with flexible heritages optionally are immune to the Slithering.

Order of the Amber Die

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Cyrad wrote:

I wish you guys would show a line up of your character miniatures

** spoiler omitted **

They're beautiful up close, we definitely will! They will show up here in part two, and they've already been on our social media a bit. The trickiest part is playing with the same minis we use for the photos, yet still keeping them in good shape afterwards!

Order of the Amber Die

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AnimatedPaper wrote:
** spoiler **

Yes! We actually had a lot of fun having Jirelle in the roster because of that, as she may or may not be immune. She was also required to have the Elf Atavism feat to add some story to any potential immunity she might possess. However, rumors have already started in Kibwe that the curse affected its first half-orc...

Isn't it fun to keep a player wondering if they are immune to the curse--or will stay that way throughout? :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Fumbus here, bombing this blog like I did to the ooze AND MY OWN PARTY!

52 splash damage to enemies, and 52 to allies!

18 DIRECT damage to allies. That one is not my fault, I was confused at the time!


6 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Always a pleasure when you guys invite us in to your game. A pleasure and inspiration. Looks like it was an awesome session! Keep on keepin' on!

Sovereign Court

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I love the bucket idea. Talk about making it a visceral experience.

-Vrockolate Pudding

7 people marked this as a favorite.

The order is always a blob of positivism that makes me wanna play everyday for 20 hours straight - Everything looks gorgeous <3

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Elorebaen wrote:
Always a pleasure when you guys invite us in to your game. A pleasure and inspiration. Looks like it was an awesome session! Keep on keepin' on!

Speaking of being invited into their games, moving from avid fan to participant was such an amazing experience. I've been a fan of the Order for years now and while I've gotten to know the gang, it was still such an honor to be asked to play in The Slithering.

I entered with trepidation and excitement. These are incredible players. Would I be up to the task? The excitement needs no explanation.
I was pleased to find out I could hold my own and the excitement soon gave way to awe at the incredible surroundings I found myself in. The jungle backdrop completely surrounded us and the vines added depth to the immersion. The soundtrack was incredible and helped motivate us and I admit I was not the only one who danced along at times. From Adam's hand drawn map to the ones filled with props and terrain collected over years, the table was by far the most awesome I've ever seen.
The adventure had epic highs and nail biting lows as we traversed Kibwe and I know I'm not the only one anxiously awaiting our return to Mwangi. And I don't even want to talk about the slime bucket. Just ick. But it certainly brought the pain of being hit by an ooze into reality.
All told, the marathon was by far my best gaming experience ever and the fact that I get to do it again fills me with joy!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
K Vogrin wrote:
Elorebaen wrote:
Always a pleasure when you guys invite us in to your game. A pleasure and inspiration. Looks like it was an awesome session! Keep on keepin' on!

Speaking of being invited into their games, moving from avid fan to participant was such an amazing experience. I've been a fan of the Order for years now and while I've gotten to know the gang, it was still such an honor to be asked to play in The Slithering.

I entered with trepidation and excitement. These are incredible players. Would I be up to the task? The excitement needs no explanation.
I was pleased to find out I could hold my own and the excitement soon gave way to awe at the incredible surroundings I found myself in. The jungle backdrop completely surrounded us and the vines added depth to the immersion. The soundtrack was incredible and helped motivate us and I admit I was not the only one who danced along at times. From Adam's hand drawn map to the ones filled with props and terrain collected over years, the table was by far the most awesome I've ever seen.
The adventure had epic highs and nail biting lows as we traversed Kibwe and I know I'm not the only one anxiously awaiting our return to Mwangi. And I don't even want to talk about the slime bucket. Just ick. But it certainly brought the pain of being hit by an ooze into reality.
All told, the marathon was by far my best gaming experience ever and the fact that I get to do it again fills me with joy!

What an awesome experience!! What you described is what I always imagine as the model we shoot for in these games that we play. Right on the money! I cannot wait to hear how the rest of the adventure goes :)

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Lovely photos. Amazing job once again!

8 people marked this as a favorite.

I couldn’t have asked for a better introduction to Pathfinder. I got to play an incredible adventure with an awesome group of fellow fantasy nerds. The set up around the table, the music, and the slime bucket made it all the more immersive, along with the marathon length of the session. It’ll be hard to play Pathfinder with any other group after this. I’m so grateful that I was asked to be a part of the adventure.
Also, an interesting fact is that I had no idea I had just walked into a room full of basilisks that could have turned me to stone instantly. Jirelle made her amazing saving throws and lived to use her panache another day and I had no idea until after it was over how close to death she was. Maybe ignorance really is bliss...

Customer Service Representative

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I WISH I could've been a fly on the wall during each and every one of those Critical Fumbles! What a riot! Very good times...

What miniature is that in the picture, that you're using for the huge black ooze?

Order of the Amber Die

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Brell Stormforge wrote:
What miniature is that in the picture, that you're using for the huge black ooze?

Hi Brell, it's the "Carnivorous Pudding" from Reaper Miniatures, the Bones line of figures. Then you'll want to probably create a base for it, you can always slice a huge pawn base flat if you have extras of those around and don't want to buy a blank one. Pathfinder Battles also has an awesome black pudding mini, you can even put a figure standing in/under its wave of pudding; however, it's worth noting that the Battles one is only large size and Pathfinder 2.0 has made the pudding huge size now.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Keith Greer wrote:
I WISH I could've been a fly on the wall during each and every one of those Critical Fumbles! What a riot! Very good times...

Yeah, the Critical Fumbles were definitely interesting! The party was examining a room that had a few buttons on the walls, and Fumbus being his curious self decided to push one. The desk below it then lit up, and this intrigued me even more. I continued to press the rest of them (thinking it was a good idea) and set off a trap that blinded and heavily damaged half the party - leaving them even more frustrated with me than they already were. Droogami had officially had enough of the goblin after a previous confusion effect (see above), and bit me fairly rough. I then tried to give a little swing at the cat with my dogslicer, and somehow I was able to miss so badly that he knocked himself unconscious, in true goblin fashion!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
JulianDappolone wrote:
Keith Greer wrote:
I WISH I could've been a fly on the wall during each and every one of those Critical Fumbles! What a riot! Very good times...
Yeah, the Critical Fumbles were definitely interesting! The party was examining a room that had a few buttons on the walls, and Fumbus being his curious self decided to push one. The desk below it then lit up, and this intrigued me even more. I continued to press the rest of them (thinking it was a good idea) and set off a trap that blinded and heavily damaged half the party - leaving them even more frustrated with me than they already were. Droogami had officially had enough of the goblin after a previous confusion effect (see above), and bit me fairly rough. I then tried to give a little swing at the cat with my dogslicer, and somehow I was able to miss so badly that he knocked himself unconscious, in true goblin fashion!

Officially Lini told Droogami to do it. And the fumble was because karma said don't go after the cat!

It's Friday on the US west coast.

Order of the Amber Die

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Quick question, now that things have picked back up here. We've got some time this winter to do some conversion work. If we were considering playing an older PF 1.0 Adventure Path on the blog, which one would you be most interested in seeing presented?

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Adam Smith wrote:
Quick question, now that things have picked back up here. We've got some time this winter to do some conversion work. If we were considering playing an older PF 1.0 Adventure Path on the blog, which one would you be most interested in seeing presented?

War for the Crown?

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Adam Smith wrote:
Quick question, now that things have picked back up here. We've got some time this winter to do some conversion work. If we were considering playing an older PF 1.0 Adventure Path on the blog, which one would you be most interested in seeing presented?

The really old ones. Legacy of Fire or Second Darkness :)

Order of the Amber Die

4 people marked this as a favorite.
TSRodriguez wrote:
Adam Smith wrote:
Quick question, now that things have picked back up here. We've got some time this winter to do some conversion work. If we were considering playing an older PF 1.0 Adventure Path on the blog, which one would you be most interested in seeing presented?
The really old ones. Legacy of Fire or Second Darkness :)

I’m liking all the suggestions so far. Legacy of Fire, for example—what an amazing setting that would be for OAD to bring to life!

Order of the Amber Die

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Adam Smith wrote:
Quick question, now that things have picked back up here. We've got some time this winter to do some conversion work. If we were considering playing an older PF 1.0 Adventure Path on the blog, which one would you be most interested in seeing presented?
War for the Crown?

So with this choice we have a more recent AP in addition to the two older ones listed. War for the Crown interests me, since from what I understand, it's got a larger focus on roleplaying encounters. I like the challenge of bringing court intrigue to the blog, it's something we haven't done before, and you know our feelings about anything we haven't done before...

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Im tempted to suggest Wrath of the Righteous for a fully Mythic marathon. That campaign (one of my favs) was really controversial because of the rules, its a hard adventure to do, but I think it would be a incredible challenge to accomplish in OAD style. And I think the marathon would match the release of the PC game based on that AP.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Adam Smith wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Adam Smith wrote:
Quick question, now that things have picked back up here. We've got some time this winter to do some conversion work. If we were considering playing an older PF 1.0 Adventure Path on the blog, which one would you be most interested in seeing presented?
War for the Crown?
So with this choice we have a more recent AP in addition to the two older ones listed. War for the Crown interests me, since from what I understand, it's got a larger focus on roleplaying encounters. I like the challenge of bringing court intrigue to the blog, it's something we haven't done before, and you know our feelings about anything we haven't done before...

War for the Crown sounds like a cool new challenge to tackle.

Vigilant Seal

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
JulianDappolone wrote:

Fumbus here, bombing this blog like I did to the ooze AND MY OWN PARTY!

52 splash damage to enemies, and 52 to allies!

18 DIRECT damage to allies. That one is not my fault, I was confused at the time!


I'm still trying to figure this one out as Fumbus only does splash to allies IF HE WANTS TO.

Order of the Amber Die

Tea4Goblins wrote:
JulianDappolone wrote:

Fumbus here, bombing this blog like I did to the ooze AND MY OWN PARTY!

52 splash damage to enemies, and 52 to allies!

18 DIRECT damage to allies. That one is not my fault, I was confused at the time!


I'm still trying to figure this one out as Fumbus only does splash to allies IF HE WANTS TO.

Oh he not only wanted to—I think he enjoyed it! One of the things I liked about this project compared to our others, was all the new and different faces at the table. As we mentioned, we had ages ranging from 14 to 47, and experience ranging from decades to complete newbs. It was exciting because even more than a regular marathon we never knew exactly what we were going to see happen.

One of those surprises was finding out what happens when you let a kid play a goblin who throws bombs! You ever see a 14-year-old boy with a bag of fireworks? If there were enemies available to be lit up with splash damage from fiery bombs, this kid was going to take the shot—even if it meant some friendly fire to his “allies.” Hey, to his credit, Julian tried to warn us!

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