Order of the Amber Die—The Azlant Odyssey, Part 4

Saturday, July 21, 2018

The folks from Order of the Amber Die are back again! Get ready to dive into adventure with a new report from their latest marathon session running through Pathfinder Adventure Path #124: City in the Deep! Be forewarned, though! There are spoilers aplenty in this report. (Maybe just look at the awesome pictures if you're playing through this.)

Going into volume four of the Ruins of Azlant Adventure Path, we had a couple of pieces of information about what lay ahead; these included following a lead about a veiled master, and knowing that we were headed to the underwater city of Talasantri. We originally scheduled our usual four-day run, but during play we endeared ourselves to the city and adjusted our schedules to make this a slow-burning marathon of nearly a week, culminating with fireworks and food on the 4th of July!

To create immersion for our visit to an underwater city, we surrounded our play area with a 360-degree panorama of undersea scenes matching the coral streets of Talasantri (including a merfolk evocative of many we'd encounter). To capture the effect of jellyfish lanterns lighting the city, we employed string lights of appropriate colors, along with sparkling underwater lighting effects from our local Halloween store. As we toured establishments in the city, we were enraptured by music from Aquasonic, played completely underwater. Lastly, our tabletop itself glimmered with the craftsmanship of both Blue Table Painting and Black Bard Studios, who helped bring Talasantri to life for us.

  • Adventure: Pathfinder Adventure Path #124: City in the Deep
  • Marathon Length: 125 hours, 50min
  • Session Hours: 60hrs, 15min

Highlights From "City in the Deep"

  • Our biggest concern was how it was going to play out being underwater for so long. Matt, a veteran of the Order and our "Player Captain Emeritus," supervised the party's toolkit for underwater adventuring. He made it so that we were able to enjoy our time in the deep without having to stress too much about the lack of air, cold temperatures, and pressure damage. Spells like endure elements, water breathing, waterproof, and ride the waves (combined with a rod of metamagic extend) were easy enough to keep track of. At the same time, certain items ensured that we had backup measures: pearl of the sirens, necklace of adaptation, apparatus of the crab, and pressure pills (from the Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Aquatic Adventures sourcebook.
  • Our list of friends and alliances continued to grow. Nieran Codali, a Mordant Spire elf rescued from the bottom of The Flooded Cathedral, considered it essential to accompany us after he saw that three of our four iconics were human; since, as he explained to Merisiel openly, the humans were certain to fail. Though he sometimes refers to us as "the bastards of Azlant" and talks about our humans in the third person, we wouldn't have survived the final battle without him.
  • While exploring the island of Blood Lily Cay in search of an ancient weapon, we spotted a ruined temple through the foliage. Facing its divine guardian/broken soul coatl turned into a 26-round combat worthy of any World Cup elimination match. Unfortunately, our first "own goal" of the campaign also occurred, when Kyra cast a mass cure light wounds in an attempt to damage the creature she assumed was undead (without successfully identifying it). Instead, she healed the coatl at a crucial moment, ensuring we'd have to retreat in defeat.
  • Some BIG creatures live under the waves, and we're starting to meet them. The best God of War boss fights couldn't hold a candle to watching Valeros go into melee alone against a gargantuan dire shark, and later a colossal shipwrecker crab. The aquanaut beat them both.

The Odyssey

Talasantri looked unlike anywhere we'd ever been, and yet much of the city functioned like plenty of places we had been. We shopped, got invited to parties, became caught up in local intrigues, and the relationships we built ended up being more important to our success than any treasure we found. We had to pick our friends wisely though, and there were certainly options: aristocratic merfolk, proud aquatic elves, shady cecaelias, and plenty more. Kyra's ability to hit a DC 52 Diplomacy check certainly came in useful, but most citizens were indifferent to surface folk, so Dan still had to roleplay his way into positions to use it. Ezren even fell for a merfolk who styled herself as the "Arcanic Researcher" of the city, and was invited to view her collection of rare magic items (a visit he wouldn't discuss with us). We're keeping the large map we printed of Talasantri, and we'll be going back in this campaign—or another.

Character Deaths

  • Merisiel was able to corner a deep merfolk sorcerer after minutes of chasing his multiple castings of dimension door. Facing only the elf, the merfolk cast defensively and gambled on a disintegrate. From just a foot away, he reached out a finger toward the rogue—natural 20. The critical hit was almost inevitable, and Merisiel's saving throw was a tragic natural 1. So 26d6 became 52d6, and our GM wanted to roll it all at once. We scoured the house for d6s, and everyone pitched in some of their own. Total damage? 192. The single highest amount of damage ever delivered by a spell in OAD history.
  • When draugr are protecting a shrine of Dagon with keen greataxes, Power Attack, and times 3 critical multipliers, some PCs are going to wind up face down. Kyra took 57 points of damage in three hits, and Merisiel took 106 points of damage in two hits. At least they went out together.
  • An out-of-water excursion threw off some adventuring routines we had established, and we stumbled into two ambushes by the aptly named Blood Lilies. Koloshkora and Ezren found out through experience that the plants were highly poisonous, too.

Best Quote From Marathon 4

(While crossing the ocean floor at 20 ft. speed.)

Valeros: "Can't this thing go any faster?"

Merisiel: "Not with the old man driving."

Ezren: "This is maximum speed, thank you."

Current Situation

We've discovered that our quarry, the veiled master named Ochymua, seeks a weapon with the power to devastate Golarion. For assistance, it seems Ochymua contacted an ancient lich named Auberon the Drowned—which means now we seek this same lich. Armed with two aberration bane weapons and a ranger with a +6 favored enemy bonus, we're locked and loaded as we head into part five of this Adventure Path. We have three words for all alghollthu who oppose us: BRING IT ON.

More Content

For character builds, questions about The Azlant Odyssey, additional content and more, see our thread on the Paizo messageboards.

Follow Order of the Amber Die on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube!

Keep your eyes peeled for part five once the group gets some rest. If you've missed the first three installments, check them out here:

Order of the Amber Die—The Azlant Odyssey, Part 1
Order of the Amber Die—The Azlant Odyssey, Part 2
Order of the Amber Die—The Azlant Odyssey, Part 3

Adam Daigle
Managing Developer

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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Adventure Path Ruins of Azlant

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


also, darn. That's GORGEOUS.

Sczarni Order of the Amber Die

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Yakman wrote:


also, darn. That's GORGEOUS.

Hey, thanks Yakman, glad you liked it! Everyone at the table spent a lot of time and effort - with our lighting in particular - to really capture the underwater feel, so it's good to hear that it paid off!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Everything looks incredible. I cant wait to read it all

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I think this AP has the brightest, most gorgeous colors of all you ever played.
Kudos to the gamemaster and all the fine folks making the props.

I would love to know which toy was used for the colossal crab and what base was used.
Also where can i get the gorgeous flip-mats?

Whoever had the idea to use music from aquasonic also deserves much praise - i didn't know there was a band playing underwater!
It's things like these that make you guys from Order of the Amber Die the role-playing world-champignons in my opinion!

Best wishes to all of you from Germany! :-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ouch. Death by Disintegrate. Raise Dead won’t help with that.

How are you planning on bringing Merisiel back? (Or is she going to get replaced by another character?)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Awesome! Thank you again for sharing! I truly appreciate the care and respect you show in your gaming. A great example of an RPG party. Keep on, keepin' on!

Sczarni Order of the Amber Die

Marco Massoudi wrote:

I think this AP has the brightest, most gorgeous colors of all you ever played.

Kudos to the gamemaster and all the fine folks making the props.

I would love to know which toy was used for the colossal crab and what base was used.
Also where can i get the gorgeous flip-mats?

Whoever had the idea to use music from aquasonic also deserves much praise - i didn't know there was a band playing underwater!
It's things like these that make you guys from Order of the Amber Die the role-playing world-champignons in my opinion!

Best wishes to all of you from Germany! :-)

Thanks for the kind words Marco, the crab was purchased at a shop at the Jersey Shore by our GM and the colossal base is actually a series of thin 6" magnets stacked together. The maps were created from a series of digital images, then remastered, printed, and put together by members of the Order.

If you're interested in hearing more about what our GM has to say about this module, we did an interview just beforehand with Roll 4 Initiative so check that out!

Order of the Amber Die

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Elorebaen wrote:
Awesome! Thank you again for sharing! I truly appreciate the care and respect you show in your gaming. A great example of an RPG party. Keep on, keepin' on!

Thanks for your support, Elorebaen! Our efforts in the Order are simply in pursuit of elevating the game for all players. We love inspiring our fans and hope that they can take something we've done to incorporate it into their own games. The more immersed you feel because of the steps you took outside of the game by preparing, the better the overall experience is for everyone at the table.

The Exchange Order of the Amber Die

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Porridge wrote:

Ouch. Death by Disintegrate. Raise Dead won’t help with that.

How are you planning on bringing Merisiel back? (Or is she going to get replaced by another character?)

Hi Porridge. Despite Kyra having the Medicine subdomain, which was crucial in saving everyone against the ragworm and the blood lilies, it could do nothing to save her love from being turned to dust. Hopefully at some point Sarenrae will grant her a miracle to bring Merisiel back to life, but until then we'll sadly have to go on without her. On the brighter side of things, since Kyra converted Aoinse (the awakened clockwork servant from The Flooded Cathedral) to a worshipper of Sarenrae, perhaps she'll be of great help in that regard.

Sczarni Order of the Amber Die

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The NPCs have been invaluable in this AP so far. Starting with Anya, who died saving the group, and Oorka who supported us with a ton of healing before she, too, was killed in action. Since joining us, Koloshkora has received several honorable mentions, including being granted "Seaspike" by the ghost of Wavewalker. Our newest ally in Neiran was also a key to our success, both in and out of combat, although his condescension for humans is starting to grate on some of us in the group. *Ahem.* So if we could add Aoinse to the roster too that would be amazing! Although Merisiel can NEVER be replaced, there is now an extra seat in the Apparatus of the Crab, which Aoinse helped repair, so it's hers if she wants it.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Y'all continue to kill it with every session! Beware those draugr. They'll get you every time!

Sad to read Kyra has to go on without Merisiel. Looks like everyone is really learning how dangerous it is under the sea though! Good luck against that lich! Is that the plan for Labor Day?

Is Merisiel still with you guys? That crit disintegration spell must have made it difficult to bring her back from the Boneyard.

Wonderful Pictures and Report - I am constantly in awe of your energy and dedication to the hobby!
I will pray to Sarenrae to hasten the miracle - what a tragic loss for Kyra. I am sure there will be much to celebrate upon her inevitable return.

Order of the Amber Die

DerNils wrote:

Wonderful Pictures and Report - I am constantly in awe of your energy and dedication to the hobby!

I will pray to Sarenrae to hasten the miracle - what a tragic loss for Kyra. I am sure there will be much to celebrate upon her inevitable return.

Thanks DerNils, this was definitely a marathon to remember! It was the most intensive as far as setup that we've probably ever put together, so it's nice to hear that so many people liked the way it turned out. If you or anyone else is going to be at GenCon and want to hear more stories from The Azlant Odyssey, we've got plenty to tell, and we'll be doing another meet-and-greet this year on Friday, August 3rd, at the Omni Severin Bar from 5pm-7pm. Hope to see some of you there!

Everything sounds amazing. Critical disintegrate that's brutal, and the save, a natural 1... that is just tabletop things. The dice gods love to kick players in the ground xD.
Every time I see these blogs, I want to play more, and truer to the rules, and with more immersion. Sadly I had a horrible session last night, with 2 players drunk, and screaming and laughing at their cellphones. It's incredible how this game can change from table to table, its all about the people I guess...
Awesome Blog, keep us posted about the adventures! and like I always say, xD, annoyingly, let us see the character builds :D
Have a nice week guys!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Absolutely gorgeous photos. You guys really know how to set the atmosphere.

Order of the Amber Die

Berselius wrote:
Is Merisiel still with you guys? That crit disintegration spell must have made it difficult to bring her back from the Boneyard.

Sorry to say it, but she's gone. A resurrection spell could bring her back if we had her remains, but since she was disintegrated underwater we couldn't collect her dust. Only true resurrection can bring her back now and Kyra is 5 levels shy of being able to cast it.

R.I.P Merisiel

Order of the Amber Die

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TSRodriguez wrote:
Everything sounds amazing. Critical disintegrate that's brutal, and the save, a natural 1... that is just tabletop things. The dice gods love to kick players in the ground xD.

Hey TS, it's funny how things like natural 20s and natural 1s can change your story in unpredictable ways. These random elements are one of my favorite parts of the game, because natural 20s can allow average characters to have an incredible performance momentarily and natural 1s can cause heroic veterans to slip up and lead to their downfall.

TSRodriguez wrote:
Every time I see these blogs, I want to play more, and truer to the rules, and with more immersion. Sadly I had a horrible session last night, with 2 players drunk, and screaming and laughing at their cellphones. It's incredible how this game can change from table to table, its all about the people I guess...

Sorry to learn you had an unenjoyable session, but you're right, it really IS all about the people you play with. To do what we do, every member of the Order has to to be committed; otherwise, it wouldn't work.

TSRodriguez wrote:

Awesome Blog, keep us posted about the adventures! and like I always say, xD, annoyingly, let us see the character builds :D

Have a nice week guys!

Also, we do have stat blocks up on the messageboard that we update after each session. Ezren, Valeros, and Kyra are currently up, but we didn't post Merisiel because...well, you know why.

Jody Gerst wrote:
Berselius wrote:
Is Merisiel still with you guys? That crit disintegration spell must have made it difficult to bring her back from the Boneyard.

Sorry to say it, but she's gone. A resurrection spell could bring her back if we had her remains, but since she was disintegrated underwater we couldn't collect her dust. Only true resurrection can bring her back now and Kyra is 5 levels shy of being able to cast it.

R.I.P Merisiel

Hmmm...is there a rule to how long it takes for a soul of a deceased mortal to travel along the River of Souls to reach Pharasma's Boneyard or how long a soul dwells in the Boneyard before it is judged?

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A huge thank you to the Order for letting us at Black Bard Studios be a part of this! Making the coral dungeon pieces for the Lionfish Gallery was a wonderful challenge, and a real treat to see come together on the table!

Order of the Amber Die

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Berselius wrote:
Is Merisiel still with you guys? That crit disintegration spell must have made it difficult to bring her back from the Boneyard.
Jody Gerst wrote:

Sorry to say it, but she's gone. A resurrection spell could bring her back if we had her remains, but since she was disintegrated underwater we couldn't collect her dust. Only true resurrection can bring her back now and Kyra is 5 levels shy of being able to cast it.

R.I.P Merisiel

Berselius wrote:
Hmmm...is there a rule to how long it takes for a soul of a deceased mortal to travel along the River of Souls to reach Pharasma's Boneyard or how long a soul dwells in the Boneyard before it is judged?

Not sure about that, but according to true resurrection we'll have at least 170 years to do it.

Sure, Kyra and the others will be long dead by then, but Meri will surely make new friends!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Kyra's kids from another relationship resurrecting Meri just to tell her that her bae bit the dust, got judged by Pharasma and sent to some place and doesn't want to come back would be the ultimate downer ending :)

Order of the Amber Die

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Gorbacz wrote:
Kyra's kids from another relationship resurrecting Meri just to tell her that her bae bit the dust, got judged by Pharasma and sent to some place and doesn't want to come back would be the ultimate downer ending :)

In the long history of the Order, there have been many great endings to our campaigns, and even though that would be a total downer, I personally wouldn't mind having a good laugh if our tale actually played out that way. Talk about feeling out of place for Merisiel though. Can you imagine her waking up decades later in Talmandor's Bounty, which would be a flourishing city thanks to rediscovered Azlanti technology, only to find a venerable Kyra surrounded by adopted grandchildren? What a story.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Erick A. Germer wrote:
In the long history of the Order, there have been many great endings to our campaigns, and even though that would be a total downer, I personally wouldn't mind having a good laugh if our tale actually played out that way. Talk about feeling out of place for Merisiel though. Can you imagine her waking up decades later in Talmandor's Bounty, which would be a flourishing city thanks to rediscovered Azlanti technology, only to find a venerable Kyra surrounded by adopted grandchildren? What a story.

That would be so memorable. Also, thanks for the character builds! You guys could still upload Meri, in her final stages before her demise.

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