These Are The People In Your Neighborhood

Monday, June 1, 2020

We’re more than halfway through our blog series previewing the forthcoming [Pathfinder Battles: City of Lost Omens set of pre-painted plastic miniatures from our partners at WizKids, and I think players are going to love this particular batch of minis especially (though GMs should find plenty here to use from their side of the screen as well). This week we look at the humanoid figures in the set, featuring a variety of ancestries perfect for any urban campaign!

Illustration by Will O’Brien

Since we revealed last week at PaizoCon Online what new ancestries and versatile heritages would be debuting in Pathfinder Second Edition in July’s Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide, I have no qualms in spoiling anything by revealing these next few figures, which represent potential player character options included in that book. Here we have the Hellspawn Adept to represent characters with the tiefling versatile heritage. As a spellcaster, this figure seemed a good fit for variant sculpts, so we have the common Medium version wielding a staff and the uncommon Medium version with an additional spell effect in her outstretched hand.

Tieflings are far from the only versatile heritage in the book, though, so we couldn’t stop there. Here are the Angelkin Redeemer, Changling Exile, Dhampir Wizard, and Duskwalker Ghost Hunter—all Medium uncommon figures except the angelkin, who is common—representing humanoids with angelic, hag, vampire, and monitor bloodlines.

The Advanced Player’s Guide also features the catfolk, ratfolk, and tengu ancestries, so naturally we included a member of each in this minis set as well! Here are the Catfolk Pouncer, Tengu Rogue (both Medium uncommon figures), and Ratfolk Grenadier (a Small common figure), ready to populate Absalom or your fantasy metropolis of choice.

The ancestries in the Advanced Player’s Guide aren’t the first to be added to Pathfinder Second Edition since the Core Rulebook came out last summer. That honor goes to the three new ancestries featured in last fall’s Lost Omens Character Guide: hobgoblin, leshy, and lizardfolk (called Iruxi on Golarion). We included a fair number of hobgoblins in last year’s Pathfinder Battles: Legendary Adventures set, but didn’t have reference art for the other two when that set was finalized. Naturally, we’re including them here; behold the Leaf Leshy (Small common), Iruxi Defender (Medium common), and Iruxi Stargazer (Medium uncommon).

As with the Absalom Watch Cadet promo I shared in our first look at City of Lost Omens, I also want to take this opportunity to share two more promo repaints that fit this blog’s theme. I don’t know when or how we’ll be distributing these (we still have the figures that were supposed to be swag at PaizoCon and Gen Con from the last set to find new homes for) but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy them now and relish in the anticipation of their eventual release. First among them is an autumn-themed leaf leshy, appropriate for when the seasons change and your little plant person prepares for the coming winter. Next is a dwarf sharpshooter, a repaint of the duergar sharpshooter from two weeks ago.

That’s it for this week! Next week we’ll wrap the series up with a look at the remaining creatures, all of which call the Isle of Kortos home and are the perfect fit for Game Masters running campaigns set in the lands beyond Absalom’s impenetrable walls. Until then, Pathfinders, stay safe and may your rolls all be critical successes.

Mark Moreland
Director of Brand Strategy

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition
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I like all of these minis and it will be great to have 4 or 5 Leaf Leshis or Iruxi Defenders.
The rest looks so unique that i can't see using more than one of each.
In fact these look so good that they could be ins rare slots.

The Absalom Watch Captain, Xulgath Chief and Thief Guildmaster on the other hand i could use more than just one of.

Lots to like in here. I can’t wait. Mark, there is some confusion over the release date for this set. might you have up to date info on when we can expect to get this goodness?

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Yesssssss Lizardfolk..... Leshys.......

Pug People next time please?

Love the detailing on the Angelkin Redeemer and Changling Exile! :D

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

The tiefling and catfolk look really cool.


Let's get the subscriptions shipped out already. hehe ;)

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Well this is the reveal I was thinking I’d be the least enthusiastic about. I’m not a big fan of the NPC humanoid style, especially since these are the minis Wizkids appears to struggle with the most for consistency and clarity.

That said the choice of minis is excellent. All are minis I feel I want save the Kenku and ghost hunter. Kenku looks too cartoony, which I think is just colour choices. The yellow hands and feet possibly. I will repaint and see. The ghost hunter sim0y looks too much like so many other minis but if the details are clear I could be persuaded otherwise.

As with all Wizkids humanoids I will have to wait until in hand to see how blobby they turn out. I’m hopeful given th improvement in recent sets.

Oh, who are the people in your neighborhood?
In your neighborhood?
In your neighborhood?
Say, who are the people in your neighborhood?
The people that you meet each day

These are some pretty awesome looking minis, but I find it weird that the ratfolk plays so hard against type for their race.

Aren't they usually clean and well groomed? I know alchemists are the grossest of all classes, but this guy's got a skaven look.

Actually, he looks more like a wererat. Especially with those red eyes.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

So glad that we’re finally getting some catfolk PC miniatures beyond the catfolk rogue that came out a long time ago. I hope to see a bunch more in the future!

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The Leshy sculpt looks more like a goblin in leaf armor (without ears)... rather more... toothy than imagined.

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
arkham wrote:
The Leshy sculpt looks more like a goblin in leaf armor (without ears)... rather more... toothy than imagined.

They are based on the ones in the bestiary.

AoN monster page < there’s a picture there.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

"AHA! Nobody expects the ORANGE SCARF! HAHA!"

Seriously, glad to see more cats and birds here!

EDIT!: Also, totally missed the two people having a *freaking swordfight* on a litter being borne by *four* litter-bearers.... Just think of how *hard* that must be to do without overbalancing it so one of them drops it...

Liberty's Edge

What polearm is the the duskwalker using? Is that a glaive?

Silver Crusade

Paladinosaur wrote:
What polearm is the the duskwalker using? Is that a glaive?

(Changeling, the Duskwalker is the grey skin with Ed Hardy tats using the hatchet)

Monk Spade perhaps?

Liberty's Edge

Rysky wrote:
Paladinosaur wrote:
What polearm is the the duskwalker using? Is that a glaive?

(Changeling, the Duskwalker is the grey skin with Ed Hardy tats using the hatchet)

Monk Spade perhaps?

yep, I meant the changeling, mb.

We dont have stats for monk spades yet, do we?

Silver Crusade

Paladinosaur wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Paladinosaur wrote:
What polearm is the the duskwalker using? Is that a glaive?

(Changeling, the Duskwalker is the grey skin with Ed Hardy tats using the hatchet)

Monk Spade perhaps?

yep, I meant the changeling, mb.

We dont have stats for monk spades yet, do we?

Not yet, they might get added in the APG.

Edit: from the Bestiary, where the art was originally from, it lists her as using a Staff.

Is there any source as to what’s on the horizon with this line? (Or is it generally only announced a month or two in advance?)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
Steve Geddes wrote:
Is there any source as to what’s on the horizon with this line? (Or is it generally only announced a month or two in advance?)

Been following mini's for a few years and basically the best resources come from Paizo's blogs which like you said, start just before the line will be released.

You will also find info on about releases as they scour any info that comes from wizkids.

But other than what is announced here our only 'leaks' are when Wizkids updates their 'upcoming releases' is a one stop shop that takes all of the sources information and puts it together for us though :D

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks. I’ve been a subscriber from the beginning but I think it might be time to bow out. What the PF market wants seems very different to what I’m looking for, unfortunately.

Look at all these beautiful minis I can't use in PFS!

Dark Archive

Steve Geddes wrote:
Is there any source as to what’s on the horizon with this line? (Or is it generally only announced a month or two in advance?)

The next Pathfinder Battles set is called "Darklands Rising" according to Patrick O'Hagan, Wizkids Miniatures Chief.

It was scheduled for a december 2020 release date, but that was before Covid-19.
My guess & hope is that it will be acompanied by a gargantuan Neothelid premium set , but with case incentives a thing of the past, you could just buy it seperately.

Personally nothing excites me more than the Underdark/Darklands, so i will probably get a full set.
But that set will include the clear bases, so i may very well stop collecting for good after it if i don't like them.

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Steve Geddes wrote:
Thanks. I’ve been a subscriber from the beginning but I think it might be time to bow out. What the PF market wants seems very different to what I’m looking for, unfortunately.

I am in the same boat.

While i like that Pathfinder Battles is finally offering a set with multiple different races minis, i have zero need of repeat species.

I want monsters first and foremost, not human mini #1,000.
Pathfinder first Edition had six bestiaries full of fantastic creatures, of which more than half didn't receive a miniature.

But the biggest headscratcher of the Pathfinder Battles line to me personally was the fact that multiple Pathfinder 1E (Society) Players were playing fantastic races like Aasimars, Catfolk, Dhampirs, Drow, Fetchlings, Ifrits, Oreads, Ratfolk, Sylphs, Tengus, Tieflings, Undines or even more uncommon races like Changelings, Duergar,Gillmen, Gripplis, Kitsune, Merfolk, Nagaji, Samsarans, Strix, Sulis, Svirfneblin, Vanaras, Vishkanyas, Wayangs or even monsters, but there was either just one or mostly even none miniature of these creatures!

While looking at this upcoming set, it seems that Paizo has learned that particular lesson, i am for a seperation of "player minis" and "creature minis", like D&D 5E is doing now.

While i like dressing, i don't want it to be in blind boosters anymore, as one chair or table isn't exciting and enough to build anything.
I am not against a "Starstone" mini in a "City of Lost Omens" set, but a "Swinging Scythe blade" would be better off in a "Traps & Hazards" boxed set imo.

While i think we are going in the right direction with huge minis finally being added to every 4th set, case incentives becoming premium sets, upcoming playable races being produced as minis etc., there are still a lot of things bothering me:

-undersized large or huge creature minis (Allgollthu, Pteranodon, Skinstitch)
-unavailability of much needed creatures (familiars, riding animals like pony, camel, donkey, animals in general like apes, boars, stags, dolphins...)
-absence of classic gargantuan fantasy monsters apart from dragons or giants (Neothelid, Purple Worm, Roc, Sea Serpent...)

But most of all things, clear bases are bothering me, they may be the thing which makes me stop collecting minis altogether and i am not the only one thinking so...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The clear and intentionally wrong sized bases are going to be show stoppers for me as well. It saddens me that this is the direction of the future, because I will miss out otherwise fantastic miniatures.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:
Thanks. I’ve been a subscriber from the beginning but I think it might be time to bow out. What the PF market wants seems very different to what I’m looking for, unfortunately.

I am in the same boat.

While i like that Pathfinder Battles is finally offering a set with multiple different races minis, i have zero need of repeat species.

I want monsters first and foremost, not human mini #1,000.
Pathfinder first Edition had six bestiaries full of fantastic creatures, of which more than half didn't receive a miniature.

But the biggest headscratcher of the Pathfinder Battles line to me personally was the fact that multiple Pathfinder 1E (Society) Players were playing fantastic races like Aasimars, Catfolk, Dhampirs, Drow, Fetchlings, Ifrits, Oreads, Ratfolk, Sylphs, Tengus, Tieflings, Undines or even more uncommon races like Changelings, Duergar,Gillmen, Gripplis, Kitsune, Merfolk, Nagaji, Samsarans, Strix, Sulis, Svirfneblin, Vanaras, Vishkanyas, Wayangs or even monsters, but there was either just one or mostly even none miniature of these creatures!

While looking at this upcoming set, it seems that Paizo has learned that particular lesson, i am for a seperation of "player minis" and "creature minis", like D&D 5E is doing now.

While i like dressing, i don't want it to be in blind boosters anymore, as one chair or table isn't exciting and enough to build anything.
I am not against a "Starstone" mini in a "City of Lost Omens" set, but a "Swinging Scythe blade" would be better off in a "Traps & Hazards" boxed set imo.

While i think we are going in the right direction with huge minis finally being added to every 4th set, case incentives becoming premium sets, upcoming playable races being produced as minis etc., there are still a lot of things bothering me:

-undersized large or huge creature minis (Allgollthu, Pteranodon, Skinstitch)
-unavailability of much needed creatures (familiars, riding animals like pony, camel, donkey, animals in general like apes, boars,...

I agree with this. I even put in bold the 4 races that should have been done a while ago. I don't understand why we are still waiting on those...

I’ve heard rumor that the City of Lost Omens repaints have been making appearances in some recent orders. Will any be available eventually in the Paizo store? I’d really like to get the variant watch cadet and autumn leshy, and I’m afraid my ordering habits (I’m strictly a Pathfinder Battles subscriber) don’t make me a candidate to get them via other means.

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