Minis at the Center of the World

Monday, May 11, 2020

It seems like it’s been forever since I made one of these preview posts, and I guess it has (and not just because every day seems like a month since everyone started working from home). There’s been a long wait for the next set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic miniatures from our partners at WizKids, but the wait is soon over. Pathfinder Battles: City of Lost Omensis slated for late June, and every indication I’ve heard so far points to it releasing on time. So without further ado, let’s get into it, shall we?

Docks: Illustration by Kent Hamilton

In July, we’ll be launching our third Pathfinder Adventure Path for Pathfinder second edition, the fantasy cops-and-robbers Agents of Edgewatch, in which the players all take on the roles of members of Absalom’s city watch coming together to address a city-wide threat. It is fitting, then, that we include some members of said watch in this set. We put as many of these figures in the set’s variable slots as we could, allowing the same sculpts to be altered slightly to increase the total number of players who might find just the right one to represent their character. We had our concept artists design a series of uniforms for the watch so that we could maintain visual consistency between the forthcoming books set in Absalom and these minis, so be sure to let us know what you think of the new watch uniforms! Here we have two versions of the Absalom Watch Cadet, two Medium figures at the common and uncommon rarity, respectively.

We don’t yet know when or how we’ll be distributing it, but we’ve also got a promo repaint of the human version of this figure coming later, with a darker skin tone (perhaps of Keleshite ancestry).

Slightly higher in rank, the Absalom Watch Officer comes in two varieties at the uncommon rarity, both Medium (human) figures.

Rounding out this series of city watch members, we have the Absalom Watch Captain, a Medium rare figure.

While city watch members can really bring any campaign world to life, we didn’t just infuse Pathfinder Battles: City of Lost Omens with one flavor of Absalom. After all, it’s the world’s largest city. We pulled out all the stops to ensure the setting’s cosmopolitan nature was reflected in this set.

Take Chief Zusgut, for example. This Small rare figure represents the most influential goblin in Absalom, whose dominion over the Puddles is (mostly) absolute.

Absalom’s naval supremacy in the Inner Sea is undisputed, in large part due to two forces working to protect the city’s harbor and nearby waters. The first are the hippocampus-riding Wave Riders, while the second are the amphibious humanoids known as the Low Azlanti. Depicted here are the Large uncommon and Medium common figures for each of these two iconic Absalom natives.

Finally, in keeping with our tradition of including relevant deities from the Pathfinder pantheon in Pathfinder Battles sets, we knew we couldn’t do a set based on Absalom without including the remaining ascended gods. Thus, we have Aroden, founder of Absalom and currently very dead, and Norgorber. Check back over the next few weeks to see a few figures themed to the faiths of both of these gods! Both rare Medium figures, Aroden and Norgorber are sure to add a touch of the divine to any campaign.

And, if you’re looking to let your player characters potentially become gods, you’ll definitely want to pick up our first piece of set dressing: the Starstone! Based on the illustration from the cover of Lost Omens Gods & Magic, this Medium bonus figure promises apotheosis to all who touch it and survive the ensuing ordeal.

We’ll be back next week with a look at some of the figures based upon Absalom’s surroundings, including natives of the Isle of Kortos and subterranean dwellers to support both the Extinction Cure Adventure Path and the forthcoming standalone adventure, The Dead God’s Hand. Until then, stay safe and roll 20s!

Adventures Ahead!

Mark Moreland
Director of Brand Strategy

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Tags: Lost Omens Gods & Magic Miniatures Pathfinder Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition
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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Star Stone...... yessssss my precious

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Nice! Glad to see these!

Heads up, the link to the product near the beginning of the blog post doesn't work.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

THANKS Mark for the update! If my guess is right we should maybe be seeing some (trogs) xulgaths in next weeks update.

Sovereign Court


The Aroden and Norgorber minis are great! Does anyone know which other deities have been rendered as minis?

Hehe, the product link still doesn't work
The right store page URL for Battles: City of Lost Omens is

Looks amazing! Though it makes my heart hurt even a bit more that we don't have as much as a release date for the related Lost Omens offering. Someday!

Grand Lodge

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venefica wrote:
The Aroden and Norgorber minis are great! Does anyone know which other deities have been rendered as minis?

Urgathoa, Pharasma, Cayden Cailen, Iomedae, Razmir if you're feeling charitable, Lamashtu, Nocticula, Deskari, and of course Shensen.

Verdant Wheel

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Who would predict that I could touch the Starstone before any of my characters.

I love the variety in the Absalom Watch troops. I’ll be keeping an eye out for how to get that promo piece, as it will round them out nicely.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Sporkedup wrote:
Looks amazing! Though it makes my heart hurt even a bit more that we don't have as much as a release date for the related Lost Omens offering. Someday!

We had a staff outage today and will get it corrected soon. Thanks!

Dark Archive

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I don't care about the City Watch minis, i have enough of those already, same goes for the goblin.

I would have liked the "Wave Rider" if Wizkids would'nt have decided to produce large minis on clear bases going forward from this set.
It makes no sense for this particular mini to not color the entire base blue or better yet to leave it black, as clear bases create flash effects with artificial lighting.


I like the "Low Azlanti" mini.

I am indiffent about Aroden, Norgorber & the Starstone.

So we have seen 10 different slots of the 44 minis in the set plus 1 dressing piece.

So far i am not interested in this set.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

With the talk of the watch minis, I certainly hope we see more variation in races and genders. Would be nice to start off characters in that garb, and then swap to their adventuring out of uniform garb as needed :D

Radiant Oath

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Really looking forward to Agents of Edgewatch, having a variety of City Watch options is great.

Paizo Employee Developer

Love these so much!

Aroden is looking a little too healthy though...

Grand Lodge

Cool! The Norgorber figure is really cool!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Didn't realize I've been doing an Absalom accent wrong all these years... clearly everyone from there speaks in a terrible cockney accent based solely on those fantastic british police officer helmets.

"Alright then govnah... whats all this then?" :D

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Mark Moreland wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:

So far i am not interested in this set.

I guess you were right that this set won't sell well, then. What a shame.

Wow that’s quite fatalistic.

I get the feeling this is a set directed at relative mini collecting newbies? Guards have been produced in several sets. This one has the benefit of multiple cohesive minis - a strength of the PFB line.

I really like the norgorber and low azlanti minis. Pity these are rare, but if the set doesn’t do well with others perhaps more for me!

Not sure about that hippogriff. Larges are sparse in sets and I’m uncertain if or how I’d use it. That’s on me of course, I’m certain I can come up with something. Will I need 3-4? Who knows.

Happy to wait for more reveals. As for not selling well - I was really unenthused about the last few icons sets and they did ok. 1 individual isn’t a benchmark.

Shadow Lodge

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Cat-thulhu wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:

So far i am not interested in this set.

I guess you were right that this set won't sell well, then. What a shame.
Wow that’s quite fatalistic.

Yeah, we felt the same way.

Shadow Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Missed an opportunity with the hippogriff - detachable rider! I know the icons demon one was poorly executed but this could have been a beauty

Shadow Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
TOZ wrote:
Cat-thulhu wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:

So far i am not interested in this set.

I guess you were right that this set won't sell well, then. What a shame.
Wow that’s quite fatalistic.
Yeah, we felt the same way.

Wow that conversation devolved quickly. I agree with Marco in some respects - no previews until now, caronavirus - it is a hard sell. I was more amazed at the fatalistic response from mark.

I also feel wizkids have added to the issue, for quite reasonable and understandable reasons (dnd is the well known name) They market all the effects and add ons under the icons line. There website only shows half, if that, the PFB mini sets ever made so naturally PFB feels like a secondary add-on to the market.

It also doesn’t help that a few big voices on various mini websites sound almost like wizards employees lurking there to pump up their products.

Personally I just glad we have all these minis to choose from and want to see wizkids branch into other rpg styles - hanging out for the starfinder minis, would love some modern investigators. All I can say really give me more minis and game systems to try.

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I caught biting sarcasm, not fatalism... What am I missing?

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Sporkedup wrote:
I caught biting sarcasm, not fatalism... What am I missing?


Silver Crusade

It’s the four eyes, you’re in constant pleading puppy dog eyes effect.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The links seem to be broken

Agents of Edgewatch

Extinction Curse

The Dead God's Hand

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Mark Moreland wrote:
Sporkedup wrote:
I caught biting sarcasm, not fatalism... What am I missing?

Ah cool. Power of the internet, easy to misinterpret things - haven’t seen biting sarcasm from mark previously.

Paizo Employee Developer

So the police are here to solve a crime...

Aroden's death is the biggest mystery in the setting...

The top two suspects? Norburger and Zusgut!

...But will our fabulous thespian king become the first Goblin to complete the test of the Starstone!?!

The answer lies beneath the waves!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Ok... ready for more previews :D

1 person marked this as a favorite.

well I like what I see here, thank you for picking up the previews again.

Dark Archive

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Mark Moreland wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:

So far i am not interested in this set.

I guess you were right that this set won't sell well, then. What a shame.

Me liking or disliking 11 out of 50+ minis in the set doesn't have an impact on it's sales, but you know that.

But not knowing what's in it by the time of the pre-order deadline did, for me anyway as i didn't order it.

I am not blaming you for not presenting the preview blogs, you had a very good reason for not being able to - my congratulations by the way.

The fact that there wasn't anybody else at Paizo being able to do it was probably in large part due to Covid-19, which is understandable.

Advertisement sells products, though.
Also 30+ millions of people in the USA (and many more worldwide) being unemployed will have a large impact on disposable income as a whole.
It doesn't take rocket science to predict that these things will impact sales and that's all i did.

The snark of some people that i don't have any inside knowledge into the industry is just the typical internet trolling nowadays.

Nuff said.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

While the guards are nice, I would have prefer to have minis of the elemental races. (Ifrit, Oread, Sylph and Undine) Guard have been done before, and these, thanks to the symbol on the shield, aren't generic enough to be use in any size town. I would have prefer to have them as a pack like the iconic or the preview box.

For the rest, I don't see a lot of uses except for specific cases. Will have to see the rest of the previews before I make my mind on buying or not.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Moreland wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:

So far i am not interested in this set.

I guess you were right that this set won't sell well, then. What a shame.

Mark, take my advice and take Marco's criticisms with a boulder of salt.

Doing otherwise might make you want to quit doing these and never come back to it.

Shadow Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Now that we’re over all that. The heavy proportions of NPCs and humanoids in mini sets is hugely off putting. With very cheap alternatives and the unpainted lines I look primarily for monsters that I need (?) in sets. I also find that wizkids are terrible at humanoids - the intent is good but the paint jobs are usually a let down. I await the future previews to see what else is in this set - it may well be the first I pick and choose from, though not because of the set but entirely due to finances. The Aussie dollar is getting lower and lower.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

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You'll probably find a lot to like in the next set, which has a theme that plays into what you are looking for. With a city-themed set, we're sort of looking at a lot of humanoids no matter what.

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Patrick Levasseur wrote:
these, thanks to the symbol on the shield, aren't generic enough to be use in any size town.

I think it’s not so much the shield that make them not usable in any town but the quality of the uniforms.

They look like there should be a little pot installed at the bottom of the mantle, to catch the gold they practically ooze from every seam and brass button.

as for the symbol..
I guess one of the advantages of getting old is, by the time these are on the table they are so far from my eyes I won’t recognize it anyways.

Dark Archive

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For people who are interested in knowing what the next set after "City of Lost Omens" is called

click here:
Darklands Rising

It is currently planned for a december 2020 release date.

Also remember that on june 24th not only does "Pathfinder Battles: City of Lost Omens" arrive in stores (including the case incentive), but also a "Pathfinder Battles: Thieves Guild" premium set, which will be the first seperately sold scenery set done for Pathfinder!

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Marco Massoudi wrote:

Also remember that on june 24th not only does "Pathfinder Battles: City of Lost Omens" arrive in stores (including the case incentive), but also a "Pathfinder Battles: Thieves Guild" premium set, which will be the first seperately sold scenery set done for Pathfinder!

I really hope that’s the sign of a permanent shift. I have no use for a starstone mini and we miss out on a rare monster to get it.

The sooner scenery stops being subsidised by monsters, the better, imo.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm curious of how they will do Norgorber's invisible floating arms though :O

No seriously, will it be like see through material or connected to other part of the body?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
CorvusMask wrote:

I'm curious of how they will do Norgorber's invisible floating arms though :O

No seriously, will it be like see through material or connected to other part of the body?

appears that the floating ribbon is holding things together

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Oh I can see that :O Cool

Now if GM throws figures of Lamashtu and Norgorber at same time to the battle map, you can wonder if they really hate the party :p

Steve Geddes wrote:

... I really hope that’s the sign of a permanent shift. I have no use for a starstone mini and we miss out on a rare monster to get it.

The sooner scenery stops being subsidised by monsters, the better, imo.

I find the dungeon dressing welcome. The Starstone, rich with its own history and powers, could be used for a variety of other purposes. I just hope the final paint job comes even close to the render.

Are you sure we lose a rare slot for the dungeon dressings? I didn’t think that was the case.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Berk the Black wrote:
Are you sure we lose a rare slot for the dungeon dressings? I didn’t think that was the case.

Only on a “if they didn’t put this one unique sculpt in, they could put a different, unique sculpt in” basis. I’ve never had the details confirmed by anyone with deep knowledge of the economics.

I have no objection to the existence of dungeon dressing, obviously - just that those of us who don’t want it are subsidising it’s production for those who do (and are missing out on whatever we’d get instead - cheaper commons/uncommons if we weren’t going to get a rare)_

I can understand and applaud the current, conservative approach as a cautious way to test the market and see if there’s demand there, I’m just very hopeful that they’ve decided there is sufficient demand to justify its own product line (giving customers a greater granularity in mixing and matching what they want).

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

I prefer scenery to be out of the blind booster packs, it makes them oddly expensive if you want to buy them on the secondary markets and scenery for 3d games is a need for me.

That being said, if the only way I could get scenery like the stone is in the booster packs then I am willing to go that route. Subscribing basically ensures I get one, and if I need more on a secondary market I can pick them up. But for example the Hell Gate - I picked up early on the secondary and glad I did because geez the price now.... And those are the kinds of scenery/spell effects I want to be able to use in a game.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

To be clear - there’d be more varied and cheaper scenery if things were done the way I envision it. It just wouldn’t be mixed in with orcs, goats and bartenders.

I’m not hoping they stop making it. I’m hoping they make more varied sculpts and demarcate their packaging more (It’s late - that might be the wrong word...)..

Dark Archive

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Personally i think it is cool to include something like the starstone as a one of a kind mini inside an Absalom set.

Special "in-world" objects are cool if they make sense story-wise.

For more generic objects june's "Pathfinder Battles: Thieves Guild" or july's "WarLock Dungeon Tiles: Dungeon Dressings" are the better place.

It is also justified to place a certain amount of NPCs into a set that are based on a recent adventure path or module - i am looking forward to "Agents of Edgewatch" storywise, even if i probably won't play or master it (i still buy the AP volumes).

But i am most excited to pull some cool monster creatures out of a booster and want at least 50% of a set to be opponents i can put on the flip-mat or table with scenery.

For that reason, i am already looking forward to december's set.
My guess for the case incentive would be a gargantuan "Neothelid" from Bestiary 2.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The deities and the Starstone are the ones I want. Just to sit on my shelf.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Steve Geddes wrote:
Berk the Black wrote:
Are you sure we lose a rare slot for the dungeon dressings? I didn’t think that was the case.
Only on a “if they didn’t put this one unique sculpt in, they could put a different, unique sculpt in” basis. I’ve never had the details confirmed by anyone with deep knowledge of the economics.

Dungeon dressing takes up an extra slot for bonus figures. In some of the Icons of the Realms sets they've done "invisible" figures in these spots made of clear plastic. You'll note we didn't have any dungeon dressing in Legendary Adventures because those bonus slots were used up by making Huge figures. Even I'm not clear on the tooling process that dictates how many figures they can make per set and how complex they can be (which is why I don't work for WizKids), but I know that these figures really are in addition to what would be in the set otherwise. The fact that they don't take up one of the four figure slots in a given booster box means when they show up, they really are extra.

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