The Black Friday 2019 sale on

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The store at is an online retail hobby destination for gamers that carries the latest products from top hobby game publishers. You can also find the newest releases, as well as accessories like dice and maps, miniatures, T-shirts, and goblin plush toys, to quickly replenish your adventuring supplies for the next dungeon run.

You can go browse over 3,500 products that are on sale now. And on Friday morning, we will unveil over 1,000 new discounts, including Pathfinder First Edtion, Starfinder, accessories, and third-party products.

These discounts will be available for two weeks, so make sure to equip yourself with great deals while the golem’s got it!

Katina Davis
Webstore Coordinator

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Paizo Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber annoyed there for a second because I'm going to be GMing Starfinder for OrgPlayFound at a local convention and saw 'Black Friday'.

...then I read the description of two weeks, and my concerns were set at ease!

...may the things you have thanks for be awesome!

PR Manager

Currently scheduled to go live at 8 a.m. Pacific.

Is anyone else having trouble getting the pages to load? I have tried multiple browsers, erasing caches/cookies/histories but the sales pages just come up blank. I signed in, reloading or coming via other pages, however the links all get stuck showing a sign-in url, (even after coming out of all Paizo pages/clearing stuff). :/

Dark Archive

Is anyone else having trouble getting the pages to load? I have tried multiple browsers, erasing caches/cookies/histories but the sales pages just come up blank. I signed in, reloading or coming via other pages, however the links all get stuck showing a sign-in url, (even after coming out of all Paizo pages/clearing stuff). :/

Yeah, it won't load for me either.


I can't get them to load either.

What exactly are people trying to load? I don't see anything about a new sale on the front page or products page. Just the sales that have been posted for months.

PR Manager

3 people marked this as a favorite.

We are experiencing technical problems with the sale. We have someone working on it now. We will post updates when we have them. Thank you.

Haffrung wrote:
What exactly are people trying to load?

In the original post there is a sentence

You can go browse over 3,500 products that are on sale now.

The words "on sale now" are a different color text. Blue, not black.

If you hover your cursor over those words, you will see a link you can click that takes you to the page that indexes the items on sale.

However, the links from the index page to the actual sales items don't work. If you click any of the links on that page trying to view the items you get endlessly spinning 'trying to load' icons.

OK. gotcha.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Something must have gone wrong when they added the extra 1000 sale items for today. I had no trouble with that link late last night after I got home from Thanksgiving with family.

Silver Crusade

Pages keep reloading and never actually show anything

I've found a workaround.

If you use the normal navigation menu at the top of the page, you can get to the store.

The sale items are showing on a "sale" tab for each product subcategory, and the pricing shows on the item's product page and in your shopping cart.

The sale is live and you can reach it through normal store navigation tools.

You just can't reach it via the link in this post.

If I click on Sale in the top level navigation, and then click on any of the sale categories the browser prompts for my login for some reason and then infinite loops. I can't get into any of the sales categories like "only 500 left" or "Pathfinder Clearance", etc.

You need to use the product categories and subcategories.

For example

Store>Pathfinder>Accessories>Maps>Flip Tiles puts you on a page that has an "On Sale" tab with 16 products on sale in the Flip Tiles category.

Store>Exclusives>Apparel and Gifts>Figures And Plush puts you on a page that has an "On Sale" tab with 5 products on sale in the Figures And Plush category

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CrystalSeas wrote:

You need to use the product categories and subcategories.

For example

Store>Pathfinder>Accessories>Maps>Flip Tiles puts you on a page that has an "On Sale" tab with 16 products on sale in the Flip Tiles category.

Store>Exclusives>Apparel and Gifts>Figures And Plush puts you on a page that has an "On Sale" tab with 5 products on sale in the Figures And Plush category

If the Black Friday Sale is truly active, then it doesn't have the PDF sales of previous years as far as I can determine.

Since this is the part I am actually interested in, I will sit this one out.

Liberty's Edge

I tried to add a couple of the map packs that I don't have. When I click on the "Add to Cart" button, either the "waiting" thing rolls for a second or two but nothing happens, or the words "Your request produced an error" pops up.

rknop wrote:
I tried to add a couple of the map packs that I don't have. When I click on the "Add to Cart" button, either the "waiting" thing rolls for a second or two but nothing happens, or the words "Your request produced an error" pops up.

THAT error is several weeks (months?) old.

Try clearing your cache.
If that doesn't work, try using incognito mode.

For detailed instructions see Vic Wertz's post here.
Unable To Shop Always An Error

Aaron Shanks wrote:
We are experiencing technical problems with the sale. We have someone working on it now. We will post updates when we have them. Thank you.

Just an update that whilst the sale links now work, the actual order process is glitching ... I (and another customer) fully submitted an order, the Order History was fine, however the Cart did not reset itself. The Cart indicated against each item that they had already been ordered/purchased, so I later cleared it - which altered my Order to 0 items, $0.00 total payment (but having sent a payment request/received authorization for the real amount).

I followed suit with the other customer by creating a thread in the Customer Service forum, (and e-mailed Customer Services for when they come return), to deal with it but wanted to raise it here in case it is a byproduct of the technical glitch with the sale.

Jürgen Hubert wrote:

If the Black Friday Sale is truly active, then it doesn't have the PDF sales of previous years as far as I can determine.

Since this is the part I am actually interested in, I will sit this one out.

I don't see anywhere that shows what's actually included in the Black Friday sale. But since all of the PDFs (mainly 1E AP books) in my cart show at full price, I'm assuming there's no PDF sale.

Grand Lodge

I'd also assume no pdf sale. Was hoping for a discount option to buy full priced stuff. I've been wanting to get the Emerald Spire maps for years, but I just can't pay the full price plus the insane shipping to my country. Would love to tossed a bone.

My problem is the fact that my shopping cart is full. There's still a dozen more items I'd like to get, but I can't. All minis for a campaign I'm about to start running. With the delay until Dec 2nd because of holidays and such, and the campaign starting on Dec 8th, I don't think I'll be getting the miniatures I require. Will have to make due with what I have for the time being.

Some of the links to the APs are not working correctly

Hazmatty wrote:
Some of the links to the APs are not working correctly

What is the web address of the page where the links don't work?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The link in the original post now takes you to a page with sales links that work.

Paizo Employee Webstore Coordinator

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Sorry for the confusion with this sale over the weekend, folks! We had some technical issues which should be ironed out now. The link in the blog should take you to the correct place, but you can also navigate from the Store tab on the top banner.

This sale is active until 11:59 PM (Pacific time) on December 13th, and it includes and impressive range of First Edition Pathfinder, Starfinder, and Pathfinder Adventure Card Game products, along with minis, toys, and comics galore!

The one lingering display issue which may cause confusion is that some of the sections show different numbers for what is "on sale" versus "available". This has to do with how our system checks which discount is lowest, and will take a little while to be fixed manually. In the meantime if you're seeing an item that looks like it may not be fully marked down, that issue *should* disappear when the item is placed into your cart for checkout.

Please let us know if you run into any further issues, and we'll do our best to help out. In the meantime, enjoy some great deals!

Grand Lodge

Already sent in the request, but would love the limiter of items removed. I’ve maxed out and I want to purchase more. Don’t want 10 packages sent my way. One large package would be preferable.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I just hope my purchase manages to arrive before new year :D Mostly customs are gonna change afterwards so that is going to be confusing xP

Katina Davis wrote:

Sorry for the confusion with this sale over the weekend, folks! We had some technical issues which should be ironed out now. The link in the blog should take you to the correct place, but you can also navigate from the Store tab on the top banner.

This sale is active until 11:59 PM (Pacific time) on December 13th, and it includes and impressive range of First Edition Pathfinder, Starfinder, and Pathfinder Adventure Card Game products, along with minis, toys, and comics galore!

The one lingering display issue which may cause confusion is that some of the sections show different numbers for what is "on sale" versus "available". This has to do with how our system checks which discount is lowest, and will take a little while to be fixed manually. In the meantime if you're seeing an item that looks like it may not be fully marked down, that issue *should* disappear when the item is placed into your cart for checkout.

Please let us know if you run into any further issues, and we'll do our best to help out. In the meantime, enjoy some great deals!

Is the Cart/Order History issue being looked into? A few more have popped up in the Customer Services forum, (inc. mine). To summarize : Carts are staying full, order payments are being charged, however the Order Histories are showing 0 items/Completed. This all occurred as soon as the Sale issues were being looked into.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I am getting inconsistent results with this sale.

Yesterday I ordered a bunch of $1 minis. They were correctly tossed into my sidecart for shipment with my January subscription shipment.

Today I bought PFS Quest #4 soon after it was made available. the item was purchased, the order was added to my order history, and the PDF was added to my digital content, but it was also still somehow in my shopping cart.

Paizo Employee Developer

How long does this usually last?

KitsuneWarlock wrote:
How long does this usually last?
The Blog Post wrote:
These discounts will be available for two weeks, so make sure to equip yourself with great deals while the golem’s got it!

The blog was posted Nov28.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Well, that's disappointing. After a good bit of time checking up what was in sale that I could use, I discovered that, *even at 50% off* it is *still* cheaper to buy the PDFs (I mean, I don't have to find shelf space for 'em then) at full price, because of the shipping (to UK). Most depressingly, the postage didn't change significantly with quantity, being about the same proportion.


Whelp, guess I'll wait for the next PDF sale[1].

[1]I mean, if I was more bothered about having hard-copy than I was just having the stuff, it appears I could get the stuff I was looking at cheap off Amazon second-hand, but I prefer to support Paizo in some way (given stuff like Archives of Nethys exists) and I'm not exactly in a hurry.

(Since I hit 40 this year, and being in the upper-middle-ish of age of my gaming group and the rate we progress through APs (approx 2 books/6 months), it occurred that is entirely possible we'll be about passed it by the time we've got through just the one I particularly want to run that we've got...!)

Grand Lodge

Aotrscommander wrote:

Well, that's disappointing. After a good bit of time checking up what was in sale that I could use, I discovered that, *even at 50% off* it is *still* cheaper to buy the PDFs (I mean, I don't have to find shelf space for 'em then) at full price, because of the shipping (to UK). Most depressingly, the postage didn't change significantly with quantity, being about the same proportion.


Whelp, guess I'll wait for the next PDF sale[1].

[1]I mean, if I was more bothered about having hard-copy than I was just having the stuff, it appears I could get the stuff I was looking at cheap off Amazon second-hand, but I prefer to support Paizo in some way (given stuff like Archives of Nethys exists) and I'm not exactly in a hurry.

(Since I hit 40 this year, and being in the upper-middle-ish of age of my gaming group and the rate we progress through APs (approx 2 books/6 months), it occurred that is entirely possible we'll be about passed it by the time we've got through just the one I particularly want to run that we've got...!)

Admittedly, the shipping is kicking my butt too, and I'm not even getting books. Unreal. It sucks to not be an American when you're wanting to support this company.

Don't forget about their Humble Bundles. There's one going on now, and there's supposed to be another one coming up. All PDFs.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

kevin_video wrote:

Admittedly, the shipping is kicking my butt too, and I'm not even getting books. Unreal. It sucks to not be an American when you're wanting to support this company.

Don't forget about their Humble Bundles. There's one going on now, and there's supposed to be another one coming up. All PDFs.

Yeah, looked at the current one, but it's mostly comics with a few rulebooks thrown in - I only tend to get APs, a few modules, plus the setting material (the latter of which I read for, y'know, fun, marking Golarion as the only campaign world I've ever done that for!)

(I actually run stuff in a PF/3.5 hybrid, so Nethys serves for the bits of crunch I need and as translation for the APs - I very much support the idea of AoN and having it all online, since it means the APs don't have to be furbished with only core material as the 3.5 and earlier stuff tended to be. I just finished a *major* overhaul of my houserules/quasi-edition explictly to make it so I can use PF with a minimum of rebuilding...!)

kevin_video wrote:

Don't forget about their Humble Bundles. There's one going on now, and there's supposed to be another one coming up. All PDFs.

Links? I couldn't find anything.

Grand Lodge

Haffrung wrote:
kevin_video wrote:

Don't forget about their Humble Bundles. There's one going on now, and there's supposed to be another one coming up. All PDFs.

Links? I couldn't find anything.

It’s on their blog, Twitter, and Facebook.

There’s 5 days left. If this one doesn’t seem great, Erik Mona promised another coming soon.

Nov 2019 Humble Bundle


RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Please lift the cart limitations.

I tried to add a bunch of $1 minis. My cart is now bugged and I can't make any changes to it. Even removing items don't work most of the time.

Cyrad wrote:

Please lift the cart limitations.

I tried to add a bunch of $1 minis. My cart is now bugged and I can't make any changes to it. Even removing items don't work most of the time.

You might get faster action if you post in the Customer Service forum

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