zmmm's page

Organized Play Member. 15 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Please remove backordered items from order 35122741 and process the rest of the order.


Just wondering why the latter two orders are still pending and if they can be moved forward (25552913 and 25014437). 30231240 is combined with one of them, so if you could ship them all that would be wonderful! :D

If it's due to not enough minis, you can remove whatever quantities you don't have in stock so that they can ship


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The links seem to be broken

Agents of Edgewatch

Extinction Curse

The Dead God's Hand

Just curious as to the status to my order 14778450


Did the % off for case subscriptions change? The price per case seems to be $100 higher than it was before...

Thanks Sam!

Hello wonderful customer service people -- can you do your usual magic to remove missing quantities, etc from my outstanding orders so they can be processed and shipped?

Thanks! :D


Please remove any items not in stock/backordered and ship the rest on my pending orders. Thanks!


Thank you Sam!

and 7946560

same with 7946557

Order 7879177 -- please remove whatever is on backorder so the rest can be shipped. Thanks!

Please remove any backorder quantities so these orders can ship.

Thank you :)

Ha, sorry about that! I noticed the quantity in my cart was at 150ish so I figured you might have fixed it. Seems like I jumped the gun :D

I just put through order #7646401 You can remove any backordered items so that it can be shipped out.

Can you move some of the other items back into my cart?


When I try to view my cart or go to checkout, the page loads for a very long time then puts me on a maintenance page from February. I have 307 items in my cart, I assume that is what broke it. Feel free to reach out over email if necessary.
